blob: 5d41069dea26815487bbd41a6ce4973c02748e02 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef EphemeralRange_h
#define EphemeralRange_h
#include "core/editing/Position.h"
namespace blink {
class Document;
class Range;
// Unlike |Range| objects, |EphemeralRangeTemplate| objects aren't relocated.
// You should not use |EphemeralRangeTemplate| objects after DOM modification.
// EphemeralRangeTemplate is supposed to use returning or passing start and end
// position.
// Example usage:
// RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Range> range = produceRange();
// consumeRange(range.get());
// ... no DOM modification ...
// consumeRange2(range.get());
// Above code should be:
// EphemeralRangeTemplate range = produceRange();
// consumeRange(range);
// ... no DOM modification ...
// consumeRange2(range);
// Because of |Range| objects consume heap memory and inserted into |Range|
// object list in |Document| for relocation. These operations are redundant
// if |Range| objects doesn't live after DOM mutation.
template <typename Strategy>
class CORE_TEMPLATE_CLASS_EXPORT EphemeralRangeTemplate final {
EphemeralRangeTemplate(const PositionAlgorithm<Strategy>& start, const PositionAlgorithm<Strategy>& end);
EphemeralRangeTemplate(const EphemeralRangeTemplate& other);
// |position| should be |Position::isNull()| or in-document.
explicit EphemeralRangeTemplate(const PositionAlgorithm<Strategy>& /* position */);
// When |range| is nullptr, |EphemeralRangeTemplate| is |isNull()|.
explicit EphemeralRangeTemplate(const Range* /* range */);
EphemeralRangeTemplate<Strategy>& operator=(const EphemeralRangeTemplate<Strategy>& other);
bool operator==(const EphemeralRangeTemplate<Strategy>& other) const;
bool operator!=(const EphemeralRangeTemplate<Strategy>& other) const;
Document& document() const;
PositionAlgorithm<Strategy> startPosition() const;
PositionAlgorithm<Strategy> endPosition() const;
// Returns true if |m_startPositoin| == |m_endPosition| or |isNull()|.
bool isCollapsed() const;
bool isNull() const
return m_startPosition.isNull();
bool isNotNull() const { return !isNull(); }
// |node| should be in-document and valid for anchor node of
// |PositionAlgorithm<Strategy>|.
static EphemeralRangeTemplate<Strategy> rangeOfContents(const Node& /* node */);
bool isValid() const;
PositionAlgorithm<Strategy> m_startPosition;
PositionAlgorithm<Strategy> m_endPosition;
uint64_t m_domTreeVersion;
extern template class CORE_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_EXPORT EphemeralRangeTemplate<EditingStrategy>;
using EphemeralRange = EphemeralRangeTemplate<EditingStrategy>;
extern template class CORE_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_EXPORT EphemeralRangeTemplate<EditingInComposedTreeStrategy>;
using EphemeralRangeInComposedTree = EphemeralRangeTemplate<EditingInComposedTreeStrategy>;
// Returns a newly created |Range| object from |range| or |nullptr| if
// |range.isNull()| returns true.
CORE_EXPORT PassRefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Range> createRange(const EphemeralRange& /* range */);
} // namespace blink