blob: 9b6486613eeae4457026830fbca2effa66ad8a28 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/accelerated_widget_mac/ca_renderer_layer_tree.h"
#import <AVFoundation/AVFoundation.h>
#include <CoreMedia/CoreMedia.h>
#include <CoreVideo/CoreVideo.h>
#include <GLES2/gl2extchromium.h>
#include <utility>
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/mac/sdk_forward_declarations.h"
#include "base/trace_event/trace_event.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "ui/accelerated_widget_mac/availability_macros.h"
#include "ui/base/cocoa/animation_utils.h"
#include "ui/base/ui_base_switches.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/dip_util.h"
#include "ui/gl/ca_renderer_layer_params.h"
#include "ui/gl/gl_image_io_surface.h"
namespace ui {
namespace {
// This will enqueue |io_surface| to be drawn by |av_layer|. This will
// retain |cv_pixel_buffer| until it is no longer being displayed.
bool AVSampleBufferDisplayLayerEnqueueCVPixelBuffer(
AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer109* av_layer,
CVPixelBufferRef cv_pixel_buffer) {
OSStatus os_status = noErr;
base::ScopedCFTypeRef<CMVideoFormatDescriptionRef> video_info;
os_status = CMVideoFormatDescriptionCreateForImageBuffer(
nullptr, cv_pixel_buffer, video_info.InitializeInto());
if (os_status != noErr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "CMVideoFormatDescriptionCreateForImageBuffer failed with "
<< os_status;
return false;
// The frame time doesn't matter because we will specify to display
// immediately.
CMTime frame_time = CMTimeMake(0, 1);
CMSampleTimingInfo timing_info = {frame_time, frame_time, kCMTimeInvalid};
base::ScopedCFTypeRef<CMSampleBufferRef> sample_buffer;
os_status = CMSampleBufferCreateForImageBuffer(
nullptr, cv_pixel_buffer, YES, nullptr, nullptr, video_info, &timing_info,
if (os_status != noErr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "CMSampleBufferCreateForImageBuffer failed with "
<< os_status;
return false;
// Specify to display immediately via the sample buffer attachments.
CFArrayRef attachments =
CMSampleBufferGetSampleAttachmentsArray(sample_buffer, YES);
if (!attachments) {
LOG(ERROR) << "CMSampleBufferGetSampleAttachmentsArray failed";
return false;
if (CFArrayGetCount(attachments) < 1) {
LOG(ERROR) << "CMSampleBufferGetSampleAttachmentsArray result was empty";
return false;
CFMutableDictionaryRef attachments_dictionary =
const_cast<void*>(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(attachments, 0)));
if (!attachments_dictionary) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get attachments dictionary";
return false;
[av_layer enqueueSampleBuffer:sample_buffer];
if (@available(macOS 10.10, *)) {
AVQueuedSampleBufferRenderingStatus status = [av_layer status];
switch (status) {
case AVQueuedSampleBufferRenderingStatusUnknown:
<< "AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer has status unknown, but should "
"be rendering.";
return false;
case AVQueuedSampleBufferRenderingStatusFailed:
LOG(ERROR) << "AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer has status failed, error: "
<< [[[av_layer error] description]
return false;
case AVQueuedSampleBufferRenderingStatusRendering:
return true;
// This will enqueue |io_surface| to be drawn by |av_layer| by wrapping
// |io_surface| in a CVPixelBuffer. This will increase the in-use count
// of and retain |io_surface| until it is no longer being displayed.
