blob: 8686809a456df6080dbfc580a3b5c80469dc080b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/display_info_provider_chromeos.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include "ash/display/display_configuration_controller.h"
#include "ash/display/resolution_notification_controller.h"
#include "ash/shell.h"
#include "ash/touch/ash_touch_transform_controller.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/display/display_preferences.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/display/overscan_calibrator.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/display/touch_calibrator/touch_calibrator_controller.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/ash/ash_util.h"
#include "extensions/common/api/system_display.h"
#include "ui/display/display.h"
#include "ui/display/display_layout.h"
#include "ui/display/display_layout_builder.h"
#include "ui/display/manager/display_manager.h"
#include "ui/display/types/display_constants.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
namespace extensions {
namespace system_display = api::system_display;
namespace {
// Maximum allowed bounds origin absolute value.
const int kMaxBoundsOrigin = 200 * 1000;
// Gets the display with the provided string id.
display::Display GetDisplay(const std::string& display_id_str) {
int64_t display_id;
if (!base::StringToInt64(display_id_str, &display_id))
return display::Display();
return ash::Shell::GetInstance()->display_manager()->GetDisplayForId(
// Checks if the given integer value is valid display rotation in degrees.
bool IsValidRotationValue(int rotation) {
return rotation == 0 || rotation == 90 || rotation == 180 || rotation == 270;
// Converts integer integer value in degrees to Rotation enum value.
display::Display::Rotation DegreesToRotation(int degrees) {
switch (degrees) {
case 0:
return display::Display::ROTATE_0;
case 90:
return display::Display::ROTATE_90;
case 180:
return display::Display::ROTATE_180;
case 270:
return display::Display::ROTATE_270;
return display::Display::ROTATE_0;
// Converts system_display::LayoutPosition to
// display::DisplayPlacement::Position.
display::DisplayPlacement::Position GetDisplayPlacementPosition(
system_display::LayoutPosition position) {
switch (position) {
case system_display::LAYOUT_POSITION_TOP:
return display::DisplayPlacement::TOP;
case system_display::LAYOUT_POSITION_BOTTOM:
return display::DisplayPlacement::BOTTOM;
case system_display::LAYOUT_POSITION_LEFT:
return display::DisplayPlacement::LEFT;
case system_display::LAYOUT_POSITION_RIGHT:
// Default: layout to the right.
return display::DisplayPlacement::RIGHT;
// Converts display::DisplayPlacement::Position to
// system_display::LayoutPosition.
system_display::LayoutPosition GetLayoutPosition(
display::DisplayPlacement::Position position) {
switch (position) {
case display::DisplayPlacement::TOP:
return system_display::LayoutPosition::LAYOUT_POSITION_TOP;
case display::DisplayPlacement::RIGHT:
return system_display::LayoutPosition::LAYOUT_POSITION_RIGHT;
case display::DisplayPlacement::BOTTOM:
return system_display::LayoutPosition::LAYOUT_POSITION_BOTTOM;
case display::DisplayPlacement::LEFT:
return system_display::LayoutPosition::LAYOUT_POSITION_LEFT;
return system_display::LayoutPosition::LAYOUT_POSITION_NONE;
// Checks if the given point is over the radius vector described by it's end
// point |vector|. The point is over a vector if it's on its positive (left)
// side. The method sees a point on the same line as the vector as being over
// the vector.
bool PointIsOverRadiusVector(const gfx::Point& point,
const gfx::Point& vector) {
// |point| is left of |vector| if its radius vector's scalar product with a
// vector orthogonal (and facing the positive side) to |vector| is positive.
// An orthogonal vector of (a, b) is (b, -a), as the scalar product of these
// two is 0.
// So, (x, y) is over (a, b) if x * b + y * (-a) >= 0, which is equivalent to
// x * b >= y * a.
return static_cast<int64_t>(point.x()) * static_cast<int64_t>(vector.y()) >=
static_cast<int64_t>(point.y()) * static_cast<int64_t>(vector.x());
// Created display::DisplayPlacement value for |rectangle| compared to the
// |reference|
// rectangle.
// The layout consists of two values:
// - position: Whether the rectangle is positioned left, right, over or under
// the reference.
// - offset: The rectangle's offset from the reference origin along the axis
// opposite the position direction (if the rectangle is left or right along
// y-axis, otherwise along x-axis).
