blob: d8ae093a99b2e2a1f0e337babefcd4d70236789a [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Script to generate the majority of the JSON files in the src/testing/buildbot
directory. Maintaining these files by hand is too unwieldy.
import argparse
import ast
import collections
import copy
import difflib
import itertools
import json
import os
import string
import sys
import traceback
THIS_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
class BBGenErr(Exception):
def __init__(self, message):
super(BBGenErr, self).__init__(message)
# This class is only present to accommodate certain machines on
# which run certain tests as instrumentation
# tests, but not as gtests. If this discrepancy were fixed then the
# notion could be removed.
class TestSuiteTypes(object):
GTEST = 'gtest'
class BaseGenerator(object):
def __init__(self, bb_gen):
self.bb_gen = bb_gen
def generate(self, waterfall, tester_name, tester_config, input_tests):
raise NotImplementedError()
def sort(self, tests):
raise NotImplementedError()
def cmp_tests(a, b):
# Prefer to compare based on the "test" key.
val = cmp(a['test'], b['test'])
if val != 0:
return val
if 'name' in a and 'name' in b:
return cmp(a['name'], b['name']) # pragma: no cover
if 'name' not in a and 'name' not in b:
return 0 # pragma: no cover
# Prefer to put variants of the same test after the first one.
if 'name' in a:
return 1
# 'name' is in b.
return -1 # pragma: no cover
class GPUTelemetryTestGenerator(BaseGenerator):
def __init__(self, bb_gen):
super(GPUTelemetryTestGenerator, self).__init__(bb_gen)
def generate(self, waterfall, tester_name, tester_config, input_tests):
isolated_scripts = []
for test_name, test_config in sorted(input_tests.iteritems()):
test = self.bb_gen.generate_gpu_telemetry_test(
waterfall, tester_name, tester_config, test_name, test_config)
if test:
return isolated_scripts
def sort(self, tests):
return sorted(tests, key=lambda x: x['name'])
class GTestGenerator(BaseGenerator):
def __init__(self, bb_gen):
super(GTestGenerator, self).__init__(bb_gen)
def generate(self, waterfall, tester_name, tester_config, input_tests):
# The relative ordering of some of the tests is important to
# minimize differences compared to the handwritten JSON files, since
# Python's sorts are stable and there are some tests with the same
# key (see gles2_conform_d3d9_test and similar variants). Avoid
# losing the order by avoiding coalescing the dictionaries into one.
gtests = []
for test_name, test_config in sorted(input_tests.iteritems()):
test = self.bb_gen.generate_gtest(
waterfall, tester_name, tester_config, test_name, test_config)
if test:
# generate_gtest may veto the test generation on this tester.
return gtests
def sort(self, tests):
return sorted(tests, cmp=cmp_tests)
class IsolatedScriptTestGenerator(BaseGenerator):
def __init__(self, bb_gen):
super(IsolatedScriptTestGenerator, self).__init__(bb_gen)
def generate(self, waterfall, tester_name, tester_config, input_tests):
isolated_scripts = []
for test_name, test_config in sorted(input_tests.iteritems()):
test = self.bb_gen.generate_isolated_script_test(
waterfall, tester_name, tester_config, test_name, test_config)
if test:
return isolated_scripts
def sort(self, tests):
return sorted(tests, key=lambda x: x['name'])
class ScriptGenerator(BaseGenerator):
def __init__(self, bb_gen):
super(ScriptGenerator, self).__init__(bb_gen)
def generate(self, waterfall, tester_name, tester_config, input_tests):
scripts = []
for test_name, test_config in sorted(input_tests.iteritems()):
test = self.bb_gen.generate_script_test(
waterfall, tester_name, tester_config, test_name, test_config)
if test:
return scripts
def sort(self, tests):
return sorted(tests, key=lambda x: x['name'])
class JUnitGenerator(BaseGenerator):
def __init__(self, bb_gen):
super(JUnitGenerator, self).__init__(bb_gen)
def generate(self, waterfall, tester_name, tester_config, input_tests):
scripts = []
for test_name, test_config in sorted(input_tests.iteritems()):
test = self.bb_gen.generate_junit_test(
waterfall, tester_name, tester_config, test_name, test_config)
if test:
return scripts
def sort(self, tests):
return sorted(tests, key=lambda x: x['test'])
class CTSGenerator(BaseGenerator):
def __init__(self, bb_gen):
super(CTSGenerator, self).__init__(bb_gen)
def generate(self, waterfall, tester_name, tester_config, input_tests):
