blob: 84b91e8328c53d8aa906429c313b0b71113f0631 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/chrome_command_dispatcher_delegate.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "chrome/app/chrome_command_ids.h"
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/global_shortcut_listener.h"
#include "chrome/browser/global_keyboard_shortcuts_mac.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_command_controller.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_commands.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_finder.h"
#import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/browser_window_controller_private.h"
#import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/browser_window_views_mac.h"
#import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/tabs/tab_strip_controller.h"
#include "content/public/browser/native_web_keyboard_event.h"
namespace {
// For commands that bypass the main menu, we need a custom throttle
// implementation since we don't have main menu's 100ms throttle. If a command
// is repeated, and less than 50ms has passed, ignore it. 50ms was chosen as a
// time that feels good - 100ms feels too long.
constexpr NSTimeInterval kThrottleTimeIntervalSeconds = 0.05;
// Browser tests disable throttling so that they can quickly send key events.
bool g_throttling_enabled = true;
} // namespace
@interface ChromeCommandDispatcherDelegate ()
// We track the last time we let a hotkey bypass the main menu. This allows us
// to implement a custom throttle. By default, the main menu has a built-in
// 100ms throttle [also used to highlight the .
@property(nonatomic, retain) NSDate* lastMainMenuBypassDate;
@property(nonatomic, assign) int lastMainMenuBypassChromeCommand;
@implementation ChromeCommandDispatcherDelegate
@synthesize lastMainMenuBypassDate = lastMainMenuBypassDate_;
@synthesize lastMainMenuBypassChromeCommand = lastMainMenuBypassChromeCommand_;
+ (void)disableThrottleForTesting {
g_throttling_enabled = false;
- (void)dealloc {
[lastMainMenuBypassDate_ release];
[super dealloc];
- (BOOL)shouldThrottleChromeCommand:(int)command {
if (!g_throttling_enabled)
return NO;
return self.lastMainMenuBypassChromeCommand == command &&
self.lastMainMenuBypassDate &&
fabs([self.lastMainMenuBypassDate timeIntervalSinceNow]) <
- (void)executeChromeCommandBypassingMainMenu:(int)command
browser:(Browser*)browser {
self.lastMainMenuBypassDate = [NSDate date];
self.lastMainMenuBypassChromeCommand = command;
chrome::ExecuteCommand(browser, command);
- (BOOL)eventHandledByExtensionCommand:(NSEvent*)event
priority {
if ([event window]) {
BrowserWindowController* controller =
BrowserWindowControllerForWindow([event window]);
// |controller| is only set in Cocoa. In toolkit-views extension commands
// are handled by BrowserView.
if ([controller respondsToSelector:@selector(handledByExtensionCommand:
priority:)]) {
if ([controller handledByExtensionCommand:event priority:priority])
return YES;
return NO;
- (ui::PerformKeyEquivalentResult)prePerformKeyEquivalent:(NSEvent*)event
window:(NSWindow*)window {
// TODO(erikchen): Detect symbolic hot keys, and force control to be passed
// back to AppKit so that it can handle it correctly.
NSResponder* responder = [window firstResponder];
if ([responder conformsToProtocol:@protocol(CommandDispatcherTarget)]) {
NSObject<CommandDispatcherTarget>* target =
if ([target isKeyLocked:event])
return ui::PerformKeyEquivalentResult::kUnhandled;
if ([self eventHandledByExtensionCommand:event
kHighPriority]) {
return ui::PerformKeyEquivalentResult::kHandled;
// The specification for this private extensions API is incredibly vague. For
// now, we avoid triggering chrome commands prior to giving the firstResponder
// a chance to handle the event.
if (extensions::GlobalShortcutListener::GetInstance()
->IsShortcutHandlingSuspended()) {
return ui::PerformKeyEquivalentResult::kUnhandled;
// If this keyEquivalent corresponds to a Chrome command, trigger it directly
// via chrome::ExecuteCommand. We avoid going through the NSMenu for two
// reasons:
// * consistency - some commands are not present in the NSMenu. Furthermore,
// the NSMenu's contents can be dynamically updated, so there's no guarantee
// that passing the event to NSMenu will even do what we think it will do.
// * Avoiding sleeps. By default, the implementation of NSMenu
// performKeyEquivalent: has a nested run loop that spins for 100ms. If we
// avoid that by spinning our task runner in their private mode, there's a
// built in nanosleep. See
// By not passing the event to AppKit, we do lose out on the brief
// highlighting of the NSMenu.
CommandForKeyEventResult result = CommandForKeyEvent(event);
if (result.found()) {
Browser* browser = chrome::FindBrowserWithWindow(window);
if (browser &&
result.chrome_command, content::NativeWebKeyboardEvent(event))) {
// If a command is reserved, then we also have it bypass the main menu.
// This is based on the rough approximation that reserved commands are
// also the ones that we want to be quickly repeatable.
if ([self shouldThrottleChromeCommand:result.chrome_command]) {
// Claim to have handled the command to prevent anyone else from
// processing it.
return ui::PerformKeyEquivalentResult::kHandled;
[self executeChromeCommandBypassingMainMenu:result.chrome_command
return ui::PerformKeyEquivalentResult::kHandled;
return ui::PerformKeyEquivalentResult::kUnhandled;
- (ui::PerformKeyEquivalentResult)postPerformKeyEquivalent:(NSEvent*)event
isRedispatch:(BOOL)isRedispatch {
if ([self eventHandledByExtensionCommand:event
kNormalPriority]) {
return ui::PerformKeyEquivalentResult::kHandled;
CommandForKeyEventResult result = CommandForKeyEvent(event);
if (!result.found() && isRedispatch) {
result.chrome_command = DelayedWebContentsCommandForKeyEvent(event);
result.from_main_menu = false;
if (result.found()) {
Browser* browser = chrome::FindBrowserWithWindow(window);
if (browser) {
// postPerformKeyEquivalent: is only called on events that are not
// reserved. We want to bypass the main menu if and only if the event is
// reserved. As such, we let all events with main menu keyEquivalents be
// handled by the main menu.
if (result.from_main_menu) {
return ui::PerformKeyEquivalentResult::kPassToMainMenu;
if ([self shouldThrottleChromeCommand:result.chrome_command]) {
// Claim to have handled the command to prevent anyone else from
// processing it.
return ui::PerformKeyEquivalentResult::kHandled;
[self executeChromeCommandBypassingMainMenu:result.chrome_command
return ui::PerformKeyEquivalentResult::kHandled;
return ui::PerformKeyEquivalentResult::kUnhandled;
@end // ChromeCommandDispatchDelegate