blob: 4d71d142fe789c2d4fe9b288129d8b535c9ad8d8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/ozone/platform/wayland/host/wayland_output_manager.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include "ui/ozone/platform/wayland/host/wayland_connection.h"
#include "ui/ozone/platform/wayland/host/wayland_output.h"
namespace ui {
WaylandOutputManager::WaylandOutputManager() = default;
WaylandOutputManager::~WaylandOutputManager() = default;
// Output is considered ready when at least one wl_output is fully configured
// (i.e: wl_output::done received), so that WaylandOutputManager is able to
// instantiate a valid WaylandScreen when requested by the upper layer.
bool WaylandOutputManager::IsOutputReady() const {
return std::find_if(output_list_.begin(), output_list_.end(),
[](const auto& output) { return output->is_ready(); }) !=
void WaylandOutputManager::AddWaylandOutput(uint32_t output_id,
wl_output* output) {
// Make sure an output with |output_id| has not been added yet. It's very
// unlikely to happen, unless a compositor has a bug in the numeric names
// representation of global objects.
auto output_it = GetOutputItById(output_id);
DCHECK(output_it == output_list_.end());
auto wayland_output = std::make_unique<WaylandOutput>(output_id, output);
// Even if WaylandScreen has not been created, the output still must be
// initialized, which results in setting up a wl_listener and getting the
// geometry and the scaling factor from the Wayland Compositor.
void WaylandOutputManager::RemoveWaylandOutput(uint32_t output_id) {
auto output_it = GetOutputItById(output_id);
// Check the comment in the WaylandConnetion::GlobalRemove.
if (output_it == output_list_.end())
if (wayland_screen_)
std::unique_ptr<WaylandScreen> WaylandOutputManager::CreateWaylandScreen(
WaylandConnection* connection) {
auto wayland_screen = std::make_unique<WaylandScreen>(connection);
wayland_screen_ = wayland_screen->GetWeakPtr();
// As long as |wl_output| sends geometry and other events asynchronously (that
// is, the initial configuration is sent once the interface is bound), we'll
// have to tell each output to manually inform the delegate about available
// geometry, scale factor and etc, which will result in feeding the
// WaylandScreen with the data through OnOutputHandleGeometry and
// OutOutputHandleScale. All the other hot geometry and scale changes are done
// automatically, and the |wayland_screen_| is notified immediately about the
// changes.
for (const auto& output : output_list_) {
if (output->is_ready()) {
output->output_id(), output->bounds(), output->scale_factor());
return wayland_screen;
uint32_t WaylandOutputManager::GetIdForOutput(wl_output* output) const {
auto output_it = std::find_if(
output_list_.begin(), output_list_.end(),
[output](const auto& item) { return item->has_output(output); });
// This is unlikely to happen, but better to be explicit here.
DCHECK(output_it != output_list_.end());
return output_it->get()->output_id();
WaylandOutput* WaylandOutputManager::GetOutput(uint32_t id) const {
auto output_it = GetOutputItById(id);
// This is unlikely to happen, but better to be explicit here.
DCHECK(output_it != output_list_.end());
return output_it->get();
void WaylandOutputManager::OnOutputHandleMetrics(uint32_t output_id,
const gfx::Rect& new_bounds,
int32_t scale_factor) {
if (wayland_screen_) {
wayland_screen_->OnOutputAddedOrUpdated(output_id, new_bounds,
WaylandOutputManager::GetOutputItById(uint32_t id) const {
return std::find_if(
output_list_.begin(), output_list_.end(),
[id](const auto& item) { return item->output_id() == id; });
} // namespace ui