blob: 4bbe3ef8c0d04ad9dc9484e08f6e3d8693262864 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module blink.mojom;
import "cc/mojom/touch_action.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/string16.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/unguessable_token.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/content_security_policy.mojom";
import "skia/public/mojom/skcolor.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/ad_tagging/ad_frame.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/devtools/console_message.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/devtools/inspector_issue.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/feature_policy/feature_policy.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/blocked_navigation_types.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/fullscreen.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/intrinsic_sizing_info.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/lifecycle.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/media_player_action.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/sudden_termination_disabler_type.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/user_activation_update_types.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/input/focus_type.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/input/scroll_direction.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/timing/resource_timing.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/web_feature/web_feature.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/scroll/scroll_into_view_params.mojom";
import "ui/events/mojom/scroll_granularity.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/geometry/mojom/geometry.mojom";
import "url/mojom/origin.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";
struct FindInPageResultAXParams {
// The find in page request id.
int32 request_id;
// The index of the result match.
int32 match_index;
// The id of the accessibility object for the start of the match range.
int32 start_id;
// The character offset into the text of the start object.
int32 start_offset;
// The id of the accessibility object for the end of the match range.
int32 end_id;
// The character offset into the text of the end object.
int32 end_offset;
// Implemented in Browser, this interface defines frame-specific methods that
// will be invoked from the render process (e.g. content::RenderFrameHostImpl).
// Note that this is different than content/common/frame.mojom in that the
// methods defined here are called directly in Blink without passing through
// content. In the future this interface will likely host more methods as the
// Onion Soup project advances, which can potentially lead to the removal of
// content/common/frame.mojom if enough code is moved to Blink.
interface LocalFrameHost {
// Request to the browser that the frame wishes to enter fullscreen mode.
EnterFullscreen(FullscreenOptions options);
// Request to the browser to exit fullscreen mode.
// Notifies the browser that the current frame has either become or is no
// longer fullscreen.
FullscreenStateChanged(bool is_fullscreen);
// Register a new handler for URL requests with the given scheme. |scheme|,
// |url|, and |title| are provided directly from javascript. See
// |user_gesture| indicates if the javascript API was called in context of
// having an active transient user gesture.
RegisterProtocolHandler(string scheme, url.mojom.Url url,
mojo_base.mojom.String16 title, bool user_gesture);
// Unregister the registered handler for URL requests with the given scheme.
// |scheme|, and |url| are provided directly from javascript. See
// |user_gesture| indicates if the javascript API was called in context of
// having an active transient user gesture.
UnregisterProtocolHandler(string scheme, url.mojom.Url url, bool user_gesture);
// Indication that the associated frame has displayed inactive content
// (such as an image) from an insecure source. Inactive content cannot spread
// to other frames.
// Indication that the associated frame contains a form that submits to an
// insecure target url.
// Indicates that the document element is available for the top-level frame.
// This happens after the page starts loading, but before all resources are
// finished.
DocumentAvailableInMainFrame(bool uses_temporary_zoom_level);
// Indicates that a child frame requires its parent frame to send it
// information about whether it is occluded or has visual effects applied,
// in order to service IntersectionObserver's that track visibility.
SetNeedsOcclusionTracking(bool needs_tracking);
// Notifies the browser that the current frame has changed its lifecycle
// state.
LifecycleStateChanged(blink.mojom.FrameLifecycleState state);
// Evicts the page from the back/forward cache due to e.g., JavaScript
// execution.
// Notifies the browser that the associated frame has changed its visibility
// status. Visibility status changes occur when the frame moves in/out
// of the viewport, or the need for a layout object changes, e.g. if the
// frame owner assigns a display: none style.
VisibilityChanged(blink.mojom.FrameVisibility visibility);
// Notifies the browser that the associated frame has changed theme color.
// This will only be called on main-frames only. |theme_color| is optional
// and indicates if a theme color has been specified or not, e.g. removal
// of a theme color meta tag will generate a null value.
