blob: 7fe8ae5969afc41f25dd4f1292fb6c86c7c98184 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.DialogInterface;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.CalledByNative;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.JNINamespace;
import org.chromium.components.autofill.AutofillDelegate;
import org.chromium.components.autofill.AutofillSuggestion;
import org.chromium.ui.DropdownItem;
import org.chromium.ui.base.WindowAndroid;
* JNI call glue for AutofillExternalDelagate C++ and Java objects.
* This provides an alternative UI for Autofill suggestions, and replaces AutofillPopupBridge when
* --enable-autofill-keyboard-accessory-view is passed on the command line.
public class AutofillKeyboardAccessoryViewBridge
implements AutofillDelegate, DialogInterface.OnClickListener {
private long mNativeAutofillKeyboardAccessory;
private ManualFillingComponent mManualFillingComponent;
private Context mContext;
private PropertyProvider<AutofillSuggestion[]> mChipProvider =
new PropertyProvider<>(AccessoryAction.AUTOFILL_SUGGESTION);
private AutofillKeyboardAccessoryViewBridge() {}
private static AutofillKeyboardAccessoryViewBridge create() {
return new AutofillKeyboardAccessoryViewBridge();
public void dismissed() {
if (mNativeAutofillKeyboardAccessory == 0) return;
public void suggestionSelected(int listIndex) {
if (mNativeAutofillKeyboardAccessory == 0) return;
nativeSuggestionSelected(mNativeAutofillKeyboardAccessory, listIndex);
public void deleteSuggestion(int listIndex) {
if (mNativeAutofillKeyboardAccessory == 0) return;
nativeDeletionRequested(mNativeAutofillKeyboardAccessory, listIndex);
public void accessibilityFocusCleared() {}
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
assert which == DialogInterface.BUTTON_POSITIVE;
if (mNativeAutofillKeyboardAccessory == 0) return;
* Initializes this object.
* This function should be called at most one time.
* @param nativeAutofillKeyboardAccessory Handle to the native counterpart.
* @param windowAndroid The window on which to show the suggestions.
* @param animationDurationMillis If 0, do not animate. Otherwise, animation duration in each
* direction. We reverse animation to scroll the first suggestion
* (which is a hint to call attention to the accessory) out of
* the viewport at the end of the reversed animation.
* @param shouldLimitLabelWidth If true, limit suggestion label width to 1/2 device's width.
private void init(long nativeAutofillKeyboardAccessory, WindowAndroid windowAndroid,
int animationDurationMillis, boolean shouldLimitLabelWidth) {
mContext = windowAndroid.getActivity().get();
assert mContext != null;
if (mContext instanceof ChromeActivity) {
mManualFillingComponent = ((ChromeActivity) mContext).getManualFillingComponent();
mManualFillingComponent.registerAutofillProvider(mChipProvider, this);
mNativeAutofillKeyboardAccessory = nativeAutofillKeyboardAccessory;
* Clears the reference to the native view.
private void resetNativeViewPointer() {
mNativeAutofillKeyboardAccessory = 0;
* Hides the Autofill view.
private void dismiss() {
mChipProvider.notifyObservers(new AutofillSuggestion[0]);
mContext = null;
* Shows an Autofill view with specified suggestions.
* @param suggestions Autofill suggestions to be displayed.
private void show(AutofillSuggestion[] suggestions, boolean isRtl) {
// Helper methods for AutofillSuggestion. These are copied from AutofillPopupBridge (which
// should
// eventually disappear).
private void confirmDeletion(String title, String body) throws Exception {
// TODO(fhorschig): If deletion is implemented, build a ModalDialogView!
throw new Exception("Not implemented yet!");
private static AutofillSuggestion[] createAutofillSuggestionArray(int size) {
return new AutofillSuggestion[size];
* @param array AutofillSuggestion array that should get a new suggestion added.
* @param index Index in the array where to place a new suggestion.
* @param label Suggested text. The text that's going to be filled in the focused field, with a
* few exceptions:
* <ul>
* <li>Credit card numbers are elided, e.g. "Visa ****-1234."</li>
* <li>The text "CLEAR FORM" will clear the filled in text.</li>
* <li>Empty text can be used to display only icons, e.g. for credit card scan
* or editing autofill settings.</li>
* </ul>
* @param sublabel Hint for the suggested text. The text that's going to be filled in the
* unfocused fields of the form. If {@see label} is empty, then this must be
* empty too.
* @param iconId The resource ID for the icon associated with the suggestion, or 0 for no icon.
* @param suggestionId Identifier for the suggestion type.
* @param isDeletable Whether the item can be deleted by the user.
private static void addToAutofillSuggestionArray(AutofillSuggestion[] array, int index,
String label, String sublabel, int iconId, int suggestionId, boolean isDeletable) {
int drawableId = iconId == 0 ? DropdownItem.NO_ICON : ResourceId.mapToDrawableId(iconId);
array[index] = new AutofillSuggestion(label, sublabel, drawableId,
false /* isIconAtStart */, suggestionId, isDeletable, false /* isMultilineLabel */,
false /* isBoldLabel */);
private native void nativeViewDismissed(long nativeAutofillKeyboardAccessoryView);
private native void nativeSuggestionSelected(
long nativeAutofillKeyboardAccessoryView, int listIndex);
private native void nativeDeletionRequested(
long nativeAutofillKeyboardAccessoryView, int listIndex);
private native void nativeDeletionConfirmed(long nativeAutofillKeyboardAccessoryView);