blob: 4b9dd0a72303a9b906aaa178db0f26e5533dcdee [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/feature_list.h"
namespace toolbar {
namespace features {
// This feature simplifies the security indiciator UI for https:// pages. The
// exact UI treatment is dependent on the parameter 'treatment' which can have
// the following value:
// - 'ev-to-secure': Show the "Secure" chip for pages with an EV certificate.
// - 'secure-to-lock': Show only the lock icon for non-EV https:// pages.
// - 'both-to-lock': Show only the lock icon for all https:// pages.
// - 'keep-secure-chip': Show the old "Secure" chip for non-EV https:// pages.
// The default behavior is the same as 'secure-to-lock'.
extern const base::Feature kSimplifyHttpsIndicator;
// The parameter name which controls the UI treatment.
extern const char kSimplifyHttpsIndicatorParameterName[];
// The different parameter values, described above.
extern const char kSimplifyHttpsIndicatorParameterEvToSecure[];
extern const char kSimplifyHttpsIndicatorParameterSecureToLock[];
extern const char kSimplifyHttpsIndicatorParameterBothToLock[];
extern const char kSimplifyHttpsIndicatorParameterKeepSecureChip[];
} // namespace features
} // namespace toolbar