blob: 3b565a01e4e45ad05f5dfb0d0b229979e5272293 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>
#include "base/threading/platform_thread.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chromeos/chromeos_export.h"
#include "chromeos/memory/userspace_swap/region.h"
#include "services/resource_coordinator/public/mojom/memory_instrumentation/memory_instrumentation.mojom.h"
// This file is for containing the browser and renderer common userspace swap
// components such as helper functions and structures.
namespace chromeos {
namespace memory {
namespace userspace_swap {
class UserfaultFD;
class SwapFile;
// UserspaceSwapConfig is a structure which contains all configuration values
// for userspace swap.
struct CHROMEOS_EXPORT UserspaceSwapConfig {
UserspaceSwapConfig(const UserspaceSwapConfig& other);
// Returns the Current UserspaceSwapConfig.
static const UserspaceSwapConfig& Get();
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out,
const UserspaceSwapConfig& c);
// enabled is true if the userspace swap feature is enabled.
bool enabled;
// Number of pages per region represents the number of pages we will use for
// each chunk we attempt to swap at a time.
uint16_t number_of_pages_per_region;
// VMA region minimum size represents the minimum size that a VMA must be to
// be considered for userspace swap.
uint64_t vma_region_minimum_size_bytes;
// VMA region maximum size represents the maximum size a VMA can be to be
// considered for userspace swap. The reason we have a maximum is because it's
// very common to have LARGE sparse VMAs, which can be 1+GB and used primarily
// for the on demand page faulted nature of anonymous mappings on linux.
// Examples of this are how the JVM and others will allocate large several GB
// heaps in one go. It would be silly to walk the entire thing checking if
// pages are in core, a good value here is probably less than 256MB.
uint64_t vma_region_maximum_size_bytes;
// If true the swap file will be compressed on disk.
bool use_compressed_swap_file;
// Minimum disk space swap available is the lower limit of free disk space on
// the swap device. If the available space on the device backing storage
// is lower than this value no further swapping is allowed, this prevents
// userspace swap from exhausting disk space.
uint64_t minimum_swap_disk_space_available;
// Maximum swap disk space represents the maxmium disk space userspace swap is
// allowed to use across all renderers.
uint64_t maximum_swap_disk_space_bytes;
// Renderer maximum disk file size represents the maximum size a swap file may
// for an individual renderer.
uint64_t renderer_maximum_disk_swap_file_size_bytes;
// Renderer region limit per swap limits the number of regions that that an
// individual renderer can swap on each swap, note that each region is
// configured by the number of pages per region so these two together limit
// the total number of pages per swap round of a process.
uint32_t renderer_region_limit_per_swap;
// The blocked refault time is the minimum time a region must be swapped out
// without being blocked. This prevents disk thrashing where if a region
// is immediately refaulted we don't want to swap it again as it'll likely be
// needed in the future, for example, if a region has a blocked refault time
// of 30s if it is refaulted in less than 30s it will never be swapped again.
base::TimeDelta blocked_refault_time;
// Graph walk frequency represents the (shortest) duration in which you can
// walk the graph, that is, a graph walk frequency of 60s means that you will
// not walk the graph more than once every 60s.
base::TimeDelta graph_walk_frequency;
// The process Swap frequency limits the frequency on which a process may be
// swapped, for example 60s means that a process will not be swapped more than
// once every 60s.
base::TimeDelta process_swap_frequency;
// Invisible Time Before Swap is the amount of time a renderer must be
// invisible before it can be considered for swap.
base::TimeDelta invisible_time_before_swap;
// Swap on freeze, if true will swap a process when all frames are frozen.
bool swap_on_freeze;
// Swap on moderate pressure will walk the graph (based on the frequency of
// graph walk frequency) looking for renderers to swap based on visibility
// state.
bool swap_on_moderate_pressure;
// Shuffle maps order will randomly shuffle the processes maps ordering before
// swapping, it does this so that subsequent swaps can start from different
// memory regions.
bool shuffle_maps_on_swap;
// Returns true if the kernel supports all the features necessary for userspace
// swap. These features are userfaultfd(2) and mremap(2) with MREMAP_DONTUNMAP
// support this method is the source of truth for the browser UserspaceSwap and
// the rendererer UserspaceSwapImpl.
CHROMEOS_EXPORT bool KernelSupportsUserspaceSwap();
// Returns true if there is kernel support for userspace swap and the feature is
// enabled.
CHROMEOS_EXPORT bool UserspaceSwapSupportedAndEnabled();
// GetGlobalSwapDiskspaceUsed returns the number of bytes currently on disk for
// ALL renderers.
CHROMEOS_EXPORT uint64_t GetGlobalSwapDiskspaceUsed();
// GetGlobalMemoryReclaimed returns the number of bytes (physical memory) which
// has been reclaimed by userspace swap. This number may not match what is on
// disk due to encryption and compression.
CHROMEOS_EXPORT uint64_t GetGlobalMemoryReclaimed();
// RendererSwapData is attached to a ProcessNode and owned by the ProcessNode on
// the PerformanceManager graph.
class CHROMEOS_EXPORT RendererSwapData {
virtual ~RendererSwapData();
static std::unique_ptr<RendererSwapData> Create(
int render_process_host_id,
std::unique_ptr<chromeos::memory::userspace_swap::UserfaultFD> uffd,
std::unique_ptr<chromeos::memory::userspace_swap::SwapFile> swap_file);
// Returns the Render Process Host ID associated with this RendererSwapData.
virtual int render_process_host_id() const = 0;
// If true this renderer has not been disallowed swap.
virtual bool SwapAllowed() const = 0;
// DisallowSwap prevents further swapping of this renderer. This cannot be
// unset.
virtual void DisallowSwap() = 0;
// There is a subtle difference between SwapdiskspaceWrittenBytes and
// SwapDiskspaceUsedBytes. Because punching a hole in a file may not reclaim a
// block on disk only after the entire block has been punched will the space
// actually be reclaimed on disk. However, SwapDiskspaceWrittenBytes will
// contain the total number of bytes that we think are on disk, these numbers
// will be equal when there is no waste of block space on disk.
virtual uint64_t SwapDiskspaceWrittenBytes() const = 0;
virtual uint64_t SwapDiskspaceUsedBytes() const = 0;
virtual uint64_t ReclaimedBytes() const = 0;
// SwapRegions will swap at most |number_of_regions| on the renderer belonging
// to the associated RendererSwapData.
CHROMEOS_EXPORT bool SwapRegions(RendererSwapData* data, int number_of_regions);
// A swap eligible VMA is one that meets the required swapping criteria,
// which are:
// - RW protections
// - Not file backed (Anonymous)
// - Not shared (Private)
// - Contains no locked memory
// - Meets the size constraints set by vma_region_min_size_bytes
// and vma_region_max_size_bytes
// This method is only exported for testing.
const memory_instrumentation::mojom::VmRegionPtr& vma);
// GetAllSwapEligibleVMAs will return a vector of regions which are swap
// eligible, these regions are NOT "swap region" sized they are the VMAs and
// as such must then be split in the appropriate region size by the userspace
// swap mechanism. On error it will return false and errno will be set
// appropriately.
// This vector may be shuffled if shuffle_maps_on_swap has been set to true.
CHROMEOS_EXPORT bool GetAllSwapEligibleVMAs(base::PlatformThreadId pid,
std::vector<Region>* regions);
} // namespace userspace_swap
} // namespace memory
} // namespace chromeos