bool AVSampleBufferDisplayLayerEnqueueIOSurface(
AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer109* av_layer,
IOSurfaceRef io_surface) {
CVReturn cv_return = kCVReturnSuccess;
base::ScopedCFTypeRef<CVPixelBufferRef> cv_pixel_buffer;
cv_return = CVPixelBufferCreateWithIOSurface(
nullptr, io_surface, nullptr, cv_pixel_buffer.InitializeInto());
if (cv_return != kCVReturnSuccess) {
LOG(ERROR) << "CVPixelBufferCreateWithIOSurface failed with " << cv_return;
return false;
return AVSampleBufferDisplayLayerEnqueueCVPixelBuffer(av_layer,
} // namespace
class CARendererLayerTree::SolidColorContents
: public base::RefCounted<CARendererLayerTree::SolidColorContents> {
static scoped_refptr<SolidColorContents> Get(SkColor color);
id GetContents() const;
friend class base::RefCounted<SolidColorContents>;
SolidColorContents(SkColor color, IOSurfaceRef io_surface);
static std::map<SkColor, SolidColorContents*>* GetMap();
SkColor color_ = 0;
base::ScopedCFTypeRef<IOSurfaceRef> io_surface_;
// static
CARendererLayerTree::SolidColorContents::Get(SkColor color) {
const int kSolidColorContentsSize = 16;
auto* map = GetMap();
auto found = map->find(color);
if (found != map->end())
return found->second;
IOSurfaceRef io_surface = CreateIOSurface(
gfx::Size(kSolidColorContentsSize, kSolidColorContentsSize),
if (!io_surface)
return nullptr;
size_t bytes_per_row = IOSurfaceGetBytesPerRowOfPlane(io_surface, 0);
IOSurfaceLock(io_surface, 0, NULL);
char* row_base_address =
for (int i = 0; i < kSolidColorContentsSize; ++i) {
unsigned int* pixel = reinterpret_cast<unsigned int*>(row_base_address);
for (int j = 0; j < kSolidColorContentsSize; ++j)
*(pixel++) = color;
row_base_address += bytes_per_row;
IOSurfaceUnlock(io_surface, 0, NULL);
return new SolidColorContents(color, io_surface);
id CARendererLayerTree::SolidColorContents::GetContents() const {
return static_cast<id>(io_surface_.get());
SkColor color,
IOSurfaceRef io_surface)
: color_(color), io_surface_(io_surface) {
auto* map = GetMap();
DCHECK(map->find(color_) == map->end());
map->insert(std::make_pair(color_, this));
CARendererLayerTree::SolidColorContents::~SolidColorContents() {
auto* map = GetMap();
auto found = map->find(color_);
DCHECK(found != map->end());
DCHECK(found->second == this);
// static
std::map<SkColor, CARendererLayerTree::SolidColorContents*>*
CARendererLayerTree::SolidColorContents::GetMap() {
static auto* map = new std::map<SkColor, SolidColorContents*>();
return map;
bool allow_av_sample_buffer_display_layer,
bool allow_solid_color_layers)
: allow_av_sample_buffer_display_layer_(
allow_solid_color_layers_(allow_solid_color_layers) {}
CARendererLayerTree::~CARendererLayerTree() {}
bool CARendererLayerTree::ScheduleCALayer(const CARendererLayerParams& params) {
if (has_committed_) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "ScheduleCALayer called after CommitScheduledCALayers.";
return false;
return root_layer_.AddContentLayer(this, params);
void CARendererLayerTree::CommitScheduledCALayers(
CALayer* superlayer,
std::unique_ptr<CARendererLayerTree> old_tree,
float scale_factor) {
TRACE_EVENT0("gpu", "CARendererLayerTree::CommitScheduledCALayers");
RootLayer* old_root_layer = nullptr;
if (old_tree) {
if (old_tree->scale_factor_ == scale_factor)
old_root_layer = &old_tree->root_layer_;
root_layer_.CommitToCA(superlayer, old_root_layer, scale_factor);
// If there are any extra CALayers in |old_tree| that were not stolen by this
// tree, they will be removed from the CALayer tree in this deallocation.
has_committed_ = true;
scale_factor_ = scale_factor;
bool CARendererLayerTree::RootLayer::WantsFullcreenLowPowerBackdrop(
float scale_factor,
gfx::RectF* background_rect) {
bool found_video_layer = false;
for (auto& clip_layer : clip_and_sorting_layers) {
for (auto& transform_layer : clip_layer.transform_layers) {
for (auto& content_layer : transform_layer.content_layers) {
// Detached mode requires that no layers be on top of the video layer.