DidChangeThemeColor(skia.mojom.SkColor? theme_color);
// Sent when the renderer fails to load with |error_code| which means a net
// error code.
DidFailLoadWithError(url.mojom.Url url, int32 error_code);
// Sent by the renderer when the associated frame becomes focused.
// Notifies the browser process about a new Content Security Policy that needs
// to be applies to the frame. This message is sent when a frame commits
// navigation to a new location (reporting accumulated policies from HTTP
// headers and/or policies that might have been inherited from the parent
// frame) or when a new policy has been discovered afterwards (i.e. found in a
// dynamically added or a static <meta> element).
array<network.mojom.ContentSecurityPolicy> policies);
// Sent when the frame starts enforcing an insecure request policy. Sending
// this information in DidCommitProvisionalLoad isn't sufficient; this
// message is needed because, for example, a document can dynamically insert
// a <meta> tag that causes strict mixed content checking to be enforced.
// Argument |policy_bitmap| represents blink::WebInsecureRequestPolicy uint8
// bitfield.
EnforceInsecureRequestPolicy(uint8 policy_bitmap);
// Elements of |set| are hashes of hosts to upgrade.
EnforceInsecureNavigationsSet(array<uint32> set);
// Sent by the blink's FrameScheduler when a list of active features
// the scheduler tracks changes.
// See blink::scheduler::SchedulingPolicy::Feature for the meaning
// of the individual bits.
// TODO(altimin): Move into a separate scheduling interface.
DidChangeActiveSchedulerTrackedFeatures(uint64 features_mask);
// Sent when a new sudden termination disabler condition is either introduced
// or removed.
SuddenTerminationDisablerChanged(bool present,
SuddenTerminationDisablerType disabler_type);
// Notifies the browser that the associated frame received a user gesture on
// a previous navigation on the same eTLD+1. This ensures the state is
// propagated to any remote frames.
HadStickyUserActivationBeforeNavigationChanged(bool has_gesture);
// Sent by a local root to request scrolling in its parent process.
ScrollRectToVisibleInParentFrame(gfx.mojom.Rect rect_to_scroll,
ScrollIntoViewParams params);
// Sent by a local root to continue bubbling a logical scroll in its parent
// process.
BubbleLogicalScrollInParentFrame(ScrollDirection direction,
ui.mojom.ScrollGranularity granularity);
// Indicates that another page has accessed the DOM of the initial empty
// document of a main frame. After this, it is no longer safe to show a
// pending navigation's URL, because a URL spoof is possible.
// Indicates an attempt by the associated frame to navigate from the
// |initiator_url| to the |blocked_url|, but the navigation was
// blocked because of |reason|.
DidBlockNavigation(url.mojom.Url blocked_url, url.mojom.Url initiator_url,
blink.mojom.NavigationBlockedReason reason);
// Sent when the renderer changed the progress of a load.
DidChangeLoadProgress(double load_progress);
// Dispatch a load event for this frame in the iframe element of an
// out-of-process parent frame. Once handled, the browser process should
// call RemoteFrame::DispatchLoadEventForFrameOwner() in the renderer.
// Tells the browser to navigate back or forward in session history by
// the given offset (relative to the current position in session
// history). |has_user_gesture| tells whether or not this is the consequence
// of a user action.
GoToEntryAtOffset(int32 offset, bool has_user_gesture);
// Asks the frame host to notify the owner element in parent process that it
// should render fallback content.
// Indicates that the user activation state in the current frame has been
// updated, so the replicated states need to be synced (in the browser process
// as well as in all other renderer processes).
UpdateUserActivationState(UserActivationUpdateType update_type);
// Provides accessibility information about a find in page result.
HandleAccessibilityFindInPageResult(FindInPageResultAXParams params);
// Provides accessibility information about the termination of a find
// in page operation.
// Sent after the onload handler has been invoked for the document
// in this frame. Sent for top-level frames.
