blob: 1a2171f734ac9b9b51f254c8883341d968cb1cba [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/system/tray/system_tray_bubble.h"
#include "ash/system/tray/system_tray_view.h"
#include "ash/system/tray/tray_background_view.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "ui/views/bubble/tray_bubble_view.h"
#include "ui/views/view.h"
namespace ash {
enum class LoginStatus;
class ScreenTrayItem;
class SystemBubbleWrapper;
class SystemTrayItem;
class TrayAccessibility;
class TrayAudio;
class TrayCapsLock;
class TrayCast;
class TrayEnterprise;
class TrayNetwork;
class TrayNightLight;
class TrayScale;
class TraySessionLengthLimit;
class TraySupervisedUser;
class TraySystemInfo;
class TrayTiles;
class TrayTracing;
class TrayUpdate;
class WebNotificationTray;
// There are different methods for creating bubble views.
enum BubbleCreationType {
BUBBLE_CREATE_NEW, // Closes any existing bubble and creates a new one.
BUBBLE_USE_EXISTING, // Uses any existing bubble, or creates a new one.
// For historical reasons, SystemTray is both a controller and a view. It
// manages all the SystemTrayItem controllers, creates icon views that appear in
// the tray, creates the bubble menu and fills the menu with items. It is also
// the view that contains the icons in the tray.
class ASH_EXPORT SystemTray : public TrayBackgroundView {
explicit SystemTray(Shelf* shelf);
~SystemTray() override;
TrayUpdate* tray_update() { return tray_update_; }
TrayNightLight* tray_night_light() { return tray_night_light_; }
// Calls TrayBackgroundView::Initialize(), creates the tray items, and
// adds them to SystemTrayNotifier.
void InitializeTrayItems(WebNotificationTray* web_notification_tray);
// Resets internal pointers. This has to be called before deletion.
void Shutdown();
// Adds a new item in the tray.
void AddTrayItem(std::unique_ptr<SystemTrayItem> item);
// Returns all tray items that has been added to system tray.
std::vector<SystemTrayItem*> GetTrayItems() const;
// Shows the default view of all items.
void ShowDefaultView(BubbleCreationType creation_type, bool show_by_click);
// Shows default view that ingnores outside clicks and activation loss.
void ShowPersistentDefaultView();
// Shows details of a particular item. If |close_delay_in_seconds| is
// non-zero, then the view is automatically closed after the specified time.
void ShowDetailedView(SystemTrayItem* item,
int close_delay_in_seconds,
BubbleCreationType creation_type);
// Continue showing the existing detailed view, if any, for |close_delay|
// seconds.
void SetDetailedViewCloseDelay(int close_delay);
// Hides the detailed view for |item|.
void HideDetailedView(SystemTrayItem* item);
// Updates the items when the login status of the system changes.
void UpdateAfterLoginStatusChange(LoginStatus login_status);
// Updates the items when the shelf alignment changes.
void UpdateItemsAfterShelfAlignmentChange();
// Returns true if the shelf should be forced visible when auto-hidden.
bool ShouldShowShelf() const;
// Returns true if there is a system bubble (already visible or in the process
// of being created).
bool HasSystemBubble() const;
// Returns true if the system_bubble_ exists and is of type |type|.
bool HasSystemTrayType(SystemTrayView::SystemTrayType type);
// Returns a pointer to the system bubble or NULL if none.
SystemTrayBubble* GetSystemBubble();
// Returns true if system bubble is visible.
bool IsSystemBubbleVisible() const;
// Returns view for help button if default view is shown. Returns NULL
// otherwise.
views::View* GetHelpButtonView() const;
// Returns TrayAudio object if present or null otherwise.
