blob: 6618bce61fdb5ecc2a561405f0a8131d3e2816f4 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""MB - the Meta-Build wrapper around GN.
MB is a wrapper script for GN that can be used to generate build files
for sets of canned configurations and analyze them.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import ast
import collections
import errno
import json
import os
import pipes
import platform
import pprint
import re
import shutil
import sys
import subprocess
import tempfile
import traceback
import zipfile
if sys.version_info.major == 2:
from urllib2 import urlopen
from urllib.request import urlopen
CHROMIUM_SRC_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(
sys.path = [os.path.join(CHROMIUM_SRC_DIR, 'build')] + sys.path
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), '..'))
import gn_helpers
from mb.lib import validation
def DefaultVals():
"""Default mixin values"""
return {
'args_file': '',
'gn_args': '',
def PruneVirtualEnv():
# Set by VirtualEnv, no need to keep it.
os.environ.pop('VIRTUAL_ENV', None)
# Set by VPython, if scripts want it back they have to set it explicitly.
os.environ.pop('PYTHONNOUSERSITE', None)
# Look for "" in this path, which is installed by VirtualEnv.
# This mechanism is used by vpython as well to sanitize VirtualEnvs from
# $PATH.
os.environ['PATH'] = os.pathsep.join([
p for p in os.environ.get('PATH', '').split(os.pathsep)
if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(p, ''))
def main(args):
# Prune all evidence of VPython/VirtualEnv out of the environment. This means
# that we 'unwrap' vpython VirtualEnv path/env manipulation. Invocations of
# `python` from GN should never inherit the's own VirtualEnv. This also
# helps to ensure that generated ninja files do not reference python.exe from
# the VirtualEnv generated from depot_tools' own .vpython file (or lack
# thereof), but instead reference the default python from the PATH.
mbw = MetaBuildWrapper()
return mbw.Main(args)
class MetaBuildWrapper(object):
def __init__(self):
self.chromium_src_dir = CHROMIUM_SRC_DIR
self.default_config = os.path.join(self.chromium_src_dir, 'tools', 'mb',
self.default_isolate_map = os.path.join(self.chromium_src_dir, 'testing',
'buildbot', 'gn_isolate_map.pyl')
self.executable = sys.executable
self.platform = sys.platform
self.sep = os.sep
self.args = argparse.Namespace()
self.configs = {}
self.public_artifact_builders = None
self.builder_groups = {}
self.mixins = {}
self.isolate_exe = 'isolate.exe' if self.platform.startswith(
'win') else 'isolate'
self.use_luci_auth = False
self.rts_out_dir = self.PathJoin('gen', 'rts')
def Main(self, args):
ret = self.args.func()
if ret != 0:
return ret
except KeyboardInterrupt:
self.Print('interrupted, exiting')
return 130
except Exception:
s = traceback.format_exc()
for l in s.splitlines():
return 1
def ParseArgs(self, argv):
def AddCommonOptions(subp):
group = subp.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
'-m', '--builder-group',
help='builder group name to look up config from')
subp.add_argument('-b', '--builder',
help='builder name to look up config from')
subp.add_argument('-c', '--config',
help='configuration to analyze')
help='optional phase name (used when builders '
'do multiple compiles with different '
'arguments in a single build)')
help=('path to config file '
'(default is mb_config.pyl'))
subp.add_argument('-i', '--isolate-map-file', metavar='PATH',
help='path to isolate map file '
'(default is %(default)s)',
subp.add_argument('-g', '--goma-dir',
help='path to goma directory')
help='Sets GN arg android_default_version_code')
help='Sets GN arg android_default_version_name')
subp.add_argument('-n', '--dryrun', action='store_true',
help='Do a dry run (i.e., do nothing, just print '
'the commands that will run)')
subp.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
help='verbose logging')
subp.add_argument('--root', help='Path to GN source root')
subp.add_argument('--dotfile', help='Path to GN dotfile')
help='whether or not to use regression test selection'
' For more info about RTS, please see'
' //docs/testing/')
# TODO( Remove this once swarming task templates
# support command prefixes.
luci_auth_group = subp.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
help='Run isolated commands under `luci-auth context`.')
help='Do not run isolated commands under `luci-auth context`.')
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
prog='mb', description='mb (meta-build) is a python wrapper around GN. '
'See the user guide in '
'//tools/mb/docs/ for detailed usage '
subps = parser.add_subparsers()
subp = subps.add_parser('analyze',
description='Analyze whether changes to a set of '
'files will cause a set of binaries to '
'be rebuilt.')
help='path build was generated into.')
help='path to a file containing the input arguments '
'as a JSON object.')
help='path to a file containing the output arguments '
'as a JSON object.')
help='Write errors to json.output')
subp = subps.add_parser('export',
description='Print out the expanded configuration '
'for each builder as a JSON object.')
help=('path to config file '
'(default is mb_config.pyl'))
subp.add_argument('-g', '--goma-dir',
help='path to goma directory')
subp = subps.add_parser('get-swarming-command',
description='Get the command needed to run the '
'binary under swarming')
help='Do not build, just isolate')
help='return the command line as a JSON-formatted '
'list of strings instead of single string')
help=('path to generate build into (or use).'
' This can be either a regular path or a '
'GN-style source-relative path like '
subp.add_argument('target', help='ninja target to build and run')
subp = subps.add_parser('train',
description='Writes the expanded configuration '
'for each builder as JSON files to a configured '
help='path to config file (default is mb_config.pyl')
help='path to dir containing expectation files')
help='Do a dry run (i.e., do nothing, just print '
'the commands that will run)')
help='verbose logging')
subp = subps.add_parser('gen',
description='Generate a new set of build files.')
help='generates runtime dependencies for targets listed '
'in file as .isolate and .isolated.gen.json files. '
'Targets should be listed by name, separated by '
help='Write errors to json.output')
help='how much safety is needed when selecting tests. '
'0.0 is the lowest and 1.0 is the highest')
help='path to generate build into')
subp = subps.add_parser('isolate-everything',
description='Generates a .isolate for all targets. '
'Requires that gen has already '
'been run.')
help='path build was generated into')
subp = subps.add_parser('isolate',
description='Generate the .isolate files for a '
'given binary.')
subp.add_argument('--no-build', dest='build', default=True,
help='Do not build, just isolate')
subp.add_argument('-j', '--jobs', type=int,
help='Number of jobs to pass to ninja')
help='path build was generated into')
help='ninja target to generate the isolate for')
subp = subps.add_parser('lookup',
description='Look up the command for a given '
'config or builder.')
subp.add_argument('--quiet', default=False, action='store_true',
help='Print out just the arguments, '
'do not emulate the output of the gen subcommand.')
subp.add_argument('--recursive', default=False, action='store_true',
help='Lookup arguments from imported files, '
'implies --quiet')
subp = subps.add_parser('try',
description='Try your change on a remote builder')
help='ninja target to build and run')
subp.add_argument('--force', default=False, action='store_true',
help='Force the job to run. Ignores local checkout state;'
' by default, the tool doesn\'t trigger jobs if there are'
' local changes which are not present on Gerrit.')
subp = subps.add_parser(
'run', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
subp.description = (
'Build, isolate, and run the given binary with the command line\n'
'listed in the isolate. You may pass extra arguments after the\n'
'target; use "--" if the extra arguments need to include switches.\n'
' % tools/mb/ run -m chromium.linux -b "Linux Builder" \\\n'
' //out/Default content_browsertests\n'
' % tools/mb/ run out/Default content_browsertests\n'
' % tools/mb/ run out/Default content_browsertests -- \\\n'
' --test-launcher-retry-limit=0'
subp.add_argument('-j', '--jobs', type=int,
help='Number of jobs to pass to ninja')
subp.add_argument('--no-build', dest='build', default=True,
help='Do not build, just isolate and run')
help=('path to generate build into (or use).'
