blob: 75fbc63bcfbfff2af6a242b95783f5dff0d1cc2c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/autocomplete_match.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/autocomplete_match_type.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/autocomplete_provider.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/suggestion_answer.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
class AutocompleteInput;
class AutocompleteSchemeClassifier;
namespace base {
class Value;
namespace network {
class SimpleURLLoader;
class SearchSuggestionParser {
// The Result classes are intermediate representations of AutocompleteMatches,
// simply containing relevance-ranked search and navigation suggestions.
// They may be cached to provide some synchronous matches while requests for
// new suggestions from updated input are in flight.
// TODO(msw) Extend these classes to generate their corresponding matches and
// other requisite data, in order to consolidate and simplify the
// highly fragmented SearchProvider logic for each Result type.
class Result {
Result(bool from_keyword_provider,
int relevance,
bool relevance_from_server,
AutocompleteMatchType::Type type,
int subtype_identifier,
const std::string& deletion_url);
Result(const Result& other);
virtual ~Result();
bool from_keyword_provider() const { return from_keyword_provider_; }
const base::string16& match_contents() const { return match_contents_; }
const ACMatchClassifications& match_contents_class() const {
return match_contents_class_;
AutocompleteMatchType::Type type() const { return type_; }
int subtype_identifier() const { return subtype_identifier_; }
int relevance() const { return relevance_; }
void set_relevance(int relevance) { relevance_ = relevance; }
bool received_after_last_keystroke() const {
return received_after_last_keystroke_;
void set_received_after_last_keystroke(
bool received_after_last_keystroke) {
received_after_last_keystroke_ = received_after_last_keystroke;
bool relevance_from_server() const { return relevance_from_server_; }
void set_relevance_from_server(bool relevance_from_server) {
relevance_from_server_ = relevance_from_server;
const std::string& deletion_url() const { return deletion_url_; }
// Returns the default relevance value for this result (which may
// be left over from a previous omnibox input) given the current
// input and whether the current input caused a keyword provider
// to be active.
virtual int CalculateRelevance(const AutocompleteInput& input,
bool keyword_provider_requested) const = 0;
// The contents to be displayed and its style info.
base::string16 match_contents_;
ACMatchClassifications match_contents_class_;
// True if the result came from the keyword provider.
bool from_keyword_provider_;
AutocompleteMatchType::Type type_;
// Used to identify the specific source / type for suggestions by the
// suggest server. See |result_subtype_identifier| in omnibox.proto for more
// details.
// The identifier 0 is reserved for cases where this specific type is unset.
int subtype_identifier_;
// The relevance score.
int relevance_;
// Whether this result's relevance score was fully or partly calculated
// based on server information, and thus is assumed to be more accurate.
// This is ultimately used in
// SearchProvider::ConvertResultsToAutocompleteMatches(), see comments
// there.
bool relevance_from_server_;
// Whether this result was received asynchronously after the last
// keystroke, otherwise it must have come from prior cached results
// or from a synchronous provider.
bool received_after_last_keystroke_;
// Optional deletion URL provided with suggestions. Fetching this URL
// should result in some reasonable deletion behaviour on the server,
// e.g. deleting this term out of a user's server-side search history.
std::string deletion_url_;
class SuggestResult : public Result {
SuggestResult(const base::string16& suggestion,
AutocompleteMatchType::Type type,
int subtype_identifier,
bool from_keyword_provider,
int relevance,
bool relevance_from_server,
const base::string16& input_text);
SuggestResult(const base::string16& suggestion,
AutocompleteMatchType::Type type,
int subtype_identifier,
const base::string16& match_contents,
const base::string16& match_contents_prefix,
const base::string16& annotation,
const std::string& additional_query_params,
const std::string& deletion_url,
const std::string& image_dominant_color,
const std::string& image_url,
bool from_keyword_provider,
int relevance,
bool relevance_from_server,
bool should_prefetch,
const base::string16& input_text);
SuggestResult(const SuggestResult& result);
~SuggestResult() override;
SuggestResult& operator=(const SuggestResult& rhs);
const base::string16& suggestion() const { return suggestion_; }
const base::string16& match_contents_prefix() const {
return match_contents_prefix_;
const base::string16& annotation() const { return annotation_; }
const std::string& additional_query_params() const {
return additional_query_params_;
void SetAnswer(const SuggestionAnswer& answer);
const base::Optional<SuggestionAnswer>& answer() const { return answer_; }
const std::string& image_dominant_color() const {
return image_dominant_color_;
const std::string& image_url() const { return image_url_; }
bool should_prefetch() const { return should_prefetch_; }
// Fills in |match_contents_class_| to reflect how |match_contents_| should
// be displayed and bolded against the current |input_text|. If
// |allow_bolding_all| is false and |match_contents_class_| would have all
// of |match_contents_| bolded, do nothing.
void ClassifyMatchContents(const bool allow_bolding_all,
const base::string16& input_text);
// Result:
int CalculateRelevance(const AutocompleteInput& input,
bool keyword_provider_requested) const override;
// The search terms to be used for this suggestion.
base::string16 suggestion_;
// The contents to be displayed as prefix of match contents.
