blob: 359306f0aa18e15600625e1db8211c5c2fd266de [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of
* its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
* from this software without specific prior written permission.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/accessibility/ax_layout_object.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/aom/accessible_node.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/css_property_names.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/element_traversal.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/node_computed_style.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/range.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/shadow_root.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/frame_owner.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/local_frame.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/local_frame_view.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/settings.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/canvas/html_canvas_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/canvas/image_data.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/forms/html_input_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/forms/html_label_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/forms/html_option_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/forms/html_select_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/forms/html_text_area_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/forms/labels_node_list.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/html_frame_owner_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/html_image_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/html_table_caption_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/html_table_cell_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/html_table_col_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/html_table_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/media/html_video_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/shadow/shadow_element_names.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/imagebitmap/image_bitmap.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/imagebitmap/image_bitmap_options.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/input_type_names.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/api/line_layout_api_shim.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/geometry/transform_state.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/hit_test_result.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_box.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_file_upload_control.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_html_canvas.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_image.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_inline.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_list_item.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_list_marker.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_menu_list.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_replaced.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_table.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_table_cell.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_table_row.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_table_section.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_text_control.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_text_fragment.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_view.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_inline_node.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/list/layout_ng_list_item.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/list/layout_ng_list_marker.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/loader/progress_tracker.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/page/page.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/ng/ng_paint_fragment.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/ng/ng_paint_fragment_traversal.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/paint_layer.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/paint_layer_scrollable_area.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/style/computed_style_constants.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/svg/graphics/svg_image.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/svg/svg_document_extensions.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/svg/svg_svg_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/accessibility/ax_image_map_link.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/accessibility/ax_inline_text_box.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/accessibility/ax_mock_object.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/accessibility/ax_object_cache_impl.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/accessibility/ax_svg_root.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/bindings/exception_state.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/image_data_buffer.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/platform_locale.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/text_direction.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/std_lib_extras.h"
using blink::WebLocalizedString;
namespace {
bool IsNeutralWithinTable(blink::AXObject* obj) {
if (!obj)
return false;
ax::mojom::Role role = obj->RoleValue();
return role == ax::mojom::Role::kGroup ||
role == ax::mojom::Role::kGenericContainer ||
role == ax::mojom::Role::kIgnored;
} // namespace
namespace blink {
using namespace html_names;
AXLayoutObject::AXLayoutObject(LayoutObject* layout_object,
AXObjectCacheImpl& ax_object_cache)
: AXNodeObject(layout_object->GetNode(), ax_object_cache),
is_autofill_available_(false) {
// TODO(aleventhal) Get correct current state of autofill.
AXLayoutObject::~AXLayoutObject() {
LayoutBoxModelObject* AXLayoutObject::GetLayoutBoxModelObject() const {
if (!layout_object_ || !layout_object_->IsBoxModelObject())
return nullptr;
return ToLayoutBoxModelObject(layout_object_);
bool IsProgrammaticallyScrollable(LayoutBox* box) {
if (!box->HasOverflowClip()) {
// If overflow is visible it is not scrollable.
return false;
// Return true if the content is larger than the available space.
return box->PixelSnappedScrollWidth() != box->PixelSnappedClientWidth() ||
box->PixelSnappedScrollHeight() != box->PixelSnappedClientHeight();
ScrollableArea* AXLayoutObject::GetScrollableAreaIfScrollable() const {
if (IsWebArea())
return DocumentFrameView()->LayoutViewport();
if (!layout_object_ || !layout_object_->IsBox())
return nullptr;
LayoutBox* box = ToLayoutBox(layout_object_);
// This should possibly use box->CanBeScrolledAndHasScrollableArea() as it
// used to; however, accessibility must consider any kind of non-visible
// overflow as programmatically scrollable. Unfortunately
// LayoutBox::CanBeScrolledAndHasScrollableArea() method calls
// LayoutBox::CanBeProgramaticallyScrolled() which does not consider
// visibility:hidden content to be programmatically scrollable, although it
// certainly is, and can even be scrolled by selecting and using shift+arrow
// keys. It should be noticed that the new code used here reduces the overall
// amount of work as well.
// It is not sufficient to expose it only in the anoymous child, because that
// child is truncated in platform accessibility trees, which present the
// textfield as a leaf.
ScrollableArea* scrollable_area = box->GetScrollableArea();
if (scrollable_area && IsProgrammaticallyScrollable(box))
return scrollable_area;
return nullptr;
static bool IsImageOrAltText(LayoutBoxModelObject* box, Node* node) {
if (box && box->IsImage())
return true;
if (IsHTMLImageElement(node))
return true;
if (IsHTMLInputElement(node) &&
return true;
return false;
ax::mojom::Role AXLayoutObject::NativeRoleIgnoringAria() const {
// DOM role takes precedence over layout role.
// For example, <h4 style="display:table"> is a heading, not a table.
ax::mojom::Role dom_role = AXNodeObject::NativeRoleIgnoringAria();
if (dom_role != ax::mojom::Role::kGenericContainer &&
dom_role != ax::mojom::Role::kUnknown)
return dom_role;
// Markup did not provide a specific role, so attempt to determine one
// from the computed style.
Node* node = layout_object_->GetNode();
LayoutBoxModelObject* css_box = GetLayoutBoxModelObject();
if ((css_box && css_box->IsListItem()) || IsA<HTMLLIElement>(node))
return ax::mojom::Role::kListItem;
if (layout_object_->IsListMarkerIncludingNGInside())
return ax::mojom::Role::kListMarker;
if (layout_object_->IsBR())
return ax::mojom::Role::kLineBreak;
if (layout_object_->IsText())
return ax::mojom::Role::kStaticText;
if (layout_object_->IsTable() && node) {
return IsDataTable() ? ax::mojom::Role::kTable
: ax::mojom::Role::kLayoutTable;
if (layout_object_->IsTableRow() && node)
return DetermineTableRowRole();
if (layout_object_->IsTableCell() && node)
return DetermineTableCellRole();
if (css_box && IsImageOrAltText(css_box, node)) {
if (node && node->IsLink())
return ax::mojom::Role::kImageMap;
if (IsHTMLInputElement(node))
return ButtonRoleType();
if (IsSVGImage())
return ax::mojom::Role::kSvgRoot;
return ax::mojom::Role::kImage;
if (IsA<HTMLCanvasElement>(node))
return ax::mojom::Role::kCanvas;
if (css_box && css_box->IsLayoutView())
return ax::mojom::Role::kRootWebArea;
if (layout_object_->IsSVGImage())
return ax::mojom::Role::kImage;
if (layout_object_->IsSVGRoot())
return ax::mojom::Role::kSvgRoot;
// Table sections should be ignored if there is no reason not to, e.g.
// ARIA 1.2 (and Core-AAM 1.1) state that elements which are focusable
// and not hidden must be included in the accessibility tree.
if (layout_object_->IsTableSection()) {
auto* element = DynamicTo<Element>(node);
if (element && element->SupportsFocus())
return ax::mojom::Role::kGroup;
return ax::mojom::Role::kIgnored;
if (layout_object_->IsHR())
return ax::mojom::Role::kSplitter;
return dom_role;
ax::mojom::Role AXLayoutObject::DetermineAccessibilityRole() {
if (!layout_object_)
return ax::mojom::Role::kUnknown;
if (GetCSSAltText(GetNode())) {
const ComputedStyle* style = GetNode()->GetComputedStyle();
ContentData* content_data = style->GetContentData();
// We just check the first item of the content list to determine the
// appropriate role, should only ever be image or text.
ax::mojom::Role role = ax::mojom::Role::kStaticText;
if (content_data->IsImage())
role = ax::mojom::Role::kImage;
return role;
native_role_ = NativeRoleIgnoringAria();
if ((aria_role_ = DetermineAriaRoleAttribute()) != ax::mojom::Role::kUnknown)
return aria_role_;
// Anything that needs to still be exposed but doesn't have a more specific
// role should be considered a generic container. Examples are
// layout blocks with no node, in-page link targets, and plain elements
// such as a <span> with ARIA markup.
return native_role_ == ax::mojom::Role::kUnknown
? ax::mojom::Role::kGenericContainer
: native_role_;
Node* AXLayoutObject::GetNodeOrContainingBlockNode() const {
if (IsDetached())
return nullptr;
if (layout_object_->IsListMarker())
return ToLayoutListMarker(layout_object_)->ListItem()->GetNode();
if (layout_object_->IsLayoutNGListMarkerIncludingInside()) {
if (LayoutNGListItem* list_item =
return list_item->GetNode();
return nullptr;
if (layout_object_->IsAnonymousBlock() && layout_object_->ContainingBlock()) {
return layout_object_->ContainingBlock()->GetNode();
return GetNode();
void AXLayoutObject::Init() {
void AXLayoutObject::Detach() {
if (layout_object_)
layout_object_ = nullptr;
// Check object role or purpose.
static bool IsLinkable(const AXObject& object) {
if (!object.GetLayoutObject())
return false;
// See for the elements
// Mozilla considers linkable.
return object.IsLink() || object.IsImage() ||
bool AXLayoutObject::IsDefault() const {
if (IsDetached())
return false;
// Checks for any kind of disabled, including aria-disabled.
if (Restriction() == kRestrictionDisabled ||
RoleValue() != ax::mojom::Role::kButton)
return false;
// Will only match :default pseudo class if it's the first default button in
// a form.
return GetElement()->MatchesDefaultPseudoClass();
// Requires layoutObject to be present because it relies on style
// user-modify. Don't move this logic to AXNodeObject.
bool AXLayoutObject::IsEditable() const {
if (IsDetached())
return false;
const Node* node = GetNodeOrContainingBlockNode();
if (!node)
return false;
// TODO(accessibility) pursue standards track so that aria-goog-editable
// becomes aria-editable. At that time, create ariaEditableAttr in
// The current version of the editable attribute does not
// inherit, in order to match the automatic Gecko implementation, but
// hopefully the standardized version will, in which case a more performant
// implementation will be required, e.g. cache it or only expose on ancestor,
// having browser-side propagate it.
const auto* elem = DynamicTo<Element>(node);
if (!elem)
elem = FlatTreeTraversal::ParentElement(*node);
if (elem && elem->hasAttribute("aria-goog-editable")) {
auto editable = elem->getAttribute("aria-goog-editable");
return !EqualIgnoringASCIICase("false", editable);
if (GetLayoutObject()->IsTextControl())
return true;
// Contrary to Firefox, we mark editable all auto-generated content, such as
// list bullets and soft line breaks, that are contained within an editable
// container.
if (HasEditableStyle(*node))
return true;
if (IsWebArea()) {
Document& document = GetLayoutObject()->GetDocument();
HTMLElement* body = document.body();
if (body && HasEditableStyle(*body)) {
AXObject* ax_body = AXObjectCache().GetOrCreate(body);
return ax_body && ax_body != ax_body->AriaHiddenRoot();
return HasEditableStyle(document);
return AXNodeObject::IsEditable();
// Requires layoutObject to be present because it relies on style
// user-modify. Don't move this logic to AXNodeObject.
bool AXLayoutObject::IsRichlyEditable() const {
if (IsDetached())
return false;
const Node* node = GetNodeOrContainingBlockNode();
if (!node)
return false;
// TODO(accessibility) pursue standards track so that aria-goog-editable
// becomes aria-editable. At that time, create ariaEditableAttr in
// The current version of the editable attribute does not
// inherit, in order to match the automatic Gecko implementation, but
// hopefully the standardized version will, in which case a more performant
// implementation will be required, e.g. cache it or only expose on ancestor,
// having browser-side propagate it.
const Element* elem = DynamicTo<Element>(node);
if (!elem)
elem = FlatTreeTraversal::ParentElement(*node);
if (elem && elem->hasAttribute("aria-goog-editable")) {
auto editable = elem->getAttribute("aria-goog-editable");
return !EqualIgnoringASCIICase("false", editable);
// Contrary to Firefox, we mark richly editable all auto-generated content,
// such as list bullets and soft line breaks, that are contained within a
// richly editable container.
