blob: cad149eaaded4d3bf561b28624ab72969e50bd4b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/md5.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/conflicts/module_database_observer_win.h"
#include "chrome/browser/conflicts/module_load_attempt_log_listener_win.h"
#include "chrome/browser/conflicts/proto/module_list.pb.h"
#include "chrome_elf/third_party_dlls/packed_list_format.h"
class ModuleListFilter;
struct CertificateInfo;
namespace base {
class SequencedTaskRunner;
// This class is responsible for maintaining the module blacklist cache, which
// is used by chrome_elf.dll to determine which module to block from loading
// into the process.
// Two things can happen that requires an update to the cache:
// 1. The Module Database becomes idle and this class identified new
// blacklisted modules. They must be added to the cache.
// 2. The module load attempt log was drained and contained blocked entries.
// Their timestamp in the cache must be updated.
// To coalesce these events and reduce the number of updates, a timer is started
// when the load attempt log is drained. Once expired, an update is triggered
// unless one was already done because of newly blacklisted modules.
// Additional implementation details about the module blacklist cache file:
// Because the file is written under the User Data directory, it is not possible
// for chrome_elf to find it by itself (see So the
// path to the file is written into a registry key, which solves the problem by
// making the already expanded path available.
// A consequence of this solution is that in some circumstances, multiple
// browser process will race to write the path to their blacklist file into a
// single registry key because the same registry key is shared between all User
// Data directories.
// This means that a browser instance launch using one User Data directory can
// potentially use the cache from another User Data directory instead of their
// own.
// This is acceptable given that all the caches contains more or less the same
// information and are interchangeable. Also, updates to the cache file and to
// the registry are atomic, guaranteeing that chrome_elf always reads a valid
// blacklist.
class ModuleBlacklistCacheUpdater : public ModuleDatabaseObserver {
// The decision that explains why a particular module was added to the
// blacklist or not.
// Note that this enum is very similar to the ModuleWarningDecision in
// IncompatibleApplicationsUpdater. This is done so that it is easier to keep
// the 2 features separate, as they can be independently enabled/disabled.
enum ModuleBlockingDecision {
// Explicitly defined as zero so it is the default value when a
// ModuleBlockingDecision variable is value-initialized
// (std::vector::resize()).
kUnknown = 0,
// A shell extension or IME that is not loaded in the process yet.
// Input method editors are allowed.
// Allowed because the certificate's subject of the module matches the
// certificate's subject of the executable. The certificate is not
// validated.
// Allowed because the path of the executable is the parent of the path of
// the module. Only used in non-official builds.
// Allowed because it is signed by Microsoft. The certificate is not
// validated.
// Explicitly whitelisted by the Module List component.
// Unwanted, but allowed to load by the Module List component. This is
// usually because blocking the module would cause more stability issues
// than allowing it. If the IncompatibleApplicationsWarning feature is
// enabled, this module may cause a warning, depending on if it can be tied
// back to an installed application.
// Blacklisted and will be blocked next launch.
struct CacheUpdateResult {
base::MD5Digest old_md5_digest;
base::MD5Digest new_md5_digest;
using OnCacheUpdatedCallback =
base::RepeatingCallback<void(const CacheUpdateResult&)>;
// The amount of time the timer will run before triggering an update of the
// cache.
static constexpr base::TimeDelta kUpdateTimerDuration =
// Creates an instance of the updater. The callback will be invoked every time
// the cache is updated.
// The parameters must outlive the lifetime of this class.
// The ModuleListFilter is taken by scoped_refptr since it will be used in a
// background sequence.
ModuleDatabaseEventSource* module_database_event_source,
const CertificateInfo& exe_certificate_info,
scoped_refptr<ModuleListFilter> module_list_filter,
OnCacheUpdatedCallback on_cache_updated_callback);
~ModuleBlacklistCacheUpdater() override;
// Returns true if the blocking of third-party modules is enabled. The return
// value will not change throughout the lifetime of the process.
static bool IsThirdPartyModuleBlockingEnabled();
// Returns the path to the module blacklist cache.
static base::FilePath GetModuleBlacklistCachePath();
// Deletes the module blacklist cache. This disables the blocking of third-
// party modules for the next browser launch.
static void DeleteModuleBlacklistCache();
// ModuleDatabaseObserver:
void OnNewModuleFound(const ModuleInfoKey& module_key,
const ModuleInfoData& module_data) override;
void OnKnownModuleLoaded(const ModuleInfoKey& module_key,
const ModuleInfoData& module_data) override;
void OnModuleDatabaseIdle() override;
// Callback for |module_load_attempt_log_listener_|;
void OnNewModulesBlocked(
std::vector<third_party_dlls::PackedListModule>&& blocked_modules);
// Returns the blocking decision for a module.
ModuleBlockingDecision GetModuleBlockingDecision(
ModuleInfoKey module_key) const;
void OnTimerExpired();
// Posts the task to update the cache on |background_sequence_|.
void StartModuleBlacklistCacheUpdate();
// Invoked on the sequence that owns this instance when the cache is updated.
void OnModuleBlacklistCacheUpdated(const CacheUpdateResult& result);
ModuleDatabaseEventSource* const module_database_event_source_;
const CertificateInfo& exe_certificate_info_;
scoped_refptr<ModuleListFilter> module_list_filter_;
OnCacheUpdatedCallback on_cache_updated_callback_;
// The sequence on which the module blacklist cache file is updated.
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> background_sequence_;
// Temporarily holds newly blacklisted modules before they are added to the
// module blacklist cache.
std::vector<third_party_dlls::PackedListModule> newly_blacklisted_modules_;
ModuleLoadAttemptLogListener module_load_attempt_log_listener_;
// Temporarily holds modules that were blocked from loading into the browser
// until they are used to update the cache.
std::vector<third_party_dlls::PackedListModule> blocked_modules_;
// Ensures that the cache is updated when new blocked modules arrives even if
// OnModuleDatabaseIdle() is never called again.
base::OneShotTimer timer_;
// Holds the blocking decision for all known modules. The index is the module
// id.
std::vector<ModuleBlockingDecision> module_blocking_decisions_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<ModuleBlacklistCacheUpdater> weak_ptr_factory_;