blob: 29001f140fe64e336ac82fae0606d5431944ea41 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <functional>
#include <random>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/metrics/field_trial.h"
namespace variations {
// Internals of exposed for testing.
namespace internal {
// A functor that generates random numbers based on a seed, using the Mersenne
// Twister algorithm. Suitable for use with std::random_shuffle().
struct SeededRandGenerator {
explicit SeededRandGenerator(uint32_t seed);
// Returns a random number in range [0, range).
uint32_t operator()(uint32_t range);
std::mt19937 mersenne_twister_;
// Fills |mapping| to create a bijection of values in the range of
// [0, |mapping.size()|), permuted based on |randomization_seed|.
void PermuteMappingUsingRandomizationSeed(uint32_t randomization_seed,
std::vector<uint16_t>* mapping);
} // namespace internal
// SHA1EntropyProvider is an entropy provider suitable for high entropy sources.
// It works by taking the first 64 bits of the SHA1 hash of the entropy source
// concatenated with the trial name, or randomization seed and using that for
// the final entropy value.
class SHA1EntropyProvider : public base::FieldTrial::EntropyProvider {
// Creates a SHA1EntropyProvider with the given |entropy_source|, which
// should contain a large amount of entropy - for example, a textual
// representation of a persistent randomly-generated 128-bit value.
explicit SHA1EntropyProvider(const std::string& entropy_source);
~SHA1EntropyProvider() override;
// base::FieldTrial::EntropyProvider implementation:
double GetEntropyForTrial(const std::string& trial_name,
uint32_t randomization_seed) const override;
std::string entropy_source_;
// PermutedEntropyProvider is an entropy provider suitable for low entropy
// sources (below 16 bits). It uses the field trial name or randomization seed
// to generate a permutation of a mapping array from an initial entropy value to
// a new value. Note: This provider's performance is O(2^n), where n is the
// number of bits in the entropy source.
class PermutedEntropyProvider : public base::FieldTrial::EntropyProvider {
// Creates a PermutedEntropyProvider with the given |low_entropy_source|,
// which should have a value in the range of [0, low_entropy_source_max).
PermutedEntropyProvider(uint16_t low_entropy_source,
size_t low_entropy_source_max);
~PermutedEntropyProvider() override;
// base::FieldTrial::EntropyProvider implementation:
double GetEntropyForTrial(const std::string& trial_name,
uint32_t randomization_seed) const override;
// Performs the permutation algorithm and returns the permuted value that
// corresponds to |low_entropy_source_|.
virtual uint16_t GetPermutedValue(uint32_t randomization_seed) const;
uint16_t low_entropy_source_;
size_t low_entropy_source_max_;
} // namespace variations