' This can be either a regular path or a '
'GN-style source-relative path like '
subp.add_argument('-s', '--swarmed', action='store_true',
help='Run under swarming with the default dimensions')
subp.add_argument('-d', '--dimension', default=[], action='append', nargs=2,
dest='dimensions', metavar='FOO bar',
help='dimension to filter on')
subp.add_argument('--tags', default=[], action='append', metavar='FOO:BAR',
help='Tags to assign to the swarming task')
subp.add_argument('--no-default-dimensions', action='store_false',
dest='default_dimensions', default=True,
help='Do not automatically add dimensions to the task')
help='ninja target to build and run')
subp.add_argument('extra_args', nargs='*',
help=('extra args to pass to the isolate to run. Use '
'"--" as the first arg if you need to pass '
subp = subps.add_parser('validate',
description='Validate the config file.')
subp.add_argument('-f', '--config-file', metavar='PATH',
help='path to config file (default is %(default)s)')
help='path to dir containing expectation files')
subp = subps.add_parser('zip',
description='Generate a .zip containing the files '
'needed for a given binary.')
subp.add_argument('--no-build', dest='build', default=True,
help='Do not build, just isolate')
subp.add_argument('-j', '--jobs', type=int,
help='Number of jobs to pass to ninja')
help='path build was generated into')
help='ninja target to generate the isolate for')
help='path to zip file to create')
subp = subps.add_parser('help',
help='Get help on a subcommand.')
subp.add_argument(nargs='?', action='store', dest='subcommand',
help='The command to get help for.')
self.args = parser.parse_args(argv)
self.use_luci_auth = getattr(self.args, 'luci_auth', False)
if 'config_file' in self.args and self.args.config_file is None:
self.args.config_file = self.default_config
if 'expectations_dir' in self.args and self.args.expectations_dir is None:
self.args.expectations_dir = os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(self.args.config_file), 'mb_config_expectations')
def DumpInputFiles(self):
def DumpContentsOfFilePassedTo(arg_name, path):
if path and self.Exists(path):
self.Print("\n# To recreate the file passed to %s:" % arg_name)
self.Print("%% cat > %s <<EOF" % path)
contents = self.ReadFile(path)
if getattr(self.args, 'input_path', None):
'argv[0] (input_path)', self.args.input_path)
if getattr(self.args, 'swarming_targets_file', None):
'--swarming-targets-file', self.args.swarming_targets_file)
def CmdAnalyze(self):
vals = self.Lookup()
return self.RunGNAnalyze(vals)
def CmdExport(self):
obj = self._ToJsonish()
s = json.dumps(obj, sort_keys=True, indent=2, separators=(',', ': '))
return 0
def CmdTrain(self):
expectations_dir = self.args.expectations_dir
if not self.Exists(expectations_dir):
self.Print('Expectations dir (%s) does not exist.' % expectations_dir)
return 1
# Removing every expectation file then immediately re-generating them will
# clear out deleted groups.
for f in self.ListDir(expectations_dir):
self.RemoveFile(os.path.join(expectations_dir, f))
obj = self._ToJsonish()
for builder_group, builder in sorted(obj.items()):
expectation_file = os.path.join(expectations_dir, builder_group + '.json')
json_s = json.dumps(builder,
separators=(',', ': '))
self.WriteFile(expectation_file, json_s)
return 0
def RtsSelect(self):
model_dir = self.PathJoin(
self.chromium_src_dir, 'testing', 'rts', self._CipdPlatform())
exe = self.PathJoin(model_dir, 'rts-chromium')
if self.platform == 'win32':
exe += '.exe'
args = [
exe, 'select',
'-model-dir', model_dir, \
'-out', self.PathJoin(self.ToAbsPath(self.args.path), self.rts_out_dir),
'-checkout', self.chromium_src_dir,
if self.args.rts_target_change_recall:
if (self.args.rts_target_change_recall < 0
or self.args.rts_target_change_recall > 1):
'rts-target-change-recall must be between (0 and 1]', None)
args += ['-target-change-recall', str(self.args.rts_target_change_recall)]
ret, _, _ = self.Run(args, force_verbose=True)
if ret != 0:
self.WriteFailureAndRaise(err, None)
def CmdGen(self):
if self.args.use_rts:
vals = self.Lookup()
return self.RunGNGen(vals)
def CmdGetSwarmingCommand(self):
vals = self.GetConfig()
command, _ = self.GetSwarmingCommand(, vals)
if self.args.as_list:
self.Print(' '.join(command))
return 0
def CmdIsolateEverything(self):
vals = self.Lookup()
return self.RunGNGenAllIsolates(vals)
def CmdHelp(self):
if self.args.subcommand:
self.ParseArgs([self.args.subcommand, '--help'])
def CmdIsolate(self):
vals = self.GetConfig()
if not vals:
return 1
ret = self.Build(
if ret != 0:
return ret
return self.RunGNIsolate(vals)
def CmdLookup(self):
vals = self.Lookup()
gn_args = self.GNArgs(vals, expand_imports=self.args.recursive)
if self.args.quiet or self.args.recursive:
self.Print(gn_args, end='')
cmd = self.GNCmd('gen', '_path_')
self.Print('\nWriting """\\\n%s""" to _path_/\n' % gn_args)
return 0
def CmdTry(self):
ninja_target =
if ninja_target.startswith('//'):
self.Print("Expected a ninja target like base_unittests, got %s" % (
return 1
_, out, _ = self.Run(['git', 'cl', 'diff', '--stat'], force_verbose=False)
if out:
self.Print("Your checkout appears to local changes which are not uploaded"
" to Gerrit. Changes must be committed and uploaded to Gerrit"
" to be tested using this tool.")
if not self.args.force:
return 1
json_path = self.PathJoin(self.chromium_src_dir, 'out.json')
ret, out, err = self.Run(
['git', 'cl', 'issue', '--json=out.json'], force_verbose=False)
if ret != 0:
"Unable to fetch current issue. Output and error:\n%s\n%s" % (
out, err
return ret
with open(json_path) as f:
issue_data = json.load(f)
if self.Exists(json_path):
if not issue_data['issue']:
self.Print("Missing issue data. Upload your CL to Gerrit and try again.")
return 1
class LedException(Exception):
def run_cmd(previous_res, cmd):
if self.args.verbose:
self.Print(('| ' if previous_res else '') + ' '.join(cmd))
res, out, err = self.Call(cmd, stdin=previous_res)
if res != 0:
self.Print("Err while running '%s'. Output:\n%s\nstderr:\n%s" % (
' '.join(cmd), out, err))
raise LedException()
