blob: 6e9737840a948d40636405f20151116b054be783 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""WPTManifest is responsible for handling MANIFEST.json.
The MANIFEST.json file contains metadata about files in web-platform-tests,
such as what tests exist, and extra information about each test, including
test type, options, URLs to use, and reference file paths if applicable.
import json
import logging
from webkitpy.common.path_finder import PathFinder
from webkitpy.common.memoized import memoized
_log = logging.getLogger(__file__)
class WPTManifest(object):
def __init__(self, json_content):
# TODO(tkent): Create a Manifest object by Manifest.from_json().
# See ../thirdparty/wpt/wpt/tools/manifest/
self.raw_dict = json.loads(json_content)
self.test_types = ('manual', 'reftest', 'testharness')
def _items_for_path(self, path_in_wpt):
"""Returns manifest items for the given WPT path, or None if not found.
The format of a manifest item depends on:
For most testharness tests, the returned items is expected
to look like this: [["/some/test/path.html", {}]]. For reference tests,
it will be a list with three items ([url, references, extras]).
items = self.raw_dict['items']
for test_type in self.test_types:
if path_in_wpt in items[test_type]:
return items[test_type][path_in_wpt]
return None
def all_urls(self):
"""Returns a set of the urls for all items in the manifest."""
urls = set()
if 'items' in self.raw_dict:
items = self.raw_dict['items']
for category in self.test_types:
if category in items:
for records in items[category].values():
urls.update([item[0] for item in records])
return urls
def is_test_file(self, path_in_wpt):
return self._items_for_path(path_in_wpt) is not None
def is_test_url(self, url):
"""Checks if url is a valid test in the manifest.
The url must be the WPT test name with a leading slash (/).
if url[0] != '/':
raise Exception('Test url missing leading /: %s' % url)
return url in self.all_urls()
def file_path_to_url_paths(self, path_in_wpt):
manifest_items = self._items_for_path(path_in_wpt)
assert manifest_items is not None
return [item[0][1:] for item in manifest_items]
def _get_extras_from_item(item):
return item[-1]
def is_slow_test(self, test_name):
items = self._items_for_path(test_name)
if not items:
return False
extras = WPTManifest._get_extras_from_item(items[0])
return 'timeout' in extras and extras['timeout'] == 'long'
def extract_reference_list(self, path_in_wpt):
"""Extracts reference information of the specified reference test.
The return value is a list of (match/not-match, reference path in wpt)
pairs, like:
[("==", "foo/bar/baz-match.html"),
("!=", "foo/bar/baz-mismatch.html")]
all_items = self.raw_dict['items']
if path_in_wpt not in all_items['reftest']:
return []
reftest_list = []
for item in all_items['reftest'][path_in_wpt]:
for ref_path_in_wpt, expectation in item[1]:
reftest_list.append((expectation, ref_path_in_wpt))
return reftest_list
def ensure_manifest(host):
"""Generates the MANIFEST.json file if it does not exist."""
finder = PathFinder(host.filesystem)
manifest_path = finder.path_from_layout_tests('external', 'wpt', 'MANIFEST.json')
base_manifest_path = finder.path_from_layout_tests('external', 'WPT_BASE_MANIFEST.json')
if not host.filesystem.exists(base_manifest_path):
_log.error('Manifest base not found at "%s".', base_manifest_path)
host.filesystem.write_text_file(base_manifest_path, '{}')
if not host.filesystem.exists(manifest_path):
_log.debug('Manifest not found, copying from base "%s".', base_manifest_path)
host.filesystem.copyfile(base_manifest_path, manifest_path)
wpt_path = manifest_path = finder.path_from_layout_tests('external', 'wpt')
WPTManifest.generate_manifest(host, wpt_path)
# Adding this log line to diagnose
_log.debug('Manifest generation completed.')
def generate_manifest(host, dest_path):
"""Generates MANIFEST.json on the specified directory."""
executive = host.executive
finder = PathFinder(host.filesystem)
wpt_exec_path = finder.path_from_tools_scripts('webkitpy', 'thirdparty', 'wpt', 'wpt', 'wpt')
cmd = ['python', wpt_exec_path, 'manifest', '--work', '--tests-root', dest_path]
_log.debug('Running command: %s', ' '.join(cmd))
proc = executive.popen(cmd, stdout=executive.PIPE, stderr=executive.PIPE, stdin=executive.PIPE)
out, err = proc.communicate('')
if proc.returncode:'# ret> %d', proc.returncode)
if out:
if err:
return proc.returncode, out