// The rectangle's position is calculated by dividing the space in areas defined
// by the |reference|'s diagonals and finding the area |rectangle|'s center
// point belongs. If the |rectangle| in the calculated layout does not share a
// part of the bounds with the |reference|, the |rectangle| position in set to
// the more suitable neighboring position (e.g. if |rectangle| is completely
// over the |reference| top bound, it will be set to TOP) and the layout is
// recalculated with the new position. This is to handle case where the
// rectangle shares an edge with the reference, but it's center is not in the
// same area as the reference's edge, e.g.
// +---------------------+
// | |
// | |
// | |
// +---------------------+
// +-------------------------------------------------+
// | RECTANGLE x |
// +-------------------------------------------------+
// The rectangle shares an egde with the reference's bottom edge, but it's
// center point is in the left area.
display::DisplayPlacement CreatePlacementForRectangles(
const gfx::Rect& reference,
const gfx::Rect& rectangle) {
// Translate coordinate system so origin is in the reference's top left point
// (so the reference's down-diagonal vector starts in the (0, 0)) and scale it
// up by two (to avoid division when calculating the rectangle's center
// point).
gfx::Point center(2 * (rectangle.x() - reference.x()) + rectangle.width(),
2 * (rectangle.y() - reference.y()) + rectangle.height());
gfx::Point down_diag(2 * reference.width(), 2 * reference.height());
bool is_top_right = PointIsOverRadiusVector(center, down_diag);
// Translate the coordinating system again, so the bottom right point of the
// reference is origin (so the references up-diagonal starts at (0, 0)).
// Note that the coordinate system is scaled by 2.
center.Offset(0, -2 * reference.height());
// Choose the vector orientation so the points on the diagonal are considered
// to be left.
gfx::Point up_diag(-2 * reference.width(), 2 * reference.height());
bool is_bottom_right = PointIsOverRadiusVector(center, up_diag);
display::DisplayPlacement::Position position;
if (is_top_right) {
position = is_bottom_right ? display::DisplayPlacement::RIGHT
: display::DisplayPlacement::TOP;
} else {
position = is_bottom_right ? display::DisplayPlacement::BOTTOM
: display::DisplayPlacement::LEFT;
// If the rectangle with the calculated position would not have common side
// with the reference, try to position it so it shares another edge with the
// reference.
if (is_top_right == is_bottom_right) {
if (rectangle.y() > reference.y() + reference.height()) {
// The rectangle is left or right, but completely under the reference.
position = display::DisplayPlacement::BOTTOM;
} else if (rectangle.y() + rectangle.height() < reference.y()) {
// The rectangle is left or right, but completely over the reference.
position = display::DisplayPlacement::TOP;
} else {
if (rectangle.x() > reference.x() + reference.width()) {
// The rectangle is over or under, but completely right of the reference.
position = display::DisplayPlacement::RIGHT;
} else if (rectangle.x() + rectangle.width() < reference.x()) {
// The rectangle is over or under, but completely left of the reference.
position = display::DisplayPlacement::LEFT;
int offset = (position == display::DisplayPlacement::LEFT ||
position == display::DisplayPlacement::RIGHT)
? rectangle.y()
: rectangle.x();
return display::DisplayPlacement(position, offset);
// Updates the display layout for the target display in reference to the primary
// display.
void UpdateDisplayLayout(const gfx::Rect& primary_display_bounds,
int64_t primary_display_id,
const gfx::Rect& target_display_bounds,
int64_t target_display_id) {
display::DisplayPlacement placement(CreatePlacementForRectangles(
primary_display_bounds, target_display_bounds));
placement.display_id = target_display_id;
placement.parent_display_id = primary_display_id;
std::unique_ptr<display::DisplayLayout> layout(new display::DisplayLayout);
layout->primary_id = primary_display_id;
// Validates that parameters passed to the SetInfo function are valid for the
// desired display and the current display manager state.
// Returns whether the parameters are valid. On failure |error| is set to the
// error message.
bool ValidateParamsForDisplay(const system_display::DisplayProperties& info,
const display::Display& display,
display::DisplayManager* display_manager,
int64_t primary_display_id,
std::string* error) {
int64_t id =;
bool is_primary =
id == primary_display_id || (info.is_primary && *info.is_primary);
// If mirroring source id is set, a display with the given id should exist,
// and if should not be the same as the target display's id.
if (info.mirroring_source_id && !info.mirroring_source_id->empty()) {
int64_t mirroring_id = GetDisplay(*info.mirroring_source_id).id();
if (mirroring_id == display::kInvalidDisplayId) {
*error = "Display " + *info.mirroring_source_id + " not found.";
return false;
if (*info.mirroring_source_id == base::Int64ToString(id)) {
*error = "Not allowed to mirror self.";
return false;
// If mirroring source parameter is specified, no other parameter should be
// set as when the mirroring is applied the display list could change.