# These only contain one entry and it's the contents of the input tests'
# dictionary, verbatim.
cts_tests = []
return cts_tests
def sort(self, tests):
return tests
class InstrumentationTestGenerator(BaseGenerator):
def __init__(self, bb_gen):
super(InstrumentationTestGenerator, self).__init__(bb_gen)
def generate(self, waterfall, tester_name, tester_config, input_tests):
scripts = []
for test_name, test_config in sorted(input_tests.iteritems()):
test = self.bb_gen.generate_instrumentation_test(
waterfall, tester_name, tester_config, test_name, test_config)
if test:
return scripts
def sort(self, tests):
return sorted(tests, cmp=cmp_tests)
class BBJSONGenerator(object):
def __init__(self):
self.this_dir = THIS_DIR
self.args = None
self.waterfalls = None
self.test_suites = None
self.exceptions = None
self.mixins = None
def generate_abs_file_path(self, relative_path):
return os.path.join(self.this_dir, relative_path) # pragma: no cover
def print_line(self, line):
# Exists so that tests can mock
print line # pragma: no cover
def read_file(self, relative_path):
with open(self.generate_abs_file_path(
relative_path)) as fp: # pragma: no cover
return # pragma: no cover
def write_file(self, relative_path, contents):
with open(self.generate_abs_file_path(
relative_path), 'wb') as fp: # pragma: no cover
fp.write(contents) # pragma: no cover
def pyl_file_path(self, filename):
if self.args and self.args.pyl_files_dir:
return os.path.join(self.args.pyl_files_dir, filename)
return filename
def load_pyl_file(self, filename):
return ast.literal_eval(self.read_file(
except (SyntaxError, ValueError) as e: # pragma: no cover
raise BBGenErr('Failed to parse pyl file "%s": %s' %
(filename, e)) # pragma: no cover
# TOOD(kbr): require that os_type be specified for all bots in waterfalls.pyl.
# Currently it is only mandatory for bots which run GPU tests. Change these to
# use [] instead of .get().
def is_android(self, tester_config):
return tester_config.get('os_type') == 'android'
def is_linux(self, tester_config):
return tester_config.get('os_type') == 'linux'
def get_exception_for_test(self, test_name, test_config):
# gtests may have both "test" and "name" fields, and usually, if the "name"
# field is specified, it means that the same test is being repurposed
# multiple times with different command line arguments. To handle this case,
# prefer to lookup per the "name" field of the test itself, as opposed to
# the "test_name", which is actually the "test" field.
if 'name' in test_config:
return self.exceptions.get(test_config['name'])
return self.exceptions.get(test_name)
def should_run_on_tester(self, waterfall, tester_name,test_name, test_config):
# Currently, the only reason a test should not run on a given tester is that
# it's in the exceptions. (Once the GPU waterfall generation script is
# incorporated here, the rules will become more complex.)
exception = self.get_exception_for_test(test_name, test_config)
if not exception:
return True
remove_from = None
remove_from = exception.get('remove_from')
if remove_from:
if tester_name in remove_from:
return False
# TODO(kbr): this code path was added for some tests (including
# android_webview_unittests) on one machine (Nougat Phone
# Tester) which exists with the same name on two waterfalls,
# and; the tests are run on one
# but not the other. Once the bots are all uniquely named (a
# different ongoing project) this code should be removed.
# TODO(kbr): add coverage.
return (tester_name + ' ' + waterfall['name']
not in remove_from) # pragma: no cover
return True
def get_test_modifications(self, test, test_name, tester_name):
exception = self.get_exception_for_test(test_name, test)
if not exception:
return None
return exception.get('modifications', {}).get(tester_name)
def merge_command_line_args(self, arr, prefix, splitter):
prefix_len = len(prefix)
idx = 0
first_idx = -1
accumulated_args = []
while idx < len(arr):
flag = arr[idx]
delete_current_entry = False
if flag.startswith(prefix):
arg = flag[prefix_len:]
if first_idx < 0:
first_idx = idx
delete_current_entry = True
if delete_current_entry:
del arr[idx]
idx += 1
if first_idx >= 0:
arr[first_idx] = prefix + splitter.join(accumulated_args)
return arr
def maybe_fixup_args_array(self, arr):
