blob: 7737d07308f7a2f83883c922fff4a38f8b22b07c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace content {
// The outcome of attempting to allow the sandbox access to network context data
// files.
// These values are persisted to logs as NetworkServiceSandboxGrantResult and
// should not be renumbered and numeric values should never be reused.
enum class SandboxGrantResult {
// A migration was requested and was successful.
kSuccess = 0,
// Failed to create the new cache directory if it did not already exist.
kFailedToCreateCacheDirectory = 1,
// Failed to create the new data directory if it did not already exist.
kFailedToCreateDataDirectory = 2,
// Failed to copy a data file from the `unsandboxed_data_path` to the
// `data_directory` during a migration operation.
kFailedToCopyData = 3,
// Failed to delete a data file from the `unsandboxed_data_path` after
// successfully moving it to the `data_directory` during a migration
// operation.
kFailedToDeleteOldData = 4,
// Failed to grant the sandbox access to the `http_cache_directory`.
kFailedToGrantSandboxAccessToCache = 5,
// Failed to grant the sandbox access to the `data_directory` so
// `unsandboxed_data_path` should be used.
kFailedToGrantSandboxAccessToData = 6,
// No migration was attempted either because of platform constraints or
// because the network context had no valid data paths (e.g. in-memory or
// incognito), or `unsandboxed_data_path` was not specified.
kDidNotAttemptToGrantSandboxAccess = 7,
// Failed to create the checkpoint file that indicates that the files in
// `data_directory` are valid.
kFailedToCreateCheckpointFile = 8,
// No migration was performed because the caller did not set
// `trigger_migration`. The `unsandboxed_data_path` should be used.
kNoMigrationRequested = 9,
// The migration has already completed on a previous load of this network
// context.
kMigrationAlreadySucceeded = 10,
// The migration has already completed on a previous load of this network
// context but it was not possible to grant the sandbox access to the data.
kMigrationAlreadySucceededWithNoAccess = 11,
kMaxValue = kMigrationAlreadySucceededWithNoAccess,
} // namespace content