if (HasRichlyEditableStyle(*node))
return true;
if (IsWebArea()) {
Document& document = layout_object_->GetDocument();
HTMLElement* body = document.body();
if (body && HasRichlyEditableStyle(*body)) {
AXObject* ax_body = AXObjectCache().GetOrCreate(body);
return ax_body && ax_body != ax_body->AriaHiddenRoot();
return HasRichlyEditableStyle(document);
return AXNodeObject::IsRichlyEditable();
bool AXLayoutObject::IsLineBreakingObject() const {
if (IsDetached())
return AXNodeObject::IsLineBreakingObject();
const LayoutObject* layout_object = GetLayoutObject();
if (layout_object->IsBR() || layout_object->IsLayoutBlock() ||
layout_object->IsAnonymousBlock() ||
(layout_object->IsLayoutBlockFlow() &&
layout_object->StyleRef().IsDisplayBlockContainer())) {
return true;
return AXNodeObject::IsLineBreakingObject();
bool AXLayoutObject::IsLinked() const {
if (!IsLinkable(*this))
return false;
if (auto* anchor = DynamicTo<HTMLAnchorElement>(AnchorElement()))
return !anchor->Href().IsEmpty();
return false;
bool AXLayoutObject::IsLoaded() const {
return !layout_object_->GetDocument().Parser();
bool AXLayoutObject::IsOffScreen() const {
IntRect content_rect =
LocalFrameView* view = layout_object_->GetFrame()->View();
IntRect view_rect(IntPoint(), view->Size());
return view_rect.IsEmpty();
bool AXLayoutObject::IsVisited() const {
// FIXME: Is it a privacy violation to expose visited information to
// accessibility APIs?
return layout_object_->Style()->IsLink() &&
layout_object_->Style()->InsideLink() ==
// Check object state.
bool AXLayoutObject::IsFocused() const {
if (!GetDocument())
return false;
Element* focused_element = GetDocument()->FocusedElement();
if (!focused_element)
return false;
AXObject* focused_object = AXObjectCache().GetOrCreate(focused_element);
if (!focused_object || !focused_object->IsAXLayoutObject())
return false;
// A web area is represented by the Document node in the DOM tree, which isn't
// focusable. Check instead if the frame's selection controller is focused
if (focused_object == this ||
(RoleValue() == ax::mojom::Role::kRootWebArea &&
return true;
return false;
// aria-grabbed is deprecated in WAI-ARIA 1.1.
AccessibilityGrabbedState AXLayoutObject::IsGrabbed() const {
if (!SupportsARIADragging())
return kGrabbedStateUndefined;
const AtomicString& grabbed = GetAttribute(kAriaGrabbedAttr);
return EqualIgnoringASCIICase(grabbed, "true") ? kGrabbedStateTrue
: kGrabbedStateFalse;
AccessibilitySelectedState AXLayoutObject::IsSelected() const {
if (!GetLayoutObject() || !GetNode() || !CanSetSelectedAttribute())
return kSelectedStateUndefined;
// aria-selected overrides automatic behaviors
bool is_selected;
if (HasAOMPropertyOrARIAAttribute(AOMBooleanProperty::kSelected, is_selected))
return is_selected ? kSelectedStateTrue : kSelectedStateFalse;
// Tab item with focus in the associated tab
if (IsTabItem() && IsTabItemSelected())
return kSelectedStateTrue;
// Selection follows focus, but ONLY in single selection containers,
// and only if aria-selected was not present to override
return IsSelectedFromFocus() ? kSelectedStateTrue : kSelectedStateFalse;
// In single selection containers, selection follows focus unless aria_selected
// is set to false.
bool AXLayoutObject::IsSelectedFromFocus() const {
// If not a single selection container, selection does not follow focus.
AXObject* container = ContainerWidget();
if (!container || container->IsMultiSelectable())
return false;
// If this object is not accessibility focused, then it is not selected from
// focus.
AXObject* focused_object = AXObjectCache().FocusedObject();
if (focused_object != this &&
(!focused_object || focused_object->ActiveDescendant() != this))
return false;
// In single selection container and accessibility focused => true if
// aria-selected wasn't used as an override.
bool is_selected;
return !HasAOMPropertyOrARIAAttribute(AOMBooleanProperty::kSelected,
// Whether objects are ignored, i.e. not included in the tree.
AXObjectInclusion AXLayoutObject::DefaultObjectInclusion(
IgnoredReasons* ignored_reasons) const {
if (!layout_object_) {
if (ignored_reasons)
return kIgnoreObject;
if (layout_object_->Style()->Visibility() != EVisibility::kVisible) {
// aria-hidden is meant to override visibility as the determinant in AX
// hierarchy inclusion.
if (AOMPropertyOrARIAAttributeIsFalse(AOMBooleanProperty::kHidden))
return kDefaultBehavior;
if (ignored_reasons)
return kIgnoreObject;
return AXObject::DefaultObjectInclusion(ignored_reasons);
static bool HasLineBox(const LayoutBlockFlow& block_flow) {
if (!block_flow.IsLayoutNGMixin())
return block_flow.FirstLineBox();
if (block_flow.HasNGInlineNodeData())
return !block_flow.GetNGInlineNodeData()->IsEmptyInline();
// TODO(layout-dev): We should call this function after layout completion.
return false;
// Is this the anonymous placeholder for a text control?
bool AXLayoutObject::IsPlaceholder() const {
AXObject* parent_object = ParentObject();
if (!parent_object)
return false;
LayoutObject* parent_layout_object = parent_object->GetLayoutObject();
if (!parent_layout_object || !parent_layout_object->IsTextControl())
return false;
LayoutTextControl* layout_text_control =
TextControlElement* text_control_element =
if (!text_control_element)
return false;
HTMLElement* placeholder_element = text_control_element->PlaceholderElement();
return GetElement() == static_cast<Element*>(placeholder_element);
bool AXLayoutObject::ComputeAccessibilityIsIgnored(
IgnoredReasons* ignored_reasons) const {
// All nodes must have an unignored parent within their tree under
// kRootWebArea, so force kRootWebArea to always be unignored.
if (role_ == ax::mojom::Role::kRootWebArea)
return false;
if (!layout_object_) {
if (ignored_reasons)
return true;
// Ignore continuations, since those are essentially duplicate copies
// of inline nodes with blocks inside.
if (layout_object_->IsElementContinuation()) {
if (ignored_reasons)
return true;
// Check first if any of the common reasons cause this element to be ignored.
AXObjectInclusion default_inclusion = DefaultObjectInclusion(ignored_reasons);
if (default_inclusion == kIncludeObject)
return false;
if (default_inclusion == kIgnoreObject)
return true;
AXObjectInclusion semantic_inclusion =
if (semantic_inclusion == kIncludeObject)
return false;
if (semantic_inclusion == kIgnoreObject)
return true;
if (layout_object_->IsAnonymousBlock() && !IsEditable()) {
if (ignored_reasons)
return true;
// A LayoutEmbeddedContent is an iframe element or embedded object element or
// something like that. We don't want to ignore those.
if (layout_object_->IsLayoutEmbeddedContent())
return false;
// Make sure renderers with layers stay in the tree.
if (GetLayoutObject() && GetLayoutObject()->HasLayer() && GetNode() &&
GetNode()->hasChildren()) {
if (IsPlaceholder()) {
// Placeholder is already exposed via AX attributes, do not expose as
// child of text input. Therefore, if there is a child of a text input,
// it will contain the value.
if (ignored_reasons)
return true;
return false;
if (IsCanvas()) {
if (CanvasHasFallbackContent())
return false;
const auto* canvas = ToLayoutHTMLCanvasOrNull(GetLayoutObject());
if (canvas &&
(canvas->Size().Height() <= 1 || canvas->Size().Width() <= 1)) {
if (ignored_reasons)
return true;
// Otherwise fall through; use presence of help text, title, or description
// to decide.
if (layout_object_->IsBR())
return false;
if (layout_object_->IsText()) {
if (CanIgnoreTextAsEmpty()) {
if (ignored_reasons)
return true;
return false;
// FIXME(aboxhall): may need to move?
base::Optional<String> alt_text = GetCSSAltText(GetNode());
if (alt_text)
return alt_text->IsEmpty();
if (IsWebArea() || layout_object_->IsListMarkerIncludingNGInside())
return false;
// Positioned elements and scrollable containers are important for
// determining bounding boxes.
if (IsScrollableContainer())
return false;
if (layout_object_->IsPositioned())
return false;
// Inner editor element of editable area with empty text provides bounds
// used to compute the character extent for index 0. This is the same as
// what the caret's bounds would be if the editable area is focused.
if (ParentObject() && ParentObject()->GetLayoutObject() &&
ParentObject()->GetLayoutObject()->IsTextControl()) {
return false;
// Ignore layout objects that are block flows with inline children. These
// are usually dummy layout objects that pad out the tree, but there are
// some exceptions below.
auto* block_flow = DynamicTo<LayoutBlockFlow>(*layout_object_);
if (block_flow && block_flow->ChildrenInline() && !CanSetFocusAttribute()) {
// If the layout object has any plain text in it, that text will be
// inside a LineBox, so the layout object will have a first LineBox.
bool has_any_text = HasLineBox(*block_flow);
// Always include interesting-looking objects.
if (has_any_text || MouseButtonListener())
return false;
if (ignored_reasons)
return true;
// By default, objects should be ignored so that the AX hierarchy is not
// filled with unnecessary items.
if (ignored_reasons)
return true;
bool AXLayoutObject::HasAriaCellRole(Element* elem) const {
const AtomicString& aria_role_str = elem->FastGetAttribute(kRoleAttr);
if (aria_role_str.IsEmpty())
return false;
ax::mojom::Role aria_role = AriaRoleToWebCoreRole(aria_role_str);
return aria_role == ax::mojom::Role::kCell ||
aria_role == ax::mojom::Role::kColumnHeader ||
aria_role == ax::mojom::Role::kRowHeader;
// Return true if whitespace is not necessary to keep adjacent_node separate
// in screen reader output from surrounding nodes.
bool AXLayoutObject::CanIgnoreSpaceNextTo(LayoutObject* layout,
bool is_after) const {
if (!layout)
return true;
// If adjacent to a whitespace character, the current space can be ignored.
if (layout->IsText()) {
LayoutText* layout_text = ToLayoutText(layout);
if (layout_text->HasEmptyText())
return false;
if (layout_text->GetText().Impl()->ContainsOnlyWhitespaceOrEmpty())
return true;
auto adjacent_char =
is_after ? layout_text->FirstCharacterAfterWhitespaceCollapsing()
: layout_text->LastCharacterAfterWhitespaceCollapsing();
return adjacent_char == ' ' || adjacent_char == '\n' ||
adjacent_char == '\t';
// Keep spaces between images and other visible content.
if (layout->IsLayoutImage())
return false;
// Do not keep spaces between blocks.
if (!layout->IsLayoutInline())
return true;
// If next to an element that a screen reader will always read separately,
// the the space can be ignored.
// Elements that are naturally focusable even without a tabindex tend
// to be rendered separately even if there is no space between them.
// Some ARIA roles act like table cells and don't need adjacent whitespace to
// indicate separation.
// False negatives are acceptable in that they merely lead to extra whitespace
// static text nodes.
// TODO(aleventhal) Do we want this? Is it too hard/complex for Braille/Cvox?
auto* elem = DynamicTo<Element>(layout->GetNode());
if (elem && HasAriaCellRole(elem)) {
return true;
// Test against the appropriate child text node.
LayoutInline* layout_inline = ToLayoutInline(layout);
LayoutObject* child =
is_after ? layout_inline->FirstChild() : layout_inline->LastChild();
return CanIgnoreSpaceNextTo(child, is_after);
bool AXLayoutObject::CanIgnoreTextAsEmpty() const {
LayoutText* layout_text = ToLayoutText(layout_object_);
// Ignore empty text
if (layout_text->HasEmptyText()) {
return true;
// Don't ignore node-less text (e.g. list bullets)
Node* node = GetNode();
if (!node)
return false;
// Always keep if anything other than collapsible whitespace.
if (!layout_text->IsAllCollapsibleWhitespace())
return false;
// Will now look at sibling nodes.
