blob: 4af23ffd5e9b1ed2fae207e01158e664cf361ce2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Instantiates a Chrome-specific app bundle.
# Supports most variables of chrome_feature_module and android_app_bundle, plus:
# module_descs: List of descriptors for modules that are part of this bundle.
# See //chrome/android/modules/chrome_feature_modules.gni for the format of
# a module descriptor.
# is_64_bit_browser: (Optional) Whether Chrome (as opposed to WebView) runs in
# 64 bit.
# include_32_bit_webview: (Optional) Whether to include 32 bit code for
# WebView.
template("chrome_bundle") {
_bundle_target_name = target_name
_package_id = 126 # == 0x7e.
_extra_modules = []
foreach(_module_desc, invoker.module_descs) {
assert(_package_id > 2, "Too many modules, ran out of package IDs!")
"${_bundle_target_name}__${}_bundle_module") {
module_desc = _module_desc
version_name = chrome_version_name
uncompress_shared_libraries =
invoker.is_monochrome_or_trichrome || chromium_linker_supported
# Each module needs a unique resource package ID so that we don't have ID
# collisions between feature modules.
package_id = _package_id
_module_desc.module_target =
_extra_modules += [ _module_desc ]
_package_id -= 1
# Determine whether the bundle has native libraries for both the primary and
# the secondary ABI. This is the case if we package WebView with the
# complementary ABI of the browser.
_is_64_bit_browser =
defined(invoker.is_64_bit_browser) && invoker.is_64_bit_browser
_include_32_bit_webview =
defined(invoker.include_32_bit_webview) && invoker.include_32_bit_webview
_is_multi_abi = false
if (_is_64_bit_browser) {
_is_multi_abi = _include_32_bit_webview
} else {
# WebView is included with 64bit ABI if |android_64bit_target_cpu| is true.
_is_multi_abi = android_64bit_target_cpu
android_app_bundle(target_name) {
command_line_flags_file = "chrome-command-line"
proguard_enabled = !is_java_debug
enable_language_splits = true
extra_modules = _extra_modules
system_image_locale_whitelist = android_non_bundle_locales
is_multi_abi = _is_multi_abi
# NOTE: Only sign bundle for official builds since this is very slow.
if (enable_chrome_android_internal && use_signing_keys &&
is_official_build) {
sign_bundle = true
keystore_path = chrome_keystore_path
keystore_name = chrome_keystore_name
keystore_password = chrome_keystore_password