# The incoming array of strings may be an array of command line
# arguments. To make it easier to turn on certain features per-bot or
# per-test-suite, look specifically for certain flags and merge them
# appropriately.
# --enable-features=Feature1 --enable-features=Feature2
# are merged to:
# --enable-features=Feature1,Feature2
# and:
# --extra-browser-args=arg1 --extra-browser-args=arg2
# are merged to:
# --extra-browser-args=arg1 arg2
arr = self.merge_command_line_args(arr, '--enable-features=', ',')
arr = self.merge_command_line_args(arr, '--extra-browser-args=', ' ')
return arr
def dictionary_merge(self, a, b, path=None, update=True):
merges b into a
if path is None:
path = []
for key in b:
if key in a:
if isinstance(a[key], dict) and isinstance(b[key], dict):
self.dictionary_merge(a[key], b[key], path + [str(key)])
elif a[key] == b[key]:
pass # same leaf value
elif isinstance(a[key], list) and isinstance(b[key], list):
# Args arrays are lists of strings. Just concatenate them,
# and don't sort them, in order to keep some needed
# arguments adjacent (like --time-out-ms [arg], etc.)
if all(isinstance(x, str)
for x in itertools.chain(a[key], b[key])):
a[key] = self.maybe_fixup_args_array(a[key] + b[key])
# TODO(kbr): this only works properly if the two arrays are
# the same length, which is currently always the case in the
# swarming dimension_sets that we have to merge. It will fail
# to merge / override 'args' arrays which are different
# length.
for idx in xrange(len(b[key])):
a[key][idx] = self.dictionary_merge(a[key][idx], b[key][idx],
path + [str(key), str(idx)],
except (IndexError, TypeError): # pragma: no cover
raise BBGenErr('Error merging list keys ' + str(key) +
' and indices ' + str(idx) + ' between ' +
str(a) + ' and ' + str(b)) # pragma: no cover
elif update: # pragma: no cover
a[key] = b[key] # pragma: no cover
raise BBGenErr('Conflict at %s' % '.'.join(
path + [str(key)])) # pragma: no cover
a[key] = b[key]
return a
def initialize_args_for_test(
self, generated_test, tester_config, additional_arg_keys=None):
args = []
args.extend(generated_test.get('args', []))
args.extend(tester_config.get('args', []))
def add_conditional_args(key, fn):
val = generated_test.pop(key, [])
if fn(tester_config):
add_conditional_args('desktop_args', lambda cfg: not self.is_android(cfg))
add_conditional_args('linux_args', self.is_linux)
add_conditional_args('android_args', self.is_android)
for key in additional_arg_keys or []:
args.extend(generated_test.pop(key, []))
args.extend(tester_config.get(key, []))
if args:
generated_test['args'] = self.maybe_fixup_args_array(args)
def initialize_swarming_dictionary_for_test(self, generated_test,
if 'swarming' not in generated_test:
generated_test['swarming'] = {}
if not 'can_use_on_swarming_builders' in generated_test['swarming']:
'can_use_on_swarming_builders': tester_config.get('use_swarming', True)
if 'swarming' in tester_config:
if ('dimension_sets' not in generated_test['swarming'] and
'dimension_sets' in tester_config['swarming']):
generated_test['swarming']['dimension_sets'] = copy.deepcopy(
# Apply any Android-specific Swarming dimensions after the generic ones.
if 'android_swarming' in generated_test:
if self.is_android(tester_config): # pragma: no cover
generated_test['android_swarming']) # pragma: no cover
del generated_test['android_swarming'] # pragma: no cover
def clean_swarming_dictionary(self, swarming_dict):
# Clean out redundant entries from a test's "swarming" dictionary.
# This is really only needed to retain 100% parity with the
# handwritten JSON files, and can be removed once all the files are
# autogenerated.
if 'shards' in swarming_dict:
if swarming_dict['shards'] == 1: # pragma: no cover
del swarming_dict['shards'] # pragma: no cover
if 'hard_timeout' in swarming_dict:
if swarming_dict['hard_timeout'] == 0: # pragma: no cover
del swarming_dict['hard_timeout'] # pragma: no cover
if not swarming_dict.get('can_use_on_swarming_builders', False):
# Remove all other keys.
for k in swarming_dict.keys(): # pragma: no cover
if k != 'can_use_on_swarming_builders': # pragma: no cover
del swarming_dict[k] # pragma: no cover
def update_and_cleanup_test(self, test, test_name, tester_name, tester_config,
# Apply swarming mixins.
test = self.apply_all_mixins(
test, waterfall, tester_name, tester_config)