// Using "skipping children" methods as we need the closest element to the
// whitespace markup-wise, e.g. tag1 in these examples:
// [whitespace] <tag1><tag2>x</tag2></tag1>
// <span>[whitespace]</span> <tag1><tag2>x</tag2></tag1>
Node* prev_node = FlatTreeTraversal::PreviousSkippingChildren(*node);
if (!prev_node)
return true;
Node* next_node = FlatTreeTraversal::NextSkippingChildren(*node);
if (!next_node)
return true;
// Ignore extra whitespace-only text if a sibling will be presented
// separately by screen readers whether whitespace is there or not.
if (CanIgnoreSpaceNextTo(prev_node->GetLayoutObject(), false) ||
CanIgnoreSpaceNextTo(next_node->GetLayoutObject(), true))
return true;
// Text elements with empty whitespace are returned, because of cases
// such as <span>Hello</span><span> </span><span>World</span>. Keeping
// the whitespace-only node means we now correctly expose "Hello World".
// See
return false;
// Properties of static elements.
const AtomicString& AXLayoutObject::AccessKey() const {
auto* element = DynamicTo<Element>(layout_object_->GetNode());
if (!element)
return g_null_atom;
return element->getAttribute(kAccesskeyAttr);
RGBA32 AXLayoutObject::ComputeBackgroundColor() const {
if (!GetLayoutObject())
return AXNodeObject::BackgroundColor();
Color blended_color = Color::kTransparent;
// Color::blend should be called like this: background.blend(foreground).
for (LayoutObject* layout_object = GetLayoutObject(); layout_object;
layout_object = layout_object->Parent()) {
const AXObject* ax_parent = AXObjectCache().GetOrCreate(layout_object);
if (ax_parent && ax_parent != this) {
Color parent_color = ax_parent->BackgroundColor();
blended_color = parent_color.Blend(blended_color);
return blended_color.Rgb();
const ComputedStyle* style = layout_object->Style();
if (!style || !style->HasBackground())
Color current_color =
blended_color = current_color.Blend(blended_color);
// Continue blending until we get no transparency.
if (!blended_color.HasAlpha())
// If we still have some transparency, blend in the document base color.
if (blended_color.HasAlpha()) {
LocalFrameView* view = DocumentFrameView();
if (view) {
Color document_base_color = view->BaseBackgroundColor();
blended_color = document_base_color.Blend(blended_color);
} else {
// Default to a white background.
return blended_color.Rgb();
RGBA32 AXLayoutObject::GetColor() const {
if (!GetLayoutObject() || IsColorWell())
return AXNodeObject::GetColor();
const ComputedStyle* style = GetLayoutObject()->Style();
if (!style)
return AXNodeObject::GetColor();
Color color = style->VisitedDependentColor(GetCSSPropertyColor());
return color.Rgb();
AtomicString AXLayoutObject::FontFamily() const {
if (!GetLayoutObject())
return AXNodeObject::FontFamily();
const ComputedStyle* style = GetLayoutObject()->Style();
if (!style)
return AXNodeObject::FontFamily();
FontDescription& font_description =
return font_description.FirstFamily().Family();
// Font size is in pixels.
float AXLayoutObject::FontSize() const {
if (!GetLayoutObject())
return AXNodeObject::FontSize();
const ComputedStyle* style = GetLayoutObject()->Style();
if (!style)
return AXNodeObject::FontSize();
return style->ComputedFontSize();
float AXLayoutObject::FontWeight() const {
if (!GetLayoutObject())
return AXNodeObject::FontWeight();
const ComputedStyle* style = GetLayoutObject()->Style();
if (!style)
return AXNodeObject::FontWeight();
return style->GetFontWeight();
String AXLayoutObject::ImageDataUrl(const IntSize& max_size) const {
Node* node = GetNode();
if (!node)
return String();
ImageBitmapOptions* options = ImageBitmapOptions::Create();
ImageBitmap* image_bitmap = nullptr;
Document* document = &node->GetDocument();
if (auto* image = ToHTMLImageElementOrNull(node)) {
image_bitmap = ImageBitmap::Create(image, base::Optional<IntRect>(),
document, options);
} else if (auto* canvas = ToHTMLCanvasElementOrNull(node)) {
image_bitmap =
ImageBitmap::Create(canvas, base::Optional<IntRect>(), options);
} else if (auto* video = ToHTMLVideoElementOrNull(node)) {
image_bitmap = ImageBitmap::Create(video, base::Optional<IntRect>(),
document, options);
if (!image_bitmap)
return String();
scoped_refptr<StaticBitmapImage> bitmap_image = image_bitmap->BitmapImage();
if (!bitmap_image)
return String();
sk_sp<SkImage> image = bitmap_image->PaintImageForCurrentFrame().GetSkImage();
if (!image || image->width() <= 0 || image->height() <= 0)
return String();
// Determine the width and height of the output image, using a proportional
// scale factor such that it's no larger than |maxSize|, if |maxSize| is not
// empty. It only resizes the image to be smaller (if necessary), not
// larger.
float x_scale =
max_size.Width() ? max_size.Width() * 1.0 / image->width() : 1.0;
float y_scale =
max_size.Height() ? max_size.Height() * 1.0 / image->height() : 1.0;
float scale = std::min(x_scale, y_scale);
if (scale >= 1.0)
scale = 1.0;
int width = std::round(image->width() * scale);
int height = std::round(image->height() * scale);
// Draw the scaled image into a bitmap in native format.
SkBitmap bitmap;
bitmap.allocPixels(SkImageInfo::MakeN32(width, height, kPremul_SkAlphaType));
SkCanvas canvas(bitmap);
canvas.drawImageRect(image, SkRect::MakeIWH(width, height), nullptr);
// Copy the bits into a buffer in RGBA_8888 unpremultiplied format
// for encoding.
SkImageInfo info = SkImageInfo::Make(width, height, kRGBA_8888_SkColorType,
size_t row_bytes = info.minRowBytes();
Vector<char> pixel_storage(
SkPixmap pixmap(info,, row_bytes);
if (!SkImage::MakeFromBitmap(bitmap)->readPixels(pixmap, 0, 0))
return String();
// Encode as a PNG and return as a data url.
std::unique_ptr<ImageDataBuffer> buffer = ImageDataBuffer::Create(pixmap);
if (!buffer)
return String();
return buffer->ToDataURL(kMimeTypePng, 1.0);
ax::mojom::ListStyle AXLayoutObject::GetListStyle() const {
const LayoutObject* layout_object = GetLayoutObject();
if (!layout_object)
return AXNodeObject::GetListStyle();
const ComputedStyle* computed_style = layout_object->Style();
if (!computed_style)
return AXNodeObject::GetListStyle();
const StyleImage* style_image = computed_style->ListStyleImage();
if (style_image && !style_image->ErrorOccurred())
return ax::mojom::ListStyle::kImage;
switch (computed_style->ListStyleType()) {
case EListStyleType::kNone:
return ax::mojom::ListStyle::kNone;
case EListStyleType::kDisc:
return ax::mojom::ListStyle::kDisc;
case EListStyleType::kCircle:
return ax::mojom::ListStyle::kCircle;
case EListStyleType::kSquare:
return ax::mojom::ListStyle::kSquare;
case EListStyleType::kDecimal:
case EListStyleType::kDecimalLeadingZero:
return ax::mojom::ListStyle::kNumeric;
return ax::mojom::ListStyle::kOther;
String AXLayoutObject::GetText() const {
if (IsPasswordFieldAndShouldHideValue()) {
if (!GetLayoutObject())
return String();
const ComputedStyle* style = GetLayoutObject()->Style();
if (!style)
return String();
unsigned unmasked_text_length = AXNodeObject::GetText().length();
if (!unmasked_text_length)
return String();
UChar mask_character = 0;
switch (style->TextSecurity()) {
case ETextSecurity::kNone:
break; // Fall through to the non-password branch.
case ETextSecurity::kDisc:
mask_character = kBulletCharacter;
case ETextSecurity::kCircle:
mask_character = kWhiteBulletCharacter;
case ETextSecurity::kSquare:
mask_character = kBlackSquareCharacter;
if (mask_character) {
StringBuilder masked_text;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < unmasked_text_length; ++i)
return masked_text.ToString();
return AXNodeObject::GetText();
ax::mojom::TextDirection AXLayoutObject::GetTextDirection() const {
if (!GetLayoutObject())
return AXNodeObject::GetTextDirection();
const ComputedStyle* style = GetLayoutObject()->Style();
if (!style)
return AXNodeObject::GetTextDirection();
if (style->IsHorizontalWritingMode()) {
switch (style->Direction()) {
case TextDirection::kLtr:
return ax::mojom::TextDirection::kLtr;
case TextDirection::kRtl:
return ax::mojom::TextDirection::kRtl;
} else {
switch (style->Direction()) {
case TextDirection::kLtr:
return ax::mojom::TextDirection::kTtb;
case TextDirection::kRtl:
return ax::mojom::TextDirection::kBtt;
return AXNodeObject::GetTextDirection();
ax::mojom::TextPosition AXLayoutObject::GetTextPosition() const {
if (!GetLayoutObject())
return AXNodeObject::GetTextPosition();
const ComputedStyle* style = GetLayoutObject()->Style();
if (!style)
return AXNodeObject::GetTextPosition();
switch (style->VerticalAlign()) {
case EVerticalAlign::kBaseline:
case EVerticalAlign::kMiddle:
case EVerticalAlign::kTextTop:
case EVerticalAlign::kTextBottom:
case EVerticalAlign::kTop:
case EVerticalAlign::kBottom:
case EVerticalAlign::kBaselineMiddle:
case EVerticalAlign::kLength:
return AXNodeObject::GetTextPosition();
case EVerticalAlign::kSub:
return ax::mojom::TextPosition::kSubscript;
case EVerticalAlign::kSuper:
return ax::mojom::TextPosition::kSuperscript;
int AXLayoutObject::TextLength() const {
if (!IsTextControl())
return -1;
return GetText().length();
static unsigned TextStyleFlag(ax::mojom::TextStyle text_style_enum) {
return static_cast<unsigned>(1 << static_cast<int>(text_style_enum));
void AXLayoutObject::GetTextStyleAndTextDecorationStyle(
int32_t* text_style,
ax::mojom::TextDecorationStyle* text_overline_style,
ax::mojom::TextDecorationStyle* text_strikethrough_style,
ax::mojom::TextDecorationStyle* text_underline_style) const {
if (!GetLayoutObject()) {
text_style, text_overline_style, text_strikethrough_style,
const ComputedStyle* style = GetLayoutObject()->Style();
if (!style) {
text_style, text_overline_style, text_strikethrough_style,
*text_style = 0;
*text_overline_style = ax::mojom::TextDecorationStyle::kNone;
*text_strikethrough_style = ax::mojom::TextDecorationStyle::kNone;
*text_underline_style = ax::mojom::TextDecorationStyle::kNone;
if (style->GetFontWeight() == BoldWeightValue())
*text_style |= TextStyleFlag(ax::mojom::TextStyle::kBold);
if (style->GetFontDescription().Style() == ItalicSlopeValue())
*text_style |= TextStyleFlag(ax::mojom::TextStyle::kItalic);
for (const auto& decoration : style->AppliedTextDecorations()) {
if (EnumHasFlags(decoration.Lines(), TextDecoration::kOverline)) {
*text_style |= TextStyleFlag(ax::mojom::TextStyle::kOverline);
*text_overline_style =
if (EnumHasFlags(decoration.Lines(), TextDecoration::kLineThrough)) {
*text_style |= TextStyleFlag(ax::mojom::TextStyle::kLineThrough);
*text_strikethrough_style =
if (EnumHasFlags(decoration.Lines(), TextDecoration::kUnderline)) {
*text_style |= TextStyleFlag(ax::mojom::TextStyle::kUnderline);
*text_underline_style =
const blink::ETextDecorationStyle text_decoration_style) {
switch (text_decoration_style) {
case ETextDecorationStyle::kDashed:
return ax::mojom::TextDecorationStyle::kDashed;
case ETextDecorationStyle::kSolid:
return ax::mojom::TextDecorationStyle::kSolid;
case ETextDecorationStyle::kDotted:
return ax::mojom::TextDecorationStyle::kDotted;
case ETextDecorationStyle::kDouble:
return ax::mojom::TextDecorationStyle::kDouble;
case ETextDecorationStyle::kWavy:
return ax::mojom::TextDecorationStyle::kWavy;
return ax::mojom::TextDecorationStyle::kNone;
// Inline text boxes.
void AXLayoutObject::LoadInlineTextBoxes() {
if (!GetLayoutObject())
if (GetLayoutObject()->IsText()) {
for (const auto& child : children_) {
static bool ShouldUseLayoutNG(const LayoutObject& layout_object) {
return (layout_object.IsLayoutInline() || layout_object.IsText()) &&
// Note: |NextOnLineInternalNG()| returns null when fragment for |layout_object|
// is culled as legacy layout version since |LayoutInline::LastLineBox()|
// returns null when it is culled.
