blob: 9c5591c07614437fc959c4b84048c61f5f9f5f00 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_observer.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_event_generator.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_mode.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_node_data.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_tree.h"
namespace base {
class RunLoop;
namespace content {
class BrowserAccessibilityDelegate;
class RenderFrameHostImpl;
class WebContents;
// Create an instance of this class *before* doing any operation that
// might generate an accessibility event (like a page navigation or
// clicking on a button). Then call WaitForNotification
// afterwards to block until the specified accessibility notification has been
// received.
class AccessibilityNotificationWaiter : public WebContentsObserver {
explicit AccessibilityNotificationWaiter(WebContents* web_contents);
AccessibilityNotificationWaiter(WebContents* web_contents,
ui::AXMode accessibility_mode,
ax::mojom::Event event);
AccessibilityNotificationWaiter(WebContents* web_contents,
ui::AXMode accessibility_mode,
ui::AXEventGenerator::Event event);
~AccessibilityNotificationWaiter() override;
// Blocks until the specific accessibility notification registered in
// AccessibilityNotificationWaiter is received. Ignores notifications for
// "about:blank".
void WaitForNotification();
// Blocks until the notification is received, or the given timeout passes.
void WaitForNotificationWithTimeout(base::TimeDelta timeout);
// After WaitForNotification has returned, this will retrieve
// the tree of accessibility nodes received from the renderer process.
const ui::AXTree& GetAXTree() const;
// After WaitForNotification returns, use this to retrieve the id of the
// node that was the target of the event.
int event_target_id() const { return event_target_id_; }
// After WaitForNotification returns, use this to retrieve the
// RenderFrameHostImpl that was the target of the event.
RenderFrameHostImpl* event_render_frame_host() const {
return event_render_frame_host_;
// WebContentsObserver override:
void RenderFrameHostChanged(RenderFrameHost* old_host,
RenderFrameHost* new_host) override;
// Listen to all frames within the frame tree of this WebContents.
void ListenToAllFrames(WebContents* web_contents);
// Called when iterating over guest web contents so we can listen to
// all frames within guests.
bool ListenToGuestWebContents(WebContents* web_contents);
// Bind either the OnAccessibilityEvent or OnGeneratedEvent callback
// for a given frame within the WebContent's frame tree.
void ListenToFrame(RenderFrameHostImpl* frame_host);
// Helper to bind the OnAccessibilityEvent callback
void BindOnAccessibilityEvent(RenderFrameHostImpl* frame_host);
// Helper to bind the OnGeneratedEvent callback
void BindOnGeneratedEvent(RenderFrameHostImpl* frame_host);
// Callback from RenderViewHostImpl.
void OnAccessibilityEvent(RenderFrameHostImpl* rfhi,
ax::mojom::Event event,
int event_target_id);
// Callback from BrowserAccessibilityManager for all generated events.
void OnGeneratedEvent(BrowserAccessibilityDelegate* delegate,
ui::AXEventGenerator::Event event,
int event_target_id);
// Callback from BrowserAccessibilityManager for the focus changed event.
// TODO(982776): Remove this method once we migrate to using AXEventGenerator
// for focus changed events.
void OnFocusChanged();
// Helper function to determine if the accessibility tree in
// GetAXTree() is about the page with the url "about:blank".
bool IsAboutBlank();
base::Optional<ax::mojom::Event> event_to_wait_for_;
base::Optional<ui::AXEventGenerator::Event> generated_event_to_wait_for_;
std::unique_ptr<base::RunLoop> loop_runner_;
int event_target_id_ = 0;
RenderFrameHostImpl* event_render_frame_host_ = nullptr;
base::WeakPtrFactory<AccessibilityNotificationWaiter> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace content