blob: f032bf65ee85bb0cea7b0d92197d6492628fa0be [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "third_party/cast_core/public/src/proto/common/application_config.pb.h"
#include "third_party/cast_core/public/src/proto/runtime/runtime_service.grpc.pb.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace url_rewrite {
class UrlRequestRewriteRulesManager;
namespace chromecast {
// This represents an application that can be hosted by RuntimeService. Its
// lifecycle is very simple: Load() -> Launch() -> Destruction. Implementations
// of this interface will additionally communicate over various gRPC interfaces.
// For example, Launch needs to respond with SetApplicationStatus.
class RuntimeApplication {
virtual ~RuntimeApplication() = 0;
// NOTE: These fields are the empty string until after Load().
const cast::common::ApplicationConfig& app_config() const {
return app_config_;
// NOTE: These fields are the empty string until after Load().
const std::string& cast_session_id() const { return cast_session_id_; }
// NOTE: This is the empty string until after Launch().
const std::string& cast_media_service_grpc_endpoint() const {
return cast_media_service_grpc_endpoint_;
// NOTE: This is the empty string until after Launch().
const GURL& app_url() const { return app_url_; }
// NOTE: These fields are the empty string until after Load().
virtual url_rewrite::UrlRequestRewriteRulesManager*
GetUrlRewriteRulesManager() = 0;
// Called before Launch() to perform any pre-launch loading that is
// necessary. This should return true if the load was successful and it's
// valid to call Launch, false otherwise. If Load fails, |this| should be
// destroyed since it's not necessarily valid to retry Load with a new
// |request|.
virtual bool Load(const cast::runtime::LoadApplicationRequest& request) = 0;
// Called to launch the application. The application will indicate that it is
// started by calling SetApplicationStatus back over gRPC. This should return
// true if initial processing of |request| succeeded, false otherwise.
virtual bool Launch(
const cast::runtime::LaunchApplicationRequest& request) = 0;
// Returns whether this instance is associated with cast streaming.
virtual bool IsStreamingApplication() const = 0;
void set_application_config(cast::common::ApplicationConfig app_config) {
app_config_ = std::move(app_config);
void set_cast_session_id(std::string cast_session_id) {
cast_session_id_ = std::move(cast_session_id);
void set_cast_media_service_grpc_endpoint(
std::string cast_media_service_grpc_endpoint) {
cast_media_service_grpc_endpoint_ =
void set_app_url(GURL app_url) { app_url_ = std::move(app_url); }
cast::common::ApplicationConfig app_config_;
std::string cast_session_id_;
std::string cast_media_service_grpc_endpoint_;
GURL app_url_;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const RuntimeApplication& app);
} // namespace chromecast