if (found_video_layer)
return false;
// See if this is the video layer.
if (content_layer.use_av_layer) {
found_video_layer = true;
if (!transform_layer.transform.IsPositiveScaleOrTranslation())
return false;
if (content_layer.opacity != 1)
return false;
// If we haven't found the video layer yet, make sure everything is
// solid black or transparent
if (content_layer.io_surface)
return false;
if (content_layer.background_color == SK_ColorBLACK) {
} else if (content_layer.background_color != SK_ColorTRANSPARENT) {
return false;
background_rect->Scale(1 / scale_factor);
return found_video_layer;
id CARendererLayerTree::ContentsForSolidColorForTesting(SkColor color) {
return SolidColorContents::Get(color)->GetContents();
IOSurfaceRef CARendererLayerTree::GetContentIOSurface() const {
size_t clip_count = root_layer_.clip_and_sorting_layers.size();
if (clip_count != 1) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Can only return contents IOSurface when there is 1 "
<< "ClipAndSortingLayer, there are " << clip_count << ".";
return nullptr;
const ClipAndSortingLayer& clip_and_sorting =
size_t transform_count = clip_and_sorting.transform_layers.size();
if (transform_count != 1) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Can only return contents IOSurface when there is 1 "
<< "TransformLayer, there are " << transform_count << ".";
return nullptr;
const TransformLayer& transform = clip_and_sorting.transform_layers[0];
size_t content_count = transform.content_layers.size();
if (content_count != 1) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Can only return contents IOSurface when there is 1 "
<< "ContentLayer, there are " << transform_count << ".";
return nullptr;
const ContentLayer& content = transform.content_layers[0];
return content.io_surface.get();
CARendererLayerTree::RootLayer::RootLayer() {}
// Note that for all destructors, the the CALayer will have been reset to nil if
// another layer has taken it.
CARendererLayerTree::RootLayer::~RootLayer() {
[ca_layer removeFromSuperlayer];
bool is_clipped,
gfx::Rect clip_rect,
unsigned sorting_context_id,
bool is_singleton_sorting_context)
: is_clipped(is_clipped),
is_singleton_sorting_context(is_singleton_sorting_context) {}
ClipAndSortingLayer&& layer)
: transform_layers(std::move(layer.transform_layers)),
ca_layer(layer.ca_layer) {
// Ensure that the ca_layer be reset, so that when the destructor is called,
// the layer hierarchy is unaffected.
// TODO(ccameron): Add a move constructor for scoped_nsobject to do this
// automatically.
CARendererLayerTree::ClipAndSortingLayer::~ClipAndSortingLayer() {
[ca_layer removeFromSuperlayer];
const gfx::Transform& transform)
: transform(transform) {}
CARendererLayerTree::TransformLayer::TransformLayer(TransformLayer&& layer)
: transform(layer.transform),
ca_layer(layer.ca_layer) {
CARendererLayerTree::TransformLayer::~TransformLayer() {
[ca_layer removeFromSuperlayer];
CARendererLayerTree* tree,
base::ScopedCFTypeRef<IOSurfaceRef> io_surface,
base::ScopedCFTypeRef<CVPixelBufferRef> cv_pixel_buffer,
const gfx::RectF& contents_rect,
const gfx::Rect& rect_in,
unsigned background_color,
unsigned edge_aa_mask,
float opacity,
unsigned filter)
: io_surface(io_surface),
ca_filter(filter == GL_LINEAR ? kCAFilterLinear : kCAFilterNearest) {
DCHECK(filter == GL_LINEAR || filter == GL_NEAREST);
// On Mac OS Sierra, solid color layers are not color color corrected to the
// output monitor color space, but IOSurface-backed layers are color
// corrected. Note that this is only the case when the CALayers are shared
// across processes. To make colors consistent across both solid color and
// IOSurface-backed layers, use a cache of solid-color IOSurfaces as
// contents. Black and transparent layers must use real colors to be eligible
// for low power detachment in fullscreen.
