blob: 6e2cc8cd5d00da23c717bc7839de28de2767835c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "base/threading/hang_watcher.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h"
#include "chrome/browser/buildflags.h"
#include "chrome/browser/first_run/first_run.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/startup/startup_browser_creator.h"
#include "chrome/common/buildflags.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_main_parts.h"
#include "content/public/common/result_codes.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chrome_process_singleton.h"
#include "chrome/browser/process_singleton.h"
#include "chrome/browser/downgrade/downgrade_manager.h"
class BrowserProcessImpl;
class ChromeBrowserMainExtraParts;
class StartupData;
class PrefService;
class Profile;
class StartupBrowserCreator;
class ShutdownWatcherHelper;
class WebUsbDetector;
namespace base {
class CommandLine;
class RunLoop;
namespace tracing {
class TraceEventSystemStatsMonitor;
class ChromeBrowserMainParts : public content::BrowserMainParts {
ChromeBrowserMainParts(const ChromeBrowserMainParts&) = delete;
ChromeBrowserMainParts& operator=(const ChromeBrowserMainParts&) = delete;
~ChromeBrowserMainParts() override;
// Add additional ChromeBrowserMainExtraParts.
void AddParts(std::unique_ptr<ChromeBrowserMainExtraParts> parts);
// Returns the RunLoop that would be run by MainMessageLoopRun. This is used
// by InProcessBrowserTests to allow them to run until the BrowserProcess is
// ready for the browser to exit.
static std::unique_ptr<base::RunLoop> TakeRunLoopForTest();
// Handles notifications from other processes. The function receives the
// command line and directory with which the other Chrome process was
// launched. Return true if the command line will be handled within the
// current browser instance or false if the remote process should handle it
// (i.e., because the current process is shutting down).
static bool ProcessSingletonNotificationCallback(
const base::CommandLine& command_line,
const base::FilePath& current_directory);
ChromeBrowserMainParts(bool is_integration_test, StartupData* startup_data);
// content::BrowserMainParts overrides.
// These are called in-order by content::BrowserMainLoop.
// Each stage calls the same stages in any ChromeBrowserMainExtraParts added
// with AddParts() from ChromeContentBrowserClient::CreateBrowserMainParts.
int PreEarlyInitialization() override;
void PostEarlyInitialization() override;
void ToolkitInitialized() override;
void PreCreateMainMessageLoop() override;
void PostCreateMainMessageLoop() override;
int PreCreateThreads() override;
void PostCreateThreads() override;
int PreMainMessageLoopRun() override;
bool ShouldInterceptMainMessageLoopRun() override;
void WillRunMainMessageLoop(
std::unique_ptr<base::RunLoop>& run_loop) override;
void OnFirstIdle() override;
void PostMainMessageLoopRun() override;
void PostDestroyThreads() override;
// Additional stages for ChromeBrowserMainExtraParts. These stages are called
// in order from PreMainMessageLoopRun(). See implementation for details.
// TODO( Update the comment once the feature launches.
// `PostProfileInit()` might not be called in order, it is planned to be
// called for each new profile as part of that launch. See bug for context.
virtual void PreProfileInit();
virtual void PostProfileInit(Profile* profile, bool is_initial_profile);
virtual void PreBrowserStart();
virtual void PostBrowserStart();
// Displays a warning message that we can't find any locale data files.
virtual void ShowMissingLocaleMessageBox() = 0;
const base::FilePath& user_data_dir() const {
return user_data_dir_;
// Returns whether ChromeContentBrowserClient::CreateBrowserMainParts was
// invoked as part of an integration (browser) test.
// Avoid writing test-only conditions in product code if at all possible.
bool is_integration_test() const { return is_integration_test_; }
class ProfileInitManager;
friend class ChromeBrowserMainPartsTestApi;
// Constructs the metrics service and initializes metrics recording.
void SetupMetrics();
// Starts recording of metrics. This can only be called after we have a file
// thread.
static void StartMetricsRecording();
// Record time from process startup to present time in an UMA histogram.
void RecordBrowserStartupTime();
// Reads origin trial policy data from local state and configures command line
// for child processes.
void SetupOriginTrialsCommandLine(PrefService* local_state);
// Calling during PreEarlyInitialization() to complete the remaining tasks
// after the local state is loaded. Return value is an exit status,
// RESULT_CODE_NORMAL_EXIT indicates success. If the return value is
// RESULT_CODE_MISSING_DATA, then |failed_to_load_resource_bundle| indicates
// if the ResourceBundle couldn't be loaded.
int OnLocalStateLoaded(bool* failed_to_load_resource_bundle);
// Applies any preferences (to local state) needed for first run. This is
// always called and early outs if not first-run. Return value is an exit
// status, RESULT_CODE_NORMAL_EXIT indicates success.
int ApplyFirstRunPrefs();
// Methods for Main Message Loop -------------------------------------------
int PreCreateThreadsImpl();
int PreMainMessageLoopRunImpl();
// Wrapper for `PostProfileInit()` that provides to it the right
// `is_initial_profile` value.
void CallPostProfileInit(Profile* profile);
// Members initialized on construction ---------------------------------------
const bool is_integration_test_;
const raw_ptr<StartupData> startup_data_;
int result_code_ = content::RESULT_CODE_NORMAL_EXIT;
// Create ShutdownWatcherHelper object for watching jank during shutdown.
// Please keep |shutdown_watcher| as the first object constructed, and hence
// it is destroyed last.
std::unique_ptr<ShutdownWatcherHelper> shutdown_watcher_;
// HangWatcher based equivalent to |shutdown_watcher_|
absl::optional<base::WatchHangsInScope> watch_hangs_scope_;
std::unique_ptr<WebUsbDetector> web_usb_detector_;
// Vector of additional ChromeBrowserMainExtraParts.
// Parts are deleted in the inverse order they are added.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ChromeBrowserMainExtraParts>> chrome_extra_parts_;
// The system stats monitor used by chrome://tracing. This doesn't do anything
// until tracing of the |system_stats| category is enabled.
// Members initialized after / released before main_message_loop_ ------------
std::unique_ptr<BrowserProcessImpl> browser_process_;
// Browser creation happens on the Java side in Android.
std::unique_ptr<StartupBrowserCreator> browser_creator_;
std::unique_ptr<ChromeProcessSingleton> process_singleton_;
ProcessSingleton::NotifyResult notify_result_ =
// Members needed across shutdown methods.
bool restart_last_session_ = false;
downgrade::DowngradeManager downgrade_manager_;
// Android's first run is done in Java instead of native. Chrome OS does not
// use master preferences.
std::unique_ptr<first_run::MasterPrefs> master_prefs_;
base::FilePath user_data_dir_;
// Indicates that the initial profile has been created and we started
// executing `PostProfileInit()` for it.
bool initialized_initial_profile_ = false;
// Observer that triggers `PostProfileInit()` when new user profiles are
// created.
std::unique_ptr<ProfileInitManager> profile_init_manager_;