blob: 57c623dca8777f72a0ad5e4cc73771126b7c507e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/wm/overview/overview_window_drag_controller.h"
#include <memory>
#include "ash/screen_util.h"
#include "ash/shell.h"
#include "ash/wm/overview/overview_utils.h"
#include "ash/wm/overview/window_grid.h"
#include "ash/wm/overview/window_selector.h"
#include "ash/wm/overview/window_selector_item.h"
#include "ash/wm/splitview/split_view_constants.h"
#include "ash/wm/splitview/split_view_drag_indicators.h"
#include "ash/wm/window_positioning_utils.h"
#include "base/numerics/ranges.h"
#include "ui/aura/window.h"
#include "ui/wm/core/coordinate_conversion.h"
namespace ash {
namespace {
// The amount of distance from the start of drag the item needs to be dragged
// vertically for it to be closed on release.
constexpr float kDragToCloseDistanceThresholdDp = 160.f;
// The minimum distance that will be considered as a drag event.
constexpr int kMinimumDragDistanceDp = 5;
// Items dragged to within |kDistanceFromEdgeDp| of the screen will get snapped
// even if they have not moved by |kMinimumDragDistanceDp|.
constexpr int kDistanceFromEdgeDp = 16;
// The minimum distance that an item must be moved before it is snapped. This
// prevents accidental snaps.
constexpr int kMinimumDragToSnapDistanceDp = 96;
// The minimum distance that an item must be moved before it is considered a
// drag event, if the drag starts in one of the snap regions.
constexpr int kMinimumDragDistanceAlreadyInSnapRegionDp = 48;
// Flings with less velocity than this will not close the dragged item.
constexpr float kFlingToCloseVelocityThreshold = 2000.f;
constexpr float kItemMinOpacity = 0.4f;
} // namespace
WindowSelector* window_selector)
: window_selector_(window_selector),
split_view_controller_(Shell::Get()->split_view_controller()) {}
OverviewWindowDragController::~OverviewWindowDragController() = default;
void OverviewWindowDragController::InitiateDrag(
WindowSelectorItem* item,
const gfx::Point& location_in_screen) {
item_ = item;
previous_event_location_ = location_in_screen;
initial_event_location_ = location_in_screen;
if (SplitViewController::ShouldAllowSplitView()) {
started_in_snap_region_ =
GetSnapPosition(location_in_screen) != SplitViewController::NONE;
current_drag_behavior_ = DragBehavior::kUndefined;
void OverviewWindowDragController::Drag(const gfx::Point& location_in_screen) {
if (!did_move_) {
gfx::Vector2d distance = location_in_screen - previous_event_location_;
// Do not start dragging if the distance from |location_in_screen| to
// |previous_event_location_| is not greater than |kMinimumDragDistanceDp|.
if (std::abs(distance.x()) < kMinimumDragDistanceDp &&
std::abs(distance.y()) < kMinimumDragDistanceDp) {
if (IsOverviewSwipeToCloseEnabled() &&
std::abs(distance.x()) < std::abs(distance.y())) {
current_drag_behavior_ = DragBehavior::kDragToClose;
original_opacity_ = item_->GetOpacity();
did_move_ = true;
} else if (SplitViewController::ShouldAllowSplitView()) {
int x_offset = 0;
// Update the state based on the drag behavior.
if (current_drag_behavior_ == DragBehavior::kDragToClose) {
// Update |item_|'s opacity based on its distance. |item_|'s x coordinate
// should not change while in drag to close state.
float val = std::abs(static_cast<float>(location_in_screen.y()) -
initial_event_location_.y()) /
->UpdateNudge(item_, val);
val = base::ClampToRange(val, 0.f, 1.f);
float opacity = original_opacity_;
if (opacity > kItemMinOpacity)
opacity = original_opacity_ - val * (original_opacity_ - kItemMinOpacity);
} else if (current_drag_behavior_ == DragBehavior::kDragToSnap) {
x_offset = location_in_screen.x() - previous_event_location_.x();
// Update the split view divider bar status if necessary. If splitview is
// active when dragging the overview window, the split divider bar should be
// placed below the dragged window during dragging.
if (SplitViewController::ShouldAllowSplitView())
// Update the dragged |item_|'s bounds accordingly.
gfx::Rect bounds(item_->target_bounds());
location_in_screen.y() - previous_event_location_.y());
item_->SetBounds(bounds, OVERVIEW_ANIMATION_NONE);
previous_event_location_ = location_in_screen;
void OverviewWindowDragController::CompleteDrag(
const gfx::Point& location_in_screen) {
// Update the split view divider bar stuatus if necessary. The divider bar
// should be placed above the dragged window after drag ends. Note here the
// passed paramters |snap_position_| and |location_in_screen| won't be used in
// this function for this case, but they are passed in as placeholders.
if (SplitViewController::ShouldAllowSplitView()) {
item_->GetWindow(), snap_position_, location_in_screen);
// Update window grid bounds and |snap_position_| in case the screen
// orientation was changed.
