blob: 53e523d5f647c611ed2f365527f9442a401fbd97 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "components/signin/public/identity_manager/account_info.h"
#include "components/signin/public/identity_manager/identity_manager.h"
#include "components/sync/driver/sync_auth_util.h"
#include "components/sync/driver/sync_token_status.h"
#include "components/sync/engine/connection_status.h"
#include "google_apis/gaia/google_service_auth_error.h"
#include "net/base/backoff_entry.h"
namespace signin {
class AccessTokenFetcher;
struct AccessTokenInfo;
} // namespace signin
namespace syncer {
extern const base::Feature kSyncRetryFirstCanceledTokenFetch;
struct SyncCredentials;
// SyncAuthManager tracks the account to be used for Sync and its authentication
// state. Note that this account may or may not be the primary account (as per
// IdentityManager::GetPrimaryAccountInfo() etc).
class SyncAuthManager : public signin::IdentityManager::Observer {
// Called when the existence of an authenticated account changes. It's
// guaranteed that this is only called for going from "no account" to "have
// account" or vice versa, or if the existing account's |is_primary| bit
// changed. I.e. SyncAuthManager will never directly switch from one account
// to a different one. Call GetActiveAccountInfo to get the new state.
using AccountStateChangedCallback = base::RepeatingClosure;
// Called when the credential state changes, i.e. an access token was
// added/changed/removed. Call GetCredentials to get the new state.
using CredentialsChangedCallback = base::RepeatingClosure;
// |identity_manager| may be null (this is the case if local Sync is enabled),
// but if non-null, must outlive this object.
SyncAuthManager(signin::IdentityManager* identity_manager,
const AccountStateChangedCallback& account_state_changed,
const CredentialsChangedCallback& credentials_changed);
~SyncAuthManager() override;
// Tells the tracker to start listening for changes to the account/sign-in
// status. This gets called during SyncService initialization, except in the
// case of local Sync. Before this is called, GetActiveAccountInfo will always
// return an empty AccountInfo. Note that this will *not* trigger any
// callbacks, even if there is an active account afterwards.
void RegisterForAuthNotifications();
// Returns whether all relevant account information as returned by
// GetActiveAccountInfo() has been fully loaded.
bool IsActiveAccountInfoFullyLoaded() const;
// Returns the account which should be used when communicating with the Sync
// server. Note that this account may not be blessed for Sync-the-feature.
SyncAccountInfo GetActiveAccountInfo() const;
// Returns the last auth error that was encountered. The error could have come
// from the Sync server or from the IdentityManager.
GoogleServiceAuthError GetLastAuthError() const;
// Returns the time at which the last auth error was set.
base::Time GetLastAuthErrorTime() const;
// Returns whether we are in the "Sync paused" state. That means there is a
// primary account, but the user signed out in the content area, and so we
// don't have credentials for it anymore.
bool IsSyncPaused() const;
// Returns the credentials to be passed to the SyncEngine.
SyncCredentials GetCredentials() const;
const std::string& access_token() const { return access_token_; }
// Returns the state of the access token and token request, for display in
// internals UI.
SyncTokenStatus GetSyncTokenStatus() const;
// Called by ProfileSyncService when Sync starts up and will try talking to
// the server soon. This initiates fetching an access token.
void ConnectionOpened();
// Called by ProfileSyncService when the status of the connection to the Sync
// server changed. Updates auth error state accordingly.
void ConnectionStatusChanged(ConnectionStatus status);
// Called by ProfileSyncService when the connection to the Sync server is
// closed (due to Sync being shut down). Clears all related state (such as
// cached access token, error from the server, etc).
void ConnectionClosed();
// signin::IdentityManager::Observer implementation.
void OnPrimaryAccountChanged(
const signin::PrimaryAccountChangeEvent& event) override;
void OnRefreshTokenUpdatedForAccount(
const CoreAccountInfo& account_info) override;
void OnRefreshTokenRemovedForAccount(
const CoreAccountId& account_id) override;
void OnRefreshTokensLoaded() override;
// Test-only methods for inspecting/modifying internal state.
bool IsRetryingAccessTokenFetchForTest() const;
void ResetRequestAccessTokenBackoffForTest();
SyncAccountInfo DetermineAccountToUse() const;
// Updates |sync_account_| to the appropriate account (i.e.
// DetermineAccountToUse) if necessary, and notifies observers of any changes
// (sign-in/sign-out/"primary" bit change). Note that changing from one
// account to another is exposed to observers as a sign-out + sign-in.
// Returns whether the syncing account was updated.
bool UpdateSyncAccountIfNecessary();
// Invalidates any current access token, which means invalidating it with the
// IdentityManager and also dropping our own cached copy. Meant to be called
// when we know the current token is invalid (e.g. expired). Does not do
// anything about any scheduled or ongoing request.
void InvalidateAccessToken();
// Clears any access token we have, and cancels any pending or scheduled
// request for one.
void ClearAccessTokenAndRequest();
// Schedules a request for an access token according to the current
// |request_access_token_backoff_|. Usually called after some transient error.
void ScheduleAccessTokenRequest();
// Immediately starts an access token request, unless one is already ongoing.
// If another request is scheduled for later, it is canceled. Any access token
// we currently have is invalidated.
void RequestAccessToken();
// Callback for |ongoing_access_token_fetch_|.
void AccessTokenFetched(GoogleServiceAuthError error,
signin::AccessTokenInfo access_token_info);
void SetLastAuthError(const GoogleServiceAuthError& error);
signin::IdentityManager* const identity_manager_;
const AccountStateChangedCallback account_state_changed_callback_;
const CredentialsChangedCallback credentials_changed_callback_;
bool registered_for_auth_notifications_ = false;
// The account which we are using to sync. If this is non-empty, that does
// *not* necessarily imply that Sync is actually running, e.g. because of
// delayed startup.
SyncAccountInfo sync_account_;
// This is a cache of the last authentication response we received from
// Chrome's identity/token management system.
GoogleServiceAuthError last_auth_error_;
base::Time last_auth_error_time_;
// Whether Sync is currently connected to the server, i.e. ConnectionOpened()
// has been called, but ConnectionClosed() hasn't. While this is false, we
// don't try to get an access token. While it's true, we will *usually* have
// either an access token or a pending/scheduled request for one, but this is
// not guaranteed (e.g. in the case of a persistent auth error).
bool connection_open_ = false;
// The current access token. This is mutually exclusive with
// |ongoing_access_token_fetch_| and |request_access_token_retry_timer_|:
// We have at most one of a) an access token OR b) a pending request OR c) a
// pending retry i.e. a scheduled request.
std::string access_token_;
// Pending request for an access token. Non-null iff there is a request
// ongoing.
std::unique_ptr<signin::AccessTokenFetcher> ongoing_access_token_fetch_;
// If RequestAccessToken fails with transient error then retry requesting
// access token with exponential backoff.
base::OneShotTimer request_access_token_retry_timer_;
net::BackoffEntry request_access_token_backoff_;
// Info about the state of our access token, for display in the internals UI.
// "Partial" because this instance is not fully populated - in particular,
// |has_token| and |next_token_request_time| get computed on demand.
SyncTokenStatus partial_token_status_;
// Whether there was a retry done to fetch the access token when the request
// was cancelled for the first time. This works around an issue that can only
// happen once during browser startup, so it's sufficient to have a single
// retry (i.e. not per request).
bool access_token_retried_ = false;
base::WeakPtrFactory<SyncAuthManager> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace syncer