blob: a113383c95169d1d10a4e66c89cc30fee14ee8fa [file] [log] [blame]
// This file is generated
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef HEADLESS_PUBLIC_DEVTOOLS_DOMAINS_{{domain.domain | camelcase_to_hacker_style | upper}}_H_
#define HEADLESS_PUBLIC_DEVTOOLS_DOMAINS_{{domain.domain | camelcase_to_hacker_style | upper}}_H_
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "headless/lib/browser/protocol/protocol_string.h"
{% for domain_name in domain.dependencies %}
#include "headless/public/devtools/domains/types_{{domain_name | camelcase_to_hacker_style}}.h"
{% endfor %}
#include "headless/public/headless_export.h"
#include "headless/public/internal/message_dispatcher.h"
{# Macro for defining a member function for a given command. #}
{% macro command_decl(command) %}
{% set method_name = | sanitize_literal | to_title_case %}
{% if command.description %}
// {{ command.description.replace('\n', '\n // ') }}
{% endif %}
void {{method_name}}(std::unique_ptr<{{method_name}}Params> params, base::OnceCallback<void(std::unique_ptr<{{method_name}}Result>)> callback = base::OnceCallback<void(std::unique_ptr<{{method_name}}Result>)>());
{# Generate convenience methods that take the required parameters directly. #}
{# Don't generate these for experimental commands. #}
{% if "parameters" in command and not command.experimental %}
void {{method_name}}({##}
{% for parameter in command.parameters -%}
{% if parameter.get("optional", False) -%}
{% break %}
{% endif %}
{% if not loop.first %}, {% endif %}
{{resolve_type(parameter).pass_type}} {{ | camelcase_to_hacker_style -}}
{% endfor %}
{% if command.get("parameters", []) and not command.parameters[0].get("optional", False) %}, {% endif %}{# -#}
{% if command.get("returns", []) -%}
base::OnceCallback<void(std::unique_ptr<{{method_name}}Result>)> callback = base::OnceCallback<void(std::unique_ptr<{{method_name}}Result>)>(){##}
{% else -%}
base::OnceClosure callback = base::OnceClosure(){##}
{% endif %});
{# If the command has no return value, generate a convenience method that #}
{# accepts a base::Closure together with the parameters object. #}
{% if not command.get("returns", []) %}
void {{method_name}}(std::unique_ptr<{{method_name}}Params> params, base::OnceClosure callback);
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
namespace headless {
namespace {{domain.domain | camelcase_to_hacker_style}} {
class HEADLESS_EXPORT ExperimentalDomain;
class HEADLESS_EXPORT ExperimentalObserver;
{% if "events" in domain %}
class HEADLESS_EXPORT ExperimentalObserver {
virtual ~ExperimentalObserver() {}
{% for event in %}
{% if event.description %}
// {{event.description.replace('\n', '\n // ')}}
{% endif %}
virtual void On{{ | to_title_case}}(const {{ | to_title_case}}Params& params) {}
{% endfor %}
class HEADLESS_EXPORT Observer : public ExperimentalObserver {
virtual ~Observer() {}
{% for event in %}
{% if event.description %}
// {% if event.experimental %}Experimental: {% endif %}{{event.description.replace('\n', '\n // ')}}
{% endif %}
virtual void On{{ | to_title_case}}(const {{ | to_title_case}}Params& params) {% if event.experimental %}final {% endif %}{}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if domain.description %}
// {{domain.description.replace('\n', '\n// ')}}
{% endif %}
class HEADLESS_EXPORT Domain {
{% if "events" in domain %}
// Add or remove an observer. |observer| must be removed before being
// destroyed.
void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
{% endif %}
// Return the experimental interface for this domain. Note that experimental
// commands may be changed or removed at any time.
ExperimentalDomain* GetExperimental();
{# Generate methods for each command. #}
{% for command in domain.commands %}
{# Skip experimental commands. #}
{% if command.experimental %}{% continue %}{% endif %}
{{ command_decl(command) }}
{% endfor %}
Domain(internal::MessageDispatcher* dispatcher);
{# Generate response handlers for commands that need them. #}
{% for command in domain.commands %}
{% if not "returns" in command %}{% continue %}{% endif %}
{% set method_name = | sanitize_literal | to_title_case %}
static void Handle{{method_name}}Response(base::OnceCallback<void(std::unique_ptr<{{method_name}}Result>)> callback, const base::Value& response);
{% endfor %}
{# Generate event dispatchers. #}
{% for event in %}
void Dispatch{{ | to_title_case}}Event(const base::Value& params);
{% endfor %}
internal::MessageDispatcher* dispatcher_; // Not owned.
{% if "events" in domain %}
base::ObserverList<ExperimentalObserver>::Unchecked observers_;
{% endif %}
{% if "events" in domain %}
void RegisterEventHandlersIfNeeded();
{% endif %}
{% if "events" in domain %}
bool event_handlers_registered_ = false;
{% endif %}
class ExperimentalDomain : public Domain {
ExperimentalDomain(internal::MessageDispatcher* dispatcher);
{% if "events" in domain %}
// Add or remove an observer. |observer| must be removed before being
// destroyed.
void AddObserver(ExperimentalObserver* observer);
void RemoveObserver(ExperimentalObserver* observer);
{% endif %}
{# Generate methods for each experimental command. #}
{% for command in domain.commands %}
{# Skip non-experimental commands. #}
{% if not command.experimental %}{% continue %}{% endif %}
{{ command_decl(command) }}
{% endfor %}
} // namespace {{domain.domain | camelcase_to_hacker_style}}
} // namespace headless
#endif // HEADLESS_PUBLIC_DEVTOOLS_DOMAINS_{{domain.domain | camelcase_to_hacker_style | upper}}_H_