blob: 7ea11a8c48d7dd0f91a4fdd06eed059769f9b13d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "content/browser/web_exposed_isolation_info.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/public/browser/storage_partition_config.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#include "url/origin.h"
namespace content {
// This struct is used to package a GURL together with extra state required to
// make SiteInstance/process allocation decisions, e.g. whether the url's
// origin or site is requesting isolation as determined by response headers in
// the corresponding NavigationRequest. The extra state is generally most
// relevant when navigation to the URL is in progress, since once placed into a
// SiteInstance, the extra state will be available via SiteInfo. Otherwise,
// most callsites requiring a UrlInfo can create with a GURL, specifying kNone
// for |origin_isolation_request|. Some examples of where passing kNone for
// |origin_isolation_request| is safe are:
// * at DidCommitNavigation time, since at that point the SiteInstance has
// already been picked and the navigation can be considered finished,
// * before a response is received (the only way to request isolation is via
// response headers), and
// * outside of a navigation.
// If UrlInfo::origin_isolation_request is kNone, that does *not* imply that
// the URL's origin will not be isolated, and vice versa. The isolation
// decision involves both response headers and consistency within a
// BrowsingInstance, and once we decide on the isolation outcome for an origin,
// it won't change for the lifetime of the BrowsingInstance.
// To check whether a frame ends up in a site-isolated process, use
// SiteInfo::RequiresDedicatedProcess() on its SiteInstance's SiteInfo. To
// check whether a frame ends up being origin-isolated in a separate process
// (e.g., due to the Origin-Agent-Cluster header), use
// SiteInfo::requires_origin_keyed_process().
// Note: it is not expected that this struct will be exposed in content/public.
class UrlInfoInit;
struct CONTENT_EXPORT UrlInfo {
// Bitmask representing one or more isolation requests.
enum OriginIsolationRequest {
// No isolated has been requested.
kNone = 0,
// The Origin-Agent-Cluster header is requesting OAC isolation for `url`'s
// origin in the renderer. If granted, this is tracked for consistency in
// ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl. If kRequiresOriginKeyedProcess is not
// set, then this only affects the renderer.
kOriginAgentCluster = (1 << 0),
// If kOriginAgentCluster is set, the following bit triggers an origin-keyed
// process for `url`'s origin. If kRequiresOriginKeyedProcess is not set and
// kOriginAgentCluster is, then OAC will be logical only, i.e. implemented
// in the renderer via a separate AgentCluster.
kRequiresOriginKeyedProcess = (1 << 1),
// The Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy header has triggered a hint to turn on
// site isolation for `url`'s site.
kCOOP = (1 << 2)
UrlInfo(); // Needed for inclusion in SiteInstanceDescriptor.
UrlInfo(const UrlInfo& other);
explicit UrlInfo(const UrlInfoInit& init);
// Used to convert GURL to UrlInfo in tests where opt-in isolation is not
// being tested.
static UrlInfo CreateForTesting(const GURL& url_in,
storage_partition_config = absl::nullopt);
// Returns whether this UrlInfo is requesting an origin-keyed agent cluster
// for `url`'s origin due to the OriginAgentCluster header.
bool requests_origin_agent_cluster() const {
return (origin_isolation_request &
// Returns whether this UrlInfo is requesting an origin-keyed process for
// for `url`'s origin due to the OriginAgentCluster header.
bool requests_origin_keyed_process() const {
return (origin_isolation_request &
// Returns whether this UrlInfo is requesting isolation in response to the
// Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy header.
bool requests_coop_isolation() const {
return (origin_isolation_request & OriginIsolationRequest::kCOOP);
// Returns whether this UrlInfo is for a page that should be cross-origin
// isolated.
bool IsIsolated() const;
GURL url;
// This field indicates whether the URL is requesting additional process
// isolation during the current navigation (e.g., via OriginAgentCluster or
// COOP response headers). If URL did not request any isolation, this will
// be set to kNone. This field is only relevant (1) during a navigation
// request, (2) up to the point where the origin is placed into a
// SiteInstance. Other than these cases, this should be set to kNone.
OriginIsolationRequest origin_isolation_request =
// This allows overriding the origin of |url| for process assignment purposes
// in certain very special cases. Namely, if |url| represents a resource
// inside another resource (e.g. a resource with a urn: URL in WebBundle),
// this will be the origin of the original resource. If the navigation to
// |url| is performed via the loadDataWithBaseURL API (e.g., in a <webview>
// tag or on Android Webview), this will be the base origin provided via that
// API. Otherwise, this will be nullopt.
// TODO(alexmos): Currently, this is also used to hold the origin committed
// by the renderer at DidCommitNavigation() time, for use in commit-time URL
// and origin checks that require a UrlInfo. Investigate whether there's a
// cleaner way to organize these checks. See
absl::optional<url::Origin> origin;
// If url is being loaded in a frame that is in a origin-restricted sandboxed,
// then this flag will be true.
bool is_sandboxed = false;
// The StoragePartitionConfig that should be used when loading content from
// |url|. If absent, ContentBrowserClient::GetStoragePartitionConfig will be
// used to determine which StoragePartitionConfig to use.
// If present, this value will be used as the StoragePartitionConfig in the
// SiteInfo, regardless of its validity. SiteInstances created from a UrlInfo
// containing a StoragePartitionConfig that isn't compatible with the
// BrowsingInstance that the SiteInstance should belong to will lead to a
// CHECK failure.
absl::optional<StoragePartitionConfig> storage_partition_config;
// Pages may choose to isolate themselves more strongly than the web's
// default, thus allowing access to APIs that would be difficult to
// safely expose otherwise. "Cross-origin isolation", for example, requires
// assertion of a Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy and
// Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy, and unlocks SharedArrayBuffer.
// When we haven't yet been to the network or inherited properties that are
// sufficient to know the future isolation state - we are in a speculative
// state - this member will be empty.
absl::optional<WebExposedIsolationInfo> web_exposed_isolation_info;
// Indicates that the URL directs to PDF content, which should be isolated
// from other types of content.
bool is_pdf = false;
// Any new UrlInfo fields should be added to UrlInfoInit as well, and the
// UrlInfo constructor that takes a UrlInfoInit should be updated as well.
class CONTENT_EXPORT UrlInfoInit {
UrlInfoInit() = delete;
explicit UrlInfoInit(const GURL& url);
explicit UrlInfoInit(const UrlInfo& base);
UrlInfoInit& operator=(const UrlInfoInit&) = delete;
UrlInfoInit& WithOriginIsolationRequest(
UrlInfo::OriginIsolationRequest origin_isolation_request);
UrlInfoInit& WithOrigin(const url::Origin& origin);
UrlInfoInit& WithSandbox(bool is_sandboxed);
UrlInfoInit& WithStoragePartitionConfig(
absl::optional<StoragePartitionConfig> storage_partition_config);
UrlInfoInit& WithWebExposedIsolationInfo(
absl::optional<WebExposedIsolationInfo> web_exposed_isolation_info);
UrlInfoInit& WithIsPdf(bool is_pdf);
const absl::optional<url::Origin>& origin() { return origin_; }
friend UrlInfo;
GURL url_;
UrlInfo::OriginIsolationRequest origin_isolation_request_ =
absl::optional<url::Origin> origin_;
bool is_sandboxed_ = false;
absl::optional<StoragePartitionConfig> storage_partition_config_;
absl::optional<WebExposedIsolationInfo> web_exposed_isolation_info_;
bool is_pdf_ = false;
// Any new fields should be added to the UrlInfoInit(UrlInfo) constructor.
}; // class UrlInfoInit
} // namespace content