blob: 91cb81e7005e39c93af8eac435a87dc81b912b31 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/test/scoped_task_environment.h"
#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_adapter.h"
#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_advertisement.h"
#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_device.h"
#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_discovery_session.h"
#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_gatt_connection.h"
#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_gatt_notify_session.h"
#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_local_gatt_service.h"
#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_remote_gatt_characteristic.h"
#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_remote_gatt_descriptor.h"
#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_remote_gatt_service.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace device {
class BluetoothAdapter;
class BluetoothDevice;
class BluetoothLocalGattCharacteristic;
class BluetoothLocalGattDescriptor;
// A test fixture for Bluetooth that abstracts platform specifics for creating
// and controlling fake low level objects.
// Subclasses on each platform implement this, and are then typedef-ed to
// BluetoothTest.
class BluetoothTestBase : public testing::Test {
enum class Call { EXPECTED, NOT_EXPECTED };
// List of devices that can be simulated with
// SimulateConnectedLowEnergyDevice().
// - Name: kTestDeviceName
// - Address: kTestPeripheralUUID1
// - Services: [ kTestUUIDGenericAccess ]
// - Name: kTestDeviceName
// - Address: kTestPeripheralUUID2
// - Services: [ kTestUUIDGenericAccess, kTestUUIDHeartRate]
enum class ConnectedDeviceType {
enum class NotifyValueState {
// Utility struct to simplify simulating a low energy device.
struct LowEnergyDeviceData {
LowEnergyDeviceData(LowEnergyDeviceData&& data);
base::Optional<std::string> name;
std::string address;
int8_t rssi = 0;
base::Optional<uint8_t> flags;
BluetoothDevice::UUIDList advertised_uuids;
base::Optional<int8_t> tx_power;
BluetoothDevice::ServiceDataMap service_data;
BluetoothDevice::ManufacturerDataMap manufacturer_data;
BluetoothTransport transport = BLUETOOTH_TRANSPORT_LE;
static const char kTestAdapterName[];
static const char kTestAdapterAddress[];
static const char kTestDeviceName[];
static const char kTestDeviceNameEmpty[];
static const char kTestDeviceNameU2f[];
static const char kTestDeviceNameCable[];
static const char kTestDeviceAddress1[];
static const char kTestDeviceAddress2[];
static const char kTestDeviceAddress3[];
// GENERATED_JAVA_ENUM_PACKAGE: org.chromium.device.bluetooth.test
enum class TestRSSI {
LOWEST = -81,
LOWER = -61,
LOW = -41,
MEDIUM = -21,
HIGH = -1,
// GENERATED_JAVA_ENUM_PACKAGE: org.chromium.device.bluetooth.test
enum class TestTxPower {
LOWEST = -40,
LOWER = -20,
// Services
static const char kTestUUIDGenericAccess[];
static const char kTestUUIDGenericAttribute[];
static const char kTestUUIDImmediateAlert[];
static const char kTestUUIDLinkLoss[];
static const char kTestUUIDHeartRate[];
static const char kTestUUIDU2f[];
// Characteristics
// The following three characteristics are for kTestUUIDGenericAccess.
static const char kTestUUIDDeviceName[];
static const char kTestUUIDAppearance[];
static const char kTestUUIDReconnectionAddress[];
// This characteristic is for kTestUUIDHeartRate.
static const char kTestUUIDHeartRateMeasurement[];
// This characteristic is for kTestUUIDU2f.
static const char kTestUUIDU2fControlPointLength[];
// Descriptors
static const char kTestUUIDCharacteristicUserDescription[];
static const char kTestUUIDClientCharacteristicConfiguration[];
static const char kTestUUIDServerCharacteristicConfiguration[];
static const char kTestUUIDCharacteristicPresentationFormat[];
static const char kTestUUIDCableAdvertisement[];
// Manufacturer data
static const uint16_t kTestManufacturerId;
// Test ephemeral ID for BLE devices that support cloud-assisted BLE protocol.
static const uint8_t kTestCableEid[];
static const char kTestUuidFormattedClientEid[];
~BluetoothTestBase() override;
// Checks that no unexpected calls have been made to callbacks.
// Overrides of this method should always call the parent's class method.
void TearDown() override;
// Calls adapter_->StartDiscoverySessionWithFilter with Low Energy transport,
// and this fixture's callbacks expecting success.
// Then RunLoop().RunUntilIdle().
virtual void StartLowEnergyDiscoverySession();
// Calls adapter_->StartDiscoverySessionWithFilter with Low Energy transport,
// and this fixture's callbacks expecting error.