return out
result = LedResult(None, run_cmd).then(
# TODO(martiniss): maybe don't always assume the bucket?
'led', 'get-builder', 'luci.chromium.try:%s' % self.args.builder).then(
'led', 'edit', '-r', 'chromium_trybot_experimental',
'-p', 'tests=["%s"]' % ninja_target).then(
'led', 'edit-system', '--tag=purpose:user-debug-mb-try').then(
'led', 'edit-cr-cl', issue_data['issue_url']).then(
'led', 'launch').result
except LedException:
self.Print("If this is an unexpected error message, please file a bug"
" with")
swarming_data = json.loads(result)['swarming']
self.Print("Launched task at https://%s/task?id=%s" % (
swarming_data['host_name'], swarming_data['task_id']))
def CmdRun(self):
vals = self.GetConfig()
if not vals:
return 1
ret = self.Build(
if ret:
return ret
ret = self.RunGNIsolate(vals)
if ret:
return ret
if self.args.swarmed:
cmd, _ = self.GetSwarmingCommand(, vals)
return self._RunUnderSwarming(self.args.path,, cmd)
return self._RunLocallyIsolated(self.args.path,
def CmdZip(self):
ret = self.CmdIsolate()
if ret:
return ret
zip_dir = None
zip_dir = self.TempDir()
remap_cmd = [
self.PathJoin(self.chromium_src_dir, 'tools', 'luci-go',
self.isolate_exe), 'remap', '-i',
self.PathJoin(self.args.path, + '.isolate'),
'-outdir', zip_dir
zip_path = self.args.zip_path
with zipfile.ZipFile(
zip_path, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, allowZip64=True) as fp:
for root, _, files in os.walk(zip_dir):
for filename in files:
path = self.PathJoin(root, filename)
fp.write(path, self.RelPath(path, zip_dir))
if zip_dir:
def _RunUnderSwarming(self, build_dir, target, isolate_cmd):
cas_instance = 'chromium-swarm'
swarming_server = ''
# TODO(dpranke): Look up the information for the target in
# the //testing/buildbot.json file, if possible, so that we
# can determine the isolate target, command line, and additional
# swarming parameters, if possible.
# TODO(dpranke): Also, add support for sharding and merging results.
dimensions = []
for k, v in self._DefaultDimensions() + self.args.dimensions:
dimensions += ['-d', '%s=%s' % (k, v)]
archive_json_path = self.ToSrcRelPath(
'%s/%s.archive.json' % (build_dir, target))
cmd = [
self.PathJoin(self.chromium_src_dir, 'tools', 'luci-go',
self.ToSrcRelPath('%s/%s.isolate' % (build_dir, target)),
# Talking to the isolateserver may fail because we're not logged in.
# We trap the command explicitly and rewrite the error output so that
# the error message is actually correct for a Chromium check out.
ret, out, err = self.Run(cmd, force_verbose=False)
if ret:
self.Print(' -> returned %d' % ret)
if out:
self.Print(out, end='')
if err:
# The swarming client will return an exit code of 2 (via
# argparse.ArgumentParser.error()) and print a message to indicate
# that auth failed, so we have to parse the message to check.
if (ret == 2 and 'Please login to' in err):
err = err.replace('', ' tools/swarming_client/')
self.Print(err, end='', file=sys.stderr)
return ret
archive_hashes = json.loads(self.ReadFile(archive_json_path))
except Exception:
'Failed to read JSON file "%s"' % archive_json_path, file=sys.stderr)
return 1
cas_digest = archive_hashes[target]
except Exception:
'Cannot find hash for "%s" in "%s", file content: %s' %
(target, archive_json_path, archive_hashes),
return 1
tags = ['-tag=%s' % tag for tag in self.args.tags]
json_dir = self.TempDir()
json_file = self.PathJoin(json_dir, 'task.json')
cmd = [
self.PathJoin('tools', 'luci-go', 'swarming'),
] + tags + dimensions + ['--'] + list(isolate_cmd)
if self.args.extra_args:
cmd += self.args.extra_args
ret, _, _ = self.Run(cmd, force_verbose=True, buffer_output=False)
if ret:
return ret
task_json = self.ReadFile(json_file)
task_id = json.loads(task_json)["tasks"][0]['task_id']
collect_output = self.PathJoin(json_dir, 'collect_output.json')
cmd = [
self.PathJoin('tools', 'luci-go', 'swarming'),
ret, _, _ = self.Run(cmd, force_verbose=True, buffer_output=False)
if ret != 0:
return ret
collect_json = json.loads(self.ReadFile(collect_output))
# The exit_code field is not included if the task was successful.
ret = collect_json.get(task_id, {}).get('results', {}).get('exit_code', 0)
if json_dir:
return ret
def _RunLocallyIsolated(self, build_dir, target):
cmd = [
self.PathJoin(self.chromium_src_dir, 'tools', 'luci-go',
self.ToSrcRelPath('%s/%s.isolate' % (build_dir, target)),
if self.args.extra_args:
cmd += ['--'] + self.args.extra_args
ret, _, _ = self.Run(cmd, force_verbose=True, buffer_output=False)
return ret
def _DefaultDimensions(self):
if not self.args.default_dimensions:
return []
# This code is naive and just picks reasonable defaults per platform.
if self.platform == 'darwin':
os_dim = ('os', 'Mac-10.13')
elif self.platform.startswith('linux'):
os_dim = ('os', 'Ubuntu-16.04')
elif self.platform == 'win32':
os_dim = ('os', 'Windows-10')
raise MBErr('unrecognized platform string "%s"' % self.platform)
return [('pool', 'chromium.tests'),
('cpu', 'x86-64'),
def _ToJsonish(self):
"""Dumps the config file into a json-friendly expanded dict.
A dict with builder group -> builder -> all GN args mapping.
obj = {}
for builder_group, builders in self.builder_groups.items():
obj[builder_group] = {}
for builder in builders:
config = self.builder_groups[builder_group][builder]
if not config:
if isinstance(config, dict):
# This is a 'phased' builder. Each key in the config is a different
# phase of the builder.
args = {}
for k, v in config.items():
args[k] = gn_helpers.FromGNArgs(
FlattenConfig(self.configs, self.mixins, v)['gn_args'])
elif config.startswith('//'):
args = config
flattened_config = FlattenConfig(self.configs, self.mixins, config)
if flattened_config['gn_args'] == 'error':
args = {'gn_args': gn_helpers.FromGNArgs(flattened_config['gn_args'])}
if flattened_config.get('args_file'):
args['args_file'] = flattened_config['args_file']
obj[builder_group][builder] = args
return obj
def CmdValidate(self, print_ok=True):
errs = []
# Build a list of all of the configs referenced by builders.
all_configs = validation.GetAllConfigs(self.builder_groups)
# Check that every referenced args file or config actually exists.
for config, loc in all_configs.items():
if config.startswith('//'):
if not self.Exists(self.ToAbsPath(config)):
errs.append('Unknown args file "%s" referenced from "%s".' %
(config, loc))
elif not config in self.configs:
errs.append('Unknown config "%s" referenced from "%s".' %
(config, loc))
# Check that every config and mixin is referenced.
validation.CheckAllConfigsAndMixinsReferenced(errs, all_configs,
self.configs, self.mixins)
if self.args.config_file == self.default_config:
validation.EnsureNoProprietaryMixins(errs, self.builder_groups,
self.configs, self.mixins)
validation.CheckDuplicateConfigs(errs, self.configs, self.mixins,
self.builder_groups, FlattenConfig)
if errs:
raise MBErr(('mb config file %s has problems:\n ' %
self.args.config_file) + '\n '.join(errs))
expectations_dir = self.args.expectations_dir
# TODO( Force all versions of mb_config.pyl to have
# expectations. For now, just ignore those that don't have them.
if self.Exists(expectations_dir):
jsonish_blob = self._ToJsonish()
if not validation.CheckExpectations(self, jsonish_blob, expectations_dir):
raise MBErr("Expectations out of date. Please run ' train'.")
