blob: 7504543c9e781087ea2df9d8cc2a7e75371fa123 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "headless/public/devtools/domains/network.h"
#include "headless/public/util/navigation_request.h"
namespace headless {
class HeadlessShell;
// Used in deterministic mode to make sure navigations and resource requests
// complete in the order requested.
class ShellNavigationRequest : public NavigationRequest {
ShellNavigationRequest(base::WeakPtr<HeadlessShell> headless_shell,
const std::string& interception_id);
~ShellNavigationRequest() override;
void StartProcessing(base::Closure done_callback) override;
static void StartProcessingOnUiThread(
std::unique_ptr<base::WeakPtr<HeadlessShell>> headless_shell,
std::string interception_id,
base::Closure done_callback);
// Note the navigation likely isn't done when this is called, however we
// expect it will have been committed and the initial resource load requested.
static void ContinueInterceptedRequestResult(
base::Closure done_callback,
static void ContinueInterceptedRequestResultOnIoThread(
base::Closure done_callback);
// Yuck we need to post a weak pointer from the IO -> UI threads but WeakPtr
// is super finicky about which threads it's touched on. By boxing this up in
// a unique_ptr we can pass it about and only touch it on the UI thread.
std::unique_ptr<base::WeakPtr<HeadlessShell>> headless_shell_;
std::string interception_id_;
} // namespace headless