// Then RunLoop().RunUntilIdle().
void StartLowEnergyDiscoverySessionExpectedToFail();
// Check if Low Energy is available. On Mac, we require OS X >= 10.10.
virtual bool PlatformSupportsLowEnergy() = 0;
// Initializes the BluetoothAdapter |adapter_| with the system adapter.
virtual void InitWithDefaultAdapter() {}
// Initializes the BluetoothAdapter |adapter_| with the system adapter forced
// to be ignored as if it did not exist. This enables tests for when an
// adapter is not present on the system.
virtual void InitWithoutDefaultAdapter() {}
// Initializes the BluetoothAdapter |adapter_| with a fake adapter that can be
// controlled by this test fixture.
virtual void InitWithFakeAdapter() {}
// Similar to InitWithFakeAdapter(), but simulates a state where we fail to
// get access to the underlying radio.
virtual void InitFakeAdapterWithoutRadio() {}
// Configures the fake adapter to lack the necessary permissions to scan for
// devices. Returns false if the current platform always has permission.
virtual bool DenyPermission();
// Simulates a failure during a pending BluetoothAdapter::SetPowered()
// operation.
virtual void SimulateAdapterPowerFailure() {}
// Simulates the Adapter being switched on.
virtual void SimulateAdapterPoweredOn() {}
// Simulates the Adapter being switched off.
virtual void SimulateAdapterPoweredOff() {}
// Create a fake Low Energy device and discover it.
// |device_ordinal| with the same device address stands for the same fake
// device with different properties.
// For example:
// SimulateLowEnergyDevice(2); << First call will create a device with address
// kTestDeviceAddress1
// SimulateLowEnergyDevice(3); << Second call will update changes to the
// device of address kTestDeviceAddress1.
// |device_ordinal| selects between multiple fake device data sets to produce:
// 1: Name: kTestDeviceName
// Address: kTestDeviceAddress1
// Flags: 0x04
// Advertised UUIDs: {kTestUUIDGenericAccess, kTestUUIDGenericAttribute}
// Service Data: {kTestUUIDHeartRate: [1]}
// ManufacturerData: {kTestManufacturerId: [1, 2, 3, 4]}
// Tx Power: TestTxPower::LOWEST
// 2: Name: kTestDeviceName
// Address: kTestDeviceAddress1
// Flags: 0x05
// Advertised UUIDs: {kTestUUIDImmediateAlert, kTestUUIDLinkLoss}
// Service Data: {kTestUUIDHeartRate: [],
// kTestUUIDImmediateAlert: [0, 2]}
// ManufacturerData: {kTestManufacturerId: []}
// Tx Power: TestTxPower::LOWER
// 3: Name: kTestDeviceNameEmpty
// Address: kTestDeviceAddress1
// No Flags
// No Advertised UUIDs
// No Service Data
// No Manufacturer Data
// No Tx Power
// 4: Name: kTestDeviceNameEmpty
// Address: kTestDeviceAddress2
// No Flags
// No Advertised UUIDs
// No Service Data
// No Manufacturer Data
// No Tx Power
// 5: No name device
// Address: kTestDeviceAddress1
// Flags: 0x06
// No Advertised UUIDs
// No Service Data
// No Tx Power
// 6: Name: kTestDeviceName
// Address: kTestDeviceAddress2
// Flags: 0x18
// No Advertised UUIDs
// No Service Data
// No Manufacturer Data
// No Tx Power
// Supports BR/EDR and LE.
// 7: Name: kTestDeviceNameU2f
// Address: kTestDeviceAddress1
// Flags: 0x07
// Advertised UUIDs: {kTestUUIDU2f}
// Service Data: {kTestUUIDU2fControlPointLength: [0, 20]}
// No Manufacturer Data
// No Tx Power
// 8: Name: kTestDeviceNameCable;
// Address: kTestDeviceAddress1;
// Flags: 0x07;
// RSSI: static_cast<int>(TestRSSI::LOWEST);
// Advertised UUIDs: {BluetoothUUID(kTestUUIDU2f)};
// Service Data: {
// {BluetoothUUID(kTestUUIDCableAdvertisement128),
// std::vector<uint8_t>(std::begin(kTestCableEid),
// std::end(kTestCableEid))}};
// 9: Name: kTestDeviceNameCable;
// Address: kTestDeviceAddress2;
// Flags: = 0x07;
// RSSI: static_cast<int>(TestRSSI::LOWEST);
// Advertised UUIDs: {
// BluetoothUUID(kTestUUIDCableAdvertisement16),
// BluetoothUUID(kTestUuidFormattedClientEid)};
virtual BluetoothDevice* SimulateLowEnergyDevice(int device_ordinal);
// Simulates a connected low energy device. Used before starting a low energy
// discovey session.