if (info.mirroring_source_id &&
(info.is_primary || info.bounds_origin_x || info.bounds_origin_y ||
info.rotation || info.overscan)) {
*error = "No other parameter should be set alongside mirroringSourceId.";
return false;
// The bounds cannot be changed for the primary display and should be inside
// a reasonable bounds. Note that the display is considered primary if the
// info has 'isPrimary' parameter set, as this will be applied before bounds
// origin changes.
if (info.bounds_origin_x || info.bounds_origin_y) {
if (is_primary) {
*error = "Bounds origin not allowed for the primary display.";
return false;
if (info.bounds_origin_x && (*info.bounds_origin_x > kMaxBoundsOrigin ||
*info.bounds_origin_x < -kMaxBoundsOrigin)) {
*error = "Bounds origin x out of bounds.";
return false;
if (info.bounds_origin_y && (*info.bounds_origin_y > kMaxBoundsOrigin ||
*info.bounds_origin_y < -kMaxBoundsOrigin)) {
*error = "Bounds origin y out of bounds.";
return false;
// Verify the rotation value is valid.
if (info.rotation && !IsValidRotationValue(*info.rotation)) {
*error = "Invalid rotation.";
return false;
// Overscan cannot be changed for the internal display, and should be at most
// half of the screen size.
if (info.overscan) {
if (display.IsInternal()) {
*error = "Overscan changes not allowed for the internal monitor.";
return false;
if (info.overscan->left < 0 || info.overscan->top < 0 ||
info.overscan->right < 0 || info.overscan->bottom < 0) {
*error = "Negative overscan not allowed.";
return false;
const gfx::Insets overscan = display_manager->GetOverscanInsets(id);
int screen_width = display.bounds().width() + overscan.width();
int screen_height = display.bounds().height() + overscan.height();
if ((info.overscan->left + info.overscan->right) * 2 > screen_width) {
*error = "Horizontal overscan is more than half of the screen width.";
return false;
if ((info.overscan->top + info.overscan->bottom) * 2 > screen_height) {
*error = "Vertical overscan is more than half of the screen height.";
return false;
// Set the display mode.
if (info.display_mode) {
scoped_refptr<display::ManagedDisplayMode> current_mode =
// Copy properties not set in the UI from the current mode.
gfx::Size size(info.display_mode->width_in_native_pixels,
// NB: info.display_mode is neither a display::ManagedDisplayMode or a
// display::DisplayMode.
scoped_refptr<display::ManagedDisplayMode> new_mode(
new display::ManagedDisplayMode(
size, current_mode->refresh_rate(), current_mode->is_interlaced(),
info.display_mode->is_native, info.display_mode->ui_scale,
if (new_mode->IsEquivalent(current_mode)) {
*error = "Display mode matches current mode.";
return false;
if (!display_manager->SetDisplayMode(id, new_mode)) {
*error = "Unable to set the display mode.";
return false;
if (!display::Display::IsInternalDisplayId(id)) {
// For external displays, show a notification confirming the resolution
// change.