TrayAudio* GetTrayAudio() const;
// Determines if it's ok to switch away from the currently active user. Screen
// casting may block this (or at least throw up a confirmation dialog). Calls
// |callback| with the result.
void CanSwitchAwayFromActiveUser(base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> callback);
// TrayBackgroundView:
void UpdateAfterShelfAlignmentChange() override;
void AnchorUpdated() override;
base::string16 GetAccessibleNameForTray() override;
void BubbleResized(const views::TrayBubbleView* bubble_view) override;
void HideBubbleWithView(const views::TrayBubbleView* bubble_view) override;
void ClickedOutsideBubble() override;
bool PerformAction(const ui::Event& event) override;
void CloseBubble() override;
void ShowBubble(bool show_by_click) override;
views::TrayBubbleView* GetBubbleView() override;
// views::TrayBubbleView::Delegate:
void BubbleViewDestroyed() override;
void OnMouseEnteredView() override;
void OnMouseExitedView() override;
base::string16 GetAccessibleNameForBubble() override;
bool ShouldEnableExtraKeyboardAccessibility() override;
void HideBubble(const views::TrayBubbleView* bubble_view) override;
ScreenTrayItem* GetScreenShareItem() { return screen_share_tray_item_; }
ScreenTrayItem* GetScreenCaptureItem() { return screen_capture_tray_item_; }
// Activates the system tray bubble.
void ActivateBubble();
friend class SystemTrayTestApi;
// Activates the bubble and starts key navigation with the |key_event|.
void ActivateAndStartNavigation(const ui::KeyEvent& key_event);
// Creates the default set of items for the system tray.
void CreateItems();
// Resets |system_bubble_| and clears any related state.
void DestroySystemBubble();
// Returns a string with the current time for accessibility on the status
// tray bar.
base::string16 GetAccessibleTimeString(const base::Time& now) const;
// Constructs or re-constructs |system_bubble_| and populates it with |items|.
// Specify |change_tray_status| to true if want to change the tray background
// status. The bubble will be opened in inactive state. Specify
// |show_by_click| to true if |items| are shown by mouse or gesture click.
// * When the bubble is opened by accelerator.
// * When the tray item is set to be focused.
void ShowItems(const std::vector<SystemTrayItem*>& items,
bool details,
BubbleCreationType creation_type,
bool persistent,
bool show_by_click);
// Checks the current status of the system tray and updates the web
// notification tray according to the current status.
void UpdateWebNotifications();
// Deactivate the system tray in the shelf if it was active before.
void CloseSystemBubbleAndDeactivateSystemTray();
// Records UMA metrics for the number of user-visible rows in the system menu
// and the percentage of the work area height covered by the system menu.
void RecordSystemMenuMetrics();
// The web notification tray view that appears adjacent to this view.
WebNotificationTray* web_notification_tray_ = nullptr;
// Items.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SystemTrayItem>> items_;
// Pointers to members of |items_|.
SystemTrayItem* detailed_item_ = nullptr;
// Bubble for SystemTrayViews.
std::unique_ptr<SystemBubbleWrapper> system_bubble_;
// View for system tray content. This lifetime is same as |system_bubble_|.
std::unique_ptr<SystemTrayView> system_tray_view_;
// Keep track of the default view height so that when we create detailed
// views directly (e.g. from a notification) we know what height to use.
int default_bubble_height_ = 0;
// This is true when the displayed system tray menu is a full tray menu,
// otherwise a single line item menu like the volume slider is shown.
// Note that the value is only valid when |system_bubble_| is true.
bool full_system_tray_menu_ = false;
// These objects are not owned by this class.
TrayAccessibility* tray_accessibility_ = nullptr;
TrayAudio* tray_audio_ = nullptr;
TrayCapsLock* tray_caps_lock_ = nullptr;
TrayCast* tray_cast_ = nullptr;
TrayEnterprise* tray_enterprise_ = nullptr;
TrayNetwork* tray_network_ = nullptr;
TrayTiles* tray_tiles_ = nullptr;
TrayScale* tray_scale_ = nullptr;
TraySessionLengthLimit* tray_session_length_limit_ = nullptr;
TraySupervisedUser* tray_supervised_user_ = nullptr;
TraySystemInfo* tray_system_info_ = nullptr;
TrayTracing* tray_tracing_ = nullptr;
TrayUpdate* tray_update_ = nullptr;
TrayNightLight* tray_night_light_ = nullptr;
// A reference to the Screen share and capture item.
ScreenTrayItem* screen_capture_tray_item_ = nullptr; // not owned
ScreenTrayItem* screen_share_tray_item_ = nullptr; // not owned
} // namespace ash