blob: 4e4126d32ca9835ec681b58fae2e21aa2324e14e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/installer/util/google_update_constants.h"
namespace google_update {
const wchar_t kChromeUpgradeCode[] = L"{8A69D345-D564-463C-AFF1-A69D9E530F96}";
const wchar_t kRegPathClients[] = L"Software\\Google\\Update\\Clients";
const wchar_t kRegPathClientState[] = L"Software\\Google\\Update\\ClientState";
const wchar_t kRegPathClientStateMedium[]
= L"Software\\Google\\Update\\ClientStateMedium";
const wchar_t kRegCommandsKey[] = L"Commands";
const wchar_t kRegApField[] = L"ap";
const wchar_t kRegBrandField[] = L"brand";
const wchar_t kRegBrowserField[] = L"browser";
const wchar_t kRegCFEndTempOptOutCmdField[] = L"CFEndTempOptOutCmd";
const wchar_t kRegCFOptInCmdField[] = L"CFOptInCmd";
const wchar_t kRegCFOptOutCmdField[] = L"CFOptOutCmd";
const wchar_t kRegCFTempOptOutCmdField[] = L"CFTempOptOutCmd";
const wchar_t kRegClientField[] = L"client";
const wchar_t kRegCommandLineField[] = L"CommandLine";
const wchar_t kRegCriticalVersionField[] = L"cpv";
const wchar_t kRegDidRunField[] = L"dr";
const wchar_t kRegEULAAceptedField[] = L"eulaaccepted";
const wchar_t kRegLangField[] = L"lang";
const wchar_t kRegLastCheckedField[] = L"LastChecked";
const wchar_t kRegLastRunTimeField[] = L"lastrun";
const wchar_t kRegMetricsId[] = L"metricsid";
const wchar_t kRegMSIField[] = L"msi";
const wchar_t kRegNameField[] = L"name";
const wchar_t kRegOemInstallField[] = L"oeminstall";
const wchar_t kRegOldVersionField[] = L"opv";
const wchar_t kRegOopcrashesField[] = L"oopcrashes";
const wchar_t kRegRLZBrandField[] = L"brand";
const wchar_t kRegRLZReactivationBrandField[] = L"reactivationbrand";
const wchar_t kRegReferralField[] = L"referral";
const wchar_t kRegRenameCmdField[] = L"cmd";
const wchar_t kRegSendsPingsField[] = L"SendsPings";
const wchar_t kRegUsageStatsField[] = L"usagestats";
const wchar_t kRegVersionField[] = L"pv";
const wchar_t kRegWebAccessibleField[] = L"WebAccessible";
} // namespace google_update