// See also |PreviousOnLineInternalNG()| which is identical except for using
// "next" and |back()| instead of "previous" and |front()|.
static AXObject* NextOnLineInternalNG(const AXObject& ax_object) {
const LayoutObject& layout_object = *ax_object.GetLayoutObject();
DCHECK(!layout_object.IsListMarkerIncludingNG()) << layout_object;
DCHECK(ShouldUseLayoutNG(layout_object)) << layout_object;
const auto fragments = NGPaintFragment::InlineFragmentsFor(&layout_object);
if (fragments.IsEmpty() || !fragments.IsInLayoutNGInlineFormattingContext())
return nullptr;
NGPaintFragmentTraversal runner(*fragments.back().ContainerLineBox(),
for (runner.MoveToNextInlineLeaf(); !runner.IsAtEnd();
runner.MoveToNextInlineLeaf()) {
LayoutObject* runner_layout_object = runner->GetMutableLayoutObject();
if (AXObject* result =
return result;
if (!ax_object.ParentObject())
return nullptr;
// Returns next object of parent, since next of |ax_object| isn't appeared on
// line.
return ax_object.ParentObject()->NextOnLine();
AXObject* AXLayoutObject::NextOnLine() const {
if (!GetLayoutObject())
return nullptr;
AXObject* result = nullptr;
if (GetLayoutObject()->IsListMarkerIncludingNG()) {
AXObject* next_sibling = RawNextSibling();
if (!next_sibling || !next_sibling->Children().size())
return nullptr;
result = next_sibling->Children()[0].Get();
} else if (ShouldUseLayoutNG(*GetLayoutObject())) {
result = NextOnLineInternalNG(*this);
} else {
InlineBox* inline_box = nullptr;
if (GetLayoutObject()->IsBox()) {
inline_box = ToLayoutBox(GetLayoutObject())->InlineBoxWrapper();
} else if (GetLayoutObject()->IsLayoutInline()) {
inline_box = ToLayoutInline(GetLayoutObject())->LastLineBox();
} else if (GetLayoutObject()->IsText()) {
inline_box = ToLayoutText(GetLayoutObject())->LastTextBox();
if (!inline_box)
return nullptr;
for (InlineBox* next = inline_box->NextOnLine(); next;
next = next->NextOnLine()) {
LayoutObject* layout_object =
result = AXObjectCache().GetOrCreate(layout_object);
if (result)
if (!result) {
AXObject* computed_parent = ComputeParent();
if (computed_parent)
result = computed_parent->NextOnLine();
// For consistency between the forward and backward directions, try to always
// return leaf nodes.
while (result && result->Children().size())
result = result->Children()[0].Get();
return result;
// Note: |PreviousOnLineInlineNG()| returns null when fragment for
// |layout_object| is culled as legacy layout version since
// |LayoutInline::FirstLineBox()| returns null when it is culled. See also
// |NextOnLineNG()| which is identical except for using "previous" and |front()|
// instead of "next" and |back()|.
static AXObject* PreviousOnLineInlineNG(const AXObject& ax_object) {
const LayoutObject& layout_object = *ax_object.GetLayoutObject();
DCHECK(!layout_object.IsListMarkerIncludingNG()) << layout_object;
DCHECK(ShouldUseLayoutNG(layout_object)) << layout_object;
const auto fragments = NGPaintFragment::InlineFragmentsFor(&layout_object);
if (fragments.IsEmpty() || !fragments.IsInLayoutNGInlineFormattingContext())
return nullptr;
NGPaintFragmentTraversal runner(*fragments.front().ContainerLineBox(),
for (runner.MoveToPreviousInlineLeaf(); !runner.IsAtEnd();
runner.MoveToPreviousInlineLeaf()) {
LayoutObject* earlier_layout_object = runner->GetMutableLayoutObject();
if (AXObject* result =
return result;
if (!ax_object.ParentObject())
return nullptr;
// Returns previous object of parent, since next of |ax_object| isn't appeared
// on line.
return ax_object.ParentObject()->PreviousOnLine();
AXObject* AXLayoutObject::PreviousOnLine() const {
if (!GetLayoutObject())
return nullptr;
AXObject* result = nullptr;
if (ShouldUseLayoutNG(*GetLayoutObject())) {
result = PreviousOnLineInlineNG(*this);
} else {
InlineBox* inline_box = nullptr;
if (GetLayoutObject()->IsBox()) {
inline_box = ToLayoutBox(GetLayoutObject())->InlineBoxWrapper();
} else if (GetLayoutObject()->IsLayoutInline()) {
inline_box = ToLayoutInline(GetLayoutObject())->FirstLineBox();
} else if (GetLayoutObject()->IsText()) {
inline_box = ToLayoutText(GetLayoutObject())->FirstTextBox();
if (!inline_box)
return nullptr;
for (InlineBox* prev = inline_box->PrevOnLine(); prev;
prev = prev->PrevOnLine()) {
LayoutObject* layout_object =
result = AXObjectCache().GetOrCreate(layout_object);
if (result)
if (!result) {
AXObject* computed_parent = ComputeParent();
if (computed_parent)
result = computed_parent->PreviousOnLine();
// For consistency between the forward and backward directions, try to always
// return leaf nodes.
while (result && result->Children().size())
result = result->Children()[result->Children().size() - 1].Get();
return result;
// Properties of interactive elements.
String AXLayoutObject::StringValue() const {
if (!layout_object_)
return String();
LayoutBoxModelObject* css_box = GetLayoutBoxModelObject();
if (css_box && css_box->IsMenuList()) {
// LayoutMenuList will go straight to the text() of its selected item.
// This has to be overridden in the case where the selected item has an ARIA
// label.
HTMLSelectElement* select_element =
int selected_index = select_element->selectedIndex();
const HeapVector<Member<HTMLElement>>& list_items =
if (selected_index >= 0 &&
static_cast<size_t>(selected_index) < list_items.size()) {
const AtomicString& overridden_description =
if (!overridden_description.IsNull())
return overridden_description;
return ToLayoutMenuList(layout_object_)->GetText();
if (IsWebArea()) {
// FIXME: Why would a layoutObject exist when the Document isn't attached to
// a frame?
if (layout_object_->GetFrame())
return String();
if (IsTextControl())
return GetText();
if (layout_object_->IsFileUploadControl())
return ToLayoutFileUploadControl(layout_object_)->FileTextValue();
// Handle other HTML input elements that aren't text controls, like date and
// time controls, by returning their value converted to text, with the
// exception of checkboxes and radio buttons (which would return "on"), and
// buttons which will return their name.
if (const auto* input = ToHTMLInputElementOrNull(GetNode())) {
if (input->type() != input_type_names::kButton &&
input->type() != input_type_names::kCheckbox &&
input->type() != input_type_names::kImage &&
input->type() != input_type_names::kRadio &&
input->type() != input_type_names::kReset &&
input->type() != input_type_names::kSubmit) {
return input->value();
// FIXME: We might need to implement a value here for more types
// FIXME: It would be better not to advertise a value at all for the types for
// which we don't implement one; this would require subclassing or making
// accessibilityAttributeNames do something other than return a single static
// array.
return String();
String AXLayoutObject::TextAlternative(bool recursive,
bool in_aria_labelled_by_traversal,
AXObjectSet& visited,
ax::mojom::NameFrom& name_from,
AXRelatedObjectVector* related_objects,
NameSources* name_sources) const {
if (layout_object_) {
base::Optional<String> text_alternative = GetCSSAltText(GetNode());
bool found_text_alternative = false;
if (text_alternative) {
if (name_sources) {
name_sources->back().type = ax::mojom::NameFrom::kAttribute;
name_sources->back().text = text_alternative.value();
return text_alternative.value();
if (layout_object_->IsBR()) {
text_alternative = String("\n");
found_text_alternative = true;
} else if (layout_object_->IsText() &&
(!recursive || !layout_object_->IsCounter())) {
LayoutText* layout_text = ToLayoutText(layout_object_);
String visible_text = layout_text->PlainText(); // Actual rendered text.
// If no text boxes we assume this is unrendered end-of-line whitespace.
// TODO find robust way to deterministically detect end-of-line space.
if (visible_text.IsEmpty()) {
// No visible rendered text -- must be whitespace.
// Either it is useful whitespace for separating words or not.
if (layout_text->IsAllCollapsibleWhitespace()) {
if (cached_is_ignored_)
return "";
// If no textboxes, this was whitespace at the line's end.
text_alternative = " ";
} else {
text_alternative = layout_text->GetText();
} else {
text_alternative = visible_text;
found_text_alternative = true;
} else if (layout_object_->IsListMarker() && !recursive) {
text_alternative = ToLayoutListMarker(layout_object_)->TextAlternative();
found_text_alternative = true;
} else if (layout_object_->IsLayoutNGListMarkerIncludingInside() &&
!recursive) {
text_alternative = LayoutNGListItem::TextAlternative(*layout_object_);
found_text_alternative = true;
if (found_text_alternative) {
name_from = ax::mojom::NameFrom::kContents;
if (name_sources) {
name_sources->back().type = name_from;
name_sources->back().text = text_alternative.value();
return text_alternative.value();
return AXNodeObject::TextAlternative(recursive, in_aria_labelled_by_traversal,
visited, name_from, related_objects,
// ARIA attributes.
void AXLayoutObject::AriaOwnsElements(AXObjectVector& owns) const {
AccessibilityChildrenFromAOMProperty(AOMRelationListProperty::kOwns, owns);
void AXLayoutObject::AriaDescribedbyElements(
AXObjectVector& describedby) const {
ax::mojom::HasPopup AXLayoutObject::HasPopup() const {
const AtomicString& has_popup =
if (!has_popup.IsNull()) {
if (EqualIgnoringASCIICase(has_popup, "false"))
return ax::mojom::HasPopup::kFalse;
if (EqualIgnoringASCIICase(has_popup, "listbox"))
return ax::mojom::HasPopup::kListbox;
if (EqualIgnoringASCIICase(has_popup, "tree"))
return ax::mojom::HasPopup::kTree;
if (EqualIgnoringASCIICase(has_popup, "grid"))
return ax::mojom::HasPopup::kGrid;
if (EqualIgnoringASCIICase(has_popup, "dialog"))
return ax::mojom::HasPopup::kDialog;
// To provide backward compatibility with ARIA 1.0 content,
// user agents MUST treat an aria-haspopup value of true
// as equivalent to a value of menu.