if print_ok:
self.Print('mb config file %s looks ok.' % self.args.config_file)
return 0
def GetConfig(self):
build_dir = self.args.path
vals = DefaultVals()
if self.args.builder or self.args.builder_group or self.args.config:
vals = self.Lookup()
# Re-run gn gen in order to ensure the config is consistent with the
# build dir.
return vals
toolchain_path = self.PathJoin(self.ToAbsPath(build_dir),
if not self.Exists(toolchain_path):
self.Print('Must either specify a path to an existing GN build dir '
'or pass in a -m/-b pair or a -c flag to specify the '
return {}
vals['gn_args'] = self.GNArgsFromDir(build_dir)
return vals
def GNArgsFromDir(self, build_dir):
args_contents = ""
gn_args_path = self.PathJoin(self.ToAbsPath(build_dir), '')
if self.Exists(gn_args_path):
args_contents = self.ReadFile(gn_args_path)
# Handle any .gni file imports, e.g. the ones used by CrOS. This should
# be automatically handled by gn_helpers.FromGNArgs (via its call to
# gn_helpers.GNValueParser.ReplaceImports), but that currently breaks
# mb_unittest since it mocks out file reads itself instead of using
# pyfakefs. This results in gn_helpers trying to read a non-existent file.
# The implementation of ReplaceImports here can be removed once the
# unittests use pyfakefs.
def ReplaceImports(input_contents):
output_contents = ''
for l in input_contents.splitlines(True):
if not l.strip().startswith('#') and 'import(' in l:
import_file = l.split('"', 2)[1]
import_file = self.ToAbsPath(import_file)
imported_contents = self.ReadFile(import_file)
output_contents += ReplaceImports(imported_contents) + '\n'
output_contents += l
return output_contents
args_contents = ReplaceImports(args_contents)
args_dict = gn_helpers.FromGNArgs(args_contents)
# Re-add the quotes around strings so they show up as they would in the
# file.
for k, v in args_dict.items():
if isinstance(v, str):
args_dict[k] = '"%s"' % v
return ' '.join(['%s=%s' % (k, v) for (k, v) in args_dict.items()])
def Lookup(self):
config = self.ConfigFromArgs()
except MBErr as e:
# TODO( While iOS bots are migrated to use the
# Chromium recipe, we want to ensure that we're checking MB's
# configurations first before going to iOS.
# This is to be removed once the migration is complete.
vals = self.ReadIOSBotConfig()
if not vals:
raise e
return vals
# TODO( Some iOS bots have a definition, with ios_error
# as an indicator that it's incorrect. We utilize this to check the
# iOS JSON instead, and error out if there exists no definition at all.
# This is to be removed once the migration is complete.
if config == 'ios_error':
vals = self.ReadIOSBotConfig()
if not vals:
raise MBErr('No iOS definition was found. Please ensure there is a '
'definition for the given iOS bot under '
'mb_config.pyl or a JSON file definition under '
return vals
if config.startswith('//'):
if not self.Exists(self.ToAbsPath(config)):
raise MBErr('args file "%s" not found' % config)
vals = DefaultVals()
vals['args_file'] = config
if not config in self.configs:
raise MBErr(
'Config "%s" not found in %s' % (config, self.args.config_file))
vals = FlattenConfig(self.configs, self.mixins, config)
return vals
def ReadIOSBotConfig(self):
if not self.args.builder_group or not self.args.builder:
return {}
path = self.PathJoin(self.chromium_src_dir, 'ios', 'build', 'bots',
self.args.builder_group, self.args.builder + '.json')
if not self.Exists(path):
return {}
contents = json.loads(self.ReadFile(path))
gn_args = ' '.join(contents.get('gn_args', []))
vals = DefaultVals()
vals['gn_args'] = gn_args
return vals
def ReadConfigFile(self, config_file):
if not self.Exists(config_file):
raise MBErr('config file not found at %s' % config_file)
contents = ast.literal_eval(self.ReadFile(config_file))
except SyntaxError as e:
raise MBErr('Failed to parse config file "%s": %s' % (config_file, e))
self.configs = contents['configs']
self.mixins = contents['mixins']
self.builder_groups = contents.get('builder_groups')
self.public_artifact_builders = contents.get('public_artifact_builders')
def ReadIsolateMap(self):
if not self.args.isolate_map_files:
self.args.isolate_map_files = [self.default_isolate_map]
for f in self.args.isolate_map_files:
if not self.Exists(f):
raise MBErr('isolate map file not found at %s' % f)
isolate_maps = {}
for isolate_map in self.args.isolate_map_files:
isolate_map = ast.literal_eval(self.ReadFile(isolate_map))
duplicates = set(isolate_map).intersection(isolate_maps)
if duplicates:
raise MBErr(
'Duplicate targets in isolate map files: %s.' %
', '.join(duplicates))
except SyntaxError as e:
raise MBErr(
'Failed to parse isolate map file "%s": %s' % (isolate_map, e))
return isolate_maps
def ConfigFromArgs(self):
if self.args.config:
if self.args.builder_group or self.args.builder:
raise MBErr('Can not specific both -c/--config and --builder-group '
'or -b/--builder')
return self.args.config
if not self.args.builder_group or not self.args.builder:
raise MBErr('Must specify either -c/--config or '
'(--builder-group and -b/--builder)')
if not self.args.builder_group in self.builder_groups:
raise MBErr('Builder group name "%s" not found in "%s"' %
(self.args.builder_group, self.args.config_file))
if not self.args.builder in self.builder_groups[self.args.builder_group]:
raise MBErr('Builder name "%s" not found under groups[%s] in "%s"' %
(self.args.builder, self.args.builder_group,
config = self.builder_groups[self.args.builder_group][self.args.builder]
if isinstance(config, dict):
if self.args.phase is None:
raise MBErr('Must specify a build --phase for %s on %s' %
(self.args.builder, self.args.builder_group))
phase = str(self.args.phase)
if phase not in config:
raise MBErr('Phase %s doesn\'t exist for %s on %s' %
(phase, self.args.builder, self.args.builder_group))
return config[phase]
if self.args.phase is not None:
raise MBErr('Must not specify a build --phase for %s on %s' %
(self.args.builder, self.args.builder_group))
return config
def RunGNGen(self, vals, compute_inputs_for_analyze=False, check=True):
build_dir = self.args.path
if check:
cmd = self.GNCmd('gen', build_dir, '--check')
cmd = self.GNCmd('gen', build_dir)
gn_args = self.GNArgs(vals)
if compute_inputs_for_analyze:
gn_args += ' compute_inputs_for_analyze=true'
# Since GN hasn't run yet, the build directory may not even exist.
gn_args_path = self.ToAbsPath(build_dir, '')
self.WriteFile(gn_args_path, gn_args, force_verbose=True)
if getattr(self.args, 'swarming_targets_file', None):
# We need GN to generate the list of runtime dependencies for
# the compile targets listed (one per line) in the file so
# we can run them via swarming. We use gn_isolate_map.pyl to convert
# the compile targets to the matching GN labels.
path = self.args.swarming_targets_file
if not self.Exists(path):
self.WriteFailureAndRaise('"%s" does not exist' % path,
contents = self.ReadFile(path)
isolate_targets = set(contents.splitlines())
isolate_map = self.ReadIsolateMap()
self.RemovePossiblyStaleRuntimeDepsFiles(vals, isolate_targets,
isolate_map, build_dir)
err, labels = self.MapTargetsToLabels(isolate_map, isolate_targets)
if err:
raise MBErr(err)
gn_runtime_deps_path = self.ToAbsPath(build_dir, 'runtime_deps')
self.WriteFile(gn_runtime_deps_path, '\n'.join(labels) + '\n')
cmd.append('--runtime-deps-list-file=%s' % gn_runtime_deps_path)
ret, output, _ = self.Run(cmd)
if ret != 0:
if self.args.json_output:
# write errors to json.output
self.WriteJSON({'output': output}, self.args.json_output)
# If `gn gen` failed, we should exit early rather than trying to
# generate isolates. Run() will have already logged any error output.
self.Print('GN gen failed: %d' % ret)
return ret
if getattr(self.args, 'swarming_targets_file', None):
ret = self.GenerateIsolates(vals, isolate_targets, isolate_map, build_dir)
return ret
def RunGNGenAllIsolates(self, vals):
This command generates all .isolate files.