// Notifies the browser that resource timing information is available and
// should be added to the performance entries of the parent frame.
ForwardResourceTimingToParent(ResourceTimingInfo timing);
// Notifies the browser that a document has been loaded.
// A request to run a JavaScript dialog displaying |alert_message|.
RunModalAlertDialog(mojo_base.mojom.String16 alert_message) => ();
// A request to run a JavaScript dialog displaying |alert_message|.
// |success| will be true if the user clicked 'OK', false if the
// dialog was canceled.
RunModalConfirmDialog(mojo_base.mojom.String16 alert_message) =>
(bool success);
// A request to run a confirm JavaScript dialog displaying
// |alert_message| with an editable text area with |default_value|.
// |success| will be true if the user clicked 'OK', false if the
// dialog was canceled. |result| will contain the result of
// the editable text area.
RunModalPromptDialog(mojo_base.mojom.String16 alert_message,
mojo_base.mojom.String16 default_value) =>
(bool success, mojo_base.mojom.String16 result);
// A request to run a confirmation JavaScript dialog. |is_reload|
// contains it the navigation causing the unload is a reload event.
// |success| contains whether the page should be unloaded or not.
RunBeforeUnloadConfirm(bool is_reload) => (bool success);
// A request to check whether WebGL is explicitly blocked.
Are3DAPIsBlocked() => (bool blocked);
// Implemented in Blink, this interface defines frame-specific methods that will
// be invoked from the browser process (e.g. content::RenderFrameHostImpl).
// Note that this is different than content/common/frame.mojom in that the
// methods defined here are handled directly in Blink without passing through
// content. In the future this interface will likely host more methods as the
// Onion Soup project advances, which can potentially lead to the removal of
// content/common/frame.mojom if enough code is moved to Blink.
interface LocalFrame {
// Retrieves the text surrounding the current selection for the frame up to
// the length specified by |max_length|, along with its start and end offsets.
GetTextSurroundingSelection(uint32 max_length)
=> (mojo_base.mojom.String16 content, uint32 start_offset,
uint32 end_offset);
// Creates an intervention report in the frame with contents |id| and
// |message|, returns once the report has been queued. |id| identifies the
// intervention that occurred. |message| is a human-readable string that
// can provide additional context to the cause of the intervention.
SendInterventionReport(string id, string message);
// Notifies the RenderFrame about a user activation detected in the browser
// side (e.g. during Android voice search).
// Add message to the frame console.
AddMessageToConsole(ConsoleMessageLevel level, string message,
bool discard_duplicates);
// Add devtools issue to the frames issue storage.
// Issues offer a more structured way to surface problems in DevTools than
// doing so via console messages.
AddInspectorIssue(InspectorIssueCode code);
// Sent to a frame when one of its remote children finishes loading, so that
// the frame can update its loading state.
// Sent to the process that owns this frame's HTMLFrameOwnerElement to
// control whether the element is collapsed or not. If the element is
// collapsed, it will be removed from the layout tree of its parent
// frame's document.
Collapse(bool collapsed);
// Used to instruct the frame to go into "view source" mode. This should
// only be sent to the main frame.
// Notifies this frame that it is now focused. This is used to
// support cross-process focused frame changes.
// Notifies this frame to clear the focused element (if any).
// Copies the image at |window_point| to the clipboard (if there indeed is an
// image at that |window_point|).
CopyImageAt(gfx.mojom.Point window_point);
// Saves the image at |window_point| to the disk (if there indeed is an image
// at that |window_point|).
SaveImageAt(gfx.mojom.Point window_point);
// Updates the frame with a list of unique WebFeature values representing
// Blink features used, performed or encountered by the browser during the
// current page load happening on the frame.
ReportBlinkFeatureUsage(array<blink.mojom.WebFeature> features);
// Sent to this frame in parent frame's process to ask for rendering fallback
// contents. This only happens for frame owners which render their own
// fallback contents (i.e., <object>).