if (current_drag_behavior_ == DragBehavior::kDragToSnap) {
IndicatorState::kNone, gfx::Point());
if (!did_move_) {
} else if (current_drag_behavior_ == DragBehavior::kDragToClose) {
// If we are in drag to close mode close the window if it has been dragged
// enough, otherwise reposition it and set its opacity back to its original
// value.
if (std::abs((location_in_screen - initial_event_location_).y()) >
kDragToCloseDistanceThresholdDp) {
(location_in_screen - initial_event_location_).y() < 0);
} else {
} else if (current_drag_behavior_ == DragBehavior::kDragToSnap) {
// If the window was dragged around but should not be snapped, move it back
// to overview window grid.
if (!ShouldUpdateDragIndicatorsOrSnap(location_in_screen) ||
snap_position_ == SplitViewController::NONE) {
} else {
did_move_ = false;
item_ = nullptr;
current_drag_behavior_ = DragBehavior::kNoDrag;
void OverviewWindowDragController::StartSplitViewDragMode(
const gfx::Point& location_in_screen) {
did_move_ = true;
current_drag_behavior_ = DragBehavior::kDragToSnap;
? IndicatorState::kDragArea
: IndicatorState::kCannotSnap,
void OverviewWindowDragController::Fling(const gfx::Point& location_in_screen,
float velocity_x,
float velocity_y) {
if (current_drag_behavior_ == DragBehavior::kDragToClose ||
current_drag_behavior_ == DragBehavior::kUndefined) {
if (std::abs(velocity_y) > kFlingToCloseVelocityThreshold) {
if (SplitViewController::ShouldAllowSplitView()) {
item_->GetWindow(), snap_position_, location_in_screen);
(location_in_screen - initial_event_location_).y() < 0);
did_move_ = false;
item_ = nullptr;
current_drag_behavior_ = DragBehavior::kNoDrag;
// If the fling velocity was not high enough, or flings should be ignored,
// treat it as a scroll end event.
void OverviewWindowDragController::ActivateDraggedWindow() {
// If no drag was initiated (e.g., a click/tap on the overview window),
// activate the window. If the split view is active and has a left window,
// snap the current window to right. If the split view is active and has a
// right window, snap the current window to left. If split view is active
// and the selected window cannot be snapped, exit splitview and activate
// the selected window, and also exit the overview.
SplitViewController::State split_state = split_view_controller_->state();
if (!SplitViewController::ShouldAllowSplitView() ||
split_state == SplitViewController::NO_SNAP) {
} else if (split_view_controller_->CanSnap(item_->GetWindow())) {
SnapWindow(split_state == SplitViewController::LEFT_SNAPPED
? SplitViewController::RIGHT
: SplitViewController::LEFT);
} else {
current_drag_behavior_ = DragBehavior::kNoDrag;
void OverviewWindowDragController::ResetGesture() {
if (SplitViewController::ShouldAllowSplitView()) {
IndicatorState::kNone, gfx::Point());
// This function gets called after a long press release, which bypasses
// CompleteDrag but stops dragging as well, so reset |item_|.
item_ = nullptr;
current_drag_behavior_ = DragBehavior::kNoDrag;
void OverviewWindowDragController::ResetWindowSelector() {
window_selector_ = nullptr;
void OverviewWindowDragController::UpdateDragIndicatorsAndWindowGrid(
const gfx::Point& location_in_screen) {
if (!ShouldUpdateDragIndicatorsOrSnap(location_in_screen))
// Attempt to update the drag indicators and move the window grid only if the
// window is snappable.
if (!split_view_controller_->CanSnap(item_->GetWindow())) {
snap_position_ = SplitViewController::NONE;
SplitViewController::SnapPosition last_snap_position = snap_position_;
snap_position_ = GetSnapPosition(location_in_screen);
// If there is no current snapped window, update the window grid size if the
// dragged window can be snapped if dropped.
if (split_view_controller_->state() == SplitViewController::NO_SNAP &&
snap_position_ != last_snap_position) {
// Do not reposition the item that is currently being dragged.
GetGridBounds(snap_position_), item_);
// Show the cannot snap ui on the split view drag indicators if the window
// cannot be snapped, otherwise show the drag ui.
if (snap_position_ == SplitViewController::NONE) {
? IndicatorState::kDragArea
: IndicatorState::kCannotSnap,
// Display the preview area on the split view drag indicators. The split
// view drag indicators will calculate the preview area bounds.
snap_position_ == SplitViewController::LEFT
? IndicatorState::kPreviewAreaLeft
: IndicatorState::kPreviewAreaRight,
bool OverviewWindowDragController::ShouldUpdateDragIndicatorsOrSnap(
const gfx::Point& event_location) {
auto snap_position = GetSnapPosition(event_location);
const bool inverted =
// Note: in some orientations SplitViewController::LEFT is not physically on
// the left/top.
const bool on_the_left_or_top =
(!inverted && snap_position == SplitViewController::LEFT) ||
(inverted && snap_position == SplitViewController::RIGHT);
// Snap the window if it is less than |kDistanceFromEdgeDp| from the edge.