->PrepareNotification(id, current_mode, new_mode,
return true;
system_display::DisplayMode GetDisplayMode(
display::DisplayManager* display_manager,
const display::ManagedDisplayInfo& display_info,
const scoped_refptr<display::ManagedDisplayMode>& display_mode) {
system_display::DisplayMode result;
bool is_internal = display::Display::HasInternalDisplay() &&
display::Display::InternalDisplayId() ==;
gfx::Size size_dip = display_mode->GetSizeInDIP(is_internal);
result.width = size_dip.width();
result.height = size_dip.height();
result.width_in_native_pixels = display_mode->size().width();
result.height_in_native_pixels = display_mode->size().height();
result.ui_scale = display_mode->ui_scale();
result.device_scale_factor = display_mode->device_scale_factor();
result.is_native = display_mode->native();
result.is_selected = display_mode->IsEquivalent(
return result;
display::TouchCalibrationData::CalibrationPointPair GetCalibrationPair(
const system_display::TouchCalibrationPair& pair) {
return std::make_pair(gfx::Point(pair.display_point.x, pair.display_point.y),
gfx::Point(pair.touch_point.x, pair.touch_point.y));
bool ValidateParamsForTouchCalibration(
const std::string& id,
const display::Display& display,
chromeos::TouchCalibratorController* const touch_calibrator_controller,
std::string* error) {
if ( == display::kInvalidDisplayId) {
*error = "Display Id(" + id + ") is an invalid display ID";
return false;
if (display.IsInternal()) {
*error = "Display Id(" + id + ") is an internal display. Internal " +
"displays cannot be calibrated for touch.";
return false;
if (display.touch_support() != display::Display::TOUCH_SUPPORT_AVAILABLE) {
*error = "Display Id(" + id + ") does not support touch.";
return false;
return true;
} // namespace
// static
const char DisplayInfoProviderChromeOS::
kCustomTouchCalibrationInProgressError[] =
"Another custom touch calibration already under progress.";
// static
const char DisplayInfoProviderChromeOS::
kCompleteCalibrationCalledBeforeStartError[] =
"system.display.completeCustomTouchCalibration called before "
"system.display.startCustomTouchCalibration before.";
// static
const char DisplayInfoProviderChromeOS::kTouchBoundsNegativeError[] =
"Bounds cannot have negative values.";
// static
const char DisplayInfoProviderChromeOS::kTouchCalibrationPointsNegativeError[] =
"Display points and touch points cannot have negative coordinates";
// static
const char DisplayInfoProviderChromeOS::kTouchCalibrationPointsTooLargeError[] =
"Display point coordinates cannot be more than size of the display.";
// static
const char DisplayInfoProviderChromeOS::kNativeTouchCalibrationActiveError[] =
"Another touch calibration is already active.";
DisplayInfoProviderChromeOS::DisplayInfoProviderChromeOS() {}
DisplayInfoProviderChromeOS::~DisplayInfoProviderChromeOS() {}
bool DisplayInfoProviderChromeOS::SetInfo(
const std::string& display_id_str,
const system_display::DisplayProperties& info,
std::string* error) {
if (ash_util::IsRunningInMash()) {
// TODO( Mash support.
*error = "Not implemented for mash.";
return false;
display::DisplayManager* display_manager =
ash::DisplayConfigurationController* display_configuration_controller =
const display::Display target = GetDisplay(display_id_str);
if ( == display::kInvalidDisplayId) {
*error = "Display not found.";
return false;
int64_t display_id =;
const display::Display& primary =
if (!ValidateParamsForDisplay(info, target, display_manager,,
error)) {
return false;
// Process 'isPrimary' parameter.
if (info.is_primary && *info.is_primary && !=
// Process 'mirroringSourceId' parameter.
if (info.mirroring_source_id) {
bool mirror = !info.mirroring_source_id->empty();
// Process 'overscan' parameter.
if (info.overscan) {
display_id, gfx::Insets(info.overscan->top, info.overscan->left,
info.overscan->bottom, info.overscan->right));
// Process 'rotation' parameter.
if (info.rotation) {
display_id, DegreesToRotation(*info.rotation),
// Process new display origin parameters.
gfx::Point new_bounds_origin = target.bounds().origin();
if (info.bounds_origin_x)
if (info.bounds_origin_y)
if (new_bounds_origin != target.bounds().origin()) {
gfx::Rect target_bounds = target.bounds();
target_bounds.Offset(new_bounds_origin.x() - target.bounds().x(),
new_bounds_origin.y() - target.bounds().y());
UpdateDisplayLayout(primary.bounds(),, target_bounds,;
return true;
bool DisplayInfoProviderChromeOS::SetDisplayLayout(
const DisplayLayoutList& layouts) {
if (ash_util::IsRunningInMash()) {
// TODO( Mash support.
return false;
display::DisplayManager* display_manager =
display::DisplayLayoutBuilder builder(
bool have_root = false;
for (const system_display::DisplayLayout& layout : layouts) {
display::Display display = GetDisplay(;
if ( == display::kInvalidDisplayId) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid layout: display id not found: " <<;
return false;
display::Display parent = GetDisplay(layout.parent_id);
if ( == display::kInvalidDisplayId) {
if (have_root) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid layout: multople roots.";
return false;
have_root = true;
continue; // No placement for root (primary) display.
display::DisplayPlacement::Position position =
builder.AddDisplayPlacement(,, position,
std::unique_ptr<display::DisplayLayout> layout = builder.Build();
if (!display::DisplayLayout::Validate(
display_manager->GetCurrentDisplayIdList(), *layout)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid layout: Validate failed.";
return false;
return true;
void DisplayInfoProviderChromeOS::UpdateDisplayUnitInfoForPlatform(
const display::Display& display,
system_display::DisplayUnitInfo* unit) {
if (ash_util::IsRunningInMash()) {
// TODO( Mash support.