// Instructs the frame to invoke the beforeunload event handler.
// The closure callback is invoked to acknowledge the browser that
// the beforeunload event is handled. |proceed| matches the return value
// of the frame's beforeunload handler: true if the user decided to proceed
// with leaving the page.
BeforeUnload(bool is_reload)
=> (bool proceed, mojo_base.mojom.TimeTicks before_unload_start_time,
mojo_base.mojom.TimeTicks before_unload_end_time);
// Tells the renderer to perform the given action on the media player location
// at the given point in the view coordinate space.
MediaPlayerActionAt(gfx.mojom.Point location, blink.mojom.MediaPlayerAction action);
// Notifies this Frame to advance the focus to next input node in the form by
// moving in specified direction if the currently focused node is a Text node
// (textfield, text area or content editable nodes).
AdvanceFocusInForm(blink.mojom.FocusType focus_type);
// Notifies the document navigation was blocked because a content security
// policy was violated.
ReportContentSecurityPolicyViolation(network.mojom.CSPViolation violation);
// Implemented in Browser, this interface defines frame-specific methods that
// will be invoked from the render process (e.g. blink::RemoteFrame).
// Note that this is different than content/common/frame.mojom in that the
// methods defined here are called directly in Blink without passing through
// content. In the future this interface will likely host more methods as the
// Onion Soup project advances, which can potentially lead to the removal of
// content/common/frame.mojom if enough code is moved to Blink.
interface RemoteFrameHost {
// Notifies that an effective touch action has been calculated from an
// ancestor of the associated RemoteFrame and should be propogated to
// the associated LocalFrame in the other render process.
SetInheritedEffectiveTouchAction(cc.mojom.TouchAction touch_action);
// Toggles render throttling on a remote frame. |is_throttled| indicates
// whether the current frame should be throttled based on its viewport
// visibility, and |subtree_throttled| indicates that an ancestor frame has
// been throttled, so all descendant frames also should be throttled.
UpdateRenderThrottlingStatus(bool is_throttled, bool subtree_throttled);
// Notifies the browser that the associated frame has changed its visibility
// status. Visibility status changes occur when the frame moves in/out
// of the viewport, or the need for a layout object changes, e.g. if the
// frame owner assigns a display: none style.
VisibilityChanged(blink.mojom.FrameVisibility visibility);
// Sent by the renderer when the frame becomes focused.
// Use to notify a parent remote frame that a local child frame has finished
// loading. This will be forwarded to the renderer hosting the parent's local
// frame to see if the parent can be marked as completed loading.
// Sent by the renderer to request a paint preview of a subframe. |clip_rect|
// is the size of the frame in it's parent. |guid| is an an identifier for
// all the capture work (regardless of the process captures are happening in)
// that allows the results to be grouped together, even if there are multiple
// requests in-flight.
gfx.mojom.Rect clip_rect, mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken guid);
// Sent by a parent frame to notify its child that the renderer has determined
// the DOM subtree it represents is inert and should no longer process input
// events.
SetIsInert(bool inert);
// Implemented in Blink, this interface defines frame-specific methods that will
// be invoked from the browser process (e.g. content::RenderFrameProxyHost).
// Note that this is different than content/common/frame.mojom in that the
// methods defined here are handled directly in Blink without passing through
// content. In the future this interface will likely host more methods as the
// Onion Soup project advances, which can potentially lead to the removal of
// content/common/frame.mojom if enough code is moved to Blink.
interface RemoteFrame {
// Sent to a frame proxy when its real frame is preparing to enter fullscreen
// in another process. Actually entering fullscreen will be done separately
// as part of ViewMsg_Resize, once the browser process has resized the tab for
// fullscreen.
// Updates replicated ContentSecurityPolicy on the remote frame's
// SecurityContent.
array<network.mojom.ContentSecurityPolicyHeader> headers);
// Resets the replicated ContentSecurityPolicy on the remote frame's
// SecurityContext. Used to reset CSP from the previous document on
// a cross-document navigation.