virtual void SimulateConnectedLowEnergyDevice(
ConnectedDeviceType device_ordinal) {}
// Create a fake classic device and discover it. The device will have
// name kTestDeviceName, no advertised UUIDs and address kTestDeviceAddress3.
virtual BluetoothDevice* SimulateClassicDevice();
// Simulates a change in |device|'s pairing state.
virtual void SimulateDevicePaired(BluetoothDevice* device, bool is_paired) {}
// Sets |device|'s pairing code to |pin_code|.
virtual void SimulatePairingPinCode(BluetoothDevice* device,
std::string pin_code) {}
// Simulates a successful registration of |advertisement|.
virtual void SimulateAdvertisementStarted(
BluetoothAdvertisement* advertisement) {}
// Simulates a successful unregistration of |advertisement|.
virtual void SimulateAdvertisementStopped(
BluetoothAdvertisement* advertisement) {}
// Simulates a failure of either registering or unregistering |advertisement|
// with error code |error_code|.
virtual void SimulateAdvertisementError(
BluetoothAdvertisement* advertisement,
BluetoothAdvertisement::ErrorCode error_code) {}
// Remembers |device|'s platform specific object to be used in a
// subsequent call to methods such as SimulateGattServicesDiscovered that
// accept a nullptr value to select this remembered characteristic. This
// enables tests where the platform attempts to reference device
// objects after the Chrome objects have been deleted, e.g. with DeleteDevice.
virtual void RememberDeviceForSubsequentAction(BluetoothDevice* device) {}
// Simulates success of implementation details of CreateGattConnection.
virtual void SimulateGattConnection(BluetoothDevice* device) {}
// Simulates failure of CreateGattConnection with the given error code.
virtual void SimulateGattConnectionError(BluetoothDevice* device,
BluetoothDevice::ConnectErrorCode) {}
// Simulates GattConnection disconnecting.
virtual void SimulateGattDisconnection(BluetoothDevice* device) {}
// Simulates an event where the OS breaks the Gatt connection. Defaults to
// SimulateGattDisconnection(device).
virtual void SimulateDeviceBreaksConnection(BluetoothDevice* device);
// Simulates a device changing its name property while a GATT connection is
// open.
virtual void SimulateGattNameChange(BluetoothDevice* device,
const std::string& new_name) {}
// Simulates success of discovering services. |uuids| is used to create a
// service for each UUID string. Multiple UUIDs with the same value produce
// multiple service instances.
virtual void SimulateGattServicesDiscovered(
BluetoothDevice* device,
const std::vector<std::string>& uuids) {}
// Simulates a GATT Services changed event.
virtual void SimulateGattServicesChanged(BluetoothDevice* device) {}
// Simulates remove of a |service|.
virtual void SimulateGattServiceRemoved(BluetoothRemoteGattService* service) {
// Simulates failure to discover services.
virtual void SimulateGattServicesDiscoveryError(BluetoothDevice* device) {}
// Simulates a Characteristic on a service.
virtual void SimulateGattCharacteristic(BluetoothRemoteGattService* service,
const std::string& uuid,
int properties) {}
// Simulates remove of a |characteristic| from |service|.
virtual void SimulateGattCharacteristicRemoved(
BluetoothRemoteGattService* service,
BluetoothRemoteGattCharacteristic* characteristic) {}
// Remembers |characteristic|'s platform specific object to be used in a
// subsequent call to methods such as SimulateGattCharacteristicRead that
// accept a nullptr value to select this remembered characteristic. This
// enables tests where the platform attempts to reference characteristic
// objects after the Chrome objects have been deleted, e.g. with DeleteDevice.
virtual void RememberCharacteristicForSubsequentAction(
BluetoothRemoteGattCharacteristic* characteristic) {}
// Remembers |characteristic|'s Client Characteristic Configuration (CCC)
// descriptor's platform specific object to be used in a subsequent call to
// methods such as SimulateGattNotifySessionStarted. This enables tests where
// the platform attempts to reference descriptor objects after the Chrome
// objects have been deleted, e.g. with DeleteDevice.
virtual void RememberCCCDescriptorForSubsequentAction(
BluetoothRemoteGattCharacteristic* characteristic) {}
// Simulates a Characteristic Set Notify success.
