blob: 5badf1ab30dbf2f4196d5865638215398da83b0d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "content/public/browser/media_player_id.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_observer.h"
namespace base {
class Clock;
} // namespace base
namespace gfx {
class Size;
} // namespace gfx
class MediaEngagementContentsObserverTest;
class MediaEngagementService;
class MediaEngagementSession;
class MediaEngagementContentsObserver : public content::WebContentsObserver {
MediaEngagementContentsObserver(const MediaEngagementContentsObserver&) =
MediaEngagementContentsObserver& operator=(
const MediaEngagementContentsObserver&) = delete;
~MediaEngagementContentsObserver() override;
// WebContentsObserver implementation.
void WebContentsDestroyed() override;
void DidFinishNavigation(
content::NavigationHandle* navigation_handle) override;
void ReadyToCommitNavigation(
content::NavigationHandle* navigation_handle) override;
void MediaStartedPlaying(
const MediaPlayerInfo& media_player_info,
const content::MediaPlayerId& media_player_id) override;
void MediaStoppedPlaying(
const MediaPlayerInfo& media_player_info,
const content::MediaPlayerId& media_player_id,
WebContentsObserver::MediaStoppedReason reason) override;
void DidUpdateAudioMutingState(bool muted) override;
void MediaMutedStatusChanged(const content::MediaPlayerId& id,
bool muted) override;
void MediaResized(const gfx::Size& size,
const content::MediaPlayerId& id) override;
void MediaDestroyed(const content::MediaPlayerId& id) override;
void AudioContextPlaybackStarted(
const AudioContextId& audio_context_id) override;
void AudioContextPlaybackStopped(
const AudioContextId& audio_context_id) override;
static const gfx::Size kSignificantSize;
static const char* const kHistogramScoreAtPlaybackName;
// Only MediaEngagementService can create a MediaEngagementContentsObserver.
friend MediaEngagementService;
friend MediaEngagementContentsObserverTest;
friend class MediaEngagementBrowserTest;
MediaEngagementContentsObserver(content::WebContents* web_contents,
MediaEngagementService* service);
// This is the maximum playback time for media to be considered 'short'.
static const base::TimeDelta kMaxShortPlaybackTime;
// This enum is used to record a histogram and should not be renumbered.
enum class InsignificantPlaybackReason {
// The frame size of the video is too small.
kFrameSizeTooSmall = 0,
// The player was muted.
// The media is paused.
// No audio track was present on the media.
// This is always recorded to the histogram so we can see the number
// of events that occured.
// Add new items before this one, always keep this one at the end.
enum class InsignificantHistogram {
// The player isn't currently significant and can't be because it
// doesn't meet all the criteria (first time only).
kPlayerNotAddedFirstTime = 0,
// The player isn't currently significant and can't be because it
// doesn't meet all the critera (after the first time).
// The player was significant but no longer meets the criteria.
void OnSignificantMediaPlaybackTimeForPlayer(
const content::MediaPlayerId& id);
void OnSignificantMediaPlaybackTimeForPage();
void OnSignificantAudioContextPlaybackTimeForPage();
void UpdatePlayerTimer(const content::MediaPlayerId&);
void UpdatePageTimer();
void UpdateAudioContextTimer();
bool AreConditionsMet() const;
bool AreAudioContextConditionsMet() const;
void SetTaskRunnerForTest(scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner>);
// |this| is owned by |service_|.
raw_ptr<MediaEngagementService> service_;
// Timer that will fire when the playback time reaches the minimum for
// significant media playback.
base::OneShotTimer playback_timer_;
// Set of active players that can produce a significant playback. In other
// words, whether this set is empty can be used to know if there is a
// significant playback.
std::set<content::MediaPlayerId> significant_players_;
// Timer that will fire when the playback time of any audio context reaches
// the minimum for significant media playback.
base::OneShotTimer audio_context_timer_;
// Set of active audio contexts that can produce a significant playback.
std::set<AudioContextId> audio_context_players_;
// Measures playback time for a player.
