blob: 3c87ecb78bd8d71fd1da1542572a51b886a2daf8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "components/subresource_filter/content/browser/verified_ruleset_dealer.h"
#include "components/subresource_filter/core/common/document_subresource_filter.h"
#include "components/subresource_filter/core/common/load_policy.h"
#include "components/subresource_filter/mojom/subresource_filter.mojom.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#include "url/origin.h"
namespace subresource_filter {
class MemoryMappedRuleset;
// Computes whether/how subresource filtering should be activated while loading
// |document_url| in a frame, based on the parent document's |activation_state|,
// the |parent_document_origin|, as well as any applicable deactivation rules in
// non-null |ruleset|.
mojom::ActivationState ComputeActivationState(
const GURL& document_url,
const url::Origin& parent_document_origin,
const mojom::ActivationState& parent_activation_state,
const MemoryMappedRuleset* ruleset);
// An asynchronous wrapper around DocumentSubresourceFilter (DSF).
// It is accessed on the UI thread and owns a DSF living on a dedicated
// sequenced |task_runner|. Provides asynchronous access to the DSF and destroys
// it asynchronously.
// Initially holds an empty filter in the synchronously created Core object, and
// initializes the filter on the |task_runner| asynchronously. This lets ADSF be
// created synchrously and be immediately used by clients on the UI thread,
// while the DSF is retrieved on the |task_runner| in a deferred manner.
class AsyncDocumentSubresourceFilter {
using LoadPolicyCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(LoadPolicy)>;
class Core;
// Encapsulates the parameters needed for computing the frame-level
// mojom::ActivationState appropriate for the frame this ADSF is created for.
// These parameters are posted to ADSF::Core during its initialization.
struct InitializationParams {
// Takes parameters needed for calculating the main-frame
// mojom::ActivationState, that is: the main-frame |document| URL, the
// page-level |activation_level|, and whether or not to
// |measure_performance|.
InitializationParams(GURL document_url,
mojom::ActivationLevel activation_level,
bool measure_performance);
// Takes parameters needed for calculating the sub-frame
// mojom::ActivationState, that is: the sub-frame |document| URL, the origin
// of its |parent|, as well as the parent's |activation_state|.
InitializationParams(GURL document_url,
url::Origin parent_document_origin,
mojom::ActivationState parent_activation_state);
InitializationParams(InitializationParams&& other);
InitializationParams& operator=(InitializationParams&& other);
// Parameters used to compute mojom::ActivationState for the |document|
// before creating a DocumentSubresourceFilter.
GURL document_url;
url::Origin parent_document_origin;
mojom::ActivationState parent_activation_state;
// Creates a Core and initializes it asynchronously on a |task_runner| using
// the supplied initialization |params| and a VerifiedRuleset taken from the
// |ruleset_handle|. The core remains owned by |this| object, but lives on
// (and is accessed on) the |task_runner|.
// Once the mojom::ActivationState for the current frame is calculated, it is
// reported back via |activation_state_callback| on the task runner associated
// with the current thread. If MemoryMappedRuleset is not present or
// malformed, then a default mojom::ActivationState is reported (with
// mojom::ActivationLevel equal to DISABLED).
// If deleted before |activation_state_callback| is called, the callback will
// never be called.
VerifiedRuleset::Handle* ruleset_handle,
InitializationParams params,
// Computes LoadPolicy on a |task_runner| and returns it back to the calling
// thread via |result_callback|. If MemoryMappedRuleset is not present or
// malformed, then a LoadPolicy::Allow is returned.
void GetLoadPolicyForSubdocument(const GURL& subdocument_url,
LoadPolicyCallback result_callback);
// Invokes |first_disallowed_load_callback|, if necessary, and posts a task to
// call DocumentSubresourceFilter::reportDisallowedCallback() on the
// |task_runner|.
void ReportDisallowedLoad();
// Should only be called for main frames. Updates |activation_state_| with the
// more accurate |updated_page_state|, but retains ruleset specific properties
// like document whitelisting. Must be called after initial activation state
// is computed.
// Posts a task to update the state in |core_|, so any calls to
// GetLoadPolicyForSubdocument that are called before this will get the old
// state.
void UpdateWithMoreAccurateState(
const mojom::ActivationState& updated_page_state);
// Must be called after activation state computation is finished.
const mojom::ActivationState& activation_state() const;
bool has_activation_state() const { return activation_state_.has_value(); }
// The |first_disallowed_load_callback|, if it is non-null, is invoked on the
// first ReportDisallowedLoad() call.
void set_first_disallowed_load_callback(base::OnceClosure callback) {
first_disallowed_load_callback_ = std::move(callback);
void OnActivateStateCalculated(
mojom::ActivationState activation_state);
// Note: Raw pointer, |core_| already holds a reference to |task_runner_|.
base::SequencedTaskRunner* task_runner_;
std::unique_ptr<Core, base::OnTaskRunnerDeleter> core_;
base::OnceClosure first_disallowed_load_callback_;
base::Optional<mojom::ActivationState> activation_state_;
base::SequenceChecker sequence_checker_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<AsyncDocumentSubresourceFilter> weak_ptr_factory_;
// Holds a DocumentSubresourceFilter that is created in a deferred manner in
// Initialize(), provided there is a valid ruleset to work with.
class AsyncDocumentSubresourceFilter::Core {
// Can return nullptr even after initialization in case MemoryMappedRuleset
// was not present, or was malformed during it.
DocumentSubresourceFilter* filter() {
return filter_ ? &filter_.value() : nullptr;
friend class AsyncDocumentSubresourceFilter;
// Updates the mojom::ActivationState in |filter_|.
void SetActivationState(const mojom::ActivationState& state);
// Computes mojom::ActivationState from |params| and initializes a DSF using
// it. Returns the computed activation state.
mojom::ActivationState Initialize(InitializationParams params,
VerifiedRuleset* verified_ruleset);
base::Optional<DocumentSubresourceFilter> filter_;
base::SequenceChecker sequence_checker_;
} // namespace subresource_filter