// And unknown value also return menu too.
if (EqualIgnoringASCIICase(has_popup, "true") ||
EqualIgnoringASCIICase(has_popup, "menu") || !has_popup.IsEmpty())
return ax::mojom::HasPopup::kMenu;
// ARIA 1.1 default value of haspopup for combobox is "listbox".
if (RoleValue() == ax::mojom::Role::kComboBoxMenuButton ||
RoleValue() == ax::mojom::Role::kTextFieldWithComboBox)
return ax::mojom::HasPopup::kListbox;
return AXObject::HasPopup();
// TODO : Aria-dropeffect and aria-grabbed are deprecated in aria 1.1
// Also those properties are expected to be replaced by a new feature in
// a future version of WAI-ARIA. After that we will re-implement them
// following new spec.
bool AXLayoutObject::SupportsARIADragging() const {
const AtomicString& grabbed = GetAttribute(kAriaGrabbedAttr);
return EqualIgnoringASCIICase(grabbed, "true") ||
EqualIgnoringASCIICase(grabbed, "false");
void AXLayoutObject::Dropeffects(
Vector<ax::mojom::Dropeffect>& dropeffects) const {
if (!HasAttribute(kAriaDropeffectAttr))
Vector<String> str_dropeffects;
TokenVectorFromAttribute(str_dropeffects, kAriaDropeffectAttr);
if (str_dropeffects.IsEmpty()) {
for (auto&& str : str_dropeffects) {
ax::mojom::Dropeffect AXLayoutObject::ParseDropeffect(
String& dropeffect) const {
if (EqualIgnoringASCIICase(dropeffect, "copy"))
return ax::mojom::Dropeffect::kCopy;
if (EqualIgnoringASCIICase(dropeffect, "execute"))
return ax::mojom::Dropeffect::kExecute;
if (EqualIgnoringASCIICase(dropeffect, "link"))
return ax::mojom::Dropeffect::kLink;
if (EqualIgnoringASCIICase(dropeffect, "move"))
return ax::mojom::Dropeffect::kMove;
if (EqualIgnoringASCIICase(dropeffect, "popup"))
return ax::mojom::Dropeffect::kPopup;
return ax::mojom::Dropeffect::kNone;
bool AXLayoutObject::SupportsARIAFlowTo() const {
return !GetAttribute(kAriaFlowtoAttr).IsEmpty();
bool AXLayoutObject::SupportsARIAOwns() const {
if (!layout_object_)
return false;
const AtomicString& aria_owns = GetAttribute(kAriaOwnsAttr);
return !aria_owns.IsEmpty();
// ARIA live-region features.
const AtomicString& AXLayoutObject::LiveRegionStatus() const {
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const AtomicString, live_region_status_assertive,
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const AtomicString, live_region_status_polite,
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const AtomicString, live_region_status_off, ("off"));
const AtomicString& live_region_status =
// These roles have implicit live region status.
if (live_region_status.IsEmpty()) {
switch (RoleValue()) {
case ax::mojom::Role::kAlert:
return live_region_status_assertive;
case ax::mojom::Role::kLog:
case ax::mojom::Role::kStatus:
return live_region_status_polite;
case ax::mojom::Role::kTimer:
case ax::mojom::Role::kMarquee:
return live_region_status_off;
return live_region_status;
const AtomicString& AXLayoutObject::LiveRegionRelevant() const {
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const AtomicString, default_live_region_relevant,
("additions text"));
const AtomicString& relevant =
// Default aria-relevant = "additions text".
if (relevant.IsEmpty())
return default_live_region_relevant;
return relevant;
// Hit testing.
AXObject* AXLayoutObject::AccessibilityHitTest(const IntPoint& point) const {
if (!layout_object_ || !layout_object_->HasLayer() ||
return nullptr;
auto* frame_view = DocumentFrameView();
if (!frame_view || !frame_view->UpdateAllLifecyclePhasesExceptPaint())
return nullptr;
PaintLayer* layer = ToLayoutBox(layout_object_)->Layer();
HitTestRequest request(HitTestRequest::kReadOnly | HitTestRequest::kActive |
HitTestLocation location(point);
HitTestResult hit_test_result = HitTestResult(request, location);
layer->HitTest(location, hit_test_result,
Node* node = hit_test_result.InnerNode();
if (!node)
return nullptr;
if (auto* area = DynamicTo<HTMLAreaElement>(node))
return AccessibilityImageMapHitTest(area, point);
if (auto* option = ToHTMLOptionElementOrNull(node)) {
node = option->OwnerSelectElement();
if (!node)
return nullptr;
LayoutObject* obj = node->GetLayoutObject();
if (!obj)
return nullptr;
AXObject* result = AXObjectCache().GetOrCreate(obj);
// Allow the element to perform any hit-testing it might need to do to reach
// non-layout children.
result = result->ElementAccessibilityHitTest(point);
if (result && result->AccessibilityIsIgnored()) {
// If this element is the label of a control, a hit test should return the
// control.
if (result->IsAXLayoutObject()) {
AXObject* control_object =
if (control_object && control_object->NameFromLabelElement())
return control_object;
result = result->ParentObjectUnignored();
return result;
AXObject* AXLayoutObject::ElementAccessibilityHitTest(
const IntPoint& point) const {
if (IsSVGImage())
return RemoteSVGElementHitTest(point);
return AXObject::ElementAccessibilityHitTest(point);
// Low-level accessibility tree exploration, only for use within the
// accessibility module.
// The fundamental types of elements in the Blink layout tree are block
// elements and inline elements. It can get a little confusing when
// an inline element has both inline and block children, for example:
// <a href="#">
// Before Block
// <div>
// In Block
// </div>
// Outside Block
// </a>
// Blink wants to maintain the invariant that all of the children of a node
// are either all block or all inline, so it creates three anonymous blocks:
// #1 LayoutBlockFlow (anonymous)
// #2 LayoutInline A continuation=#4
// #3 LayoutText "Before Block"
// #4 LayoutBlockFlow (anonymous) continuation=#8
// #5 LayoutBlockFlow DIV
// #6 LayoutText "In Block"
// #7 LayoutBlockFlow (anonymous)
// #8 LayoutInline A is_continuation
// #9 LayoutText "Outside Block"
// For a good explanation of why this is done, see this blog entry. It's
// describing WebKit in 2007, but the fundamentals haven't changed much.
// Now, it's important to understand that we couldn't just use the layout
// tree as the accessibility tree as-is, because the div is no longer
// inside the link! In fact, the link has been split into two different
// nodes, #2 and #8. Luckily, the layout tree contains continuations to
// help us untangle situations like this.
// Here's the algorithm we use to walk the layout tree in order to build
// the accessibility tree:
// 1. When computing the first child or next sibling of a node, skip over any
// LayoutObjects that are continuations.
// 2. When computing the next sibling of a node and there are no more siblings
// in the layout tree, see if the parent node has a continuation, and if
// so follow it and make that the next sibling.
// 3. When computing the first child of a node that has a continuation but
// no children in the layout tree, the continuation is the first child.
// The end result is this tree, which we use as the basis for the
// accessibility tree.
// #1 LayoutBlockFlow (anonymous)
// #2 LayoutInline A
// #3 LayoutText "Before Block"
// #4 LayoutBlockFlow (anonymous)
// #5 LayoutBlockFlow DIV
// #6 LayoutText "In Block"
// #8 LayoutInline A is_continuation
// #9 LayoutText "Outside Block"
// #7 LayoutBlockFlow (anonymous)
// This algorithm results in an accessibility tree that preserves containment
// (i.e. the contents of the link in the example above are descendants of the
// link node) while including all of the rich layout detail from the layout
// tree.
// There are just a couple of other corner cases to walking the layout tree:
// * Walk tables in table order (thead, tbody, tfoot), which may not match
// layout order.
// * Skip CSS first-letter nodes.
// Given a layout object, return the start of the continuation chain.
static inline LayoutInline* StartOfContinuations(LayoutObject* layout_object) {
// See LAYOUT TREE WALKING ALGORITHM, above, for more context as to why
// we need to do this.
// For inline elements, if it's a continuation, the start of the chain
// is always the primary layout object associated with the node.
if (layout_object->IsInlineElementContinuation())
return ToLayoutInline(layout_object->GetNode()->GetLayoutObject());
// Blocks with a previous continuation always have a next continuation,
// so we can get the next continuation and do the same trick to get
// the primary layout object associated with the node.
auto* layout_block_flow = DynamicTo<LayoutBlockFlow>(layout_object);
if (layout_block_flow && layout_block_flow->InlineElementContinuation()) {
LayoutInline* result =
DCHECK_NE(result, layout_object);
return result;
return nullptr;
// See LAYOUT TREE WALKING ALGORITHM, above, for details.
static inline LayoutObject* ParentLayoutObject(LayoutObject* layout_object) {
if (!layout_object)
return nullptr;
// If the node is a continuation, the parent is the start of the continuation
// chain. See LAYOUT TREE WALKING ALGORITHM, above, for more context as to
// why we need to do this.
LayoutObject* start_of_conts = StartOfContinuations(layout_object);
if (start_of_conts)
return start_of_conts;
// Otherwise just return the parent in the layout tree.
return layout_object->Parent();
// See LAYOUT TREE WALKING ALGORITHM, above, for details.
// Return true if this layout object is the continuation of some other
// layout object.
static bool IsContinuation(LayoutObject* layout_object) {
if (layout_object->IsElementContinuation())
return true;
auto* block_flow = DynamicTo<LayoutBlockFlow>(layout_object);
return block_flow && block_flow->IsAnonymousBlock() &&
// See LAYOUT TREE WALKING ALGORITHM, above, for details.
// Return the continuation of this layout object, or nullptr if it doesn't
// have one.
LayoutObject* GetContinuation(LayoutObject* layout_object) {
if (layout_object->IsLayoutInline())
return ToLayoutInline(layout_object)->Continuation();
if (auto* block_flow = DynamicTo<LayoutBlockFlow>(layout_object))
return block_flow->Continuation();
return nullptr;
// See LAYOUT TREE WALKING ALGORITHM, above, for details.
AXObject* AXLayoutObject::RawFirstChild() const {
if (!layout_object_)
return nullptr;
// Walk sections of a table (thead, tbody, tfoot) in visual order.
// Note: always call RecalcSectionsIfNeeded() before accessing
// the sections of a LayoutTable.
if (layout_object_->IsTable()) {
LayoutNGTableInterface* table =
LayoutNGTableSectionInterface* top_section = table->TopSectionInterface();
return AXObjectCache().GetOrCreate(
top_section ? top_section->ToMutableLayoutObject() : nullptr);
if (layout_object_->IsLayoutNGListMarker()) {
// We don't care tree structure of list marker.
return nullptr;
LayoutObject* first_child = layout_object_->SlowFirstChild();
// CSS first-letter pseudo element is handled as continuation. Returning it
// will result in duplicated elements.
if (first_child && first_child->IsText() &&
ToLayoutText(first_child)->IsTextFragment() &&
return nullptr;
// Skip over continuations.
while (first_child && IsContinuation(first_child))
first_child = first_child->NextSibling();
// If there's a first child that's not a continuation, return that.
if (first_child)
return AXObjectCache().GetOrCreate(first_child);
// Finally check if this object has no children but it has a continuation
// itself - and if so, it's the first child.
LayoutObject* continuation = GetContinuation(layout_object_);
if (continuation)
return AXObjectCache().GetOrCreate(continuation);
return nullptr;
// See LAYOUT TREE WALKING ALGORITHM, above, for details.
AXObject* AXLayoutObject::RawNextSibling() const {
if (!layout_object_)
return nullptr;
// Walk sections of a table (thead, tbody, tfoot) in visual order.
if (layout_object_->IsTableSection()) {
const LayoutNGTableSectionInterface* section =
const LayoutNGTableSectionInterface* section_below =
// const_cast is necessary to avoid creating non-const versions of
// table interfaces.
LayoutObject* section_below_layout_object = const_cast<LayoutObject*>(
section_below ? section_below->ToLayoutObject() : nullptr);
return AXObjectCache().GetOrCreate(section_below_layout_object);
// If it's not a continuation, just get the next sibling from the
// layout tree, skipping over continuations.
if (!IsContinuation(layout_object_)) {
LayoutObject* next_sibling = layout_object_->NextSibling();
while (next_sibling && IsContinuation(next_sibling))
next_sibling = next_sibling->NextSibling();
if (next_sibling)
return AXObjectCache().GetOrCreate(next_sibling);
// If we've run out of siblings, check to see if the parent of this
// object has a continuation, and if so, follow it.
LayoutObject* parent = layout_object_->Parent();
if (parent) {
LayoutObject* continuation = GetContinuation(parent);
if (continuation)
return AXObjectCache().GetOrCreate(continuation);
return nullptr;
// High-level accessibility tree access.