// Update replicated set for enforcement of insecure navigations. |set|
// is a hashed set of host/port pairs. See
// SecurityContext::SetInsecureNavigationsSet.
EnforceInsecureNavigationsSet(array<uint32> set);
// Update the replicated origin. Used when the frame is navigated to a
// new origin.
SetReplicatedOrigin(url.mojom.Origin origin,
bool is_potentially_trustworthy_unique_origin);
// Update the replicated ad frame type. Used when the frame is determined to
// be an ad frame.
SetReplicatedAdFrameType(blink.mojom.AdFrameType ad_frame_type);
// Sent to dispatch a load event in the frame's owner element.
// (eg. the iframe, portal, or object element).
// Sent to the remote frame placeholder in the parent process to indicate the
// associated frame in the child process requires information about
// whether it is occluded or has visual effects applied.
SetNeedsOcclusionTracking(bool needs_tracking);
// Sent to the process that owns this frame's HTMLFrameOwnerElement to
// control whether the element is collapsed or not. If the element is
// collapsed, it will be removed from the layout tree of its parent
// frame's document.
Collapse(bool collapsed);
// Notifies this remote frame that it is now focused. This is used to
// support cross-process focused frame changes.
// Notifies this remote frame to mark that the previous document on that
// frame had received a user gesture on the same eTLD+1.
SetHadStickyUserActivationBeforeNavigation(bool has_gesture);
// Sent to the remote frame placeholder in the parent process to continue
// bubbling a logical scroll from a cross-process frame.
BubbleLogicalScroll(ScrollDirection direction,
ui.mojom.ScrollGranularity granularity);
// Sent to the remote frame placeholder in the parent process to update the
// user activation state in appropriate part of the frame tree (ancestors for
// activation notification and all nodes for consumption).
UpdateUserActivationState(blink.mojom.UserActivationUpdateType state_update_type);
// Sent to the process that owns this frame's HTMLFrameOwnerElement to
// set the embedding token. This token uniquely specifies the relationship
// between a frame and its parent.
SetEmbeddingToken(mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken embedding_token);
// Sets page-level focus and notifies FocusController.
SetPageFocus(bool is_focused);
// Sent to the remote frame in parent frame's process to ask for rendering fallback
// contents. This only happens for frame owners which render their own
// fallback contents (i.e., <object>).
// Sent to the remote frame placeholder in the parent process so that
// resource timing information can be added to the parent frame.
AddResourceTimingFromChild(ResourceTimingInfo timing);
// Sent to the remote frame placeholder in the parent process to request
// scrolling.
ScrollRectToVisible(gfx.mojom.Rect rect, ScrollIntoViewParams params);
// Notifies this remote frame that its corresponding document has started
// loading.
// Notifies this remote frame that its corresponding document has completed
// loading.
// Sent to the remote frame placeholder in the parent process indicating the
// intrinsic sizing parameters of the content frame have changed. Generated
// when the browser receives a WidgetHostMsg_IntrinsicSizingInfoChanged.
IntrinsicSizingInfoOfChildChanged(IntrinsicSizingInfo sizing_info);
// Used to replicate the updated sandbox flags and feature policy headers to
// all corresponding remote frames of a local frame when a navigation commits.
DidSetFramePolicyHeaders(blink.mojom.WebSandboxFlags sandbox_flags,
array<blink.mojom.ParsedFeaturePolicyDeclaration> parsed_feature_policy);
// Implemented in Blink, this interface defines main-frame-specific methods that
// will be invoked from the browser process (e.g. content::WebContentsImpl).
// There is only ever one local main frame for a given tab in all renderer
// processes.
// This interface will only be provided when the LocalFrame is a main frame.
interface LocalMainFrame {
// Scales the view without affecting layout by using the visual viewport.
SetScaleFactor(float scale);