blob: 8abbcb5d0bb3e3cbabad0c8d2d25cef7a0b9e8e8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece_forward.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/public/browser/mojo_binder_policy_map.h"
namespace content {
// Implements MojoBinderPolicyMap and owns a policy map.
class CONTENT_EXPORT MojoBinderPolicyMapImpl : public MojoBinderPolicyMap {
// This constructor is for testing.
explicit MojoBinderPolicyMapImpl(
const base::flat_map<std::string, MojoBinderNonAssociatedPolicy>&
~MojoBinderPolicyMapImpl() override;
// Disallows copy and move operations.
MojoBinderPolicyMapImpl(const MojoBinderPolicyMapImpl& other) = delete;
MojoBinderPolicyMapImpl& operator=(const MojoBinderPolicyMapImpl& other) =
MojoBinderPolicyMapImpl(MojoBinderPolicyMapImpl&&) = delete;
MojoBinderPolicyMapImpl& operator=(MojoBinderPolicyMapImpl&&) = delete;
// Returns the instance used by MojoBinderPolicyApplier for prerendering
// pages.
// This is used when the prerendered page and the page that triggered the
// prerendering are same origin. Currently this is the only use of this class.
static const MojoBinderPolicyMapImpl* GetInstanceForSameOriginPrerendering();
// Gets the corresponding policy of a given Mojo interface name.
// If the interface name is not in `non_associated_policy_map_`, the given
// `default_policy` will be returned.
// Callers should ensure that the corresponding interface is used as a
// non-associated interface in the context. If the interface is used as a
// channel-associated interface, they should call
// `GetAssociatedMojoBinderPolicy`.
MojoBinderNonAssociatedPolicy GetNonAssociatedMojoBinderPolicy(
const std::string& interface_name,
const MojoBinderNonAssociatedPolicy default_policy) const;
// Gets the corresponding policy of a given Mojo interface name.
// If the interface name is not in `associated_policy_map_`, the given
// `default_policy` will be returned.
// Callers should ensure that the corresponding interface is used as a
// channel-associated interface in the context. If the interface is used as a
// non-associated interface, they should call
// `GetNonAssociatedMojoBinderPolicy`.
MojoBinderAssociatedPolicy GetAssociatedMojoBinderPolicy(
const std::string& interface_name,
const MojoBinderAssociatedPolicy default_policy) const;
// Fails with DCHECK if the interface is not in `non_associated_policy_map_`.
MojoBinderNonAssociatedPolicy GetNonAssociatedMojoBinderPolicyOrDieForTesting(
const std::string& interface_name) const;
// Fails with DCHECK if the interface is not in `associated_policy_map_`.
MojoBinderAssociatedPolicy GetAssociatedMojoBinderPolicyOrDieForTesting(
const std::string& interface_name) const;
// MojoBinderPolicyMap implementation:
void SetPolicyByName(const base::StringPiece& name,
MojoBinderAssociatedPolicy policy) override;
void SetPolicyByName(const base::StringPiece& name,
MojoBinderNonAssociatedPolicy policy) override;
base::flat_map<std::string, MojoBinderNonAssociatedPolicy>
base::flat_map<std::string, MojoBinderAssociatedPolicy>
} // namespace content