AXObject* AXLayoutObject::ComputeParent() const {
if (!layout_object_)
return nullptr;
if (AriaRoleAttribute() == ax::mojom::Role::kMenuBar)
return AXObjectCache().GetOrCreate(layout_object_->Parent());
// menuButton and its corresponding menu are DOM siblings, but Accessibility
// needs them to be parent/child.
if (AriaRoleAttribute() == ax::mojom::Role::kMenu) {
AXObject* parent = MenuButtonForMenu();
if (parent)
return parent;
if (GetNode())
return AXNodeObject::ComputeParent();
LayoutObject* parent_layout_obj = ParentLayoutObject(layout_object_);
if (parent_layout_obj)
return AXObjectCache().GetOrCreate(parent_layout_obj);
// A WebArea's parent should be the page popup owner, if any, otherwise null.
if (IsWebArea()) {
LocalFrame* frame = layout_object_->GetFrame();
return AXObjectCache().GetOrCreate(frame->PagePopupOwner());
return nullptr;
AXObject* AXLayoutObject::ComputeParentIfExists() const {
if (!layout_object_)
return nullptr;
if (AriaRoleAttribute() == ax::mojom::Role::kMenuBar)
return AXObjectCache().Get(layout_object_->Parent());
// menuButton and its corresponding menu are DOM siblings, but Accessibility
// needs them to be parent/child.
if (AriaRoleAttribute() == ax::mojom::Role::kMenu) {
AXObject* parent = MenuButtonForMenuIfExists();
if (parent)
return parent;
if (GetNode())
return AXNodeObject::ComputeParentIfExists();
LayoutObject* parent_layout_obj = ParentLayoutObject(layout_object_);
if (parent_layout_obj)
return AXObjectCache().Get(parent_layout_obj);
// A WebArea's parent should be the page popup owner, if any, otherwise null.
if (IsWebArea()) {
LocalFrame* frame = layout_object_->GetFrame();
return AXObjectCache().Get(frame->PagePopupOwner());
return nullptr;
void AXLayoutObject::AddChildren() {
if (IsDetached())
// Avoid calling AXNodeObject logic for continuations.
bool is_continuation = layout_object_->IsElementContinuation();
if (auto* element = DynamicTo<Element>(GetNode())) {
if (!is_continuation &&
*element) && // Handled in AddImageMapChildren (img)
!IsHTMLRubyElement(*element) && // Special layout handling
!IsHTMLTableElement(*element) && // thead/tfoot move around
!element->IsPseudoElement()) { // Not visited in layout traversal
// If the need to add more children in addition to existing children arises,
// childrenChanged should have been called, leaving the object with no
// children.
have_children_ = true;
AXObjectVector owned_children;
for (AXObject* obj = RawFirstChild(); obj; obj = obj->RawNextSibling()) {
if (!AXObjectCache().IsAriaOwned(obj))
for (const auto& child : children_) {
if (!is_continuation && !child->CachedParentObject()) {
// Never set continuations as a parent object. The first layout object
// in the chain must be used instead.
for (const auto& owned_child : owned_children)
bool AXLayoutObject::CanHaveChildren() const {
if (!layout_object_)
return false;
if (GetCSSAltText(GetNode()))
return false;
if (layout_object_->IsListMarkerIncludingNGInside())
return false;
return AXNodeObject::CanHaveChildren();
// Properties of the object's owning document or page.
double AXLayoutObject::EstimatedLoadingProgress() const {
if (!layout_object_)
return 0;
if (IsLoaded())
return 1.0;
if (LocalFrame* frame = layout_object_->GetDocument().GetFrame())
return frame->Loader().Progress().EstimatedProgress();
return 0;
// DOM and layout tree access.
Node* AXLayoutObject::GetNode() const {
return GetLayoutObject() ? GetLayoutObject()->GetNode() : nullptr;
Document* AXLayoutObject::GetDocument() const {
if (!GetLayoutObject())
return nullptr;
return &GetLayoutObject()->GetDocument();
LocalFrameView* AXLayoutObject::DocumentFrameView() const {
if (!GetLayoutObject())
return nullptr;
// this is the LayoutObject's Document's LocalFrame's LocalFrameView
return GetLayoutObject()->GetDocument().View();
Element* AXLayoutObject::AnchorElement() const {
if (!layout_object_)
return nullptr;
AXObjectCacheImpl& cache = AXObjectCache();
LayoutObject* curr_layout_object;
// Search up the layout tree for a LayoutObject with a DOM node. Defer to an
// earlier continuation, though.
for (curr_layout_object = layout_object_;
curr_layout_object && !curr_layout_object->GetNode();
curr_layout_object = curr_layout_object->Parent()) {
auto* curr_block_flow = DynamicTo<LayoutBlockFlow>(curr_layout_object);
if (!curr_block_flow || !curr_block_flow->IsAnonymousBlock())
if (LayoutObject* continuation = curr_block_flow->Continuation())
return cache.GetOrCreate(continuation)->AnchorElement();
// bail if none found
if (!curr_layout_object)
return nullptr;
// Search up the DOM tree for an anchor element.
// NOTE: this assumes that any non-image with an anchor is an
// HTMLAnchorElement
Node* node = curr_layout_object->GetNode();
if (!node)
return nullptr;
for (Node& runner : NodeTraversal::InclusiveAncestorsOf(*node)) {
if (IsA<HTMLAnchorElement>(runner))
return To<Element>(&runner);
if (LayoutObject* layout_object = runner.GetLayoutObject()) {
AXObject* ax_object = cache.GetOrCreate(layout_object);
if (ax_object && ax_object->IsAnchor())
return To<Element>(&runner);
return nullptr;
AtomicString AXLayoutObject::Language() const {
// Uses the style engine to figure out the object's language.
// The style engine relies on, for example, the "lang" attribute of the
// current node and its ancestors, and the document's "content-language"
// header. See the Language of a Node Spec at
if (!GetLayoutObject())
return AXNodeObject::Language();
const ComputedStyle* style = GetLayoutObject()->Style();
if (!style || !style->Locale())
return AXNodeObject::Language();
Vector<String> languages;
String(style->Locale()).Split(',', languages);
if (languages.IsEmpty())
return AXNodeObject::Language();
return AtomicString(languages[0].StripWhiteSpace());
// Modify or take an action on an object.
bool AXLayoutObject::OnNativeSetValueAction(const String& string) {
if (!GetNode() || !GetNode()->IsElementNode())
return false;
if (!layout_object_ || !layout_object_->IsBoxModelObject())
return false;
LayoutBoxModelObject* layout_object = ToLayoutBoxModelObject(layout_object_);
if (layout_object->IsTextField() && IsHTMLInputElement(*GetNode())) {
.setValue(string, TextFieldEventBehavior::kDispatchInputAndChangeEvent);
return true;
if (layout_object->IsTextArea() && IsHTMLTextAreaElement(*GetNode())) {
.setValue(string, TextFieldEventBehavior::kDispatchInputAndChangeEvent);
return true;
if (HasContentEditableAttributeSet()) {
ExceptionState exception_state(v8::Isolate::GetCurrent(),
ExceptionState::kExecutionContext, nullptr,
To<HTMLElement>(GetNode())->setInnerText(string, exception_state);
if (exception_state.HadException()) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
// Notifications that this object may have changed.
void AXLayoutObject::HandleActiveDescendantChanged() {
if (!GetLayoutObject())
AXObject* focused_object = AXObjectCache().FocusedObject();
if (focused_object == this) {
AXObject* active_descendant = ActiveDescendant();
if (active_descendant && active_descendant->IsSelectedFromFocus()) {
// In single selection containers, selection follows focus, so a selection
// changed event must be fired. This ensures the AT is notified that the
// selected state has changed, so that it does not read "unselected" as
// the user navigates through the items.
// Mark this node dirty. AXEventGenerator will automatically infer
// that the active descendant changed.
AXObjectCache().MarkAXObjectDirty(this, false);
void AXLayoutObject::HandleAriaExpandedChanged() {
// Find if a parent of this object should handle aria-expanded changes.
AXObject* container_parent = this->ParentObject();
while (container_parent) {
bool found_parent = false;
switch (container_parent->RoleValue()) {
case ax::mojom::Role::kLayoutTable:
case ax::mojom::Role::kTree:
case ax::mojom::Role::kTreeGrid:
case ax::mojom::Role::kGrid:
case ax::mojom::Role::kTable:
found_parent = true;
if (found_parent)
container_parent = container_parent->ParentObject();
// Post that the row count changed.
if (container_parent) {
// Post that the specific row either collapsed or expanded.
AccessibilityExpanded expanded = IsExpanded();
if (!expanded)
if (RoleValue() == ax::mojom::Role::kRow ||
RoleValue() == ax::mojom::Role::kTreeItem) {
ax::mojom::Event notification = ax::mojom::Event::kRowExpanded;
if (expanded == kExpandedCollapsed)
notification = ax::mojom::Event::kRowCollapsed;
AXObjectCache().PostNotification(this, notification);
} else {
AXObjectCache().PostNotification(this, ax::mojom::Event::kExpandedChanged);
void AXLayoutObject::HandleAutofillStateChanged(bool available) {
if (is_autofill_available_ != available) {
is_autofill_available_ = available;
AXObjectCache().MarkAXObjectDirty(this, false);
void AXLayoutObject::TextChanged() {
if (!layout_object_)
Settings* settings = GetDocument()->GetSettings();
if (settings && settings->GetInlineTextBoxAccessibilityEnabled() &&
RoleValue() == ax::mojom::Role::kStaticText)
// Do this last - AXNodeObject::textChanged posts live region announcements,
// and we should update the inline text boxes first.
void AXLayoutObject::AddInlineTextBoxChildren(bool force) {
Document* document = GetDocument();
if (!document)
Settings* settings = document->GetSettings();
if (!force &&
(!settings || !settings->GetInlineTextBoxAccessibilityEnabled()))
if (!GetLayoutObject() || !GetLayoutObject()->IsText())
if (GetLayoutObject()->NeedsLayout()) {
// If a LayoutText needs layout, its inline text boxes are either
// nonexistent or invalid, so defer until the layout happens and
// the layoutObject calls AXObjectCacheImpl::inlineTextBoxesUpdated.
LayoutText* layout_text = ToLayoutText(GetLayoutObject());
for (scoped_refptr<AbstractInlineTextBox> box =
box.get(); box = box->NextInlineTextBox()) {
AXObject* ax_object = AXObjectCache().GetOrCreate(box.get());
if (ax_object->AccessibilityIsIncludedInTree())
void AXLayoutObject::AddValidationMessageChild() {
if (!IsWebArea())
AXObject* ax_object = AXObjectCache().ValidationMessageObjectIfInvalid();
if (ax_object)
AXObject* AXLayoutObject::ErrorMessage() const {
// Check for aria-errormessage.
Element* existing_error_message =
if (existing_error_message)
return AXObjectCache().GetOrCreate(existing_error_message);
// Check for visible validationMessage. This can only be visible for a focused
// control. Corollary: if there is a visible validationMessage alert box, then
// it is related to the current focus.
if (this != AXObjectCache().FocusedObject())
return nullptr;
return AXObjectCache().ValidationMessageObjectIfInvalid();
// The following is a heuristic used to determine if a
// <table> should be with ax::mojom::Role::kTable or
// ax::mojom::Role::kLayoutTable.
bool AXLayoutObject::IsDataTable() const {
if (!layout_object_ || !GetNode())
return false;
// If it has an ARIA role, it's definitely a data table.
AtomicString role;
if (HasAOMPropertyOrARIAAttribute(AOMStringProperty::kRole, role))
return true;
if (!layout_object_->IsTable())
return false;
// When a section of the document is contentEditable, all tables should be
// treated as data tables, otherwise users may not be able to work with rich
// text editors that allow creating and editing tables.
if (GetNode() && HasEditableStyle(*GetNode()))
return true;
// If there's no node, it's definitely a layout table. This happens
// when table CSS styles are used without a complete table DOM structure.
LayoutNGTableInterface* table =
Node* table_node = layout_object_->GetNode();
if (!table_node || !IsHTMLTableElement(table_node))
return false;
// This employs a heuristic to determine if this table should appear.
// Only "data" tables should be exposed as tables.