if (!io_surface && !tree->allow_solid_color_layers_ &&
background_color != SK_ColorBLACK &&
background_color != SK_ColorTRANSPARENT) {
solid_color_contents = SolidColorContents::Get(background_color);
ContentLayer::contents_rect = gfx::RectF(0, 0, 1, 1);
// Because the root layer has setGeometryFlipped:YES, there is some ambiguity
// about what exactly top and bottom mean. This ambiguity is resolved in
// different ways for solid color CALayers and for CALayers that have content
// (surprise!). For CALayers with IOSurface content, the top edge in the AA
// mask refers to what appears as the bottom edge on-screen. For CALayers
// without content (solid color layers), the top edge in the AA mask is the
// top edge on-screen.
if (edge_aa_mask & GL_CA_LAYER_EDGE_LEFT_CHROMIUM)
ca_edge_aa_mask |= kCALayerLeftEdge;
ca_edge_aa_mask |= kCALayerRightEdge;
if (io_surface || solid_color_contents) {
if (edge_aa_mask & GL_CA_LAYER_EDGE_TOP_CHROMIUM)
ca_edge_aa_mask |= kCALayerBottomEdge;
ca_edge_aa_mask |= kCALayerTopEdge;
} else {
if (edge_aa_mask & GL_CA_LAYER_EDGE_TOP_CHROMIUM)
ca_edge_aa_mask |= kCALayerTopEdge;
ca_edge_aa_mask |= kCALayerBottomEdge;
// Only allow 4:2:0 frames which fill the layer's contents to be promoted to
// AV layers.
if (tree->allow_av_sample_buffer_display_layer_ &&
IOSurfaceGetPixelFormat(io_surface) ==
kCVPixelFormatType_420YpCbCr8BiPlanarVideoRange &&
contents_rect == gfx::RectF(0, 0, 1, 1)) {
use_av_layer = true;
// If the layer's aspect ratio could be made to match the video's aspect
// ratio by expanding either dimension by a fractional pixel, do so. The
// mismatch probably resulted from rounding the dimensions to integers.
// This works around a macOS 10.13 bug which breaks detached fullscreen
// playback of slightly distorted videos (
const auto av_rect(cv_pixel_buffer
? gfx::RectF(CVPixelBufferGetWidth(cv_pixel_buffer),
: gfx::RectF(IOSurfaceGetWidth(io_surface),
const CGFloat av_ratio = av_rect.width() / av_rect.height();
const CGFloat layer_ratio = rect.width() / rect.height();
const CGFloat ratio_error = av_ratio / layer_ratio;
if (ratio_error > 1) {
const float width_correction = rect.width() * ratio_error - rect.width();
if (width_correction < 1)
rect.Inset(-width_correction / 2, 0);
} else if (ratio_error < 1) {
const float height_correction =
rect.height() / ratio_error - rect.height();
if (height_correction < 1)
rect.Inset(0, -height_correction / 2);
CARendererLayerTree::ContentLayer::ContentLayer(ContentLayer&& layer)
: io_surface(layer.io_surface),
use_av_layer(layer.use_av_layer) {
CARendererLayerTree::ContentLayer::~ContentLayer() {
[ca_layer removeFromSuperlayer];
bool CARendererLayerTree::RootLayer::AddContentLayer(
CARendererLayerTree* tree,
const CARendererLayerParams& params) {
bool needs_new_clip_and_sorting_layer = true;
// In sorting_context_id 0, all quads are listed in back-to-front order.
// This is accomplished by having the CALayers be siblings of each other.
