blob: 5f5d463c40499e77da3699bec6bf44cf519005cb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "device/vr/openvr/openvr_api_wrapper.h"
#include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_task_runner_handle.h"
#include "device/vr/test/test_hook.h"
namespace device {
OpenVRWrapper::OpenVRWrapper(bool for_rendering) {
initialized_ = Initialize(for_rendering);
OpenVRWrapper::~OpenVRWrapper() {
if (initialized_)
vr::IVRCompositor* OpenVRWrapper::GetCompositor() {
return compositor_;
vr::IVRSystem* OpenVRWrapper::GetSystem() {
return system_;
void OpenVRWrapper::SetTestHook(VRTestHook* hook) {
// This may be called from any thread - tests are responsible for
// maintaining thread safety, typically by not changing the test hook
// while presenting.
test_hook_ = hook;
if (test_hook_registration_) {
bool OpenVRWrapper::Initialize(bool for_rendering) {
any_initialized_ = true;
// device can only be used on this thread once initailized
vr::EVRInitError init_error = vr::VRInitError_None;
system_ =
vr::VR_Init(&init_error, vr::EVRApplicationType::VRApplication_Scene);
if (init_error != vr::VRInitError_None) {
LOG(ERROR) << vr::VR_GetVRInitErrorAsEnglishDescription(init_error);
any_initialized_ = false;
return false;
current_task_runner_ = base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get();
if (for_rendering) {
compositor_ = vr::VRCompositor();
if (test_hook_) {
// Allow our mock implementation of OpenVR to be controlled by tests.
// Note that SetTestHook must be called before CreateDevice, or
// test_hook_registration_s will remain null. This is a good pattern for
// tests anyway, since the alternative is we start mocking part-way through
// using the device, and end up with race conditions for when we started
// controlling things.
vr::EVRInitError eError;
test_hook_registration_ = reinterpret_cast<TestHookRegistration*>(
vr::VR_GetGenericInterface(kChromeOpenVRTestHookAPI, &eError));
if (test_hook_registration_) {
return true;
void OpenVRWrapper::Uninitialize() {
initialized_ = false;
system_ = nullptr;
compositor_ = nullptr;
test_hook_registration_ = nullptr;
current_task_runner_ = nullptr;
if (test_hook_)
any_initialized_ = false;
VRTestHook* OpenVRWrapper::test_hook_ = nullptr;
bool OpenVRWrapper::any_initialized_ = false;
TestHookRegistration* OpenVRWrapper::test_hook_registration_ = nullptr;
std::string GetOpenVRString(vr::IVRSystem* vr_system,
vr::TrackedDeviceProperty prop) {
std::string out;
vr::TrackedPropertyError error = vr::TrackedProp_Success;
char openvr_string[vr::k_unMaxPropertyStringSize];
vr::k_unTrackedDeviceIndex_Hmd, prop, openvr_string,
vr::k_unMaxPropertyStringSize, &error);
if (error == vr::TrackedProp_Success)
out = openvr_string;
return out;
} // namespace device