// Unfortunately, there is no good way to determine the difference
// between a "layout" table and a "data" table.
HTMLTableElement* table_element = ToHTMLTableElement(table_node);
// If there is a caption element, summary, THEAD, or TFOOT section, it's most
// certainly a data table
if (!table_element->Summary().IsEmpty() || table_element->tHead() ||
table_element->tFoot() || table_element->caption())
return true;
// if someone used "rules" attribute than the table should appear
if (!table_element->Rules().IsEmpty())
return true;
// if there's a colgroup or col element, it's probably a data table.
if (Traversal<HTMLTableColElement>::FirstChild(*table_element))
return true;
// go through the cell's and check for tell-tale signs of "data" table status
// cells have borders, or use attributes like headers, abbr, scope or axis
LayoutNGTableSectionInterface* first_body = table->FirstBodyInterface();
if (!first_body)
return false;
int num_cols_in_first_body = first_body->NumEffectiveColumns();
int num_rows = first_body->NumRows();
// If there's only one cell, it's not a good AXTable candidate.
if (num_rows == 1 && num_cols_in_first_body == 1)
return false;
// If there are at least 20 rows, we'll call it a data table.
if (num_rows >= 20)
return true;
// Store the background color of the table to check against cell's background
// colors.
const ComputedStyle* table_style = table->ToLayoutObject()->Style();
if (!table_style)
return false;
Color table_bg_color =
// check enough of the cells to find if the table matches our criteria
// Criteria:
// 1) must have at least one valid cell (and)
// 2) at least half of cells have borders (or)
// 3) at least half of cells have different bg colors than the table, and
// there is cell spacing
unsigned valid_cell_count = 0;
unsigned bordered_cell_count = 0;
unsigned background_difference_cell_count = 0;
unsigned cells_with_top_border = 0;
unsigned cells_with_bottom_border = 0;
unsigned cells_with_left_border = 0;
unsigned cells_with_right_border = 0;
Color alternating_row_colors[5];
int alternating_row_color_count = 0;
for (int row = 0; row < num_rows; ++row) {
int n_cols = first_body->NumCols(row);
for (int col = 0; col < n_cols; ++col) {
const LayoutNGTableCellInterface* cell =
first_body->PrimaryCellInterfaceAt(row, col);
if (!cell)
const LayoutBlock* cell_layout_block =
Node* cell_node = cell_layout_block->GetNode();
if (!cell_node)
if (cell_layout_block->Size().Width() < 1 ||
cell_layout_block->Size().Height() < 1)
// Any <th> tag -> treat as data table.
if (cell_node->HasTagName(kThTag))
return true;
// In this case, the developer explicitly assigned a "data" table
// attribute.
if (IsHTMLTableCellElement(*cell_node)) {
HTMLTableCellElement& cell_element = ToHTMLTableCellElement(*cell_node);
if (!cell_element.Headers().IsEmpty() ||
!cell_element.Abbr().IsEmpty() || !cell_element.Axis().IsEmpty() ||
return true;
const ComputedStyle* computed_style = cell_layout_block->Style();
if (!computed_style)
// If the empty-cells style is set, we'll call it a data table.
if (computed_style->EmptyCells() == EEmptyCells::kHide)
return true;
// If a cell has matching bordered sides, call it a (fully) bordered cell.
if ((cell_layout_block->BorderTop() > 0 &&
cell_layout_block->BorderBottom() > 0) ||
(cell_layout_block->BorderLeft() > 0 &&
cell_layout_block->BorderRight() > 0))
// Also keep track of each individual border, so we can catch tables where
// most cells have a bottom border, for example.
if (cell_layout_block->BorderTop() > 0)
if (cell_layout_block->BorderBottom() > 0)
if (cell_layout_block->BorderLeft() > 0)
if (cell_layout_block->BorderRight() > 0)
// If the cell has a different color from the table and there is cell
// spacing, then it is probably a data table cell (spacing and colors take
// the place of borders).
Color cell_color = computed_style->VisitedDependentColor(
if (table->HBorderSpacing() > 0 && table->VBorderSpacing() > 0 &&
table_bg_color != cell_color && cell_color.Alpha() != 1)
// If we've found 10 "good" cells, we don't need to keep searching.
if (bordered_cell_count >= 10 || background_difference_cell_count >= 10)
return true;
// For the first 5 rows, cache the background color so we can check if
// this table has zebra-striped rows.
if (row < 5 && row == alternating_row_color_count) {
LayoutObject* layout_row = cell_layout_block->Parent();
if (!layout_row || !layout_row->IsBoxModelObject() ||
const ComputedStyle* row_computed_style = layout_row->Style();
if (!row_computed_style)
Color row_color = row_computed_style->VisitedDependentColor(
alternating_row_colors[alternating_row_color_count] = row_color;
// if there is less than two valid cells, it's not a data table
if (valid_cell_count <= 1)
return false;
// half of the cells had borders, it's a data table
unsigned needed_cell_count = valid_cell_count / 2;
if (bordered_cell_count >= needed_cell_count ||
cells_with_top_border >= needed_cell_count ||
cells_with_bottom_border >= needed_cell_count ||
cells_with_left_border >= needed_cell_count ||
cells_with_right_border >= needed_cell_count)
return true;
// half had different background colors, it's a data table
if (background_difference_cell_count >= needed_cell_count)
return true;
// Check if there is an alternating row background color indicating a zebra
// striped style pattern.
if (alternating_row_color_count > 2) {
Color first_color = alternating_row_colors[0];
for (int k = 1; k < alternating_row_color_count; k++) {
// If an odd row was the same color as the first row, its not alternating.
if (k % 2 == 1 && alternating_row_colors[k] == first_color)
return false;
// If an even row is not the same as the first row, its not alternating.
if (!(k % 2) && alternating_row_colors[k] != first_color)
return false;
return true;
return false;
unsigned AXLayoutObject::ColumnCount() const {
if (AriaRoleAttribute() != ax::mojom::Role::kUnknown)
return AXNodeObject::ColumnCount();
LayoutObject* layout_object = GetLayoutObject();
if (!layout_object || !layout_object->IsTable() || !layout_object->GetNode())
return AXNodeObject::ColumnCount();
LayoutNGTableInterface* table =
LayoutNGTableSectionInterface* table_section = table->TopSectionInterface();
if (!table_section)
return AXNodeObject::ColumnCount();
return table_section->NumEffectiveColumns();
unsigned AXLayoutObject::RowCount() const {
if (AriaRoleAttribute() != ax::mojom::Role::kUnknown)
return AXNodeObject::RowCount();
LayoutObject* layout_object = GetLayoutObject();
if (!layout_object || !layout_object->IsTable() || !layout_object->GetNode())
return AXNodeObject::RowCount();
LayoutNGTableInterface* table =
unsigned row_count = 0;
const LayoutNGTableSectionInterface* table_section =
if (!table_section)
return AXNodeObject::RowCount();
while (table_section) {
row_count += table_section->NumRows();
table_section =
table->SectionBelowInterface(table_section, kSkipEmptySections);
return row_count;
unsigned AXLayoutObject::ColumnIndex() const {
LayoutObject* layout_object = GetLayoutObject();
if (!layout_object || !layout_object->GetNode())
return AXNodeObject::ColumnIndex();
if (layout_object->IsTableCell()) {
const LayoutNGTableCellInterface* cell =
return cell->TableInterface()->AbsoluteColumnToEffectiveColumn(
return AXNodeObject::ColumnIndex();
unsigned AXLayoutObject::RowIndex() const {
LayoutObject* layout_object = GetLayoutObject();
if (!layout_object || !layout_object->GetNode())
return AXNodeObject::RowIndex();
unsigned row_index = 0;
const LayoutNGTableSectionInterface* row_section = nullptr;
const LayoutNGTableInterface* table = nullptr;
if (layout_object->IsTableRow()) {
const LayoutNGTableRowInterface* row =
row_index = row->RowIndex();
row_section = row->SectionInterface();
table = row->TableInterface();
} else if (layout_object->IsTableCell()) {
const LayoutNGTableCellInterface* cell =
row_index = cell->RowIndex();
row_section = cell->SectionInterface();
table = cell->TableInterface();
} else {
return AXNodeObject::RowIndex();
if (!table || !row_section)
return AXNodeObject::RowIndex();
// Since our table might have multiple sections, we have to offset our row
// appropriately.
const LayoutNGTableSectionInterface* section = table->TopSectionInterface();
while (section && section != row_section) {
row_index += section->NumRows();
section = table->SectionBelowInterface(section, kSkipEmptySections);
return row_index;
unsigned AXLayoutObject::ColumnSpan() const {
LayoutObject* layout_object = GetLayoutObject();
if (!layout_object || !layout_object->IsTableCell())
return AXNodeObject::ColumnSpan();
const LayoutNGTableCellInterface* cell =
unsigned absolute_first_col = cell->AbsoluteColumnIndex();
unsigned absolute_last_col = absolute_first_col + cell->ColSpan() - 1;
unsigned effective_first_col =
unsigned effective_last_col =
return effective_last_col - effective_first_col + 1;
unsigned AXLayoutObject::RowSpan() const {
LayoutObject* layout_object = GetLayoutObject();
if (!layout_object || !layout_object->IsTableCell())
return AXNodeObject::ColumnSpan();
LayoutNGTableCellInterface* cell =
return cell->ResolvedRowSpan();
ax::mojom::SortDirection AXLayoutObject::GetSortDirection() const {
if (RoleValue() != ax::mojom::Role::kRowHeader &&
RoleValue() != ax::mojom::Role::kColumnHeader)
return ax::mojom::SortDirection::kNone;
const AtomicString& aria_sort =
if (aria_sort.IsEmpty())
return ax::mojom::SortDirection::kNone;
if (EqualIgnoringASCIICase(aria_sort, "none"))
return ax::mojom::SortDirection::kNone;
if (EqualIgnoringASCIICase(aria_sort, "ascending"))
return ax::mojom::SortDirection::kAscending;
if (EqualIgnoringASCIICase(aria_sort, "descending"))
return ax::mojom::SortDirection::kDescending;
// Technically, illegal values should be exposed as is, but this does
// not seem to be worth the implementation effort at this time.
return ax::mojom::SortDirection::kOther;
static bool IsNonEmptyNonHeaderCell(const LayoutNGTableCellInterface* cell) {
if (!cell)
return false;
if (Node* node = cell->ToLayoutObject()->GetNode())
return node->hasChildren() && node->HasTagName(kTdTag);
return false;
static bool IsHeaderCell(const LayoutNGTableCellInterface* cell) {
if (!cell)
return false;
if (Node* node = cell->ToLayoutObject()->GetNode())
return node->HasTagName(kThTag);
return false;
static ax::mojom::Role DecideRoleFromSiblings(
LayoutNGTableCellInterface* cell) {
if (!IsHeaderCell(cell))
return ax::mojom::Role::kCell;
// If this header is only cell in its row, it is a column header.
// It is also a column header if it has a header on either side of it.
// If instead it has a non-empty td element next to it, it is a row header.
const LayoutNGTableCellInterface* next_cell = cell->NextCellInterface();
const LayoutNGTableCellInterface* previous_cell =
if (!next_cell && !previous_cell)
return ax::mojom::Role::kColumnHeader;
if (IsHeaderCell(next_cell) && IsHeaderCell(previous_cell))
return ax::mojom::Role::kColumnHeader;
if (IsNonEmptyNonHeaderCell(next_cell) ||
return ax::mojom::Role::kRowHeader;
const LayoutNGTableRowInterface* layout_row = cell->RowInterface();
// If this row's first or last cell is a non-empty td, this is a row header.
