blob: 526af32cea638c2788dca48f02561b3bb80c8a5b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/environment.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "chrome/browser/vr/test/mock_xr_device_hook_base.h"
#include "chrome/browser/vr/test/ui_utils.h"
#include "chrome/browser/vr/test/webxr_vr_browser_test.h"
#include <memory>
namespace vr {
namespace {
struct Frame {
device_test::mojom::SubmittedFrameDataPtr submitted;
device_test::mojom::PoseFrameDataPtr pose;
device_test::mojom::DeviceConfigPtr config;
class MyXRMock : public MockXRDeviceHookBase {
void OnFrameSubmitted(
device_test::mojom::SubmittedFrameDataPtr frame_data,
device_test::mojom::XRTestHook::OnFrameSubmittedCallback callback) final;
void WaitGetDeviceConfig(
device_test::mojom::XRTestHook::WaitGetDeviceConfigCallback callback)
final {
void WaitGetPresentingPose(
device_test::mojom::XRTestHook::WaitGetPresentingPoseCallback callback)
void WaitGetMagicWindowPose(
device_test::mojom::XRTestHook::WaitGetMagicWindowPoseCallback callback)
// The test waits for a submitted frame before returning.
void WaitForFrames(int count) {
wait_frame_count_ = count;
base::RunLoop* wait_loop =
new base::RunLoop(base::RunLoop::Type::kNestableTasksAllowed);
wait_loop_ = wait_loop;
delete wait_loop;
std::vector<Frame> submitted_frames;
device_test::mojom::PoseFrameDataPtr last_immersive_frame_data;
device_test::mojom::DeviceConfigPtr GetDeviceConfig() {
auto config = device_test::mojom::DeviceConfig::New();
config->interpupillary_distance = 0.2f;
config->projection_left =
device_test::mojom::ProjectionRaw::New(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f, 0.4f);
config->projection_right =
device_test::mojom::ProjectionRaw::New(0.5f, 0.6f, 0.7f, 0.8f);
return config;
// Set to null on background thread after calling Quit(), so we can ensure we
// only call Quit once.
base::RunLoop* wait_loop_ = nullptr;
int wait_frame_count_ = 0;
int num_frames_submitted_ = 0;
int frame_id_ = 0;
unsigned int ParseColorFrameId(const device_test::mojom::ColorPtr& color) {
// Corresponding math in test_webxr_poses.html.
unsigned int frame_id = static_cast<unsigned int>(color->r) + 256 * color->g +
256 * 256 * color->b;
return frame_id;
void MyXRMock::OnFrameSubmitted(
device_test::mojom::SubmittedFrameDataPtr frame_data,
device_test::mojom::XRTestHook::OnFrameSubmittedCallback callback) {
unsigned int frame_id = ParseColorFrameId(frame_data->color);
DLOG(ERROR) << "Frame Submitted: " << num_frames_submitted_ << " "
<< frame_id;
if (num_frames_submitted_ >= wait_frame_count_ && wait_frame_count_ > 0 &&
wait_loop_) {
wait_loop_ = nullptr;
<< "Frame submitted without any frame data provided";
// We expect a waitGetPoses, then 2 submits (one for each eye), so after 2
// submitted frames don't use the same frame_data again.
if (num_frames_submitted_ % 2 == 0)
last_immersive_frame_data = nullptr;
void MyXRMock::WaitGetMagicWindowPose(
device_test::mojom::XRTestHook::WaitGetMagicWindowPoseCallback callback) {
auto pose = device_test::mojom::PoseFrameData::New();
// Almost identity matrix - enough different that we can identify if magic
// window poses are used instead of presenting poses.
pose->device_to_origin =
gfx::Transform(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
void MyXRMock::WaitGetPresentingPose(
device_test::mojom::XRTestHook::WaitGetPresentingPoseCallback callback) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "WaitGetPresentingPose: " << frame_id_;
auto pose = device_test::mojom::PoseFrameData::New();
// Start with identity matrix.
pose->device_to_origin = gfx::Transform();
// Add a translation so each frame gets a different transform, and so its easy
// to identify what the expected pose is.
pose->device_to_origin->Translate3d(0, 0, frame_id_);
last_immersive_frame_data = pose.Clone();
std::string GetMatrixAsString(const gfx::Transform& m) {
// Dump the transpose of the matrix due to openvr vs. webxr matrix format
// differences.
return base::StringPrintf(
"[%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f]",
m.matrix().get(0, 0), m.matrix().get(1, 0), m.matrix().get(2, 0),
m.matrix().get(3, 0), m.matrix().get(0, 1), m.matrix().get(1, 1),
m.matrix().get(2, 1), m.matrix().get(3, 1), m.matrix().get(0, 2),
m.matrix().get(1, 2), m.matrix().get(2, 2), m.matrix().get(3, 2),
m.matrix().get(0, 3), m.matrix().get(1, 3), m.matrix().get(2, 3),
m.matrix().get(3, 3));
std::string GetPoseAsString(const Frame& frame) {
return GetMatrixAsString(*(frame.pose->device_to_origin));
} // namespace
// Pixel test for WebVR/WebXR - start presentation, submit frames, get data back
// out. Validates that submitted frames used expected pose.
void TestPresentationPosesImpl(WebXrVrBrowserTestBase* t,
std::string filename) {
// Disable frame-timeout UI to test what WebXR renders.
MyXRMock my_mock;
// Load the test page, and enter presentation.
// Wait for JavaScript to submit at least one frame.
t->PollJavaScriptBoolean("hasPresentedFrame", t->kPollTimeoutShort))
<< "No frame submitted";
// Render at least 20 frames. Make sure each has the right submitted pose.
// Exit presentation.
// Stop hooking the VR runtime so we can safely analyze our cached data
// without incoming calls (there may be leftover mojo messages queued).
// Analyze the submitted frames - check for a few things:
// 1. Each frame id should be submitted at most once for each of the left and
// right eyes.
// 2. The pose that WebXR used for rendering the submitted frame should be the
// one that we expected.
std::set<unsigned int> seen_left;
std::set<unsigned int> seen_right;
unsigned int max_frame_id = 0;
for (const auto& frame : my_mock.submitted_frames) {
const device_test::mojom::SubmittedFrameDataPtr& data = frame.submitted;
// The test page encodes the frame id as the clear color.
unsigned int frame_id = ParseColorFrameId(data->color);
// Validate that each frame is only seen once for each eye.
DLOG(ERROR) << "Frame id: " << frame_id;
if (data->eye == device_test::mojom::Eye::LEFT) {
ASSERT_TRUE(seen_left.find(frame_id) == seen_left.end())
<< "Frame for left eye submitted more than once";
} else {
ASSERT_TRUE(seen_right.find(frame_id) == seen_right.end())
<< "Frame for right eye submitted more than once";
// Validate that frames arrive in order.
ASSERT_TRUE(frame_id >= max_frame_id) << "Frame received out of order";
max_frame_id = std::max(frame_id, max_frame_id);
// Validate that the JavaScript-side cache of frames contains our submitted
// frame.
base::StringPrintf("checkFrameOccurred(%d)", frame_id)))
<< "JavaScript-side frame cache does not contain submitted frame";
// Validate that the JavaScript-side cache of frames has the correct pose.
"checkFramePose(%d, %s)", frame_id, GetPoseAsString(frame).c_str())))
<< "JavaScript-side frame cache has incorrect pose";
// Tell JavaScript that it is done with the test.
IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(WebXrVrBrowserTestStandard, TestPresentationPoses) {
TestPresentationPosesImpl(this, "test_webxr_poses");
} // namespace vr