blob: f725ce4e9a897c6c259736738c50d08aa81cc694 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "extensions/common/extension_id.h"
struct ExtensionMsg_ExternalConnectionInfo;
struct ExtensionMsg_TabConnectionInfo;
namespace content {
class RenderFrame;
namespace extensions {
class NativeExtensionBindingsSystem;
class ScriptContext;
class ScriptContextSetIterable;
struct Message;
struct PortId;
// TODO(devlin): There is now only one RendererMessagingService (the
// NativeRendererMessagingService); consolidate the classes.
class RendererMessagingService {
explicit RendererMessagingService(
NativeExtensionBindingsSystem* bindings_system);
virtual ~RendererMessagingService();
// Checks whether the port exists in the given frame. If it does not, a reply
// is sent back to the browser.
void ValidateMessagePort(ScriptContextSetIterable* context_set,
const PortId& port_id,
content::RenderFrame* render_frame);
// Dispatches the onConnect content script messaging event to some contexts
// in |context_set|. If |restrict_to_render_frame| is specified, only contexts
// in that render frame will receive the message.
void DispatchOnConnect(ScriptContextSetIterable* context_set,
const PortId& target_port_id,
const std::string& channel_name,
const ExtensionMsg_TabConnectionInfo& source,
const ExtensionMsg_ExternalConnectionInfo& info,
content::RenderFrame* restrict_to_render_frame);
// Delivers a message sent using content script messaging to some of the
// contexts in |bindings_context_set|. If |restrict_to_render_frame| is
// specified, only contexts in that render view will receive the message.
void DeliverMessage(ScriptContextSetIterable* context_set,
const PortId& target_port_id,
const Message& message,
content::RenderFrame* restrict_to_render_frame);
// Dispatches the onDisconnect event in response to the channel being closed.
void DispatchOnDisconnect(ScriptContextSetIterable* context_set,
const PortId& port_id,
const std::string& error_message,
content::RenderFrame* restrict_to_render_frame);
// Helpers for the public methods to perform the action in a single
// ScriptContext.
void ValidateMessagePortInContext(const PortId& port_id,
bool* has_port,
ScriptContext* script_context);
void DispatchOnConnectToScriptContext(
const PortId& target_port_id,
const std::string& channel_name,
const ExtensionMsg_TabConnectionInfo* source,
const ExtensionMsg_ExternalConnectionInfo& info,
bool* port_created,
ScriptContext* script_context);
void DeliverMessageToScriptContext(const Message& message,
const PortId& target_port_id,
ScriptContext* script_context);
void DispatchOnDisconnectToScriptContext(const PortId& port_id,
const std::string& error_message,
ScriptContext* script_context);
// Returns true if the given |script_context| has a port with the given
// |port_id|.
virtual bool ContextHasMessagePort(ScriptContext* script_context,
const PortId& port_id) = 0;
// Dispatches the onConnect event to listeners in the given |script_context|.
virtual void DispatchOnConnectToListeners(
ScriptContext* script_context,
const PortId& target_port_id,
const ExtensionId& target_extension_id,
const std::string& channel_name,
const ExtensionMsg_TabConnectionInfo* source,
const ExtensionMsg_ExternalConnectionInfo& info,
const std::string& event_name) = 0;
// Dispatches the onMessage event to listeners in the given |script_context|.
// This will only be called if the context has a port with the given id.
virtual void DispatchOnMessageToListeners(ScriptContext* script_context,
const Message& message,
const PortId& target_port_id) = 0;
// Dispatches the onDisconnect event to listeners in the given
// |script_context|. This will only be called if the context has a port
// with the given id.
virtual void DispatchOnDisconnectToListeners(ScriptContext* script_context,
const PortId& port_id,
const std::string& error) = 0;
// The associated NativeExtensionBindingsSystem; guaranteed to outlive this
// object.
NativeExtensionBindingsSystem* const bindings_system_;
} // namespace extensions