class PlaybackTimer {
explicit PlaybackTimer(base::Clock*);
PlaybackTimer(const PlaybackTimer&) = delete;
PlaybackTimer& operator=(const PlaybackTimer&) = delete;
void Start();
void Stop();
bool IsRunning() const;
base::TimeDelta Elapsed() const;
void Reset();
// The clock is owned by |service_| which already owns |this|.
raw_ptr<base::Clock> clock_;
absl::optional<base::Time> start_time_;
base::TimeDelta recorded_time_;
// A structure containing all the information we have about a player's state.
struct PlayerState {
explicit PlayerState(base::Clock*);
PlayerState(const PlayerState&) = delete;
PlayerState& operator=(const PlayerState&) = delete;
absl::optional<bool> muted;
absl::optional<bool> playing; // Currently playing.
absl::optional<bool> significant_size; // The video track has at least
// a certain frame size.
absl::optional<bool> has_audio; // The media has an audio track.
absl::optional<bool> has_video; // The media has a video track.
// The engagement score of the origin at playback has been recorded
// to a histogram.
bool score_recorded = false;
// The reasons why the player was not significant have been recorded
// to a histogram.
bool reasons_recorded = false;
bool reached_end_of_stream = false;
std::unique_ptr<PlaybackTimer> playback_timer;
std::map<content::MediaPlayerId, PlayerState> player_states_;
PlayerState& GetPlayerState(const content::MediaPlayerId& id);
void ClearPlayerStates();
// Inserts/removes players from significant_players_ based on whether
// they are considered significant by GetInsignificantPlayerReason.
void MaybeInsertRemoveSignificantPlayer(const content::MediaPlayerId& id);
// Returns a vector containing InsignificantPlaybackReason's why a player
// would not be considered significant.
GetInsignificantPlayerReasons(const PlayerState& state);
// Records why a player is not significant to a historgram.
void RecordInsignificantReasons(
std::vector<InsignificantPlaybackReason> reasons,
const PlayerState& state,
InsignificantHistogram histogram);
// Returns whether we have recieved all the state information about a
// player in order to be able to make a decision about it.
bool IsPlayerStateComplete(const PlayerState& state);
// Returns whether the player is considered to be significant and record
// any reasons why not to a histogram.
bool IsSignificantPlayerAndRecord(
const content::MediaPlayerId& id,
MediaEngagementContentsObserver::InsignificantHistogram histogram);
static const char* const kHistogramSignificantNotAddedAfterFirstTimeName;
static const char* const kHistogramSignificantNotAddedFirstTimeName;
static const char* const kHistogramSignificantRemovedName;
static const int kMaxInsignificantPlaybackReason;
static const base::TimeDelta kSignificantMediaPlaybackTime;
// Records the engagement score for the current origin to a histogram so we
// can identify whether the playback would have been blocked.
void RecordEngagementScoreToHistogramAtPlayback(
const content::MediaPlayerId& id);
// Clears out players that are ignored because they are too short and register
// the result as significant/audible players with the `session_`.
void RegisterAudiblePlayersWithSession();
// Returns the opener of the current WebContents. Null if there is none.
content::WebContents* GetOpener() const;
// Find the appropriate media engagement session if any or create a new one to
// be used. Will return nullptr if no session should be used.
scoped_refptr<MediaEngagementSession> GetOrCreateSession(
content::NavigationHandle* navigation_handle,
content::WebContents* opener) const;
// Stores the ids of the players that were audible. The boolean will be true
// if the player was significant.
using AudiblePlayerRow = std::pair<bool, std::unique_ptr<base::OneShotTimer>>;
std::map<content::MediaPlayerId, AudiblePlayerRow> audible_players_;
// The task runner to use when creating timers. It is used only for testing.
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner_;
// The MediaEngagementSession used by this MediaEngagementContentsObserver. It
// may be shared by other instances if they are part of the same session. It
// willl be null if it is not part of a session.
scoped_refptr<MediaEngagementSession> session_;