This command assumes that " gen" has already been run, as it relies on
"gn ls" to fetch all gn targets. If uses that output, combined with the
isolate_map, to determine all isolates that can be generated for the current
gn configuration.
build_dir = self.args.path
ret, output, _ = self.Run(self.GNCmd('ls', build_dir),
if ret != 0:
# If `gn ls` failed, we should exit early rather than trying to
# generate isolates.
self.Print('GN ls failed: %d' % ret)
return ret
# Create a reverse map from isolate label to isolate dict.
isolate_map = self.ReadIsolateMap()
isolate_dict_map = {}
for key, isolate_dict in isolate_map.iteritems():
isolate_dict_map[isolate_dict['label']] = isolate_dict
isolate_dict_map[isolate_dict['label']]['isolate_key'] = key
runtime_deps = []
isolate_targets = []
# For every GN target, look up the isolate dict.
for line in output.splitlines():
target = line.strip()
if target in isolate_dict_map:
if isolate_dict_map[target]['type'] == 'additional_compile_target':
# By definition, additional_compile_targets are not tests, so we
# shouldn't generate isolates for them.
self.RemovePossiblyStaleRuntimeDepsFiles(vals, isolate_targets,
isolate_map, build_dir)
gn_runtime_deps_path = self.ToAbsPath(build_dir, 'runtime_deps')
self.WriteFile(gn_runtime_deps_path, '\n'.join(runtime_deps) + '\n')
cmd = self.GNCmd('gen', build_dir)
cmd.append('--runtime-deps-list-file=%s' % gn_runtime_deps_path)
return self.GenerateIsolates(vals, isolate_targets, isolate_map, build_dir)
def RemovePossiblyStaleRuntimeDepsFiles(self, vals, targets, isolate_map,
# TODO( Because `gn gen --runtime-deps-list-file`
# puts the runtime_deps file in different locations based on the actual
# type of a target, we may end up with multiple possible runtime_deps
# files in a given build directory, where some of the entries might be
# stale (since we might be reusing an existing build directory).
# We need to be able to get the right one reliably; you might think
# we can just pick the newest file, but because GN won't update timestamps
# if the contents of the files change, an older runtime_deps
# file might actually be the one we should use over a newer one (see
# for a more complete explanation and example).
# In order to avoid this, we need to delete any possible runtime_deps
# files *prior* to running GN. As long as the files aren't actually
# needed during the build, this hopefully will not cause unnecessary
# build work, and so it should be safe.
# Ultimately, we should just make sure we get the runtime_deps files
# in predictable locations so we don't have this issue at all, and
# that's what is for.
possible_rpaths = self.PossibleRuntimeDepsPaths(vals, targets, isolate_map)
for rpaths in possible_rpaths.values():
for rpath in rpaths:
path = self.ToAbsPath(build_dir, rpath)
if self.Exists(path):
def GenerateIsolates(self, vals, ninja_targets, isolate_map, build_dir):
Generates isolates for a list of ninja targets.
Ninja targets are transformed to GN targets via isolate_map.
This function assumes that a previous invocation of " gen" has
generated runtime deps for all targets.
possible_rpaths = self.PossibleRuntimeDepsPaths(vals, ninja_targets,
for target, rpaths in possible_rpaths.items():
# TODO( We don't know where each .runtime_deps
# file might be, but assuming we called
# RemovePossiblyStaleRuntimeDepsFiles prior to calling `gn gen`,
# there should only be one file.
found_one = False
path_to_use = None
for r in rpaths:
path = self.ToAbsPath(build_dir, r)
if self.Exists(path):
if found_one:
raise MBErr('Found more than one of %s' % ', '.join(rpaths))
path_to_use = path
found_one = True
if not found_one:
raise MBErr('Did not find any of %s' % ', '.join(rpaths))
command, extra_files = self.GetSwarmingCommand(target, vals)
runtime_deps = self.ReadFile(path_to_use).splitlines()
# For more info about RTS, please see
# //docs/testing/
if self.args.use_rts:
filter_file = target + '.filter'
filter_file_path = self.PathJoin(self.rts_out_dir, filter_file)
if self.Exists(self.ToAbsPath(build_dir, filter_file_path)):
command.append('--test-launcher-filter-file=%s' % filter_file_path)
self.Print('added rts filter file to isolate: %s' % filter_file)
canonical_target = target.replace(':','_').replace('/','_')
ret = self.WriteIsolateFiles(build_dir, command, canonical_target,
runtime_deps, vals, extra_files)
if ret != 0:
return ret
return 0
def PossibleRuntimeDepsPaths(self, vals, ninja_targets, isolate_map):
"""Returns a map of targets to possible .runtime_deps paths.
Each ninja target maps on to a GN label, but depending on the type
of the GN target, `gn gen --runtime-deps-list-file` will write
the .runtime_deps files into different locations. Unfortunately, in
some cases we don't actually know which of multiple locations will
actually be used, so we return all plausible candidates.
The paths that are returned are relative to the build directory.
android = 'target_os="android"' in vals['gn_args']
ios = 'target_os="ios"' in vals['gn_args']
fuchsia = 'target_os="fuchsia"' in vals['gn_args']
win = self.platform == 'win32' or 'target_os="win"' in vals['gn_args']
possible_runtime_deps_rpaths = {}
for target in ninja_targets:
target_type = isolate_map[target]['type']
label = isolate_map[target]['label']
stamp_runtime_deps = 'obj/%s.stamp.runtime_deps' % label.replace(':', '/')
# TODO( 'official_tests' use
# type='additional_compile_target' to isolate tests. This is not the
# intended use for 'additional_compile_target'.
if (target_type == 'additional_compile_target' and
target != 'official_tests'):
# By definition, additional_compile_targets are not tests, so we
# shouldn't generate isolates for them.
raise MBErr('Cannot generate isolate for %s since it is an '
'additional_compile_target.' % target)
elif fuchsia or ios or target_type == 'generated_script':
# iOS and Fuchsia targets end up as groups.
# generated_script targets are always actions.
rpaths = [stamp_runtime_deps]
elif android:
# Android targets may be either android_apk or executable. The former
# will result in runtime_deps associated with the stamp file, while the
# latter will result in runtime_deps associated with the executable.
label = isolate_map[target]['label']
rpaths = [
target + '.runtime_deps',
elif (target_type == 'script'
or isolate_map[target].get('label_type') == 'group'):