// If a quad has a 3D transform, it is necessary to put it in its own sorting
// context, so that it will not intersect with quads before and after it.
bool is_singleton_sorting_context =
!params.sorting_context_id && !params.transform.IsFlat();
if (!clip_and_sorting_layers.empty()) {
ClipAndSortingLayer& current_layer = clip_and_sorting_layers.back();
// It is in error to change the clipping settings within a non-zero sorting
// context. The result will be incorrect layering and intersection.
if (params.sorting_context_id &&
current_layer.sorting_context_id == params.sorting_context_id &&
(current_layer.is_clipped != params.is_clipped ||
current_layer.clip_rect != params.clip_rect)) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "CALayer changed clip inside non-zero sorting context.";
return false;
if (!is_singleton_sorting_context &&
!current_layer.is_singleton_sorting_context &&
current_layer.is_clipped == params.is_clipped &&
current_layer.clip_rect == params.clip_rect &&
current_layer.sorting_context_id == params.sorting_context_id) {
needs_new_clip_and_sorting_layer = false;
if (needs_new_clip_and_sorting_layer) {
params.is_clipped, params.clip_rect, params.sorting_context_id,
clip_and_sorting_layers.back().AddContentLayer(tree, params);
return true;
void CARendererLayerTree::ClipAndSortingLayer::AddContentLayer(
CARendererLayerTree* tree,
const CARendererLayerParams& params) {
bool needs_new_transform_layer = true;
if (!transform_layers.empty()) {
const TransformLayer& current_layer = transform_layers.back();
if (current_layer.transform == params.transform)
needs_new_transform_layer = false;
if (needs_new_transform_layer)
transform_layers.back().AddContentLayer(tree, params);
void CARendererLayerTree::TransformLayer::AddContentLayer(
CARendererLayerTree* tree,
const CARendererLayerParams& params) {
base::ScopedCFTypeRef<IOSurfaceRef> io_surface;
base::ScopedCFTypeRef<CVPixelBufferRef> cv_pixel_buffer;
if (params.image) {
gl::GLImageIOSurface* io_surface_image =
io_surface = io_surface_image->io_surface();
// Temporary investagtive fix for It appears upon
// investigation that not using the original CVPixelBufferRef which came
// from the VTDecompressionSession prevents or minimizes flashing of
// incorrect content. Disable the CVPixelBufferRef path for the moment to
// determine if this fixes the bug for users.
// TODO(ccameron): If this indeed causes the bug to disappear, then
// extirpate the CVPixelBufferRef path.
// cv_pixel_buffer = io_surface_image->cv_pixel_buffer();
ContentLayer(tree, io_surface, cv_pixel_buffer, params.contents_rect,
params.rect, params.background_color, params.edge_aa_mask,
params.opacity, params.filter));
void CARendererLayerTree::RootLayer::CommitToCA(CALayer* superlayer,
RootLayer* old_layer,
float scale_factor) {
if (old_layer) {
std::swap(ca_layer, old_layer->ca_layer);
} else {
ca_layer.reset([[CALayer alloc] init]);
[ca_layer setAnchorPoint:CGPointZero];
[superlayer setSublayers:nil];
[superlayer addSublayer:ca_layer];
[superlayer setBorderWidth:0];
if ([ca_layer superlayer] != superlayer) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "CARendererLayerTree root layer not attached to tree.";
gfx::RectF bg_rect;
if (WantsFullcreenLowPowerBackdrop(scale_factor, &bg_rect)) {
if (gfx::RectF([ca_layer frame]) != bg_rect)
[ca_layer setFrame:bg_rect.ToCGRect()];
if (![ca_layer backgroundColor])
[ca_layer setBackgroundColor:CGColorGetConstantColor(kCGColorBlack)];
} else {
if (gfx::RectF([ca_layer frame]) != gfx::RectF())
[ca_layer setFrame:CGRectZero];
if ([ca_layer backgroundColor])
[ca_layer setBackgroundColor:nil];