# See if there are any exceptions that need to be merged into this
# test's specification.
modifications = self.get_test_modifications(test, test_name, tester_name)
if modifications:
test = self.dictionary_merge(test, modifications)
if 'swarming' in test:
return test
def add_common_test_properties(self, test, tester_config):
if tester_config.get('use_multi_dimension_trigger_script'):
test['trigger_script'] = {
'script': '//testing/trigger_scripts/',
'args': [
json.dumps(tester_config['swarming']['dimension_sets'] +
tester_config.get('alternate_swarming_dimensions', [])),
def generate_gtest(self, waterfall, tester_name, tester_config, test_name,
if not self.should_run_on_tester(
waterfall, tester_name, test_name, test_config):
return None
result = copy.deepcopy(test_config)
if 'test' in result:
result['name'] = test_name
result['test'] = test_name
self.initialize_swarming_dictionary_for_test(result, tester_config)
result, tester_config, additional_arg_keys=['gtest_args'])
if self.is_android(tester_config) and tester_config.get('use_swarming',
args = result.get('args', [])
if (result['swarming']['can_use_on_swarming_builders'] and not
tester_config.get('skip_merge_script', False)):
result['merge'] = {
'args': [
'script': '//build/android/pylib/results/presentation/'
} # pragma: no cover
if not tester_config.get('skip_cipd_packages', False):
result['swarming']['cipd_packages'] = [
'cipd_package': 'infra/tools/luci/logdog/butler/${platform}',
'location': 'bin',
'revision': 'git_revision:ff387eadf445b24c935f1cf7d6ddd279f8a6b04c',
if not tester_config.get('skip_output_links', False):
result['swarming']['output_links'] = [
'link': [
'name': 'shard #${SHARD_INDEX} logcats',
if args:
result['args'] = args
result = self.update_and_cleanup_test(
result, test_name, tester_name, tester_config, waterfall)
self.add_common_test_properties(result, tester_config)
return result
def generate_isolated_script_test(self, waterfall, tester_name, tester_config,
test_name, test_config):
if not self.should_run_on_tester(waterfall, tester_name, test_name,
return None
result = copy.deepcopy(test_config)
result['isolate_name'] = result.get('isolate_name', test_name)
result['name'] = test_name
self.initialize_swarming_dictionary_for_test(result, tester_config)
self.initialize_args_for_test(result, tester_config)
result = self.update_and_cleanup_test(
result, test_name, tester_name, tester_config, waterfall)
self.add_common_test_properties(result, tester_config)
return result
def generate_script_test(self, waterfall, tester_name, tester_config,
test_name, test_config):
if not self.should_run_on_tester(waterfall, tester_name, test_name,
return None
result = {
'name': test_name,
'script': test_config['script']
result = self.update_and_cleanup_test(
result, test_name, tester_name, tester_config, waterfall)
return result
def generate_junit_test(self, waterfall, tester_name, tester_config,
test_name, test_config):
del tester_config
if not self.should_run_on_tester(waterfall, tester_name, test_name,
return None
result = {
'test': test_name,
return result
def generate_instrumentation_test(self, waterfall, tester_name, tester_config,
test_name, test_config):
if not self.should_run_on_tester(waterfall, tester_name, test_name,
return None
result = copy.deepcopy(test_config)
if 'test' in result and result['test'] != test_name:
result['name'] = test_name
result['test'] = test_name
result = self.update_and_cleanup_test(
result, test_name, tester_name, tester_config, waterfall)
return result
def substitute_gpu_args(self, tester_config, swarming_config, args):
substitutions = {
# Any machine in waterfalls.pyl which desires to run GPU tests
# must provide the os_type key.
'os_type': tester_config['os_type'],
'gpu_vendor_id': '0',
'gpu_device_id': '0',
dimension_set = swarming_config['dimension_sets'][0]
if 'gpu' in dimension_set:
# First remove the driver version, then split into vendor and device.
gpu = dimension_set['gpu']
gpu = gpu.split('-')[0].split(':')
substitutions['gpu_vendor_id'] = gpu[0]
substitutions['gpu_device_id'] = gpu[1]
return [string.Template(arg).safe_substitute(substitutions) for arg in args]
def generate_gpu_telemetry_test(self, waterfall, tester_name, tester_config,
test_name, test_config):
# These are all just specializations of isolated script tests with
# a bunch of boilerplate command line arguments added.
# The step name must end in 'test' or 'tests' in order for the
# results to automatically show up on the flakiness dashboard.
# (At least, this was true some time ago.) Continue to use this
# naming convention for the time being to minimize changes.
step_name = test_config.get('name', test_name)
if not (step_name.endswith('test') or step_name.endswith('tests')):
step_name = '%s_tests' % step_name
result = self.generate_isolated_script_test(
waterfall, tester_name, tester_config, step_name, test_config)
if not result:
return None
result['isolate_name'] = 'telemetry_gpu_integration_test'
args = result.get('args', [])
test_to_run = result.pop('telemetry_test_name', test_name)