# For script targets, the build target is usually a group,
# for which gn generates the runtime_deps next to the stamp file
# for the label, which lives under the obj/ directory, but it may
# also be an executable.
label = isolate_map[target]['label']
rpaths = [stamp_runtime_deps]
if win:
rpaths += [ target + '.exe.runtime_deps' ]
rpaths += [ target + '.runtime_deps' ]
elif win:
rpaths = [target + '.exe.runtime_deps']
rpaths = [target + '.runtime_deps']
possible_runtime_deps_rpaths[target] = rpaths
return possible_runtime_deps_rpaths
def RunGNIsolate(self, vals):
target =
isolate_map = self.ReadIsolateMap()
err, labels = self.MapTargetsToLabels(isolate_map, [target])
if err:
raise MBErr(err)
label = labels[0]
build_dir = self.args.path
command, extra_files = self.GetSwarmingCommand(target, vals)
# Any warning for an unused arg will get interleaved into the cmd's
# stdout. When that happens, the isolate step below will fail with an
# obscure error when it tries processing the lines of the warning. Fail
# quickly in that case to avoid confusion
cmd = self.GNCmd('desc', build_dir, label, 'runtime_deps',
ret, out, _ = self.Call(cmd)
if ret != 0:
if out:
return ret
runtime_deps = out.splitlines()
ret = self.WriteIsolateFiles(build_dir, command, target, runtime_deps, vals,
if ret != 0:
return ret
ret, _, _ = self.Run([
self.PathJoin(self.chromium_src_dir, 'tools', 'luci-go',
self.ToSrcRelPath('%s/%s.isolate' % (build_dir, target)),
return ret
def WriteIsolateFiles(self, build_dir, command, target, runtime_deps, vals,
isolate_path = self.ToAbsPath(build_dir, target + '.isolate')
files = sorted(set(runtime_deps + extra_files))
# Complain if any file is a directory that's inside the build directory,
# since that makes incremental builds incorrect. See
is_android = 'target_os="android"' in vals['gn_args']
is_cros = ('target_os="chromeos"' in vals['gn_args']
or 'is_chromeos_device=true' in vals['gn_args'])
is_mac = self.platform == 'darwin'
is_msan = 'is_msan=true' in vals['gn_args']
is_ios = 'target_os="ios"' in vals['gn_args']
err = ''
for f in files:
# Skip a few configs that need extra cleanup for now.
# TODO( Fix everything on all platforms and
# enable check everywhere.
if is_android:
# iOS has generated directories in gn data items.
# Skipping for iOS instead of listing all apps.
if is_ios:
# Skip a few existing violations that need to be cleaned up. Each of
# these will lead to incorrect incremental builds if their directory
# contents change. Do not add to this list, except for mac bundles until
# is fixed.
# TODO( Remove this if statement.
if ((is_msan and f == 'instrumented_libraries_prebuilt/')
or f == 'mr_extension/' or #
f.startswith('nacl_test_data/') or
f.startswith('ppapi_nacl_tests_libs/') or
(is_cros and f in ( #
)) or (is_mac and f in ( #
'Chromium Framework.framework/',
'Google Chrome Framework.framework/',
'Google Chrome Helper (Alerts).app/',
'Google Chrome Helper (GPU).app/',
'Google Chrome Helper (Plugin).app/',
'Google Chrome Helper (Renderer).app/',
'Google Chrome',
'UpdaterTestApp Framework.framework/',
'ui_unittests Framework.framework/',
# This runs before the build, so we can't use isdir(f). But
# luckily requires data directories to end with '/', so we
# can check for that.
if not f.startswith('../../') and f.endswith('/'):
# Don't use self.PathJoin() -- all involved paths consistently use
# forward slashes, so don't add one single backslash on Windows.
err += '\n' + build_dir + '/' + f
if err:
self.Print('error: gn `data` items may not list generated directories; '
'list files in directory instead for:' + err)
return 1
'variables': {
'command': command,
'files': files,
}) + '\n')
'args': [
self.ToSrcRelPath('%s/%s.isolated' % (build_dir, target)),
self.ToSrcRelPath('%s/%s.isolate' % (build_dir, target)),
'dir': self.chromium_src_dir,
'version': 1,
isolate_path + 'd.gen.json',
return 0
def MapTargetsToLabels(self, isolate_map, targets):
labels = []
err = ''
for target in targets:
if target == 'all':
elif target.startswith('//'):
if target in isolate_map:
if isolate_map[target]['type'] == 'unknown':
err += ('test target "%s" type is unknown\n' % target)
err += ('target "%s" not found in '
'//testing/buildbot/gn_isolate_map.pyl\n' % target)
return err, labels
def GNCmd(self, subcommand, path, *args):
if self.platform == 'linux2':
subdir, exe = 'linux64', 'gn'
elif self.platform == 'darwin':
subdir, exe = 'mac', 'gn'
elif self.platform == 'aix6':
subdir, exe = 'aix', 'gn'
subdir, exe = 'win', 'gn.exe'
gn_path = self.PathJoin(self.chromium_src_dir, 'buildtools', subdir, exe)
cmd = [gn_path, subcommand]
if self.args.root:
cmd += ['--root=' + self.args.root]
if self.args.dotfile:
cmd += ['--dotfile=' + self.args.dotfile]
return cmd + [path] + list(args)
def GNArgs(self, vals, expand_imports=False):
gn_args = vals['gn_args']
if self.args.goma_dir:
gn_args += ' goma_dir="%s"' % self.args.goma_dir
android_version_code = self.args.android_version_code
if android_version_code:
gn_args += ' android_default_version_code="%s"' % android_version_code
android_version_name = self.args.android_version_name
if android_version_name:
gn_args += ' android_default_version_name="%s"' % android_version_name
if self.args.use_rts:
gn_args += ' use_rts=true'
args_gn_lines = []
parsed_gn_args = {}
args_file = vals.get('args_file', None)
if args_file:
if expand_imports:
content = self.ReadFile(self.ToAbsPath(args_file))
parsed_gn_args = gn_helpers.FromGNArgs(content)
args_gn_lines.append('import("%s")' % args_file)
# Canonicalize the arg string into a sorted, newline-separated list
# of key-value pairs, and de-dup the keys if need be so that only
# the last instance of each arg is listed.
return '\n'.join(args_gn_lines)
def GetSwarmingCommand(self, target, vals):
isolate_map = self.ReadIsolateMap()
is_android = 'target_os="android"' in vals['gn_args']
is_fuchsia = 'target_os="fuchsia"' in vals['gn_args']
is_cros = ('target_os="chromeos"' in vals['gn_args']
or 'is_chromeos_device=true' in vals['gn_args'])
is_cros_device = 'is_chromeos_device=true' in vals['gn_args']
is_ios = 'target_os="ios"' in vals['gn_args']
is_mac = self.platform == 'darwin' and not is_ios
is_win = self.platform == 'win32' or 'target_os="win"' in vals['gn_args']
is_lacros = 'chromeos_is_browser_only=true' in vals['gn_args']
test_type = isolate_map[target]['type']
if self.use_luci_auth:
cmdline = ['luci-auth.exe' if is_win else 'luci-auth', 'context', '--']
cmdline = []
if test_type == 'generated_script' or is_ios or is_lacros:
assert 'script' not in isolate_map[target], (
'generated_scripts can no longer customize the script path')
if is_win:
default_script = 'bin\\run_{}.bat'.format(target)
default_script = 'bin/run_{}'.format(target)
script = isolate_map[target].get('script', default_script)
# TODO( remove any use of 'args' from
# generated_scripts.
cmdline += [script] + isolate_map[target].get('args', [])
return cmdline, []