display::DisplayManager* display_manager =
unit->name = display_manager->GetDisplayNameForId(;
if (display_manager->IsInMirrorMode()) {
unit->mirroring_source_id =
const display::ManagedDisplayInfo& display_info =
const float device_dpi = display_info.device_dpi();
unit->dpi_x = device_dpi * display.size().width() /
unit->dpi_y = device_dpi * display.size().height() /
const gfx::Insets overscan_insets =
unit->overscan.left = overscan_insets.left();
unit-> =;
unit->overscan.right = overscan_insets.right();
unit->overscan.bottom = overscan_insets.bottom();
for (const scoped_refptr<display::ManagedDisplayMode>& display_mode :
display_info.display_modes()) {
GetDisplayMode(display_manager, display_info, display_mode));
void DisplayInfoProviderChromeOS::EnableUnifiedDesktop(bool enable) {
if (ash_util::IsRunningInMash()) {
// TODO( Mash support.
DisplayInfoProviderChromeOS::GetAllDisplaysInfo() {
if (ash_util::IsRunningInMash()) {
// TODO( Mash support.
return DisplayInfoProvider::DisplayUnitInfoList();
display::DisplayManager* display_manager =
if (!display_manager->IsInUnifiedMode())
return DisplayInfoProvider::GetAllDisplaysInfo();
std::vector<display::Display> displays =
CHECK_GT(displays.size(), 0u);
// Use first display as primary.
int64_t primary_id = displays[0].id();
DisplayUnitInfoList all_displays;
for (const display::Display& display : displays) {
system_display::DisplayUnitInfo unit =
CreateDisplayUnitInfo(display, primary_id);
UpdateDisplayUnitInfoForPlatform(display, &unit);
return all_displays;
DisplayInfoProviderChromeOS::GetDisplayLayout() {
if (ash_util::IsRunningInMash()) {
// TODO( Mash support.
return DisplayInfoProvider::DisplayLayoutList();
display::DisplayManager* display_manager =
if (display_manager->num_connected_displays() < 2)
return DisplayInfoProvider::DisplayLayoutList();
display::Screen* screen = display::Screen::GetScreen();
std::vector<display::Display> displays = screen->GetAllDisplays();
DisplayLayoutList result;
for (const display::Display& display : displays) {
const display::DisplayPlacement placement =
if (placement.display_id == display::kInvalidDisplayId)
system_display::DisplayLayout display_layout; = base::Int64ToString(placement.display_id);
display_layout.parent_id = base::Int64ToString(placement.parent_display_id);
display_layout.position = GetLayoutPosition(placement.position);
display_layout.offset = placement.offset;
return result;
bool DisplayInfoProviderChromeOS::OverscanCalibrationStart(
const std::string& id) {
if (ash_util::IsRunningInMash()) {
// TODO( Mash support.
return false;
VLOG(1) << "OverscanCalibrationStart: " << id;
const display::Display display = GetDisplay(id);
if ( == display::kInvalidDisplayId)
return false;
auto insets =
new chromeos::OverscanCalibrator(display, insets));
return true;
bool DisplayInfoProviderChromeOS::OverscanCalibrationAdjust(
const std::string& id,
const system_display::Insets& delta) {
VLOG(1) << "OverscanCalibrationAdjust: " << id;
chromeos::OverscanCalibrator* calibrator = GetOverscanCalibrator(id);
if (!calibrator)
return false;
gfx::Insets insets = calibrator->insets();
insets += gfx::Insets(, delta.left, delta.bottom, delta.right);
return true;
bool DisplayInfoProviderChromeOS::OverscanCalibrationReset(
const std::string& id) {
VLOG(1) << "OverscanCalibrationReset: " << id;
chromeos::OverscanCalibrator* calibrator = GetOverscanCalibrator(id);
if (!calibrator)
return false;
return true;
bool DisplayInfoProviderChromeOS::OverscanCalibrationComplete(
const std::string& id) {
VLOG(1) << "OverscanCalibrationComplete: " << id;
chromeos::OverscanCalibrator* calibrator = GetOverscanCalibrator(id);
if (!calibrator)
return false;
return true;
bool DisplayInfoProviderChromeOS::ShowNativeTouchCalibration(
const std::string& id, std::string* error,
const DisplayInfoProvider::TouchCalibrationCallback& callback) {
if (ash_util::IsRunningInMash()) {
// TODO( Mash support.
