blob: 9f3ad79e8b88e54148fb3b080c61d9b4f6f51681 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "net/base/address_list.h"
#include "net/base/host_resolver.h"
#include "net/base/net_log.h"
#include "net/base/single_request_host_resolver.h"
#include "jingle/notifier/base/server_information.h"
namespace notifier {
class ConnectionOptions;
class ConnectionSettings;
class ConnectionSettingsList;
// Resolves dns names and iterates through the various ip address and transport
// combinations.
class XmppConnectionGenerator {
class Delegate {
virtual ~Delegate() {}
virtual void OnNewSettings(const ConnectionSettings& new_settings) = 0;
virtual void OnExhaustedSettings(bool successfully_resolved_dns,
int first_dns_error) = 0;
// Does not take ownership of |delegate|.
// |try_ssltcp_first| indicates that SSLTCP is tried before
// XMPP. Used by tests.
// |server_list| is the list of connections to attempt in priority order.
// |server_count| is the number of items in the server list.
Delegate* delegate,
net::HostResolver* host_resolver,
const ConnectionOptions* options,
bool try_ssltcp_first,
const ServerList& servers);
// Only call this once. Create a new XmppConnectionGenerator and delete the
// current one if the process needs to start again.
void StartGenerating();
void UseNextConnection();
// TODO(sanjeevr): Rip out the DNS resolution code eventually.
void SetShouldResolveDNS(bool should_resolve_dns) {
should_resolve_dns_ = should_resolve_dns;
void OnServerDNSResolved(int status);
void HandleServerDNSResolved(int status);
void GenerateSettingsForIPList(const std::vector<uint32>& ip_list);
Delegate* delegate_;
net::SingleRequestHostResolver host_resolver_;
net::AddressList address_list_;
net::BoundNetLog bound_net_log_;
scoped_ptr<ConnectionSettingsList> settings_list_;
int settings_index_; // The setting that is currently being used.
const ServerList servers_;
ServerList::const_iterator current_server_;
bool try_ssltcp_first_; // Used when sync tests are run on chromium builders.
bool successfully_resolved_dns_;
int first_dns_error_;
bool should_resolve_dns_;
const ConnectionOptions* options_;
} // namespace notifier