# TODO( Convert all targets to generated_scripts
# and delete the rest of this function.
# This should be true if tests with type='windowed_test_launcher' are
# expected to run using xvfb. For example, Linux Desktop, X11 CrOS and
# Ozone CrOS builds on Linux (xvfb is not used on CrOS HW or VMs). Note
# that one Ozone build can be used to run different backends. Currently,
# tests are executed for the headless and X11 backends and both can run
# under Xvfb on Linux.
# TODO(tonikitoo,msisov,fwang): Find a way to run tests for the Wayland
# backend.
use_xvfb = (self.platform == 'linux2' and not is_android and not is_fuchsia
and not is_cros_device)
asan = 'is_asan=true' in vals['gn_args']
msan = 'is_msan=true' in vals['gn_args']
tsan = 'is_tsan=true' in vals['gn_args']
cfi_diag = 'use_cfi_diag=true' in vals['gn_args']
clang_coverage = 'use_clang_coverage=true' in vals['gn_args']
java_coverage = 'use_jacoco_coverage=true' in vals['gn_args']
javascript_coverage = 'use_javascript_coverage=true' in vals['gn_args']
executable = isolate_map[target].get('executable', target)
executable_suffix = isolate_map[target].get(
'executable_suffix', '.exe' if is_win else '')
cmdline += ['vpython']
extra_files = ['../../.vpython']
extra_files += [
if is_android and test_type != 'script':
if asan:
cmdline += [os.path.join('bin', 'run_with_asan'), '--']
cmdline += [
'--target', target,
'--logdog-bin-cmd', '../../.task_template_packages/logdog_butler',
if clang_coverage or java_coverage:
cmdline += ['--coverage-dir', '${ISOLATED_OUTDIR}']
elif is_fuchsia and test_type != 'script':
cmdline += [
os.path.join('bin', 'run_%s' % target),
'--system-log-file', '${ISOLATED_OUTDIR}/system_log'
elif is_cros_device and test_type != 'script':
cmdline += [
os.path.join('bin', 'run_%s' % target),
elif use_xvfb and test_type == 'windowed_test_launcher':
cmdline += [
'./' + str(executable) + executable_suffix,
'--asan=%d' % asan,
# Enable lsan when asan is enabled except on Windows where LSAN isn't
# supported.
# TODO( Enable on Mac once things pass.
# TODO( Enable on ChromeOS once things pass.
'--lsan=%d' % (asan and not is_mac and not is_win and not is_cros),
'--msan=%d' % msan,
'--tsan=%d' % tsan,
'--cfi-diag=%d' % cfi_diag,
if javascript_coverage:
cmdline += ['--devtools-code-coverage=${ISOLATED_OUTDIR}']
elif test_type in ('windowed_test_launcher', 'console_test_launcher'):
cmdline += [
'./' + str(executable) + executable_suffix,
'--asan=%d' % asan,
# Enable lsan when asan is enabled except on Windows where LSAN isn't
# supported.
# TODO( Enable on Mac once things pass.
# TODO( Enable on ChromeOS once things pass.
'--lsan=%d' % (asan and not is_mac and not is_win and not is_cros),
'--msan=%d' % msan,
'--tsan=%d' % tsan,
'--cfi-diag=%d' % cfi_diag,
elif test_type == 'script':
# If we're testing a CrOS simplechrome build, assume we need to prepare a
# DUT for testing. So prepend the command to run with the test wrapper.
if is_cros_device:
cmdline += [
os.path.join('bin', 'cros_test_wrapper'),
if is_android:
cmdline += [
'../../' + self.ToSrcRelPath(isolate_map[target]['script']),
cmdline += [
'../../' + self.ToSrcRelPath(isolate_map[target]['script'])
elif test_type == 'additional_compile_target':
cmdline = [
'./' + str(target) + executable_suffix,
self.WriteFailureAndRaise('No command line for %s found (test type %s).'
% (target, test_type), output_path=None)
cmdline += isolate_map[target].get('args', [])
return cmdline, extra_files
def ToAbsPath(self, build_path, *comps):
return self.PathJoin(self.chromium_src_dir,
def ToSrcRelPath(self, path):
"""Returns a relative path from the top of the repo."""
if path.startswith('//'):
return path[2:].replace('/', self.sep)
return self.RelPath(path, self.chromium_src_dir)
def RunGNAnalyze(self, vals):
# Analyze runs before 'gn gen' now, so we need to run gn gen
# in order to ensure that we have a build directory.
ret = self.RunGNGen(vals, compute_inputs_for_analyze=True, check=False)
if ret != 0:
return ret
build_path = self.args.path
input_path = self.args.input_path
gn_input_path = input_path + '.gn'
output_path = self.args.output_path
gn_output_path = output_path + '.gn'
inp = self.ReadInputJSON(['files', 'test_targets',
if self.args.verbose:
self.Print('analyze input:')
# This shouldn't normally happen, but could due to unusual race conditions,
# like a try job that gets scheduled before a patch lands but runs after
# the patch has landed.
if not inp['files']:
self.Print('Warning: No files modified in patch, bailing out early.')
'status': 'No dependency',
'compile_targets': [],
'test_targets': [],
}, output_path)
return 0
gn_inp = {}
gn_inp['files'] = ['//' + f for f in inp['files'] if not f.startswith('//')]
isolate_map = self.ReadIsolateMap()
err, gn_inp['additional_compile_targets'] = self.MapTargetsToLabels(
isolate_map, inp['additional_compile_targets'])
if err:
raise MBErr(err)
err, gn_inp['test_targets'] = self.MapTargetsToLabels(
isolate_map, inp['test_targets'])
if err:
raise MBErr(err)
labels_to_targets = {}
for i, label in enumerate(gn_inp['test_targets']):
labels_to_targets[label] = inp['test_targets'][i]
self.WriteJSON(gn_inp, gn_input_path)
cmd = self.GNCmd('analyze', build_path, gn_input_path, gn_output_path)
ret, output, _ = self.Run(cmd, force_verbose=True)
if ret != 0:
if self.args.json_output:
# write errors to json.output
self.WriteJSON({'output': output}, self.args.json_output)
return ret
gn_outp_str = self.ReadFile(gn_output_path)
gn_outp = json.loads(gn_outp_str)
except Exception as e:
self.Print("Failed to parse the JSON string GN returned: %s\n%s"
% (repr(gn_outp_str), str(e)))
outp = {}
if 'status' in gn_outp:
outp['status'] = gn_outp['status']
if 'error' in gn_outp:
outp['error'] = gn_outp['error']
if 'invalid_targets' in gn_outp:
outp['invalid_targets'] = gn_outp['invalid_targets']
if 'compile_targets' in gn_outp:
all_input_compile_targets = sorted(
set(inp['test_targets'] + inp['additional_compile_targets']))
# If we're building 'all', we can throw away the rest of the targets
# since they're redundant.
if 'all' in gn_outp['compile_targets']:
outp['compile_targets'] = ['all']
outp['compile_targets'] = gn_outp['compile_targets']
# When GN returns targets back, for targets in
# the default toolchain, GN will have generated a phony ninja
# target matching the label, and so we can safely (and easily)
# transform any GN label into the matching ninja target. For
# targets in other toolchains, though, GN doesn't generate the
# phony targets, and we don't know how to turn the labels into
# compile targets. In this case, we also conservatively give up
# and build everything. Probably the right thing to do here is
# to have GN return the compile targets directly.
if any("(" in target for target in outp['compile_targets']):
self.Print('WARNING: targets with non-default toolchains were '
'found, building everything instead.')
outp['compile_targets'] = all_input_compile_targets
outp['compile_targets'] = [
label.replace('//', '') for label in outp['compile_targets']]
# Windows has a maximum command line length of 8k; even Linux
# maxes out at 128k; if analyze returns a *really long* list of
# targets, we just give up and conservatively build everything instead.
# Probably the right thing here is for ninja to support response
# files as input on the command line
# (see
# Android targets use a lot of templates and often exceed 7kb.
max_cmd_length_kb = 64 if platform.system() == 'Linux' else 7
if len(' '.join(outp['compile_targets'])) > max_cmd_length_kb * 1024:
self.Print('WARNING: Too many compile targets were affected.')
self.Print('WARNING: Building everything instead to avoid '
'command-line length issues.')
