blob: fbe279a51e60147522ea6365e1f76703eca94648 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/shelf/contextual_tooltip.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
namespace ash {
// This class keeps track of the visibility of a single nudge and reports
// metrics related to the nudge's state changes.
class ASH_EXPORT ContextualNudgeStatusTracker {
explicit ContextualNudgeStatusTracker(
ash::contextual_tooltip::TooltipType type_);
ContextualNudgeStatusTracker(const ContextualNudgeStatusTracker&) = delete;
ContextualNudgeStatusTracker& operator=(const ContextualNudgeStatusTracker&) =
// Activates the status tracker and records the time the nudge was shown.
void HandleNudgeShown(base::TimeTicks shown_time);
// Should only be called once per shown nudge as metrics are only measuring
// the time between showing the nudge and the user performing the gesture.
void HandleGesturePerformed(base::TimeTicks hide_time);
// Records relevant metrics when the user exits the state that showed
// the contextual nudge if |dismissal_reason_recorded_| is false.
void MaybeLogNudgeDismissedMetrics(
contextual_tooltip::DismissNudgeReason reason);
bool gesture_time_recorded() const { return gesture_time_recorded_; }
bool can_record_dismiss_metrics() const {
return can_record_dismiss_metrics_;
// Time the nudge was last shown.
base::TimeTicks nudge_shown_time_;
// The tooltip type tracked by this object.
const ash::contextual_tooltip::TooltipType type_;
// Tracks whether the tooltip dismiss time has been recorded because of the
// gesture is performed. Sets after gesture is performed. Resets when the
// tooltip is shown.
bool gesture_time_recorded_ = false;
// Tracks whether the nudge dismiss metrics can be recorded. Only after the
// tooltip is shown, the tooltip can be dismissed and the dismiss reason
// metrics can be logged. Otherwise, calling MaybeLogNudgeDismissedMetrics()
// is a no-op.
bool can_record_dismiss_metrics_ = false;
} // namespace ash