blob: 5bfcf6a1d0338dd1ae5169b378b41655583280ce [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.content.browser;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.chromium.base.test.BaseJUnit4ClassRunner;
import org.chromium.base.test.util.Feature;
import org.chromium.base.test.util.UrlUtils;
import org.chromium.content.browser.test.util.DOMUtils;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.WebContents;
import org.chromium.content_shell_apk.ContentShellActivityTestRule;
* Integration tests for JavaScript execution.
public class TestsJavaScriptEvalTest {
public ContentShellActivityTestRule mActivityTestRule = new ContentShellActivityTestRule();
private static final String JSTEST_URL = UrlUtils.encodeHtmlDataUri("<html><head><script>"
+ " function foobar() { return 'foobar'; }"
+ "</script></head>"
+ "<body><button id=\"test\">Test button</button></body></html>");
public TestsJavaScriptEvalTest() {
* Tests that evaluation of JavaScript for test purposes (using JavaScriptUtils, DOMUtils etc)
* works even in presence of "background" (non-test-initiated) JavaScript evaluation activity.
public void testJavaScriptEvalIsCorrectlyOrdered()
throws InterruptedException, Exception, Throwable {
final WebContents webContents = mActivityTestRule.getWebContents();
for (int i = 0; i < 30; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < 10; ++j) {
// Start evaluation of a JavaScript script -- we don't need a result.
webContents.evaluateJavaScriptForTests("foobar();", null);
// DOMUtils does need to evaluate a JavaScript and get its result to get DOM bounds.
"Failed to get bounds", DOMUtils.getNodeBounds(webContents, "test"));