// If |characteristic| is null, acts upon the characteristic & CCC
// descriptor provided to RememberCharacteristicForSubsequentAction &
// RememberCCCDescriptorForSubsequentAction.
virtual void SimulateGattNotifySessionStarted(
BluetoothRemoteGattCharacteristic* characteristic) {}
// Simulates a Characteristic Set Notify error.
// If |characteristic| is null, acts upon the characteristic & CCC
// descriptor provided to RememberCharacteristicForSubsequentAction &
// RememberCCCDescriptorForSubsequentAction.
virtual void SimulateGattNotifySessionStartError(
BluetoothRemoteGattCharacteristic* characteristic,
BluetoothRemoteGattService::GattErrorCode error_code) {}
// Simulates a Characteristic Stop Notify completed.
// If |characteristic| is null, acts upon the characteristic & CCC
// descriptor provided to RememberCharacteristicForSubsequentAction &
// RememberCCCDescriptorForSubsequentAction.
virtual void SimulateGattNotifySessionStopped(
BluetoothRemoteGattCharacteristic* characteristic) {}
// Simulates a Characteristic Stop Notify error.
// If |characteristic| is null, acts upon the characteristic & CCC
// descriptor provided to RememberCharacteristicForSubsequentAction &
// RememberCCCDescriptorForSubsequentAction.
virtual void SimulateGattNotifySessionStopError(
BluetoothRemoteGattCharacteristic* characteristic,
BluetoothRemoteGattService::GattErrorCode error_code) {}
// Simulates a Characteristic Set Notify operation failing synchronously once
// for an unknown reason.
virtual void SimulateGattCharacteristicSetNotifyWillFailSynchronouslyOnce(
BluetoothRemoteGattCharacteristic* characteristic) {}
// Simulates a Characteristic Changed operation with updated |value|.
virtual void SimulateGattCharacteristicChanged(
BluetoothRemoteGattCharacteristic* characteristic,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& value) {}
// Simulates a Characteristic Read operation succeeding, returning |value|.
// If |characteristic| is null, acts upon the characteristic provided to
// RememberCharacteristicForSubsequentAction.
virtual void SimulateGattCharacteristicRead(
BluetoothRemoteGattCharacteristic* characteristic,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& value) {}
// Simulates a Characteristic Read operation failing with a GattErrorCode.
virtual void SimulateGattCharacteristicReadError(
BluetoothRemoteGattCharacteristic* characteristic,
BluetoothRemoteGattService::GattErrorCode) {}
// Simulates a Characteristic Read operation failing synchronously once for an
// unknown reason.
virtual void SimulateGattCharacteristicReadWillFailSynchronouslyOnce(
BluetoothRemoteGattCharacteristic* characteristic) {}
// Simulates a Characteristic Write operation succeeding, returning |value|.
// If |characteristic| is null, acts upon the characteristic provided to
// RememberCharacteristicForSubsequentAction.
virtual void SimulateGattCharacteristicWrite(
BluetoothRemoteGattCharacteristic* characteristic) {}
// Simulates a Characteristic Write operation failing with a GattErrorCode.
virtual void SimulateGattCharacteristicWriteError(
BluetoothRemoteGattCharacteristic* characteristic,
BluetoothRemoteGattService::GattErrorCode) {}
// Simulates a Characteristic Write operation failing synchronously once for
// an unknown reason.
virtual void SimulateGattCharacteristicWriteWillFailSynchronouslyOnce(
BluetoothRemoteGattCharacteristic* characteristic) {}
// Simulates a Descriptor on a service.
virtual void SimulateGattDescriptor(
BluetoothRemoteGattCharacteristic* characteristic,
const std::string& uuid) {}
// Simulates reading a value from a locally hosted GATT characteristic by a
// remote central device. Returns the value that was read from the local
// GATT characteristic in the value callback.
virtual void SimulateLocalGattCharacteristicValueReadRequest(
BluetoothDevice* from_device,
BluetoothLocalGattCharacteristic* characteristic,
const BluetoothLocalGattService::Delegate::ValueCallback& value_callback,
const base::Closure& error_callback) {}
// Simulates write a value to a locally hosted GATT characteristic by a
// remote central device.