outp['compile_targets'] = all_input_compile_targets
if 'test_targets' in gn_outp:
outp['test_targets'] = [
labels_to_targets[label] for label in gn_outp['test_targets']]
if self.args.verbose:
self.Print('analyze output:')
self.WriteJSON(outp, output_path)
if self.Exists(gn_input_path):
if self.Exists(gn_output_path):
return 0
def ReadInputJSON(self, required_keys):
path = self.args.input_path
output_path = self.args.output_path
if not self.Exists(path):
self.WriteFailureAndRaise('"%s" does not exist' % path, output_path)
inp = json.loads(self.ReadFile(path))
except Exception as e:
self.WriteFailureAndRaise('Failed to read JSON input from "%s": %s' %
(path, e), output_path)
for k in required_keys:
if not k in inp:
self.WriteFailureAndRaise('input file is missing a "%s" key' % k,
return inp
def WriteFailureAndRaise(self, msg, output_path):
if output_path:
self.WriteJSON({'error': msg}, output_path, force_verbose=True)
raise MBErr(msg)
def WriteJSON(self, obj, path, force_verbose=False):
self.WriteFile(path, json.dumps(obj, indent=2, sort_keys=True) + '\n',
except Exception as e:
raise MBErr('Error %s writing to the output path "%s"' %
(e, path))
def PrintCmd(self, cmd):
if self.platform == 'win32':
shell_quoter = QuoteForCmd
shell_quoter = pipes.quote
if cmd[0] == self.executable:
cmd = ['python'] + cmd[1:]
self.Print(*[shell_quoter(arg) for arg in cmd])
def PrintJSON(self, obj):
self.Print(json.dumps(obj, indent=2, sort_keys=True))
def Build(self, target):
build_dir = self.ToSrcRelPath(self.args.path)
if self.platform == 'win32':
# On Windows use the batch script since there is no exe
ninja_cmd = ['autoninja.bat', '-C', build_dir]
ninja_cmd = ['autoninja', '-C', build_dir]
ninja_cmd.extend(['-j', '%d' %])
ret, _, _ = self.Run(ninja_cmd, buffer_output=False)
return ret
def Run(self, cmd, env=None, force_verbose=True, buffer_output=True):
# This function largely exists so it can be overridden for testing.
if self.args.dryrun or self.args.verbose or force_verbose:
if self.args.dryrun:
return 0, '', ''
ret, out, err = self.Call(cmd, env=env, buffer_output=buffer_output)
if self.args.verbose or force_verbose:
if ret != 0:
self.Print(' -> returned %d' % ret)
if out:
# This is the error seen on the logs
self.Print(out, end='')
if err:
self.Print(err, end='', file=sys.stderr)
return ret, out, err
def Call(self, cmd, env=None, buffer_output=True, stdin=None):
if buffer_output:
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=False, cwd=self.chromium_src_dir,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
env=env, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
out, err = p.communicate(input=stdin)
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=False, cwd=self.chromium_src_dir,
out = err = ''
return p.returncode, out, err
def _CipdPlatform(self):
"""Returns current CIPD platform, e.g. linux-amd64.
Assumes AMD64.
if self.platform == 'win32':
return 'windows-amd64'
if self.platform == 'darwin':
return 'mac-amd64'
return 'linux-amd64'
def ExpandUser(self, path):
# This function largely exists so it can be overridden for testing.
return os.path.expanduser(path)
def Exists(self, path):
# This function largely exists so it can be overridden for testing.
return os.path.exists(path)
def Fetch(self, url):
# This function largely exists so it can be overridden for testing.
f = urlopen(url)
contents =
return contents
def ListDir(self, path):
# This function largely exists so it can be overridden for testing.
return os.listdir(path)
def MaybeMakeDirectory(self, path):
except OSError as e:
if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
def PathJoin(self, *comps):
# This function largely exists so it can be overriden for testing.
return os.path.join(*comps)
def Print(self, *args, **kwargs):
# This function largely exists so it can be overridden for testing.
print(*args, **kwargs)
if kwargs.get('stream', sys.stdout) == sys.stdout:
def ReadFile(self, path):
# This function largely exists so it can be overriden for testing.
with open(path) as fp:
def RelPath(self, path, start='.'):
# This function largely exists so it can be overriden for testing.
return os.path.relpath(path, start)
def RemoveFile(self, path):
# This function largely exists so it can be overriden for testing.
def RemoveDirectory(self, abs_path):
if self.platform == 'win32':
# In other places in chromium, we often have to retry this command
# because we're worried about other processes still holding on to
# file handles, but when MB is invoked, it will be early enough in the
# build that their should be no other processes to interfere. We
# can change this if need be.
self.Run(['cmd.exe', '/c', 'rmdir', '/q', '/s', abs_path])
shutil.rmtree(abs_path, ignore_errors=True)
def TempDir(self):
# This function largely exists so it can be overriden for testing.
return tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='mb_')
def TempFile(self, mode='w'):
# This function largely exists so it can be overriden for testing.
return tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode=mode, delete=False)
def WriteFile(self, path, contents, force_verbose=False):
# This function largely exists so it can be overriden for testing.
if self.args.dryrun or self.args.verbose or force_verbose:
self.Print('\nWriting """\\\n%s""" to %s.\n' % (contents, path))
with open(path, 'w') as fp:
return fp.write(contents)
class LedResult(object):
"""Holds the result of a led operation. Can be chained using |then|."""
def __init__(self, result, run_cmd):
self._result = result
self._run_cmd = run_cmd
def result(self):
"""The mutable result data of the previous led call as decoded JSON."""
return self._result
def then(self, *cmd):
"""Invoke led, passing it the current `result` data as input.
Returns another LedResult object with the output of the command.
return self.__class__(
self._run_cmd(self._result, cmd), self._run_cmd)
def FlattenConfig(config_pool, mixin_pool, config):
mixins = config_pool[config]
vals = DefaultVals()
visited = []
FlattenMixins(mixin_pool, mixins, vals, visited)
return vals
def FlattenMixins(mixin_pool, mixins_to_flatten, vals, visited):
for m in mixins_to_flatten:
if m not in mixin_pool:
raise MBErr('Unknown mixin "%s"' % m)
mixin_vals = mixin_pool[m]
if 'args_file' in mixin_vals:
if vals['args_file']:
raise MBErr('args_file specified multiple times in mixins '
'for mixin %s' % m)
vals['args_file'] = mixin_vals['args_file']
if 'gn_args' in mixin_vals:
if vals['gn_args']:
vals['gn_args'] += ' ' + mixin_vals['gn_args']
vals['gn_args'] = mixin_vals['gn_args']
if 'mixins' in mixin_vals:
FlattenMixins(mixin_pool, mixin_vals['mixins'], vals, visited)
return vals
class MBErr(Exception):
# See and for the painful
# details of this next section, which handles escaping command lines
# so that they can be copied and pasted into a cmd window.
UNSAFE_FOR_SET = set('^<>&|')
UNSAFE_FOR_CMD = UNSAFE_FOR_SET.union(set('()%'))
def QuoteForSet(arg):
if any(a in UNSAFE_FOR_SET for a in arg):
arg = ''.join('^' + a if a in UNSAFE_FOR_SET else a for a in arg)
return arg
def QuoteForCmd(arg):
# First, escape the arg so that CommandLineToArgvW will parse it properly.
if arg == '' or ' ' in arg or '"' in arg:
quote_re = re.compile(r'(\\*)"')
arg = '"%s"' % (quote_re.sub(lambda mo: 2 * + '\\"', arg))
# Then check to see if the arg contains any metacharacters other than
# double quotes; if it does, quote everything (including the double
# quotes) for safety.
if any(a in UNSAFE_FOR_CMD for a in arg):
arg = ''.join('^' + a if a in ALL_META_CHARS else a for a in arg)
return arg
if __name__ == '__main__':