blob: 6efcc53ec9e4e7adff5fdfca200b21162f1e2255 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cc/animation/animation_export.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
namespace gfx {
class ScrollOffset;
class SizeF;
} // namespace gfx
namespace cc {
class FilterOperations;
class KeyframeModel;
class TransformOperations;
// An AnimationTarget is an entity that can be affected by a ticking
// cc:KeyframeModel. Any object that expects to have an opacity update, for
// example, should derive from this class.
class CC_ANIMATION_EXPORT AnimationTarget {
virtual ~AnimationTarget() {}
virtual void NotifyClientFloatAnimated(float opacity,
int target_property_id,
KeyframeModel* keyframe_model) {}
virtual void NotifyClientFilterAnimated(const FilterOperations& filter,
int target_property_id,
KeyframeModel* keyframe_model) {}
virtual void NotifyClientSizeAnimated(const gfx::SizeF& size,
int target_property_id,
KeyframeModel* keyframe_model) {}
virtual void NotifyClientColorAnimated(SkColor color,
int target_property_id,
KeyframeModel* keyframe_model) {}
virtual void NotifyClientTransformOperationsAnimated(
const TransformOperations& operations,
int target_property_id,
KeyframeModel* keyframe_model) {}
virtual void NotifyClientScrollOffsetAnimated(
const gfx::ScrollOffset& scroll_offset,
int target_property_id,
KeyframeModel* keyframe_model) {}
} // namespace cc