virtual void SimulateLocalGattCharacteristicValueWriteRequest(
BluetoothDevice* from_device,
BluetoothLocalGattCharacteristic* characteristic,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& value_to_write,
const base::Closure& success_callback,
const base::Closure& error_callback) {}
// Simulates prepare write a value to a locally hosted GATT characteristic by
// a remote central device.
virtual void SimulateLocalGattCharacteristicValuePrepareWriteRequest(
BluetoothDevice* from_device,
BluetoothLocalGattCharacteristic* characteristic,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& value_to_write,
int offset,
bool has_subsequent_write,
const base::Closure& success_callback,
const base::Closure& error_callback) {}
// Simulates reading a value from a locally hosted GATT descriptor by a
// remote central device. Returns the value that was read from the local
// GATT descriptor in the value callback.
virtual void SimulateLocalGattDescriptorValueReadRequest(
BluetoothDevice* from_device,
BluetoothLocalGattDescriptor* descriptor,
const BluetoothLocalGattService::Delegate::ValueCallback& value_callback,
const base::Closure& error_callback) {}
// Simulates write a value to a locally hosted GATT descriptor by a
// remote central device.
virtual void SimulateLocalGattDescriptorValueWriteRequest(
BluetoothDevice* from_device,
BluetoothLocalGattDescriptor* descriptor,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& value_to_write,
const base::Closure& success_callback,
const base::Closure& error_callback) {}
// Simulates starting or stopping a notification session for a locally
// hosted GATT characteristic by a remote device. Returns false if we were
// not able to start or stop notifications.
virtual bool SimulateLocalGattCharacteristicNotificationsRequest(
BluetoothLocalGattCharacteristic* characteristic,
bool start);
// Returns the value for the last notification that was sent on this
// characteristic.
virtual std::vector<uint8_t> LastNotifactionValueForCharacteristic(
BluetoothLocalGattCharacteristic* characteristic);
// Remembers |descriptor|'s platform specific object to be used in a
// subsequent call to methods such as SimulateGattDescriptorRead that
// accept a nullptr value to select this remembered descriptor. This
// enables tests where the platform attempts to reference descriptor
// objects after the Chrome objects have been deleted, e.g. with DeleteDevice.
virtual void RememberDescriptorForSubsequentAction(
BluetoothRemoteGattDescriptor* descriptor) {}
// Simulates a Descriptor Read operation succeeding, returning |value|.
// If |descriptor| is null, acts upon the descriptor provided to
// RememberDescriptorForSubsequentAction.
virtual void SimulateGattDescriptorRead(
BluetoothRemoteGattDescriptor* descriptor,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& value) {}
// Simulates a Descriptor Read operation failing with a GattErrorCode.
virtual void SimulateGattDescriptorReadError(
BluetoothRemoteGattDescriptor* descriptor,
BluetoothRemoteGattService::GattErrorCode) {}
// Simulates a Descriptor Read operation failing synchronously once for an
// unknown reason.
virtual void SimulateGattDescriptorReadWillFailSynchronouslyOnce(
BluetoothRemoteGattDescriptor* descriptor) {}
// Simulates a Descriptor Write operation succeeding, returning |value|.
// If |descriptor| is null, acts upon the descriptor provided to
// RememberDescriptorForSubsequentAction.
virtual void SimulateGattDescriptorWrite(
BluetoothRemoteGattDescriptor* descriptor) {}
// Simulates a Descriptor Write operation failing with a GattErrorCode.
virtual void SimulateGattDescriptorWriteError(
BluetoothRemoteGattDescriptor* descriptor,
BluetoothRemoteGattService::GattErrorCode) {}
// Simulates a Descriptor Write operation failing synchronously once for
// an unknown reason.
virtual void SimulateGattDescriptorWriteWillFailSynchronouslyOnce(
BluetoothRemoteGattDescriptor* descriptor) {}
// Tests that functions to change the notify value have been called |attempts|
// times.
virtual void ExpectedChangeNotifyValueAttempts(int attempts);
// Tests that the notify value is |expected_value_state|. The default
// implementation checks that the correct value has been written to the CCC
// Descriptor.
virtual void ExpectedNotifyValue(NotifyValueState expected_value_state);
// Returns a list of local GATT services registered with the adapter.
virtual std::vector<BluetoothLocalGattService*> RegisteredGattServices();
// Removes the device from the adapter and deletes it.
