blob: 057e3c28b13d3d997762e04a207ec480a1e93f8e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
if (is_chrome_branded) {
browser_name = "Chrome"
browser_product_name = "Google Chrome"
crash_product_name = "Update4"
crash_upload_url = ""
help_center_url = ""
keystone_app_name = "GoogleSoftwareUpdate"
mac_browser_bundle_identifier = ""
mac_updater_bundle_identifier = ""
privileged_helper_bundle_name = "GoogleUpdaterHelper"
privileged_helper_name = ""
updater_company_full_name = "Google LLC"
updater_company_short_name = "Google"
updater_copyright =
"Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved."
updater_product_full_name = "GoogleUpdater"
} else {
browser_name = "Chromium"
browser_product_name = "Chromium"
crash_product_name = "ChromiumUpdater"
crash_upload_url = ""
help_center_url = ""
keystone_app_name = "ChromiumSoftwareUpdate"
mac_browser_bundle_identifier = "org.chromium.Chromium"
mac_updater_bundle_identifier = "org.chromium.ChromiumUpdater"
privileged_helper_bundle_name = "ChromiumUpdaterHelper"
privileged_helper_name = "org.chromium.ChromiumUpdater.helper"
updater_company_full_name = "Chromium Authors"
updater_company_short_name = "Chromium"
updater_copyright =
"Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved."
updater_product_full_name = "ChromiumUpdater"
# Chrome and Chromium share the same endpoints for now.
update_check_url = ""
device_management_server_url = ""