# These tests upload and download results from cloud storage and therefore
# aren't idempotent yet.
result['swarming']['idempotent'] = False
args = [
'--browser=%s' % tester_config['browser_config'],
# --passthrough displays more of the logging in Telemetry when
# run via typ, in particular some of the warnings about tests
# being expected to fail, but passing.
'--extra-browser-args=--enable-logging=stderr --js-flags=--expose-gc',
] + args
result['args'] = self.maybe_fixup_args_array(self.substitute_gpu_args(
tester_config, result['swarming'], args))
return result
def get_test_generator_map(self):
return {
'cts_tests': CTSGenerator(self),
'gpu_telemetry_tests': GPUTelemetryTestGenerator(self),
'gtest_tests': GTestGenerator(self),
'instrumentation_tests': InstrumentationTestGenerator(self),
'isolated_scripts': IsolatedScriptTestGenerator(self),
'junit_tests': JUnitGenerator(self),
'scripts': ScriptGenerator(self),
def get_test_type_remapper(self):
return {
# These are a specialization of isolated_scripts with a bunch of
# boilerplate command line arguments added to each one.
'gpu_telemetry_tests': 'isolated_scripts',
def check_composition_test_suites(self):
# Pre-pass to catch errors reliably.
for name, value in self.test_suites.iteritems():
if isinstance(value, list):
for entry in value:
if isinstance(self.test_suites[entry], list):
raise BBGenErr('Composition test suites may not refer to other '
'composition test suites (error found while '
'processing %s)' % name)
def flatten_test_suites(self):
new_test_suites = {}
for name, value in self.test_suites.get('basic_suites', {}).iteritems():
new_test_suites[name] = value
for name, value in self.test_suites.get('compound_suites', {}).iteritems():
if name in new_test_suites:
raise BBGenErr('Composition test suite names may not duplicate basic '
'test suite names (error found while processsing %s' % (
new_test_suites[name] = value
self.test_suites = new_test_suites
def resolve_composition_test_suites(self):
for name, value in self.test_suites.iteritems():
if isinstance(value, list):
# Resolve this to a dictionary.
full_suite = {}
for entry in value:
suite = self.test_suites[entry]
self.test_suites[name] = full_suite
def link_waterfalls_to_test_suites(self):
for waterfall in self.waterfalls:
for tester_name, tester in waterfall['machines'].iteritems():
for suite, value in tester.get('test_suites', {}).iteritems():
if not value in self.test_suites:
# Hard / impossible to cover this in the unit test.
raise self.unknown_test_suite(
value, tester_name, waterfall['name']) # pragma: no cover
tester['test_suites'][suite] = self.test_suites[value]
def load_configuration_files(self):
self.waterfalls = self.load_pyl_file('waterfalls.pyl')
self.test_suites = self.load_pyl_file('test_suites.pyl')
self.exceptions = self.load_pyl_file('test_suite_exceptions.pyl')
self.mixins = self.load_pyl_file('mixins.pyl')
def resolve_configuration_files(self):
def unknown_bot(self, bot_name, waterfall_name):
return BBGenErr(
'Unknown bot name "%s" on waterfall "%s"' % (bot_name, waterfall_name))
def unknown_test_suite(self, suite_name, bot_name, waterfall_name):
return BBGenErr(
'Test suite %s from machine %s on waterfall %s not present in '
'test_suites.pyl' % (suite_name, bot_name, waterfall_name))
def unknown_test_suite_type(self, suite_type, bot_name, waterfall_name):
return BBGenErr(
'Unknown test suite type ' + suite_type + ' in bot ' + bot_name +
' on waterfall ' + waterfall_name)
def apply_all_mixins(self, test, waterfall, builder_name, builder):
"""Applies all present swarming mixins to the test for a given builder.
Checks in the waterfall, builder, and test objects for mixins.
def valid_mixin(mixin_name):
"""Asserts that the mixin is valid."""
if mixin_name not in self.mixins:
raise BBGenErr("bad mixin %s" % mixin_name)
def must_be_list(mixins, typ, name):
"""Asserts that given mixins are a list."""
if not isinstance(mixins, list):
raise BBGenErr("'%s' in %s '%s' must be a list" % (mixins, typ, name))
if 'mixins' in waterfall:
must_be_list(waterfall['mixins'], 'waterfall', waterfall['name'])
for mixin in waterfall['mixins']:
test = self.apply_mixin(self.mixins[mixin], test)
if 'mixins' in builder:
must_be_list(builder['mixins'], 'builder', builder_name)
for mixin in builder['mixins']:
test = self.apply_mixin(self.mixins[mixin], test)
if not 'mixins' in test:
return test
test_name = test.get('name')
if not test_name:
test_name = test.get('test')
if not test_name: # pragma: no cover
# Not the best name, but we should say something.
test_name = str(test)
must_be_list(test['mixins'], 'test', test_name)
for mixin in test['mixins']:
test = self.apply_mixin(self.mixins[mixin], test)
del test['mixins']
return test
def apply_mixin(self, mixin, test):
"""Applies a mixin to a test.
Mixins will not override an existing key. This is to ensure exceptions can
override a setting a mixin applies.
Swarming dimensions are handled in a special way. Instead of specifying
'dimension_sets', which is how normal test suites specify their dimensions,
you specify a 'dimensions' key, which maps to a dictionary. This dictionary
is then applied to every dimension set in the test.