virtual void DeleteDevice(BluetoothDevice* device);
// Callbacks that increment |callback_count_|, |error_callback_count_|:
void Callback(Call expected);
void CreateAdvertisementCallback(Call expected,
void DiscoverySessionCallback(Call expected,
void GattConnectionCallback(Call expected,
void NotifyCallback(Call expected,
void NotifyCheckForPrecedingCalls(
int num_of_preceding_calls,
void StopNotifyCallback(Call expected);
void StopNotifyCheckForPrecedingCalls(int num_of_preceding_calls);
void ReadValueCallback(Call expected, const std::vector<uint8_t>& value);
void ErrorCallback(Call expected);
void AdvertisementErrorCallback(Call expected,
BluetoothAdvertisement::ErrorCode error_code);
void ConnectErrorCallback(Call expected,
enum BluetoothDevice::ConnectErrorCode);
void GattErrorCallback(Call expected,
void ReentrantStartNotifySessionSuccessCallback(
Call expected,
BluetoothRemoteGattCharacteristic* characteristic,
std::unique_ptr<BluetoothGattNotifySession> notify_session);
void ReentrantStartNotifySessionErrorCallback(
Call expected,
BluetoothRemoteGattCharacteristic* characteristic,
bool error_in_reentrant,
BluetoothGattService::GattErrorCode error_code);
// Accessors to get callbacks bound to this fixture:
base::Closure GetCallback(Call expected);
BluetoothAdapter::CreateAdvertisementCallback GetCreateAdvertisementCallback(
Call expected);
BluetoothAdapter::DiscoverySessionCallback GetDiscoverySessionCallback(
Call expected);
BluetoothDevice::GattConnectionCallback GetGattConnectionCallback(
Call expected);
BluetoothRemoteGattCharacteristic::NotifySessionCallback GetNotifyCallback(
Call expected);
GetNotifyCheckForPrecedingCalls(int num_of_preceding_calls);
base::Closure GetStopNotifyCallback(Call expected);
base::Closure GetStopNotifyCheckForPrecedingCalls(int num_of_preceding_calls);
BluetoothRemoteGattCharacteristic::ValueCallback GetReadValueCallback(
Call expected);
BluetoothAdapter::ErrorCallback GetErrorCallback(Call expected);
BluetoothAdapter::AdvertisementErrorCallback GetAdvertisementErrorCallback(
Call expected);
BluetoothDevice::ConnectErrorCallback GetConnectErrorCallback(Call expected);
GetGattErrorCallback(Call expected);
Call expected,
BluetoothRemoteGattCharacteristic* characteristic);
Call expected,
BluetoothRemoteGattCharacteristic* characteristic,
bool error_in_reentrant);
// Reset all event count members to 0.
virtual void ResetEventCounts();
void RemoveTimedOutDevices();
// Utility method to simplify creading a low energy device of a given
// |device_ordinal|.
LowEnergyDeviceData GetLowEnergyDeviceData(int device_ordinal) const;
// A ScopedTaskEnvironment is required by some implementations that will
// PostTasks and by base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle() use in this fixture.
base::test::ScopedTaskEnvironment scoped_task_environment_;
scoped_refptr<BluetoothAdapter> adapter_;
std::vector<scoped_refptr<BluetoothAdvertisement>> advertisements_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<BluetoothDiscoverySession>> discovery_sessions_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<BluetoothGattConnection>> gatt_connections_;
BluetoothAdvertisement::ErrorCode last_advertisement_error_code_ =
enum BluetoothDevice::ConnectErrorCode last_connect_error_code_ =
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<BluetoothGattNotifySession>> notify_sessions_;
std::vector<uint8_t> last_read_value_;
std::vector<uint8_t> last_write_value_;
BluetoothRemoteGattService::GattErrorCode last_gatt_error_code_;
int callback_count_ = 0;
int error_callback_count_ = 0;
int gatt_connection_attempts_ = 0;
int gatt_disconnection_attempts_ = 0;
int gatt_discovery_attempts_ = 0;
int gatt_notify_characteristic_attempts_ = 0;
int gatt_read_characteristic_attempts_ = 0;
int gatt_write_characteristic_attempts_ = 0;
int gatt_read_descriptor_attempts_ = 0;
int gatt_write_descriptor_attempts_ = 0;
// The following values are used to make sure the correct callbacks
// have been called. They are not reset when calling ResetEventCounts().
int expected_success_callback_calls_ = 0;
int expected_error_callback_calls_ = 0;
int actual_success_callback_calls_ = 0;
int actual_error_callback_calls_ = 0;
bool unexpected_success_callback_ = false;
bool unexpected_error_callback_ = false;
base::WeakPtrFactory<BluetoothTestBase> weak_factory_;
} // namespace device