for (size_t i = 0; i < clip_and_sorting_layers.size(); ++i) {
ClipAndSortingLayer* old_clip_and_sorting_layer = nullptr;
if (old_layer && i < old_layer->clip_and_sorting_layers.size()) {
old_clip_and_sorting_layer = &old_layer->clip_and_sorting_layers[i];
ca_layer.get(), old_clip_and_sorting_layer, scale_factor);
void CARendererLayerTree::ClipAndSortingLayer::CommitToCA(
CALayer* superlayer,
ClipAndSortingLayer* old_layer,
float scale_factor) {
bool update_is_clipped = true;
bool update_clip_rect = true;
if (old_layer) {
std::swap(ca_layer, old_layer->ca_layer);
update_is_clipped = old_layer->is_clipped != is_clipped;
update_clip_rect = update_is_clipped || old_layer->clip_rect != clip_rect;
} else {
ca_layer.reset([[CALayer alloc] init]);
[ca_layer setAnchorPoint:CGPointZero];
[superlayer addSublayer:ca_layer];
if ([ca_layer superlayer] != superlayer) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "CARendererLayerTree root layer not attached to tree.";
if (update_is_clipped)
[ca_layer setMasksToBounds:is_clipped];
if (update_clip_rect) {
if (is_clipped) {
gfx::RectF dip_clip_rect = gfx::RectF(clip_rect);
dip_clip_rect.Scale(1 / scale_factor);
[ca_layer setPosition:CGPointMake(dip_clip_rect.x(), dip_clip_rect.y())];
[ca_layer setBounds:CGRectMake(0, 0, dip_clip_rect.width(),
-dip_clip_rect.x(), -dip_clip_rect.y(), 0)];
} else {
[ca_layer setPosition:CGPointZero];
[ca_layer setBounds:CGRectZero];
[ca_layer setSublayerTransform:CATransform3DIdentity];
for (size_t i = 0; i < transform_layers.size(); ++i) {
TransformLayer* old_transform_layer = nullptr;
if (old_layer && i < old_layer->transform_layers.size())
old_transform_layer = &old_layer->transform_layers[i];
transform_layers[i].CommitToCA(ca_layer.get(), old_transform_layer,
void CARendererLayerTree::TransformLayer::CommitToCA(CALayer* superlayer,
TransformLayer* old_layer,
float scale_factor) {
bool update_transform = true;
if (old_layer) {
std::swap(ca_layer, old_layer->ca_layer);
update_transform = old_layer->transform != transform;
} else {
ca_layer.reset([[CATransformLayer alloc] init]);
[superlayer addSublayer:ca_layer];
DCHECK_EQ([ca_layer superlayer], superlayer);
if (update_transform) {
gfx::Transform pre_scale;
gfx::Transform post_scale;
pre_scale.Scale(1 / scale_factor, 1 / scale_factor);
post_scale.Scale(scale_factor, scale_factor);
gfx::Transform conjugated_transform = pre_scale * transform * post_scale;
CATransform3D ca_transform;
[ca_layer setTransform:ca_transform];
for (size_t i = 0; i < content_layers.size(); ++i) {
ContentLayer* old_content_layer = nullptr;
if (old_layer && i < old_layer->content_layers.size())
old_content_layer = &old_layer->content_layers[i];
content_layers[i].CommitToCA(ca_layer.get(), old_content_layer,
void CARendererLayerTree::ContentLayer::CommitToCA(CALayer* superlayer,
ContentLayer* old_layer,
float scale_factor) {
bool update_contents = true;
bool update_contents_rect = true;
bool update_rect = true;
bool update_background_color = true;
bool update_ca_edge_aa_mask = true;
bool update_opacity = true;
bool update_ca_filter = true;
if (old_layer && old_layer->use_av_layer == use_av_layer) {
std::swap(ca_layer, old_layer->ca_layer);
std::swap(av_layer, old_layer->av_layer);
update_contents = old_layer->io_surface != io_surface ||
old_layer->cv_pixel_buffer != cv_pixel_buffer ||
old_layer->solid_color_contents != solid_color_contents;
update_contents_rect = old_layer->contents_rect != contents_rect;
update_rect = old_layer->rect != rect;
update_background_color = old_layer->background_color != background_color;