# TODO(martiniss): Maybe make lists extend, possibly on a case by case
# basis. Motivation is 'args', where you want a common base, and then
# different mixins adding different sets of args.
new_test = copy.deepcopy(test)
mixin = copy.deepcopy(mixin)
if 'swarming' in mixin:
swarming_mixin = mixin['swarming']
new_test.setdefault('swarming', {})
if 'dimensions' in swarming_mixin:
new_test['swarming'].setdefault('dimension_sets', [{}])
for dimension_set in new_test['swarming']['dimension_sets']:
del swarming_mixin['dimensions']
# python dict update doesn't do recursion at all. Just hard code the
# nested update we need (mixin['swarming'] shouldn't clobber
# test['swarming'], but should update it).
del mixin['swarming']
return new_test
def generate_waterfall_json(self, waterfall):
all_tests = {}
generator_map = self.get_test_generator_map()
test_type_remapper = self.get_test_type_remapper()
for name, config in waterfall['machines'].iteritems():
tests = {}
# Copy only well-understood entries in the machine's configuration
# verbatim into the generated JSON.
if 'additional_compile_targets' in config:
tests['additional_compile_targets'] = config[
for test_type, input_tests in config.get('test_suites', {}).iteritems():
if test_type not in generator_map:
raise self.unknown_test_suite_type(
test_type, name, waterfall['name']) # pragma: no cover
test_generator = generator_map[test_type]
# Let multiple kinds of generators generate the same kinds
# of tests. For example, gpu_telemetry_tests are a
# specialization of isolated_scripts.
new_tests = test_generator.generate(
waterfall, name, config, input_tests)
remapped_test_type = test_type_remapper.get(test_type, test_type)
tests[remapped_test_type] = test_generator.sort(
tests.get(remapped_test_type, []) + new_tests)
all_tests[name] = tests
all_tests['AAAAA2 See to make changes'] = {}
return json.dumps(all_tests, indent=2, separators=(',', ': '),
sort_keys=True) + '\n'
def generate_waterfalls(self): # pragma: no cover
filters = self.args.waterfall_filters
suffix = '.json'
if self.args.new_files:
suffix = '.new' + suffix
for waterfall in self.waterfalls:
should_gen = not filters or waterfall['name'] in filters
if should_gen:
file_path = waterfall['name'] + suffix
def get_valid_bot_names(self):
# Extract bot names from infra/config/global/luci-milo.cfg.
bot_names = set()
infra_config_dir = os.path.abspath(
'..', '..', 'infra', 'config', 'global'))
milo_configs = [
os.path.join(infra_config_dir, 'luci-milo.cfg'),
os.path.join(infra_config_dir, 'luci-milo-dev.cfg'),
for c in milo_configs:
for l in self.read_file(c).splitlines():
if (not 'name: "buildbucket/luci.chromium.' in l and
not 'name: "buildbot/chromium.' in l):
# l looks like
# `name: "buildbucket/luci.chromium.try/win_chromium_dbg_ng"`
# Extract win_chromium_dbg_ng part.
bot_names.add(l[l.rindex('/') + 1:l.rindex('"')])
return bot_names
def get_bots_that_do_not_actually_exist(self):
# Some of the bots on the waterfall in particular
# are defined only to be mirrored into trybots, and don't actually
# exist on any of the waterfalls or consoles.
return [
'Optional Android Release (Nexus 5X)',
'Optional Linux Release (Intel HD 630)',
'Optional Linux Release (NVIDIA)',
'Optional Mac Release (Intel)',
'Optional Mac Retina Release (AMD)',
'Optional Mac Retina Release (NVIDIA)',
'Optional Win10 Release (Intel HD 630)',
'Optional Win10 Release (NVIDIA)',
'Win7 ANGLE Tryserver (AMD)',
'Dummy WebKit Mac10.13',
'WebKit Linux layout_ng Dummy Builder',
'WebKit Linux root_layer_scrolls Dummy Builder',
'WebKit Linux slimming_paint_v2 Dummy Builder',
# chromium, due to
def check_input_file_consistency(self, verbose=False):
# All bots should exist.
bot_names = self.get_valid_bot_names()
bots_that_dont_exist = self.get_bots_that_do_not_actually_exist()
for waterfall in self.waterfalls:
for bot_name in waterfall['machines']:
if bot_name in bots_that_dont_exist:
continue # pragma: no cover
if bot_name not in bot_names:
if waterfall['name'] in ['client.v8.chromium', '']:
# TODO(thakis): Remove this once these bots move to luci.
continue # pragma: no cover
if waterfall['name'] in ['tryserver.webrtc',
# These waterfalls have their bot configs in a different repo.
# so we don't know about their bot names.
continue # pragma: no cover
raise self.unknown_bot(bot_name, waterfall['name'])
# All test suites must be referenced.
suites_seen = set()
generator_map = self.get_test_generator_map()
for waterfall in self.waterfalls:
for bot_name, tester in waterfall['machines'].iteritems():
for suite_type, suite in tester.get('test_suites', {}).iteritems():
if suite_type not in generator_map:
raise self.unknown_test_suite_type(suite_type, bot_name,
if suite not in self.test_suites:
raise self.unknown_test_suite(suite, bot_name, waterfall['name'])
# Since we didn't resolve the configuration files, this set
# includes both composition test suites and regular ones.
resolved_suites = set()
for suite_name in suites_seen:
suite = self.test_suites[suite_name]
if isinstance(suite, list):
for sub_suite in suite:
# At this point, every key in test_suites.pyl should be referenced.
missing_suites = set(self.test_suites.keys()) - resolved_suites
if missing_suites:
raise BBGenErr('The following test suites were unreferenced by bots on '
'the waterfalls: ' + str(missing_suites))
# All test suite exceptions must refer to bots on the waterfall.
all_bots = set()
missing_bots = set()
for waterfall in self.waterfalls:
for bot_name, tester in waterfall['machines'].iteritems():
# In order to disambiguate between bots with the same name on
# different waterfalls, support has been added to various
# exceptions for concatenating the waterfall name after the bot
# name.
all_bots.add(bot_name + ' ' + waterfall['name'])
for exception in self.exceptions.itervalues():
removals = (exception.get('remove_from', []) +
exception.get('remove_gtest_from', []) +
exception.get('modifications', {}).keys())
for removal in removals:
if removal not in all_bots:
missing_bots = missing_bots - set(bots_that_dont_exist)
if missing_bots:
raise BBGenErr('The following nonexistent machines were referenced in '
'the test suite exceptions: ' + str(missing_bots))
# All mixins must be referenced
seen_mixins = set()
for waterfall in self.waterfalls:
seen_mixins = seen_mixins.union(waterfall.get('mixins', set()))
for bot_name, tester in waterfall['machines'].iteritems():
seen_mixins = seen_mixins.union(tester.get('mixins', set()))
for suite in self.test_suites.values():
if isinstance(suite, list):
# Don't care about this, it's a composition, which shouldn't include a
# swarming mixin.
for test in suite.values():
if not isinstance(test, dict):
# Some test suites have top level keys, which currently can't be
# swarming mixin entries. Ignore them
seen_mixins = seen_mixins.union(test.get('mixins', set()))
missing_mixins = set(self.mixins.keys()) - seen_mixins
if missing_mixins:
raise BBGenErr('The following mixins are unreferenced: %s. They must be'
' referenced in a waterfall, machine, or test suite.' % (
def type_assert(self, node, typ, filename, verbose=False):
"""Asserts that the Python AST node |node| is of type |typ|.
If verbose is set, it prints out some helpful context lines, showing where
exactly the error occurred in the file.
if not isinstance(node, typ):
if verbose:
lines = [""] + self.read_file(filename).splitlines()
context = 2
lines_start = max(node.lineno - context, 0)
# Add one to include the last line
lines_end = min(node.lineno + context, len(lines)) + 1
lines = (
['== %s ==\n' % filename] +
["<snip>\n"] +
['%d %s' % (lines_start + i, line) for i, line in enumerate(
lines[lines_start:lines_start + context])] +
['-' * 80 + '\n'] +
['%d %s' % (node.lineno, lines[node.lineno])] +
['-' * (node.col_offset + 3) + '^' + '-' * (
80 - node.col_offset - 4) + '\n'] +
['%d %s' % (node.lineno + 1 + i, line) for i, line in enumerate(
lines[node.lineno + 1:lines_end])] +
# Print out a useful message when a type assertion fails.
for l in lines:
node_dumped = ast.dump(node, annotate_fields=False)
# If the node is huge, truncate it so everything fits in a terminal
# window.
if len(node_dumped) > 60: # pragma: no cover
node_dumped = node_dumped[:30] + ' <SNIP> ' + node_dumped[-30:]
raise BBGenErr(
'Invalid .pyl file %r. Python AST node %r on line %s expected to'
' be %s, is %s' % (
filename, node_dumped,
node.lineno, typ, type(node)))
def ensure_ast_dict_keys_sorted(self, node, filename, verbose):
is_valid = True
keys = []