return false;
VLOG(1) << "StartNativeTouchCalibration: " << id;
// If a custom calibration is already running, then throw an error.
if (custom_touch_calibration_active_) {
*error = kCustomTouchCalibrationInProgressError;
return false;
const display::Display display = GetDisplay(id);
if (!ValidateParamsForTouchCalibration(id, display, GetTouchCalibrator(),
error)) {
return false;
GetTouchCalibrator()->StartCalibration(display, callback);
return true;
bool DisplayInfoProviderChromeOS::StartCustomTouchCalibration(
const std::string& id,
std::string* error) {
if (ash_util::IsRunningInMash()) {
// TODO( Mash support.
return false;
VLOG(1) << "StartCustomTouchCalibration: " << id;
const display::Display display = GetDisplay(id);
if (!ValidateParamsForTouchCalibration(id, display, GetTouchCalibrator(),
error)) {
return false;
touch_calibration_target_id_ = id;
custom_touch_calibration_active_ = true;
// Enable un-transformed touch input.
return true;
bool DisplayInfoProviderChromeOS::CompleteCustomTouchCalibration(
const api::system_display::TouchCalibrationPairQuad& pairs,
const api::system_display::Bounds& bounds,
std::string* error) {
if (ash_util::IsRunningInMash()) {
// TODO( Mash support.
return false;
VLOG(1) << "CompleteCustomTouchCalibration: " << touch_calibration_target_id_;
const display::Display display = GetDisplay(touch_calibration_target_id_);
// If Complete() is called before calling Start(), throw an error.
if (!custom_touch_calibration_active_) {
*error = kCompleteCalibrationCalledBeforeStartError;
return false;
custom_touch_calibration_active_ = false;
if (!ValidateParamsForTouchCalibration(
touch_calibration_target_id_, display, GetTouchCalibrator(), error)) {
return false;
display::TouchCalibrationData::CalibrationPointPairQuad calibration_points;
calibration_points[0] = GetCalibrationPair(pairs.pair1);
calibration_points[1] = GetCalibrationPair(pairs.pair2);
calibration_points[2] = GetCalibrationPair(pairs.pair3);
calibration_points[3] = GetCalibrationPair(pairs.pair4);
// The display bounds cannot have negative values.
if (bounds.width < 0 || bounds.height < 0) {
*error = kTouchBoundsNegativeError;
return false;
for (size_t row = 0; row < calibration_points.size(); row++) {
// Coordinates for display and touch point cannot be negative.
if (calibration_points[row].first.x() < 0 ||
calibration_points[row].first.y() < 0 ||
calibration_points[row].second.x() < 0 ||
calibration_points[row].second.y() < 0) {
*error = kTouchCalibrationPointsNegativeError;
return false;
// Coordinates for display points cannot be greater than the screen bounds.
if (calibration_points[row].first.x() > bounds.width ||
calibration_points[row].first.y() > bounds.height) {
*error = kTouchCalibrationPointsTooLargeError;
return false;
gfx::Size display_size(bounds.width, bounds.height);
ash::Shell::GetInstance()->display_manager()->SetTouchCalibrationData(, calibration_points, display_size);
return true;
bool DisplayInfoProviderChromeOS::ClearTouchCalibration(const std::string& id,
std::string* error) {
if (ash_util::IsRunningInMash()) {
// TODO( Mash support.
*error = "Not implemented for mash.";
return false;
const display::Display display = GetDisplay(id);
if (!ValidateParamsForTouchCalibration(id, display, GetTouchCalibrator(),
error)) {
return false;
return true;
bool DisplayInfoProviderChromeOS::IsNativeTouchCalibrationActive(
std::string* error) {
// If native touch calibration UX is active, set error and return false.
if (GetTouchCalibrator()->is_calibrating()) {
*error = kNativeTouchCalibrationActiveError;
return true;
return false;
DisplayInfoProviderChromeOS::GetOverscanCalibrator(const std::string& id) {
auto iter = overscan_calibrators_.find(id);
if (iter == overscan_calibrators_.end())
return nullptr;
return iter->second.get();
DisplayInfoProviderChromeOS::GetTouchCalibrator() {
if (!touch_calibrator_)
touch_calibrator_.reset(new chromeos::TouchCalibratorController);
return touch_calibrator_.get();
// static
DisplayInfoProvider* DisplayInfoProvider::Create() {
return new DisplayInfoProviderChromeOS();
} // namespace extensions