blob: d8753722de96478e49875db9d96f1bfe1745f9fc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module subresource_filter.mojom;
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
enum ActivationLevel {
struct ActivationState {
// The degree to which subresource filtering is activated for the page load.
ActivationLevel activation_level = kDisabled;
// Even when subresource filtering is activated at the page level, a document
// in the current frame (and/or ancestors thereof) may still match special
// filtering rules that specifically disable using certain types of rules for
// filtering subresources of that document (and/or of documents in descendent
// frames). See proto::ActivationType for details.
// |filtering_disabled_for_document| indicates whether the document in this
// frame is subject to a whitelist rule with DOCUMENT activation type.
// |generic_blocking_rules_disabled| indicates whether the document in this
// frame is subject to a whitelist rule with GENERICBLOCK activation type, and
// is only defined if |filtering_disabled_for_document| is false.
bool filtering_disabled_for_document = false;
bool generic_blocking_rules_disabled = false;
// Whether or not extended performance measurements are enabled for the
// current page load (across all frames).
bool measure_performance = false;
// Whether or not to log messages in the devtools console.
bool enable_logging = false;
// Contains statistics and performance metrics collected by the
// DocumentSubresourceFilter.
struct DocumentLoadStatistics {
// The number of subresource loads that went through the
// DocumentSubresouceFilter filtering methods.
int32 num_loads_total = 0;
// Statistics on the number of subresource loads that were evaluated, were
// matched by filtering rules, and were disallowed, respectively, during the
// lifetime of a DocumentSubresourceFilter.
int32 num_loads_evaluated = 0;
int32 num_loads_matching_rules = 0;
int32 num_loads_disallowed = 0;
// Total time spent in GetLoadPolicy() calls evaluating subresource loads.
mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta evaluation_total_wall_duration;
mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta evaluation_total_cpu_duration;
interface SubresourceFilterHost {
// Called the first time a subresource load is disallowed for the most
// recently committed document load in a frame. It is used to trigger a UI
// prompt to inform the user and allow them to turn off filtering.
// Called when a RenderFrame is created and is tagged as an ad subframe. The
// browser keeps track of this in case the frame later changes processes, at
// which point it will inform the new RenderFrame that it has been tagged as
// an ad via SubresourceFilterMsg_ActivateForNextCommittedLoad, at
// ReadyToCommitNavigation time.
// This is sent to a RenderFrameHost in the browser when a document load is
// finished, just before the DidFinishLoad message, and contains statistics
// collected by the DocumentSubresourceFilter up until that point: the number
// of subresources evaluated/disallowed/etc, and total time spent on
// evaluating subresource loads in its allowLoad method. The time metrics are
// equal to zero if performance measurements were disabled for the load.
SetDocumentLoadStatistics(DocumentLoadStatistics statistics);
interface SubresourceFilterAgent {
// Instructs the renderer to activate subresource filtering at the specified
// |activation_state| for the document load committed next in a frame.
// Most be called just before mojom::FrameNavigationControl::CommitNavigation,
// at ReadyToCommitNavigation time. If not called, the default behavior is
// mojom::ActivationLevel::kDisabled.
ActivateForNextCommittedLoad(ActivationState activation_state,
bool is_ad_subframe);