blob: 7fbd8dd465ac27bb186c50a68d5f328becb22bb9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module resource_coordinator.mojom;
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/process_id.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
import "services/resource_coordinator/public/mojom/lifecycle.mojom";
import "services/resource_coordinator/public/mojom/signals.mojom";
// Any new type here needs to be mirrored between coordination_unit_types.h and
// coordination_unit.mojom, and have mappings between the two defined in
// coordination_unit_mojom_traits.h/.cc (see comment in coordination_unit_id.h).
enum CoordinationUnitType {
// Intervention policy status. This mirrors the definitions used by the
// InterventionPolicyDatabase defined in
// chrome/browser/resource_coordinator/intervention_policy_database.proto
enum InterventionPolicy {
// The frame/page policy is yet unknown. This is the state while a frame is
// still loading.
// The frame/page has explicitly opted-in to an intervention.
// The frame/page has explicitly opted-out from an intervention.
// The frame/page has neither opted-in or opted-out. The intervention will be
// applied usings its own heuristics.
// A list of interventions for which policy is communicated from individual
// frames and propagated through the frame tree. As each frame loads it will
// communicate the policy state to the associated FrameCoordinationUnit, and
// these will eventually be aggregated to the parent PageCoordinationUnit and
// applied to an entire frame tree.
enum PolicyControlledIntervention {
// Page lifecycles is a feature that causes pages to transition through
// lifecycle states in an attempt to save/reclaim resources.
struct CoordinationUnitID {
CoordinationUnitType type;
int64 id;
struct ProcessResourceMeasurement {
// Identifies the process associated with this measurement.
mojo_base.mojom.ProcessId pid;
// The cumulative CPU usage accrued to this process from its start.
mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta cpu_usage;
// The private memory footprint of the process.
uint32 private_footprint_kb = 0;
struct ProcessResourceMeasurementBatch {
// These times bracket the capture of the entire dump, e.g. each distinct
// measurement is captured somewhere between |batch_started_time| and
// |batch_ended_time|.
mojo_base.mojom.TimeTicks batch_started_time;
mojo_base.mojom.TimeTicks batch_ended_time;
array<ProcessResourceMeasurement> measurements;
// A FrameCoordinationUnit has at most one ProcessCoordinationUnit as its
// parent, at most one PageCoordinationUnit as its parent, at most one
// FrameCoordinationUnit as parent frame, and can have many child frames.
interface FrameCoordinationUnit {
// Mainly used to force a round-trip to the service over the pipe for
// a specific unit, so we don't have to deal with possibly-not-yet-created
// children.
GetID() => (CoordinationUnitID id);
// Sets the process hosting this frame.
SetProcess(CoordinationUnitID id);
// Add a new binding to an existing FrameCoordinationUnit.
AddBinding(FrameCoordinationUnit& request);
AddChildFrame(CoordinationUnitID cu_id);
RemoveChildFrame(CoordinationUnitID cu_id);
// Property signals.
SetNetworkAlmostIdle(bool idle);
SetLifecycleState(LifecycleState state);
SetHasNonEmptyBeforeUnload(bool has_nonempty_beforeunload);
SetInterventionPolicy(PolicyControlledIntervention intervention,
InterventionPolicy policy);
// Event signals.
interface PageCoordinationUnit {
// Mainly used to force a round-trip to the service over the pipe for
// a specific unit, so we don't have to deal with possibly-not-yet-created
// children.
GetID() => (CoordinationUnitID id);
// Add a new binding to an existing PageCoordinationUnit.
AddBinding(PageCoordinationUnit& request);
AddFrame(CoordinationUnitID cu_id);
RemoveFrame(CoordinationUnitID cu_id);
// Property signals.
SetIsLoading(bool is_loading);
SetVisibility(bool visible);
SetUKMSourceId(int64 ukm_source_id);
// Event signals.
// |navigation_committed_time| is the time when the commit occurred.
// |navigation_id| is the unique ID of the navigation handle that was
// committed.
mojo_base.mojom.TimeTicks navigation_committed_time,
int64 navigation_id, string url);
interface ProcessCoordinationUnit {
// Mainly used to force a round-trip to the service over the pipe for
// a specific unit, so we don't have to deal with possibly-not-yet-created
// children.
GetID() => (CoordinationUnitID id);
// Add a new binding to an existing ProcessCoordinationUnit.
AddBinding(ProcessCoordinationUnit& request);
// Property signals.
SetCPUUsage(double cpu_usage);
SetExpectedTaskQueueingDuration(mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta duration);
SetLaunchTime(mojo_base.mojom.Time launch_time);
SetMainThreadTaskLoadIsLow(bool main_thread_task_load_is_low);
SetPID(mojo_base.mojom.ProcessId pid);
// Called when the process is known to have died or to have failed to start.
SetProcessExitStatus(int32 exit_status);
// Event signals.
// Fired when one of the renderer heaps is about to exceed its limit.
// If nothing is done, then the renderer is likely to crash with OOM.
// There is exactly one SystemCoordinationUnit at all times.
interface SystemCoordinationUnit {
// Gets the ID of this coordination unit.
GetID() => (CoordinationUnitID id);
// Add a new binding to an existing SystemCoordinationUnit.
AddBinding(SystemCoordinationUnit& request);
// Event signals.
// Fired when all ProcessCUs have been adorned with consistent CPU usage
// metrics. This allows for subsequent heuristics to propagate these
// measurements to PageCUs via a heuristic.
// Distributes a measurement batch onto the CU graph. This may generate
// events.
DistributeMeasurementBatch(ProcessResourceMeasurementBatch measurement_batch);