blob: 801aaf305c2841c7a08e8b312bcc7a29206d05d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_inline_item_result.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_inline_node.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_constraint_space.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/shaping/shape_result_view.h"
namespace blink {
: item(nullptr), item_index(0), start_offset(0), end_offset(0) {}
NGInlineItemResult::NGInlineItemResult(const NGInlineItem* item,
unsigned index,
unsigned start,
unsigned end,
bool break_anywhere_if_overflow,
bool should_create_line_box,
bool has_unpositioned_floats)
: item(item),
has_unpositioned_floats(has_unpositioned_floats) {}
void NGLineInfo::SetLineStyle(const NGInlineNode& node,
const NGInlineItemsData& items_data,
bool use_first_line_style) {
use_first_line_style_ = use_first_line_style;
items_data_ = &items_data;
line_style_ = node.GetLayoutBox()->Style(use_first_line_style_);
needs_accurate_end_position_ = ComputeNeedsAccurateEndPosition();
bool NGLineInfo::ComputeNeedsAccurateEndPosition() const {
// Some 'text-align' values need accurate end position. At this point, we
// don't know if this is the last line or not, and thus we don't know whether
// 'text-align' is used or 'text-align-last' is used.
const ComputedStyle& line_style = LineStyle();
switch (line_style.GetTextAlign()) {
case ETextAlign::kStart:
case ETextAlign::kEnd:
case ETextAlign::kCenter:
case ETextAlign::kWebkitCenter:
case ETextAlign::kJustify:
return true;
case ETextAlign::kLeft:
case ETextAlign::kWebkitLeft:
if (IsRtl(BaseDirection()))
return true;
case ETextAlign::kRight:
case ETextAlign::kWebkitRight:
if (IsLtr(BaseDirection()))
return true;
switch (line_style.TextAlignLast()) {
case ETextAlignLast::kStart:
case ETextAlignLast::kAuto:
return false;
case ETextAlignLast::kEnd:
case ETextAlignLast::kCenter:
case ETextAlignLast::kJustify:
return true;
case ETextAlignLast::kLeft:
if (IsRtl(BaseDirection()))
return true;
case ETextAlignLast::kRight:
if (IsLtr(BaseDirection()))
return true;
return false;
void NGInlineItemResult::CheckConsistency(bool allow_null_shape_result) const {
if (item->Type() == NGInlineItem::kText) {
DCHECK_LT(start_offset, end_offset);
if (allow_null_shape_result && !shape_result)
DCHECK_EQ(end_offset - start_offset, shape_result->NumCharacters());
DCHECK_EQ(start_offset, shape_result->StartIndex());
DCHECK_EQ(end_offset, shape_result->EndIndex());
unsigned NGLineInfo::InflowEndOffset() const {
const NGInlineItemResults& item_results = Results();
for (auto it = item_results.rbegin(); it != item_results.rend(); ++it) {
const NGInlineItemResult& item_result = *it;
const NGInlineItem& item = *item_result.item;
if (item.Type() == NGInlineItem::kText ||
item.Type() == NGInlineItem::kControl ||
item.Type() == NGInlineItem::kAtomicInline)
return item_result.end_offset;
return StartOffset();
bool NGLineInfo::ShouldHangTrailingSpaces() const {
if (!line_style_->AutoWrap())
return false;
switch (text_align_) {
case ETextAlign::kStart:
case ETextAlign::kJustify:
return true;
case ETextAlign::kEnd:
case ETextAlign::kCenter:
case ETextAlign::kWebkitCenter:
return false;
case ETextAlign::kLeft:
case ETextAlign::kWebkitLeft:
return IsLtr(BaseDirection());
case ETextAlign::kRight:
case ETextAlign::kWebkitRight:
return IsRtl(BaseDirection());
void NGLineInfo::UpdateTextAlign() {
text_align_ = line_style_->GetTextAlign(IsLastLine());
if (HasTrailingSpaces() && ShouldHangTrailingSpaces()) {
hang_width_ = ComputeTrailingSpaceWidth(&end_offset_for_justify_);
} else if (text_align_ == ETextAlign::kJustify) {
end_offset_for_justify_ = InflowEndOffset();
LayoutUnit NGLineInfo::ComputeTrailingSpaceWidth(
unsigned* end_offset_out) const {
if (!has_trailing_spaces_) {
if (end_offset_out)
*end_offset_out = InflowEndOffset();
return LayoutUnit();
const NGInlineItemResults& item_results = Results();
LayoutUnit trailing_spaces_width;
for (auto it = item_results.rbegin(); it != item_results.rend(); ++it) {
const NGInlineItemResult& item_result = *it;
const NGInlineItem& item = *item_result.item;
// If this item is opaque to whitespace collapsing, whitespace before this
// item maybe collapsed. Keep looking for previous items.
if (item.EndCollapseType() == NGInlineItem::kOpaqueToCollapsing) {
// These items should be opaque-to-collapsing.
DCHECK(item.Type() != NGInlineItem::kFloating &&
item.Type() != NGInlineItem::kOutOfFlowPositioned &&
item.Type() != NGInlineItem::kBidiControl);
if (item.Type() == NGInlineItem::kControl ||
item_result.has_only_trailing_spaces) {
trailing_spaces_width += item_result.inline_size;
// The last text item may contain trailing spaces if this is a last line,
// has a forced break, or is 'white-space: pre'.
unsigned end_offset = item_result.end_offset;
if (item.Type() == NGInlineItem::kText) {
const String& text = items_data_->text_content;
if (end_offset && text[end_offset - 1] == kSpaceCharacter) {
do {
} while (end_offset > item_result.start_offset &&
text[end_offset - 1] == kSpaceCharacter);
// If all characters in this item_result are spaces, check next item.
if (end_offset == item_result.start_offset) {
trailing_spaces_width += item_result.inline_size;
// To compute the accurate width, we need to reshape if |end_offset| is
// not safe-to-break. We avoid reshaping in this case because the cost
// is high and the difference is subtle for the purpose of this
// function.
// TODO(kojii): Compute this without |CreateShapeResult|.
scoped_refptr<ShapeResult> shape_result =
float end_position = shape_result->PositionForOffset(
end_offset - shape_result->StartIndex());
trailing_spaces_width += shape_result->Width() - end_position;
if (end_offset_out)
*end_offset_out = end_offset;
return trailing_spaces_width;
// An empty line, or only trailing spaces.
if (end_offset_out)
*end_offset_out = StartOffset();
return trailing_spaces_width;
LayoutUnit NGLineInfo::ComputeWidth() const {
LayoutUnit inline_size = TextIndent();
for (const NGInlineItemResult& item_result : Results())
inline_size += item_result.inline_size;
if (UNLIKELY(line_end_fragment_)) {
inline_size += line_end_fragment_->Size()
return inline_size;
void NGLineInfo::SetLineEndFragment(
scoped_refptr<const NGPhysicalTextFragment> fragment) {
line_end_fragment_ = std::move(fragment);
} // namespace blink