blob: 83185ceb9bbd29bf38fce7f72c23f3a5b15ba6c8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/color_chooser_mac.h"
#import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/test/cocoa_test_helper.h"
#include "skia/ext/skia_utils_mac.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "testing/gtest_mac.h"
#include "testing/platform_test.h"
@interface NSColorPanel (Private)
// Private method returning the NSColorPanel's target.
- (id)__target;
namespace {
class ColorPanelCocoaTest : public CocoaTest {
void SetUp() override {
// Create the color panel and call Init() again to update its initial
// window list to include it. The NSColorPanel cannot be dealloced, so
// without this step the tests will fail complaining that not all windows
// were closed.
[[NSColorPanel sharedColorPanel] makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
TEST_F(ColorPanelCocoaTest, ClearTargetAndDelegateOnEnd) {
NSColorPanel* nscolor_panel = [NSColorPanel sharedColorPanel];
@autoreleasepool {
EXPECT_TRUE([nscolor_panel respondsToSelector:@selector(__target)]);
// Create a ColorPanelCocoa.
ColorChooserMac* color_chooser_mac =
ColorChooserMac::Open(nullptr, SK_ColorBLACK);
// Confirm the NSColorPanel's configuration by the ColorChooserMac's
// ColorPanelCocoa.
EXPECT_TRUE([nscolor_panel delegate]);
EXPECT_TRUE([nscolor_panel __target]);
// Release the ColorPanelCocoa and confirm it's no longer the NSColorPanel's
// target or delegate.
EXPECT_EQ([nscolor_panel delegate], nil);
EXPECT_EQ([nscolor_panel __target], nil);
TEST_F(ColorPanelCocoaTest, ClearTargetOnEnd) {
NSColorPanel* nscolor_panel = [NSColorPanel sharedColorPanel];
@autoreleasepool {
EXPECT_TRUE([nscolor_panel respondsToSelector:@selector(__target)]);
// Create a ColorPanelCocoa.
ColorChooserMac* color_chooser_mac =
ColorChooserMac::Open(nullptr, SK_ColorBLACK);
// Confirm the NSColorPanel's configuration by the ColorChooserMac's
// ColorPanelCocoa.
EXPECT_TRUE([nscolor_panel delegate]);
EXPECT_TRUE([nscolor_panel __target]);
// Clear the delegate and release the ColorPanelCocoa.
[nscolor_panel setDelegate:nil];
// Release the ColorPanelCocoa.
// Confirm the ColorPanelCocoa is no longer the NSColorPanel's target or
// delegate. Previously the ColorPanelCocoa would not clear the target if
// the delegate had already been cleared.
EXPECT_EQ([nscolor_panel delegate], nil);
EXPECT_EQ([nscolor_panel __target], nil);
TEST_F(ColorPanelCocoaTest, SetColor) {
// Set the NSColor panel up with an intial color.
NSColor* blue_color = [NSColor blueColor];
NSColorPanel* nscolor_panel = [NSColorPanel sharedColorPanel];
[nscolor_panel setColor:blue_color];
EXPECT_TRUE([[nscolor_panel color] isEqual:blue_color]);
// Create a ColorChooserMac and confirm the NSColorPanel gets its initial
// color.
SkColor initial_color = SK_ColorBLACK;
ColorChooserMac* color_chooser_mac =
ColorChooserMac::Open(nullptr, SK_ColorBLACK);
EXPECT_NSEQ([nscolor_panel color],
// Confirm that -[ColorPanelCocoa setColor:] sets the NSColorPanel's color.
SkColor test_color = SK_ColorRED;
EXPECT_NSEQ([nscolor_panel color], skia::SkColorToDeviceNSColor(test_color));
// Clean up.
} // namespace