blob: d09a4522eef6bf37fdada33d2cbd4e48dd322e3f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
// This file contains implementations of commands that are bound to keyboard
// shortcuts in Ash or in the embedding application (e.g. Chrome).
// Keep the functions in this file in alphabetical order.
namespace ash {
namespace accelerators {
// Logs a dump of CalendarModel internal data.
ASH_EXPORT void DumpCalendarModel();
// Cycle backwards in the MRU window list. Usually Alt-Shift-Tab.
ASH_EXPORT void CycleBackwardMru();
// Cycle forwards in the MRU window list. Usually Alt-Tab.
ASH_EXPORT void CycleForwardMru();
// Disable caps-lock.
ASH_EXPORT void DisableCapsLock();
// Focus the PiP window if it is present.
ASH_EXPORT void FocusPip();
// Launch the nth(0-7) app on the shelf.
ASH_EXPORT void LaunchAppN(int n);
// Launch the right-most app on the shelf.
ASH_EXPORT void LaunchLastApp();
// Lock the screen.
ASH_EXPORT void LockScreen();
// Fast-forward playing media.
ASH_EXPORT void MediaFastForward();
// Go to the next media track.
ASH_EXPORT void MediaNextTrack();
// Pause media.
ASH_EXPORT void MediaPause();
// Play media.
ASH_EXPORT void MediaPlay();
// Toggle pause or play on media.
ASH_EXPORT void MediaPlayPause();
// To to the previous media track.
ASH_EXPORT void MediaPrevTrack();
// Rewind playing media.
ASH_EXPORT void MediaRewind();
// Stop playing media.
ASH_EXPORT void MediaStop();
// Toggle microphone mute.
ASH_EXPORT void MicrophoneMuteToggle();
// Open a new incognito browser window.
ASH_EXPORT void NewIncognitoWindow();
// Open a new browser window.
ASH_EXPORT void NewWindow();
// Open the calculator app.
ASH_EXPORT void OpenCalculator();
// Open Crosh.
ASH_EXPORT void OpenCrosh();
// Open the diagnostics app.
ASH_EXPORT void OpenDiagnostics();
// Open the feedback app.
ASH_EXPORT void OpenFeedbackPage();
// Open the file manager app.
ASH_EXPORT void OpenFileManager();
// Open the help/explore app.
ASH_EXPORT void OpenHelp();
// Reset the display zooming to the default state.
ASH_EXPORT void ResetDisplayZoom();
// Restore the last closed tab in the browser.
ASH_EXPORT void RestoreTab();
// Change primary display to the secondary display next to current primary
// display
ASH_EXPORT void ShiftPrimaryDisplay();
// Toogles to show and hide the calendar widget.
ASH_EXPORT void ToggleCalendar();
// Toggles the fullscreen state. The behavior can be overridden
// by WindowStateDelegate::ToggleFullscreen().
ASH_EXPORT void ToggleFullscreen();
// Toggle keyboard backlight.
ASH_EXPORT void ToggleKeyboardBacklight();
// Toggles the maxmized state. If the window is in fulllscreen, it exits
// fullscreen mode.
ASH_EXPORT void ToggleMaximized();
// Minimizes the active window, if present. If no windows are active, restores
// the first unminimized window. Returns true if a window was minimized or
// restored.
ASH_EXPORT bool ToggleMinimized();
// Toggles the resize lock mode menu for a focused ARC++ resize-locked app if
// present.
ASH_EXPORT void ToggleResizeLockMenu();
// If a window is pinned (aka forced fullscreen), exit from pinned mode.
ASH_EXPORT void UnpinWindow();
// Change the display zooming up or down.
ASH_EXPORT bool ZoomDisplay(bool up);
} // namespace accelerators
} // namespace ash