blob: 4d7d7651072164b0d6debd841665560f8da9eb11 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/overlay_interstitial_ad_detector.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/features.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/dom_node_ids.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/local_frame.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/local_frame_client.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/html_frame_owner_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/html_image_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_object.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_object_inlines.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_view.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/paint_timing.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/scroll/scrollable_area.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
constexpr base::TimeDelta kFireInterval = base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1);
constexpr double kLargeAdSizeToViewportSizeThreshold = 0.1;
// An overlay interstitial element shouldn't move with scrolling and should be
// able to overlap with other contents. So, either:
// 1) one of its container ancestors (including itself) has fixed position.
// 2) <body> or <html> has style="overflow:hidden", and among its container
// ancestors (including itself), the 2nd to the top (where the top should always
// be the <body>) has absolute position.
bool IsOverlayCandidate(Element* element) {
const ComputedStyle* style = nullptr;
LayoutView* layout_view = element->GetDocument().GetLayoutView();
LayoutObject* object = element->GetLayoutObject();
DCHECK_NE(object, layout_view);
for (; object != layout_view; object = object->Container()) {
style = object->Style();
// 'style' is now the ComputedStyle for the object whose position depends
// on the document.
if (style->HasViewportConstrainedPosition() ||
style->HasStickyConstrainedPosition()) {
return true;
if (style->GetPosition() == EPosition::kAbsolute)
return !object->StyleRef().ScrollsOverflow();
return false;
} // namespace
void OverlayInterstitialAdDetector::MaybeFireDetection(LocalFrame* main_frame) {
if (popup_ad_detected_)
// Skip any measurement before the FCP.
if (PaintTiming::From(*main_frame->GetDocument())
.is_null()) {
base::Time current_time = base::Time::Now();
if (started_detection_ &&
features::kFrequencyCappingForOverlayPopupDetection) &&
current_time < last_detection_time_ + kFireInterval)
started_detection_ = true;
last_detection_time_ = current_time;
IntSize main_frame_size = main_frame->GetMainFrameViewportSize();
if (main_frame_size != last_detection_main_frame_size_) {
// Reset the candidate when the the viewport size has changed. Changing
// the viewport size could influence the layout and may trick the detector
// into believing that an element appeared and was dismissed, but what
// could have happened is that the element no longer covers the center,
// but still exists (e.g. a sticky ad at the top).
candidate_id_ = kInvalidDOMNodeId;
// Reset |content_has_been_stable_| to so that the current hit-test element
// will be marked unqualified. We don't want to consider an overlay as a
// popup if it wasn't counted before and only satisfies the conditions later
// due to viewport size change.
content_has_been_stable_ = false;
last_detection_main_frame_size_ = main_frame_size;
// We want to explicitly prevent mid-roll ads from being categorized as
// pop-ups. Skip the detection if we are in the middle of a video play.
if (main_frame->View()->HasDominantVideoElement())
HitTestLocation location(DoublePoint(main_frame_size.Width() / 2.0,
main_frame_size.Height() / 2.0));
HitTestResult result;
main_frame->ContentLayoutObject()->HitTestNoLifecycleUpdate(location, result);
Element* element = result.InnerElement();
if (!element)
DOMNodeId element_id = DOMNodeIds::IdForNode(element);
// Skip considering the overlay for a pop-up candidate if we haven't seen or
// have just seen the first meaningful paint, or if the viewport size has just
// changed. If we have just seen the first meaningful paint, however, we
// would consider future overlays for pop-up candidates.
if (!content_has_been_stable_) {
if (!PaintTiming::From(*main_frame->GetDocument())
.is_null()) {
content_has_been_stable_ = true;
last_unqualified_element_id_ = element_id;
bool is_new_element = (element_id != candidate_id_);
// The popup candidate has just been dismissed.
if (is_new_element && candidate_id_ != kInvalidDOMNodeId) {
// If the main frame scrolling offset hasn't changed since the candidate's
// appearance, we consider it to be a overlay interstitial; otherwise, we
// skip that candidate because it could be a parallax/scroller ad.
if (main_frame->GetMainFrameScrollOffset().Y() ==
candidate_start_main_frame_scroll_offset_) {
OnPopupDetected(main_frame, candidate_is_ad_);
if (popup_ad_detected_)
last_unqualified_element_id_ = candidate_id_;
candidate_id_ = kInvalidDOMNodeId;
candidate_is_ad_ = false;
if (element_id == last_unqualified_element_id_)
if (!is_new_element) {
// Potentially update the ad status of the candidate from non-ad to ad.
// Ad tagging could occur after the initial painting (e.g. at loading time),
// and we are making the best effort to catch it.
if (element->IsAdRelated())
candidate_is_ad_ = true;
if (!element->GetLayoutObject())
IntRect overlay_rect = element->GetLayoutObject()->AbsoluteBoundingBoxRect();
bool is_large =
(overlay_rect.Size().Area() >
main_frame_size.Area() * kLargeAdSizeToViewportSizeThreshold);
bool has_gesture = LocalFrame::HasTransientUserActivation(main_frame);
bool is_ad = element->IsAdRelated();
if (!has_gesture && is_large && (!popup_detected_ || is_ad) &&
IsOverlayCandidate(element)) {
// If main page is not scrollable, immediately determinine the overlay
// to be a popup. There's is no need to check any state at the dismissal
// time.
if (!main_frame->GetDocument()->GetLayoutView()->HasScrollableOverflowY()) {
OnPopupDetected(main_frame, is_ad);
if (popup_ad_detected_)
candidate_id_ = element_id;
candidate_is_ad_ = is_ad;
candidate_start_main_frame_scroll_offset_ =
} else {
last_unqualified_element_id_ = element_id;
void OverlayInterstitialAdDetector::OnPopupDetected(LocalFrame* main_frame,
bool is_ad) {
if (!popup_detected_) {
UseCounter::Count(main_frame->GetDocument(), WebFeature::kOverlayPopup);
popup_detected_ = true;
if (is_ad) {
UseCounter::Count(main_frame->GetDocument(), WebFeature::kOverlayPopupAd);
popup_ad_detected_ = true;
} // namespace blink