Publish DEPS for 71.0.3578.17
diff --git a/DEPS b/DEPS
index 2a6cc04..0bc66fa 100644
--- a/DEPS
+++ b/DEPS
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
 vars = {
+  "buildspec_platforms": "win, ios, linux64, chromeos, win64, android, mac64",
   # Variable that can be used to support multiple build scenarios, like having
   # Chromium specific targets in a client project's GN file or sync dependencies
   # conditionally etc.
@@ -105,11 +106,11 @@
   # Three lines of non-changing comments so that
   # the commit queue can handle CLs rolling Skia
   # and whatever else without interference from each other.
-  'skia_revision': 'refs/heads/chrome/m71',
+  'skia_revision': '9c37cd96e4c8158643dbde6fd3eda1b42e267bec',
   # Three lines of non-changing comments so that
   # the commit queue can handle CLs rolling V8
   # and whatever else without interference from each other.
-  'v8_revision': 'refs/heads/7.1-lkgr',
+  'v8_revision': '3298be44af5c5b59a08546d9bb27b5b0db8b4b04',
   # Three lines of non-changing comments so that
   # the commit queue can handle CLs rolling swarming_client
   # and whatever else without interference from each other.
@@ -117,11 +118,11 @@
   # Three lines of non-changing comments so that
   # the commit queue can handle CLs rolling ANGLE
   # and whatever else without interference from each other.
-  'angle_revision': 'refs/heads/chromium/3578',
+  'angle_revision': 'f2ed299569c0075e83c8f42e44345ffada9231b9',
   # Three lines of non-changing comments so that
   # the commit queue can handle CLs rolling build tools
   # and whatever else without interference from each other.
-  'buildtools_revision': 'refs/heads/chromium/3578',
+  'buildtools_revision': '2dff9c9c74e9d732e6fe57c84ef7fd044cc45d96',
   # Three lines of non-changing comments so that
   # the commit queue can handle CLs rolling SwiftShader
   # and whatever else without interference from each other.
@@ -129,7 +130,7 @@
   # Three lines of non-changing comments so that
   # the commit queue can handle CLs rolling PDFium
   # and whatever else without interference from each other.
-  'pdfium_revision': 'refs/heads/chromium/3578',
+  'pdfium_revision': 'c7f66edd224446deefe68506b7ebed871eb5c8c2',
   # Three lines of non-changing comments so that
   # the commit queue can handle CLs rolling openmax_dl
   # and whatever else without interference from each other.
@@ -1106,7 +1107,7 @@
     Var('chromium_git') + '/external/khronosgroup/webgl.git' + '@' + '6d2f3f4cb8bac1f7c4a945c73d07a33df74f22f9',
-    Var('webrtc_git') + '/src.git' + '@' + 'refs/branch-heads/71',
+    Var('webrtc_git') + '/src.git' + '@' + 'cac376c286f21956eb41095af791f7e368e6e22a',
   'src/third_party/xdg-utils': {
       'url': Var('chromium_git') + '/chromium/deps/xdg-utils.git' + '@' + 'd80274d5869b17b8c9067a1022e4416ee7ed5e0d',
@@ -1137,7 +1138,7 @@
     Var('chromium_git') + '/v8/v8.git' + '@' +  Var('v8_revision'),
   'src-internal': {
-    'url': '',
+    'url': '',
     'condition': 'checkout_src_internal',