blob: 2f8d84ea452d8cdd807d3d41ca8260d3d99132ec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// A crazy linker test to test callbacks for delayed execution.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <crazy_linker.h>
#include "test_util.h" // For Panic()
#include "crazy_linker_util_threads.h"
namespace {
typedef void (*FunctionPtr)();
// Data block passed between callback poster and callback handler.
// It is used to hold a single crazy_callback_t instance while allowing
// synchronization between two threads, i.e.:
// - One thread can cann SetCallback() to set the callback.
// - Another thread can call WaitForSetCallback() to wait for the first
// one to call SetCallback() and retrieve the callback value.
// - Once SetCallback() was called, RunCallback() can be called to
// actually run the callback and clear the state.
class SharedState {
SharedState() : cond_(&mutex_) {}
// Set the callback in the shared state. This will signal WaitForSetCallback()
void SetCallback(crazy_callback_t callback) {
crazy::AutoLock m(&mutex_);
callback_ = callback;
// Returns true iff a callback is stored in this state, e.g. after
// calling SetCallback().
bool HasCallback() const {
crazy::AutoLock m(&mutex_);
return callback_.handler != nullptr;
// Wait until SetCallback() is called from another thread.
// Return the corresponding value and return the callback, clearing
// the shared state.
void WaitForCallback() {
// Wait for the library close to call PostCallback() before returning.
while (!callback_.handler) {
// Run the callback. This will panic if SetCallback() was not called
// previously.
void RunCallback() {
if (!callback_.handler) {
Panic("No callback set in shared state!\n");
// Run the callback, then clear it.
callback_.handler = nullptr;
callback_.opaque = nullptr;
crazy_callback_t callback_ = {};
mutable crazy::Mutex mutex_;
crazy::Condition cond_;
// This function is called from the crazy linker whenever a new pending
// operation must be run on the UI thread. |callback| will have to be
// run later from another thread in this sample program, by calling
// crazy_callback_run().
bool PostCallback(crazy_callback_t* callback, void* poster_opaque) {
printf("Post callback, poster_opaque %p, handler %p, opaque %p\n",
poster_opaque, callback->handler, callback->opaque);
return true;
// A simple thread that will close a crazy_library_t instance in its
// main body then exit immediately. Note that closing the library will
// force the linker to wait for the completion of any callbacks that
// were sent through PostCallback().
class CloserThread : public crazy::ThreadBase {
CloserThread(crazy_library_t* library, crazy_context_t* context)
: library_(library), context_(context) {}
void Main() override { crazy_library_close_with_context(library_, context_); }
crazy_library_t* library_;
crazy_context_t* context_;
} // namespace
#define LIB_NAME ""
int main() {
crazy_context_t* context = crazy_context_create();
crazy_library_t* library;
crazy_context_set_load_address(context, 0x20000000);
// Set a callback poster, then verify it was set properly.
SharedState shared_state;
crazy_context_set_callback_poster(context, &PostCallback, &shared_state);
crazy_callback_poster_t poster;
void* poster_opaque;
crazy_context_get_callback_poster(context, &poster, &poster_opaque);
if (poster != &PostCallback || poster_opaque != &shared_state) {
Panic("Get callback poster error\n");
// Load library, this will end up calling PostCallback() to register
// a delayed linker operation to modify the global list of libraries.
if (!crazy_library_open(&library, LIB_NAME, context)) {
Panic("Could not open library: %s\n", crazy_context_get_error(context));
// Run the posted callback in the main thread. This should always work.
if (!shared_state.HasCallback()) {
Panic("Delayed callback was not received in main thread!\n");
// Find the "Foo" symbol.
FunctionPtr foo_func;
if (!crazy_library_find_symbol(
library, "Foo", reinterpret_cast<void**>(&foo_func))) {
Panic("Could not find 'Foo' in %s\n", LIB_NAME);
// Call it.
// Closing the library will also call PostCallback() to register another
// callback, but the linker will then wait for its explicit completion
// before returning (this ensures any trace of the library was removed
// from the global list properly). To check this here, create a background
// thread to close the library, which will block until the callback is run
// below in the main thread.
CloserThread thread(library, context);
printf("background closing-thread created\n");
printf("callback received from background thread\n");
printf("callback ran in the main thread\n");
printf("background thread completed, library is closed\n");
return 0;