const bool landscape =
gfx::Rect area(
::wm::ConvertRectToScreen(item_->GetWindow()->GetRootWindow(), &area);
area.Inset(kDistanceFromEdgeDp, kDistanceFromEdgeDp);
if ((landscape &&
(event_location.x() < area.x() || event_location.x() > area.right())) ||
(!landscape &&
(event_location.y() < area.y() || event_location.y() > area.bottom()))) {
return true;
// The drag indicators can update or the item can snap even if the drag events
// are in the snap region, if the event has travelled past the threshold in
// the direction of the attempted snap region.
const gfx::Vector2d distance = event_location - initial_event_location_;
// Check the x-axis distance for landscape, y-axis distance for portrait.
const int distance_scalar = landscape ? distance.x() : distance.y();
// If not started in a snap region, snap if the item has been dragged
// |kMinimumDragDistanceDp|. This prevents accidental snaps.
if (!started_in_snap_region_ &&
std::abs(distance_scalar) > kMinimumDragToSnapDistanceDp) {
return true;
if (snap_position == SplitViewController::NONE) {
// If the event started in a snap region, but has since moved out set
// |started_in_snap_region_| to false. |event_location| is guarenteed to not
// be in a snap region so that the drag indicators are shown correctly and
// the snap mechanism works normally for the rest of the drag.
started_in_snap_region_ = false;
return true;
// If the snap region is physically on the left/top side of the device, check
// that |distance_scalar| is less than
// -|kMinimumDragDistanceAlreadyInSnapRegionDp|. If the snap region is
// physically on the right/bottom side of the device, check that
// |distance_scalar| is greater than
// |kMinimumDragDistanceAlreadyInSnapRegionDp|.
return on_the_left_or_top
? distance_scalar <= -kMinimumDragDistanceAlreadyInSnapRegionDp
: distance_scalar >= kMinimumDragDistanceAlreadyInSnapRegionDp;
SplitViewController::SnapPosition OverviewWindowDragController::GetSnapPosition(
const gfx::Point& location_in_screen) const {
gfx::Rect area(
::wm::ConvertRectToScreen(item_->GetWindow()->GetRootWindow(), &area);
const bool is_landscape =
const bool is_primary =
// If split view mode is active at the moment, and dragging an overview window
// to snap it to a position that already has a snapped window in place, we
// should show the preview window as soon as the window past the split divider
// bar.
if (split_view_controller_->IsSplitViewModeActive()) {
const int position =
is_landscape ? location_in_screen.x() : location_in_screen.y();
SplitViewController::SnapPosition default_snap_position =
// If we're trying to snap to a position that already has a snapped window:
const bool re_snap =
is_primary == (position < split_view_controller_->divider_position() ==
(default_snap_position == SplitViewController::LEFT));
if (re_snap)
return default_snap_position;
if (is_landscape) {
// The window can be snapped if it reaches close enough to the screen
// edge of the screen (on primary axis). The edge insets are a fixed ratio
// of the screen plus some padding. This matches the drag indicators ui.
const int screen_edge_inset_for_drag =
area.width() * kHighlightScreenPrimaryAxisRatio +
area.Inset(screen_edge_inset_for_drag, 0);
if (location_in_screen.x() <= area.x()) {
return is_primary ? SplitViewController::LEFT
: SplitViewController::RIGHT;
if (location_in_screen.x() >= area.right() - 1) {
return is_primary ? SplitViewController::RIGHT
: SplitViewController::LEFT;
return SplitViewController::NONE;
} else {
const int screen_edge_inset_for_drag =
area.height() * kHighlightScreenPrimaryAxisRatio +
area.Inset(0, screen_edge_inset_for_drag);
if (location_in_screen.y() <= area.y()) {
return is_primary ? SplitViewController::LEFT
: SplitViewController::RIGHT;
if (location_in_screen.y() >= area.bottom() - 1) {
return is_primary ? SplitViewController::RIGHT
: SplitViewController::LEFT;
return SplitViewController::NONE;
gfx::Rect OverviewWindowDragController::GetGridBounds(
SplitViewController::SnapPosition snap_position) {
aura::Window* pending_snapped_window = item_->GetWindow();
switch (snap_position) {
case SplitViewController::NONE:
return gfx::Rect(split_view_controller_->GetDisplayWorkAreaBoundsInParent(
case SplitViewController::LEFT:
return split_view_controller_->GetSnappedWindowBoundsInScreen(
pending_snapped_window, SplitViewController::RIGHT);
case SplitViewController::RIGHT:
return split_view_controller_->GetSnappedWindowBoundsInScreen(
pending_snapped_window, SplitViewController::LEFT);
return gfx::Rect();
void OverviewWindowDragController::SnapWindow(
SplitViewController::SnapPosition snap_position) {
DCHECK_NE(snap_position, SplitViewController::NONE);
// |item_| will be deleted after SplitViewController::SnapWindow().
split_view_controller_->SnapWindow(item_->GetWindow(), snap_position);
item_ = nullptr;
} // namespace ash