update_ca_edge_aa_mask = old_layer->ca_edge_aa_mask != ca_edge_aa_mask;
update_opacity = old_layer->opacity != opacity;
update_ca_filter = old_layer->ca_filter != ca_filter;
} else {
if (use_av_layer) {
av_layer.reset([[AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer109 alloc] init]);
ca_layer.reset([av_layer retain]);
[av_layer setVideoGravity:AVLayerVideoGravityResize];
} else {
ca_layer.reset([[CALayer alloc] init]);
[ca_layer setAnchorPoint:CGPointZero];
if (old_layer && old_layer->ca_layer)
[superlayer replaceSublayer:old_layer->ca_layer with:ca_layer];
[superlayer addSublayer:ca_layer];
DCHECK_EQ([ca_layer superlayer], superlayer);
bool update_anything = update_contents || update_contents_rect ||
update_rect || update_background_color ||
update_ca_edge_aa_mask || update_opacity ||
if (use_av_layer) {
if (update_contents) {
bool result = false;
if (cv_pixel_buffer) {
result = AVSampleBufferDisplayLayerEnqueueCVPixelBuffer(
av_layer, cv_pixel_buffer);
if (!result) {
LOG(ERROR) << "AVSampleBufferDisplayLayerEnqueueCVPixelBuffer failed";
} else {
result =
AVSampleBufferDisplayLayerEnqueueIOSurface(av_layer, io_surface);
if (!result) {
LOG(ERROR) << "AVSampleBufferDisplayLayerEnqueueIOSurface failed";
// TODO(ccameron): Recreate the AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer on failure.
// This is not being done yet, to determine if this happens concurrently
// with video flickering.
} else {
if (update_contents) {
if (io_surface) {
[ca_layer setContents:static_cast<id>(io_surface.get())];
} else if (solid_color_contents) {
[ca_layer setContents:solid_color_contents->GetContents()];
} else {
[ca_layer setContents:nil];
if ([ca_layer respondsToSelector:(@selector(setContentsScale:))])
[ca_layer setContentsScale:scale_factor];
if (update_contents_rect)
[ca_layer setContentsRect:contents_rect.ToCGRect()];
if (update_rect) {
gfx::RectF dip_rect = gfx::RectF(rect);
dip_rect.Scale(1 / scale_factor);
[ca_layer setPosition:CGPointMake(dip_rect.x(), dip_rect.y())];
[ca_layer setBounds:CGRectMake(0, 0, dip_rect.width(), dip_rect.height())];
if (update_background_color) {
CGFloat rgba_color_components[4] = {
SkColorGetR(background_color) / 255.,
SkColorGetG(background_color) / 255.,
SkColorGetB(background_color) / 255.,
SkColorGetA(background_color) / 255.,
base::ScopedCFTypeRef<CGColorRef> srgb_background_color(CGColorCreate(
CGColorSpaceCreateWithName(kCGColorSpaceSRGB), rgba_color_components));
[ca_layer setBackgroundColor:srgb_background_color];
if (update_ca_edge_aa_mask)
[ca_layer setEdgeAntialiasingMask:ca_edge_aa_mask];
if (update_opacity)
[ca_layer setOpacity:opacity];
if (update_ca_filter) {
[ca_layer setMagnificationFilter:ca_filter];
[ca_layer setMinificationFilter:ca_filter];
static bool show_borders = base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(
if (show_borders) {
base::ScopedCFTypeRef<CGColorRef> color;
if (update_anything) {
if (use_av_layer) {
// Yellow represents an AV layer that changed this frame.
color.reset(CGColorCreateGenericRGB(1, 1, 0, 1));
} else if (io_surface) {
// Magenta represents a CALayer that changed this frame.
color.reset(CGColorCreateGenericRGB(1, 0, 1, 1));
} else if (solid_color_contents) {
// Cyan represents a solid color IOSurface-backed layer.
color.reset(CGColorCreateGenericRGB(0, 1, 1, 1));
} else {
// Red represents a solid color layer.
color.reset(CGColorCreateGenericRGB(1, 0, 0, 1));
} else {
// Grey represents a CALayer that has not changed.
color.reset(CGColorCreateGenericRGB(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1));
[ca_layer setBorderWidth:1];
[ca_layer setBorderColor:color];
} // namespace ui