blob: 2e0c85fc04319da2cb1bbd91a7ad741b0922284d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/policy/status_uploader.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/bind_helpers.h"
#include "base/location.h"
#include "base/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "base/sys_info.h"
#include "base/syslog_logging.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/policy/device_local_account.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/policy/device_status_collector.h"
#include "chromeos/settings/cros_settings_names.h"
#include "chromeos/settings/cros_settings_provider.h"
#include "components/policy/core/common/cloud/cloud_policy_client.h"
#include "components/policy/core/common/cloud/device_management_service.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
#include "content/public/browser/media_request_state.h"
#include "content/public/common/media_stream_request.h"
#include "ui/base/user_activity/user_activity_detector.h"
namespace em = enterprise_management;
namespace {
// Minimum delay between two consecutive uploads
const int kMinUploadDelayMs = 60 * 1000; // 60 seconds
// Minimum delay after scheduling an upload
const int kMinUploadScheduleDelayMs = 60 * 1000; // 60 seconds
} // namespace
namespace policy {
CloudPolicyClient* client,
std::unique_ptr<DeviceStatusCollector> collector,
const scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner>& task_runner,
base::TimeDelta default_upload_frequency)
: client_(client),
weak_factory_(this) {
// StatusUploader is currently only created for registered clients, and
// it is currently safe to assume that the client will not unregister while
// StatusUploader is alive.
// If future changes result in StatusUploader's lifetime extending beyond
// unregistration events, then this class should be updated
// to skip status uploads for unregistered clients, and to observe the client
// and kick off an upload when registration happens.
// Track whether any media capture devices are in use - this changes what
// type of information we are allowed to upload.
// Listen for changes to the upload delay, and start sending updates to the
// server.
upload_frequency_observer_ =
// Update the upload frequency from settings.
// Schedule our next status upload in a minute (last_upload_ is set to the
// start of the epoch, so this will trigger an update in
// kMinUploadScheduleDelayMs from now).
StatusUploader::~StatusUploader() {
void StatusUploader::ScheduleNextStatusUpload(bool immediately) {
// Don't schedule a new status upload if there's a status upload in progress
// (it will be scheduled once the current one completes).
if (status_upload_in_progress_) {
SYSLOG(INFO) << "In the middle of a status upload, not scheduling the next "
<< "one until this one finishes.";
// Calculate when to fire off the next update (if it should have already
// happened, this yields a TimeDelta of kMinUploadScheduleDelayMs).
base::TimeDelta delay = std::max(
(last_upload_ + upload_frequency_) - base::Time::NowFromSystemTime(),
// If we want an immediate status upload, set delay to 0.
if (immediately)
delay = base::TimeDelta();
task_runner_->PostDelayedTask(FROM_HERE, upload_callback_.callback(), delay);
void StatusUploader::RefreshUploadFrequency() {
// Attempt to fetch the current value of the reporting settings.
// If trusted values are not available, register this function to be called
// back when they are available.
chromeos::CrosSettings* settings = chromeos::CrosSettings::Get();
if (chromeos::CrosSettingsProvider::TRUSTED != settings->PrepareTrustedValues(
weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()))) {
// CrosSettings are trusted - update our cached upload_frequency (we cache the
// value because CrosSettings can become untrusted at arbitrary times and we
// want to use the last trusted value).
int frequency;
if (settings->GetInteger(chromeos::kReportUploadFrequency, &frequency)) {
SYSLOG(INFO) << "Changing status upload frequency from "
<< upload_frequency_ << " to "
<< base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(frequency);
upload_frequency_ = base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(
std::max(kMinUploadDelayMs, frequency));
// Schedule a new upload with the new frequency - only do this if we've
// already performed the initial upload, because we want the initial upload
// to happen in a minute after startup and not get cancelled by settings
// changes.
if (!last_upload_.is_null())
bool StatusUploader::IsSessionDataUploadAllowed() {
// Check if we're in an auto-launched kiosk session.
std::unique_ptr<DeviceLocalAccount> account =
if (!account) {
SYSLOG(WARNING) << "Not a kiosk session, data upload is not allowed.";
return false;
// Check if there has been any user input.
base::TimeTicks last_activity_time =
std::string last_activity_name =
if (!last_activity_time.is_null()) {
SYSLOG(WARNING) << "User input " << last_activity_name << " detected "
<< (base::TimeTicks::Now() - last_activity_time) << " ago ("
<< (base::SysInfo::Uptime() -
(base::TimeTicks::Now() - last_activity_time))
<< " after last boot), data upload is not allowed.";
return false;
// Screenshot is allowed as long as we have not captured media.
if (has_captured_media_) {
SYSLOG(WARNING) << "Media has been captured, data upload is not allowed.";
return false;
} else {
return true;
void StatusUploader::OnRequestUpdate(int render_process_id,
int render_frame_id,
content::MediaStreamType stream_type,
const content::MediaRequestState state) {
// If a video or audio capture stream is opened, set a flag so we disallow
// upload of potentially sensitive data.
if (state == content::MEDIA_REQUEST_STATE_OPENING &&
(stream_type == content::MEDIA_DEVICE_AUDIO_CAPTURE ||
stream_type == content::MEDIA_DEVICE_VIDEO_CAPTURE)) {
has_captured_media_ = true;
void StatusUploader::ScheduleNextStatusUploadImmediately() {
void StatusUploader::UploadStatus() {
status_upload_in_progress_ = true;
// Gather status in the background.
&StatusUploader::OnStatusReceived, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
void StatusUploader::OnStatusReceived(
std::unique_ptr<em::DeviceStatusReportRequest> device_status,
std::unique_ptr<em::SessionStatusReportRequest> session_status) {
bool have_device_status = device_status != nullptr;
bool have_session_status = session_status != nullptr;
if (!have_device_status && !have_session_status) {
SYSLOG(INFO) << "Skipping status upload because no data to upload";
// Don't have any status to upload - just set our timer for next time.
last_upload_ = base::Time::NowFromSystemTime();
status_upload_in_progress_ = false;
if (!client_->is_registered()) {
// This can happen when the DM Token is missing (
VLOG(1) << "Skipping status upload because the client is not registered";
// Reset the timer to avoid log spamming.
last_upload_ = base::Time::NowFromSystemTime();
status_upload_in_progress_ = false;
SYSLOG(INFO) << "Starting status upload: have_device_status = "
<< have_device_status;
client_->UploadDeviceStatus(device_status.get(), session_status.get(),
void StatusUploader::OnUploadCompleted(bool success) {
// Set the last upload time, regardless of whether the upload was successful
// or not (we don't change the time of the next upload based on whether this
// upload succeeded or not - if a status upload fails, we just skip it and
// wait until it's time to try again.
if (success) {
SYSLOG(INFO) << "Status upload successful";
} else {
SYSLOG(ERROR) << "Error uploading status: " << client_->status();
last_upload_ = base::Time::NowFromSystemTime();
status_upload_in_progress_ = false;
// If the upload was successful, tell the collector so it can clear its cache
// of pending items.
if (success)
} // namespace policy