// Used for tail suggestions to display a leading ellipsis (or some
// equivalent character) to indicate omitted text.
// Only used to pass this information to about:omnibox's "Additional Info".
base::string16 match_contents_prefix_;
// Optional annotation for the |match_contents_| for disambiguation.
// This may be displayed in the autocomplete match contents, but is defined
// separately to facilitate different formatting.
base::string16 annotation_;
// Optional additional parameters to be added to the search URL.
std::string additional_query_params_;
// Optional short answer to the input that produced this suggestion.
base::Optional<SuggestionAnswer> answer_;
// Optional image information. Used for entity suggestions. The dominant
// color can be used to paint the image placeholder while fetching the
// image.
std::string image_dominant_color_;
std::string image_url_;
// Should this result be prefetched?
bool should_prefetch_;
class NavigationResult : public Result {
NavigationResult(const AutocompleteSchemeClassifier& scheme_classifier,
const GURL& url,
AutocompleteMatchType::Type type,
int subtype_identifier,
const base::string16& description,
const std::string& deletion_url,
bool from_keyword_provider,
int relevance,
bool relevance_from_server,
const base::string16& input_text);
~NavigationResult() override;
const GURL& url() const { return url_; }
const base::string16& description() const { return description_; }
const base::string16& formatted_url() const { return formatted_url_; }
// Fills in |match_contents_| and |match_contents_class_| to reflect how
// the URL should be displayed and bolded against the current |input_text|.
// If |allow_bolding_nothing| is false and |match_contents_class_| would
// result in an entirely unbolded |match_contents_|, do nothing.
void CalculateAndClassifyMatchContents(const bool allow_bolding_nothing,
const base::string16& input_text);
// Result:
int CalculateRelevance(const AutocompleteInput& input,
bool keyword_provider_requested) const override;
// The suggested url for navigation.
GURL url_;
// The properly formatted ("fixed up") URL string with equivalent meaning
// to the one in |url_|.
base::string16 formatted_url_;
// The suggested navigational result description; generally the site name.
base::string16 description_;
typedef std::vector<SuggestResult> SuggestResults;
typedef std::vector<NavigationResult> NavigationResults;
// A simple structure bundling most of the information (including
// both SuggestResults and NavigationResults) returned by a call to
// the suggest server.
// This has to be declared after the typedefs since it relies on some of them.
struct Results {
// Clears |suggest_results| and |navigation_results| and resets
// |verbatim_relevance| to -1 (implies unset).
void Clear();
// Returns whether any of the results (including verbatim) have
// server-provided scores.
bool HasServerProvidedScores() const;
// Query suggestions sorted by relevance score, descending. This order is
// normally provided by server and is guaranteed after search provider
// calls SortResults, so order always holds except possibly while parsing.
SuggestResults suggest_results;
// Navigational suggestions sorted by relevance score, descending. This
// order is normally provided by server and is guaranteed after search
// provider calls SortResults, so order always holds except possibly while
// parsing.
NavigationResults navigation_results;
// The server supplied verbatim relevance scores. Negative values
// indicate that there is no suggested score; a value of 0
// suppresses the verbatim result.
int verbatim_relevance;
// The JSON metadata associated with this server response.
std::string metadata;
// If the active suggest field trial (if any) has triggered.
bool field_trial_triggered;
// If the relevance values of the results are from the server.
bool relevances_from_server;
// Converts JSON loaded by a SimpleURLLoader into UTF-8 and returns the
// result.
// |source| must be the SimpleURLLoader that loaded the data; it is used to
// lookup the body's encoding from response headers.
// |response_body| must be the body of the response; it may be null.
static std::string ExtractJsonData(
const network::SimpleURLLoader* source,
std::unique_ptr<std::string> response_body);
// Parses JSON response received from the provider, stripping XSSI
// protection if needed. Returns the parsed data if successful, NULL
// otherwise.
static std::unique_ptr<base::Value> DeserializeJsonData(
base::StringPiece json_data);
// Parses results from the suggest server and updates the appropriate suggest
// and navigation result lists in |results|. |is_keyword_result| indicates
// whether the response was received from the keyword provider.
// Returns whether the appropriate result list members were updated.
static bool ParseSuggestResults(
const base::Value& root_val,
const AutocompleteInput& input,
const AutocompleteSchemeClassifier& scheme_classifier,
int default_result_relevance,
bool is_keyword_result,
Results* results);
// Creates or returns a WordMap for |input_text|. A WordMap is a mapping from
// characters to groups of words that start with those characters. See
// comments by AutocompleteProvider::CreateWordMapForString() for details.
static const AutocompleteProvider::WordMap& GetOrCreateWordMapForInputText(
const base::string16& input_text);
static std::pair<base::string16, AutocompleteProvider::WordMap>&