// Do the same check for the second and second-to-last cells because tables
// often have an empty cell at the intersection of the row and column headers.
const LayoutNGTableCellInterface* first_cell =
const LayoutNGTableCellInterface* last_cell = layout_row->LastCellInterface();
if (IsNonEmptyNonHeaderCell(first_cell) || IsNonEmptyNonHeaderCell(last_cell))
return ax::mojom::Role::kRowHeader;
if (IsNonEmptyNonHeaderCell(first_cell->NextCellInterface()) ||
return ax::mojom::Role::kRowHeader;
// We have no evidence that this is not a column header.
return ax::mojom::Role::kColumnHeader;
ax::mojom::Role AXLayoutObject::DetermineTableRowRole() const {
AXObject* parent = ParentObject();
while (IsNeutralWithinTable(parent))
parent = parent->ParentObject();
if (!parent || !parent->IsTableLikeRole())
return ax::mojom::Role::kGenericContainer;
if (parent->RoleValue() == ax::mojom::Role::kLayoutTable)
return ax::mojom::Role::kLayoutTableRow;
if (parent->IsTableLikeRole())
return ax::mojom::Role::kRow;
return ax::mojom::Role::kGenericContainer;
ax::mojom::Role AXLayoutObject::DetermineTableCellRole() const {
AXObject* parent = ParentObject();
if (!parent || !parent->IsTableRowLikeRole())
return ax::mojom::Role::kGenericContainer;
// Ensure table container.
AXObject* grandparent = parent->ParentObject();
while (IsNeutralWithinTable(grandparent))
grandparent = grandparent->ParentObject();
if (!grandparent || !grandparent->IsTableLikeRole())
return ax::mojom::Role::kGenericContainer;
if (parent->RoleValue() == ax::mojom::Role::kLayoutTableRow)
return ax::mojom::Role::kLayoutTableCell;
if (!GetNode() || !GetNode()->HasTagName(kThTag))
return ax::mojom::Role::kCell;
const AtomicString& scope = GetAttribute(kScopeAttr);
if (EqualIgnoringASCIICase(scope, "row") ||
EqualIgnoringASCIICase(scope, "rowgroup"))
return ax::mojom::Role::kRowHeader;
if (EqualIgnoringASCIICase(scope, "col") ||
EqualIgnoringASCIICase(scope, "colgroup"))
return ax::mojom::Role::kColumnHeader;
return DecideRoleFromSiblings(
AXObject* AXLayoutObject::CellForColumnAndRow(unsigned target_column_index,
unsigned target_row_index) const {
LayoutObject* layout_object = GetLayoutObject();
if (!layout_object || !layout_object->IsTable()) {
return AXNodeObject::CellForColumnAndRow(target_column_index,
LayoutNGTableInterface* table =
LayoutNGTableSectionInterface* table_section = table->TopSectionInterface();
if (!table_section) {
return AXNodeObject::CellForColumnAndRow(target_column_index,
unsigned row_offset = 0;
while (table_section) {
// Iterate backwards through the rows in case the desired cell has a rowspan
// and exists in a previous row.
for (LayoutNGTableRowInterface* row = table_section->LastRowInterface();
row; row = row->PreviousRowInterface()) {
unsigned row_index = row->RowIndex() + row_offset;
for (LayoutNGTableCellInterface* cell = row->LastCellInterface(); cell;
cell = cell->PreviousCellInterface()) {
unsigned absolute_first_col = cell->AbsoluteColumnIndex();
unsigned absolute_last_col = absolute_first_col + cell->ColSpan() - 1;
unsigned effective_first_col =
unsigned effective_last_col =
unsigned row_span = cell->ResolvedRowSpan();
if (target_column_index >= effective_first_col &&
target_column_index <= effective_last_col &&
target_row_index >= row_index &&
target_row_index < row_index + row_span) {
return AXObjectCache().GetOrCreate(cell->ToMutableLayoutObject());
row_offset += table_section->NumRows();
table_section =
table->SectionBelowInterface(table_section, kSkipEmptySections);
return nullptr;
bool AXLayoutObject::FindAllTableCellsWithRole(ax::mojom::Role role,
AXObjectVector& cells) const {
LayoutObject* layout_object = GetLayoutObject();
if (!layout_object || !layout_object->IsTable())
return false;
LayoutNGTableInterface* table =
LayoutNGTableSectionInterface* table_section = table->TopSectionInterface();
if (!table_section)
return true;
while (table_section) {
for (LayoutNGTableRowInterface* row = table_section->FirstRowInterface();
row; row = row->NextRowInterface()) {
for (LayoutNGTableCellInterface* cell = row->FirstCellInterface(); cell;
cell = cell->NextCellInterface()) {
AXObject* ax_cell =
if (ax_cell && ax_cell->RoleValue() == role)
table_section =
table->SectionBelowInterface(table_section, kSkipEmptySections);
return true;
void AXLayoutObject::ColumnHeaders(AXObjectVector& headers) const {
if (!FindAllTableCellsWithRole(ax::mojom::Role::kColumnHeader, headers))
void AXLayoutObject::RowHeaders(AXObjectVector& headers) const {
if (!FindAllTableCellsWithRole(ax::mojom::Role::kRowHeader, headers))
AXObject* AXLayoutObject::HeaderObject() const {
LayoutObject* layout_object = GetLayoutObject();
if (!layout_object || !layout_object->IsTableRow())
return nullptr;
LayoutNGTableRowInterface* row =
for (LayoutNGTableCellInterface* cell = row->FirstCellInterface(); cell;
cell = cell->NextCellInterface()) {
AXObject* ax_cell =
cell ? AXObjectCache().GetOrCreate(cell->ToMutableLayoutObject())
: nullptr;
if (ax_cell && ax_cell->RoleValue() == ax::mojom::Role::kRowHeader)
return ax_cell;
return nullptr;
// Private.
bool AXLayoutObject::IsTabItemSelected() const {
if (!IsTabItem() || !GetLayoutObject())
return false;
Node* node = GetNode();
if (!node || !node->IsElementNode())
return false;
// The ARIA spec says a tab item can also be selected if it is aria-labeled by
// a tabpanel that has keyboard focus inside of it, or if a tabpanel in its
// aria-controls list has KB focus inside of it.
AXObject* focused_element = AXObjectCache().FocusedObject();
if (!focused_element)
return false;
HeapVector<Member<Element>> elements;
if (!HasAOMPropertyOrARIAAttribute(AOMRelationListProperty::kControls,
return false;
for (const auto& element : elements) {
AXObject* tab_panel = AXObjectCache().GetOrCreate(element);
// A tab item should only control tab panels.
if (!tab_panel || tab_panel->RoleValue() != ax::mojom::Role::kTabPanel)
AXObject* check_focus_element = focused_element;
// Check if the focused element is a descendant of the element controlled by
// the tab item.
while (check_focus_element) {
if (tab_panel == check_focus_element)
return true;
check_focus_element = check_focus_element->ParentObject();
return false;
AXObject* AXLayoutObject::AccessibilityImageMapHitTest(
HTMLAreaElement* area,
const IntPoint& point) const {
if (!area)
return nullptr;
AXObject* parent = AXObjectCache().GetOrCreate(area->ImageElement());
if (!parent)
return nullptr;
for (const auto& child : parent->Children()) {
if (child->GetBoundsInFrameCoordinates().Contains(point))
return child.Get();
return nullptr;
bool AXLayoutObject::IsSVGImage() const {
return RemoteSVGRootElement();
void AXLayoutObject::DetachRemoteSVGRoot() {
if (AXSVGRoot* root = RemoteSVGRootElement())
AXSVGRoot* AXLayoutObject::RemoteSVGRootElement() const {
// FIXME(dmazzoni): none of this code properly handled multiple references to
// the same remote SVG document. I'm disabling this support until it can be
// fixed properly.
return nullptr;
AXObject* AXLayoutObject::RemoteSVGElementHitTest(const IntPoint& point) const {
AXObject* remote = RemoteSVGRootElement();
if (!remote)
return nullptr;
IntSize offset =
point - RoundedIntPoint(GetBoundsInFrameCoordinates().Location());
return remote->AccessibilityHitTest(IntPoint(offset));
// The boundingBox for elements within the remote SVG element needs to be offset
// by its position within the parent page, otherwise they are in relative
// coordinates only.
void AXLayoutObject::OffsetBoundingBoxForRemoteSVGElement(
LayoutRect& rect) const {
for (AXObject* parent = ParentObject(); parent;
parent = parent->ParentObject()) {
if (parent->IsAXSVGRoot()) {
// Hidden children are those that are not laid out or visible, but are
// specifically marked as aria-hidden=false,
// meaning that they should be exposed to the AX hierarchy.
void AXLayoutObject::AddHiddenChildren() {
Node* node = this->GetNode();
if (!node)
// First do a quick run through to determine if we have any hidden nodes (most
// often we will not). If we do have hidden nodes, we need to determine where
// to insert them so they match DOM order as close as possible.
bool should_insert_hidden_nodes = false;
for (Node& child : NodeTraversal::ChildrenOf(*node)) {
if (!child.GetLayoutObject() && IsNodeAriaVisible(&child)) {
should_insert_hidden_nodes = true;
if (!should_insert_hidden_nodes)
// Iterate through all of the children, including those that may have already
// been added, and try to insert hidden nodes in the correct place in the DOM
// order.
unsigned insertion_index = 0;
for (Node& child : NodeTraversal::ChildrenOf(*node)) {
if (child.GetLayoutObject()) {
// Find out where the last layout sibling is located within m_children.
if (AXObject* child_object =
AXObjectCache().Get(child.GetLayoutObject())) {
if (!child_object->AccessibilityIsIncludedInTree()) {
const auto& children = child_object->Children();
child_object = children.size() ? children.back().Get() : nullptr;
if (child_object)
insertion_index = children_.Find(child_object) + 1;
if (!IsNodeAriaVisible(&child))
unsigned previous_size = children_.size();
if (insertion_index > previous_size)
insertion_index = previous_size;
InsertChild(AXObjectCache().GetOrCreate(&child), insertion_index);
insertion_index += (children_.size() - previous_size);
void AXLayoutObject::AddImageMapChildren() {
LayoutBoxModelObject* css_box = GetLayoutBoxModelObject();
if (!css_box || !css_box->IsLayoutImage())
HTMLMapElement* map = ToLayoutImage(css_box)->ImageMap();
if (!map)
for (HTMLAreaElement& area :
Traversal<HTMLAreaElement>::DescendantsOf(*map)) {
// add an <area> element for this child if it has a link
AXObject* obj = AXObjectCache().GetOrCreate(&area);
if (obj) {
AXImageMapLink* area_object = ToAXImageMapLink(obj);
DCHECK_NE(area_object->AXObjectID(), 0U);
if (area_object->AccessibilityIsIncludedInTree())
void AXLayoutObject::AddListMarker() {
if (!CanHaveChildren() || !GetLayoutObject() || AccessibilityIsIgnored() ||
!GetLayoutObject()->IsListItemIncludingNG()) {
if (GetLayoutObject()->IsLayoutNGListItem()) {
LayoutNGListItem* list_item = ToLayoutNGListItem(GetLayoutObject());
LayoutObject* list_marker = list_item->Marker();
AXObject* list_marker_obj = AXObjectCache().GetOrCreate(list_marker);
if (list_marker_obj)
LayoutListItem* list_item = ToLayoutListItem(GetLayoutObject());
LayoutObject* list_marker = list_item->Marker();
AXObject* list_marker_obj = AXObjectCache().GetOrCreate(list_marker);
if (list_marker_obj)
void AXLayoutObject::AddPopupChildren() {
if (!IsHTMLInputElement(GetNode()))
if (AXObject* ax_popup = ToHTMLInputElement(GetNode())->PopupRootAXObject())
void AXLayoutObject::AddRemoteSVGChildren() {
AXSVGRoot* root = RemoteSVGRootElement();
if (!root)
if (!root->AccessibilityIsIncludedInTree()) {
for (const auto& child : root->Children())
} else {
void AXLayoutObject::AddTableChildren() {
if (!IsTableLikeRole())
AXObjectCacheImpl& ax_cache = AXObjectCache();
if (layout_object_->IsTable()) {
LayoutNGTableInterface* table =
Node* table_node = table->ToLayoutObject()->GetNode();
if (IsHTMLTableElement(table_node)) {
if (HTMLTableCaptionElement* caption =
ToHTMLTableElement(table_node)->caption()) {
AXObject* caption_object = ax_cache.GetOrCreate(caption);
if (caption_object && caption_object->AccessibilityIsIncludedInTree())
} // namespace blink