blob: 94673682a77dd270c416060f3c5c564f6807f268 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "content/browser/url_info.h"
#include "content/browser/web_exposed_isolation_info.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/public/browser/storage_partition_config.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#include "url/origin.h"
namespace content {
class BrowserContext;
class IsolationContext;
class StoragePartitionConfig;
struct UrlInfo;
// SiteInfo represents the principal of a SiteInstance. All documents and
// workers within a SiteInstance are considered part of this principal and will
// share a renderer process. Any two documents within the same browsing context
// group (i.e., BrowsingInstance) that are allowed to script each other *must*
// have the same SiteInfo principal, so that they end up in the same renderer
// process.
// As a result, SiteInfo is primarily defined in terms of "site URL," which is
// often the scheme plus the eTLD+1 of a URL. This allows same-site URLs to
// always share a process even when document.domain is modified. However, some
// site URLs can be finer grained (e.g., origins) or coarser grained (e.g.,
// file://). See |site_url()| for more considerations.
// In the future, we may add more information to SiteInfo for cases where the
// site URL is not sufficient to identify which process a document belongs in.
// For example, origin isolation ( will introduce a
// 'keying' bit ('site' or 'origin') to avoid an ambiguity between sites and
// origins, and it will be possible for two SiteInstances with different keying
// values to have the same site URL. It is important that any extra members of
// SiteInfo do not cause two documents that can script each other to end up in
// different SiteInfos and thus different processes.
class CONTENT_EXPORT SiteInfo {
// Helper to create a SiteInfo that will be used for an error page. This is
// used only when error page isolation is enabled. Note that when site
// isolation for guests is enabled, an error page SiteInfo may also be
// associated with a guest.
static SiteInfo CreateForErrorPage(
const StoragePartitionConfig storage_partition_config,
bool is_guest);
// Helper to create a SiteInfo for default SiteInstances. Default
// SiteInstances are used for non-isolated sites on platforms without strict
// site isolation, such as on Android.
static SiteInfo CreateForDefaultSiteInstance(
BrowserContext* browser_context,
const StoragePartitionConfig storage_partition_config,
const WebExposedIsolationInfo& web_exposed_isolation_info);
// Helper to create a SiteInfo for a <webview> guest. This helper can be
// used for a new guest associated with a specific StoragePartitionConfig
// (prior to navigations).
static SiteInfo CreateForGuest(
BrowserContext* browser_context,
const StoragePartitionConfig& partition_config);
// This function returns a SiteInfo with the appropriate site_url and
// process_lock_url computed. This function can only be called on the UI
// thread because it must be able to compute an effective URL.
static SiteInfo Create(const IsolationContext& isolation_context,
const UrlInfo& url_info);
// Similar to the function above, but this method can only be called on the
// IO thread. All fields except for the site_url should be the same as
// the other method. The site_url field will match the process_lock_url
// in the object returned by this function. This is because we cannot compute
// the effective URL from the IO thread.
// `url_info` MUST contain a StoragePartitionConfig because we can't ask the
// embedder which StoragePartitionConfig to use from the IO thread.
// NOTE: Do not use this method unless there is a very clear and good reason
// to do so. It primarily exists to facilitate the creation of ProcessLocks
// from any thread. ProcessLocks do not rely on the site_url field so the
// difference between this method and Create() does not cause problems for
// that usecase.
static SiteInfo CreateOnIOThread(const IsolationContext& isolation_context,
const UrlInfo& url_info);
// Method to make creating SiteInfo objects for tests easier. It is a thin
// wrapper around Create() that uses UrlInfo::CreateForTesting(),
// and WebExposedIsolationInfo::CreateNonIsolated() to generate the
// information that is not provided.
static SiteInfo CreateForTesting(const IsolationContext& isolation_context,
const GURL& url);
// Returns the site of a given |origin|. Unlike Create(), this does
// not utilize effective URLs, isolated origins, or other special logic. It
// only translates an origin into a site (i.e., scheme and eTLD+1) and is
// used internally by GetSiteForURLInternal(). For making process model
// decisions, Create() should be used instead.
static GURL GetSiteForOrigin(const url::Origin& origin);
// Returns a StoragePartitionConfig for the specified URL.
// If |is_site_url| is set to true, then |url| MUST be a site URL that
// was generated by a SiteInfo. Otherwise the URL is interpreted as a
// user-provided URL or origin.
// Note: New callers of this method should be discouraged. New code should
// have access to a SiteInfo object and call GetStoragePartitionConfig() on
// that. For cases where code just needs the StoragePartition for a user
// provided URL or origin, it should use
// BrowserContext::GetStoragePartitionForUrl() instead of directly calling
// this method.
static StoragePartitionConfig GetStoragePartitionConfigForUrl(
BrowserContext* browser_context,
const GURL& url,
bool is_site_url);
// Initializes |storage_partition_config_| with a value appropriate for
// |browser_context|.
explicit SiteInfo(BrowserContext* browser_context);
// The SiteInfo constructor should take in all values needed for comparing two
// SiteInfos, to help ensure all creation sites are updated accordingly when
// new values are added. The private function MakeTie() should be updated
// accordingly.
SiteInfo(const GURL& site_url,
const GURL& process_lock_url,
bool requires_origin_keyed_process,
bool is_sandboxed,
const StoragePartitionConfig storage_partition_config,
const WebExposedIsolationInfo& web_exposed_isolation_info,
bool is_guest,
bool does_site_request_dedicated_process_for_coop,
bool is_jit_disabled,
bool is_pdf);
SiteInfo() = delete;
SiteInfo(const SiteInfo& rhs);
// This function returns a new SiteInfo which is equivalent to the original,
// except that (1) is_origin_keyed is false, and (2) the remaining SiteInfo
// state is used to compute a new SiteInfo from a UrlInfo reconstructed from
// the original SiteInfo, minus any OAC opt-in request.
SiteInfo GetNonOriginKeyedEquivalentForMetrics(
const IsolationContext& isolation_context) const;
// Returns a copy of `this` but with `is_sandboxed_` set to true.
SiteInfo SandboxedClone() const;
// Returns the site URL associated with all of the documents and workers in
// this principal, as described above.
// NOTE: In most cases, code should be performing checks against the origin
// returned by |RenderFrameHost::GetLastCommittedOrigin()|. In contrast, the
// GURL returned by |site_url()| should not be considered authoritative
// because:
// - A SiteInstance can host pages from multiple sites if "site per process"
// is not enabled and the SiteInstance isn't hosting pages that require
// process isolation (e.g. WebUI or extensions).
// - Even with site per process, the site URL is not an origin: while often
// derived from the origin, it only contains the scheme and the eTLD + 1,
// i.e. an origin with the host ""
// corresponds to a site URL with the host "".
// - When origin isolation is in use, there may be multiple SiteInstance with
// the same site_url() but that differ in other properties.
const GURL& site_url() const { return site_url_; }
// Returns the URL which should be used in a SetProcessLock call for this
// SiteInfo's process. This is the same as |site_url_| except for cases
// involving effective URLs, such as hosted apps. In those cases, this URL is
// a site URL that is computed without the use of effective URLs.
// NOTE: This URL is currently set even in cases where this SiteInstance's
// process is *not* going to be locked to it. Callers should be careful
// to consider this case when comparing lock URLs;
// ShouldLockProcessToSite() may be used to determine whether the
// process lock will actually be used.
// TODO(alexmos): See if we can clean this up and not set |process_lock_url_|
// if the SiteInstance's process isn't going to be locked.
const GURL& process_lock_url() const { return process_lock_url_; }
// Returns whether this SiteInfo requires an origin-keyed process, such as for
// an OriginAgentCluster response header. This resolves an ambiguity of
// whether a process with a lock_url() like "https://foo.example" is allowed
// to include "" or not. In opt-in isolation, it is
// possible for to be isolated, and not be
// isolated. In contrast, if command-line isolation is used to isolate
//, then is also (automatically) isolated.
// Also note that opt-in isolated origins will include ports (if non-default)
// in their site urls.
bool requires_origin_keyed_process() const {
return requires_origin_keyed_process_;
// The following accessor is for the `is_sandboxed` flag, which is true when
// this SiteInfo is for an origin-restricted-sandboxed iframe.
bool is_sandboxed() const { return is_sandboxed_; }
// Returns the web-exposed isolation status of pages hosted by the
// SiteInstance. The level of isolation which a page opts-into has
// implications for the set of other pages which can live in this
// SiteInstance, process allocation decisions, and API exposure in the page's
// JavaScript context.
const WebExposedIsolationInfo& web_exposed_isolation_info() const {
return web_exposed_isolation_info_;
bool is_guest() const { return is_guest_; }
bool is_error_page() const;
bool is_jit_disabled() const { return is_jit_disabled_; }
bool is_pdf() const { return is_pdf_; }
// See comments on `does_site_request_dedicated_process_for_coop_` for more
// details.
bool does_site_request_dedicated_process_for_coop() const {
return does_site_request_dedicated_process_for_coop_;
// Returns true if the site_url() is empty.
bool is_empty() const { return site_url().possibly_invalid_spec().empty(); }
SiteInfo& operator=(const SiteInfo& rhs);
// Determine whether one SiteInfo represents the same security principal as
// another SiteInfo. Note that this does not necessarily translate to an
// equality comparison of all the fields in SiteInfo (see comments in the
// implementation).
bool IsSamePrincipalWith(const SiteInfo& other) const;
// Returns true if all fields in `other` match the corresponding fields in
// this object.
bool IsExactMatch(const SiteInfo& other) const;
// Determines how a ProcessLock based on this SiteInfo compares to a
// ProcessLock based on the `other` SiteInfo. Note that this doesn't just
// compare all SiteInfo fields, e.g. it doesn't use site_url_ since that
// may include effective URLs.
// Returns -1 if `this` < `other`, 1 if `this` > `other`, 0 otherwise.
int ProcessLockCompareTo(const SiteInfo& other) const;
// Note: equality operators are defined in terms of IsSamePrincipalWith().
bool operator==(const SiteInfo& other) const;
bool operator!=(const SiteInfo& other) const;
// Defined to allow this object to act as a key for std::map and std::set.
// Note that the key is determined based on what distinguishes one security
// principal from another (see IsSamePrincipalWith) and does not necessarily
// include all the fields in SiteInfo.
bool operator<(const SiteInfo& other) const;
// Returns a string representation of this SiteInfo principal.
std::string GetDebugString() const;
// Returns true if pages loaded with this SiteInfo ought to be handled only
// by a renderer process isolated from other sites. If --site-per-process is
// used, like it is on desktop platforms, then this is true for all sites. In
// other site isolation modes, only a subset of sites will require dedicated
// processes.
bool RequiresDedicatedProcess(
const IsolationContext& isolation_context) const;
// Returns true if a process for this SiteInfo should be locked to a
// ProcessLock whose is_locked_to_site() method returns true. Returning true
// here also implies that this SiteInfo requires a dedicated process. However,
// the converse does not hold: this might still return false for certain
// special cases where a site specific process lock can't be applied even when
// this SiteInfo requires a dedicated process (e.g., with
// --site-per-process). Examples of those cases include <webview> guests,
// single-process mode, or extensions where a process is currently allowed to
// be reused for different extensions. Most of these special cases should
// eventually be removed, and this function should become equivalent to
// RequiresDedicatedProcess().
bool ShouldLockProcessToSite(const IsolationContext& isolation_context) const;
// Returns whether the process-per-site model is in use (globally or just for
// the current site), in which case we should ensure there is only one
// RenderProcessHost per site for the entire browser context.
bool ShouldUseProcessPerSite(BrowserContext* browser_context) const;
// Get the StoragePartitionConfig, which describes the StoragePartition this
// SiteInfo is associated with. For example, this will correspond to a
// non-default StoragePartition for <webview> guests.
const StoragePartitionConfig& storage_partition_config() const {
return storage_partition_config_;
// Write a representation of this object into a trace.
void WriteIntoTrace(perfetto::TracedValue context) const;
// Helper that returns a tuple of all the fields that are relevant for
// comparing one SiteInfo to another, to tell whether they represent the same
// underlying security principal. This determines the SiteInfo's key for
// containers; two SiteInfos that return the same value here will map to the
// same entry in std::map, etc.
static auto MakeSecurityPrincipalKey(const SiteInfo& site_info);
// Helper method containing common logic used by the public
// Create() and CreateOnIOThread() methods. Most of the parameters simply
// match the values passed into the caller. `compute_site_url` controls
// whether the site_url field is computed from an effective URL or simply
// copied from the `process_lock_url_`. `compute_site_url` is set to false in
// contexts where it may not be possible to get the effective URL (e.g. on the
// IO thread).
static SiteInfo CreateInternal(const IsolationContext& isolation_context,
const UrlInfo& url_info,
bool compute_site_url);
// Returns the URL to which a process should be locked for the given UrlInfo.
// This is computed similarly to the site URL but without resolving effective
// URLs.
static GURL DetermineProcessLockURL(const IsolationContext& isolation_context,
const UrlInfo& url_info);
// Returns the site for the given UrlInfo, which includes only the scheme and
// registered domain. Returns an empty GURL if the UrlInfo has no host.
// |should_use_effective_urls| specifies whether to resolve |url| to an
// effective URL (via ContentBrowserClient::GetEffectiveURL()) before
// determining the site.
static GURL GetSiteForURLInternal(const IsolationContext& isolation_context,
const UrlInfo& url,
bool should_use_effective_urls);
// Helper function for ProcessLockCompareTo(). Returns a std::tie of the
// SiteInfo elements required for doing a ProcessLock comparison.
auto MakeProcessLockComparisonKey() const;
GURL site_url_;
// The URL to use when locking a process to this SiteInstance's site via
// SetProcessLock(). This is the same as |site_url_| except for cases
// involving effective URLs, such as hosted apps. In those cases, this URL is
// a site URL that is computed without the use of effective URLs.
GURL process_lock_url_;
// Indicates whether this SiteInfo is specific to a single origin and requires
// an origin-keyed process, rather than including all subdomains of that
// origin. Only used for OriginAgentCluster header opt-ins. In contrast, the
// site-level URLs that are typically used in SiteInfo include subdomains, as
// do command-line isolated origins.
bool requires_origin_keyed_process_ = false;
// When true, indicates this SiteInfo is for a origin-restricted-sandboxed
// iframe.
bool is_sandboxed_ = false;
// The StoragePartitionConfig to use when loading content belonging to this
// SiteInfo.
StoragePartitionConfig storage_partition_config_;
// Indicates the web-exposed isolation status of pages hosted by the
// SiteInstance. The level of isolation which a page opts-into has
// implications for the set of other pages which can live in this
// SiteInstance, process allocation decisions, and API exposure in the page's
// JavaScript context.
WebExposedIsolationInfo web_exposed_isolation_info_ =
// Indicates this SiteInfo is for a <webview> guest.
bool is_guest_ = false;
// Indicates that there is a request to require a dedicated process for this
// SiteInfo due to a hint from the Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy header.
bool does_site_request_dedicated_process_for_coop_ = false;
// Indicates that JIT is disabled for this SiteInfo.
bool is_jit_disabled_ = false;
// Indicates that this SiteInfo is for PDF content.
bool is_pdf_ = false;
CONTENT_EXPORT std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out,
const SiteInfo& site_info);
} // namespace content