# The keys of this dict are ordered as ordered in the file; normal python
# dictionary keys are given an arbitrary order, but since we parsed the
# file itself, the order as given in the file is preserved.
for key in node.keys:
self.type_assert(key, ast.Str, filename, verbose)
keys_sorted = sorted(keys)
if keys_sorted != keys:
is_valid = False
if verbose:
for line in difflib.unified_diff(
keys_sorted, fromfile='current (%r)' % filename, tofile='sorted'):
if len(set(keys)) != len(keys):
for i in range(len(keys_sorted)-1):
if keys_sorted[i] == keys_sorted[i+1]:
self.print_line('Key %s is duplicated' % keys_sorted[i])
is_valid = False
return is_valid
def check_input_files_sorting(self, verbose=False):
# TODO( Add the ability for this script to
# actually format the files, rather than just complain if they're
# incorrectly formatted.
bad_files = set()
for filename in (
parsed = ast.parse(self.read_file(self.pyl_file_path(filename)))
# Must be a module.
self.type_assert(parsed, ast.Module, filename, verbose)
module = parsed.body
# Only one expression in the module.
self.type_assert(module, list, filename, verbose)
if len(module) != 1: # pragma: no cover
raise BBGenErr('Invalid .pyl file %s' % filename)
expr = module[0]
self.type_assert(expr, ast.Expr, filename, verbose)
# Value should be a dictionary.
value = expr.value
self.type_assert(value, ast.Dict, filename, verbose)
if filename == 'test_suites.pyl':
expected_keys = ['basic_suites', 'compound_suites']
actual_keys = [node.s for node in value.keys]
assert all(key in expected_keys for key in actual_keys), (
'Invalid %r file; expected keys %r, got %r' % (
filename, expected_keys, actual_keys))
suite_dicts = [node for node in value.values]
# Only two keys should mean only 1 or 2 values
assert len(suite_dicts) <= 2
for suite_group in suite_dicts:
if not self.ensure_ast_dict_keys_sorted(
suite_group, filename, verbose):
if not self.ensure_ast_dict_keys_sorted(
value, filename, verbose):
# waterfalls.pyl is slightly different, just do it manually here
filename = 'waterfalls.pyl'
parsed = ast.parse(self.read_file(self.pyl_file_path(filename)))
# Must be a module.
self.type_assert(parsed, ast.Module, filename, verbose)
module = parsed.body
# Only one expression in the module.
self.type_assert(module, list, filename, verbose)
if len(module) != 1: # pragma: no cover
raise BBGenErr('Invalid .pyl file %s' % filename)
expr = module[0]
self.type_assert(expr, ast.Expr, filename, verbose)
# Value should be a list.
value = expr.value
self.type_assert(value, ast.List, filename, verbose)
keys = []
for val in value.elts:
self.type_assert(val, ast.Dict, filename, verbose)
waterfall_name = None
for key, val in zip(val.keys, val.values):
self.type_assert(key, ast.Str, filename, verbose)
if key.s == 'machines':
if not self.ensure_ast_dict_keys_sorted(val, filename, verbose):
if key.s == "name":
self.type_assert(val, ast.Str, filename, verbose)
waterfall_name = val.s
assert waterfall_name
if sorted(keys) != keys:
if verbose: # pragma: no cover
for line in difflib.unified_diff(
sorted(keys), fromfile='current', tofile='sorted'):
if bad_files:
raise BBGenErr(
'The following files have invalid keys: %s\n. They are either '
'unsorted, or have duplicates.' % ', '.join(bad_files))
def check_output_file_consistency(self, verbose=False):
# All waterfalls must have been written by this script already.
ungenerated_waterfalls = set()
for waterfall in self.waterfalls:
expected = self.generate_waterfall_json(waterfall)
file_path = waterfall['name'] + '.json'
current = self.read_file(self.pyl_file_path(file_path))
if expected != current:
if verbose: # pragma: no cover
self.print_line('Waterfall ' + waterfall['name'] +
' did not have the following expected '
for line in difflib.unified_diff(
fromfile='expected', tofile='current'):
if ungenerated_waterfalls:
raise BBGenErr('The following waterfalls have not been properly '
'autogenerated by ' +
def check_consistency(self, verbose=False):
self.check_input_file_consistency(verbose) # pragma: no cover
self.check_output_file_consistency(verbose) # pragma: no cover
def parse_args(self, argv): # pragma: no cover
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
'-c', '--check', action='store_true', help=
'Do consistency checks of configuration and generated files and then '
'exit. Used during presubmit. Causes the tool to not generate any files.')
'-n', '--new-files', action='store_true', help=
'Write output files as .new.json. Useful during development so old and '
'new files can be looked at side-by-side.')
'-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help=
'Increases verbosity. Affects consistency checks.')
'waterfall_filters', metavar='waterfalls', type=str, nargs='*',
help='Optional list of waterfalls to generate.')
'--pyl-files-dir', type=os.path.realpath,
help='Path to the directory containing the input .pyl files.')
self.args = parser.parse_args(argv)
def main(self, argv): # pragma: no cover
if self.args.check:
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover
generator = BBJSONGenerator()